576 research outputs found

    History and modes of star formation in the most active region of the Small Magellanic Cloud, NGC 346

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    We discuss the star formation history of the SMC region NGC 346 based on Hubble Space Telescope images. The region contains both field stars and cluster members. Using a classical synthetic CMD procedure applied to the field around NGC 346 we find that there the star formation pace has been rising from a quite low rate 13 Gyr ago to \approx 1.4 \times 10^{-8} Mo yr^{-1}pc^{-2} in the last 100 Myr. This value is significantly higher than in other star forming regions of the SMC. For NGC 346 itself, we compare theoretical and observed Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMDs) of several stellar sub-clusters identified in the region, and we derive their basic evolution parameters. We find that NGC 346 experienced different star formation regimes, including a dominant and focused "high density mode", with the sub-clusters hosting both pre-main sequence (PMS) and upper main sequence (UMS) stars, and a diffuse "low density mode", as indicated by the presence of low-mass PMS sub-clusters. Quantitatively, the star formation in the oldest sub-clusters started about 6 Myr ago with remarkable synchronization, it continued at high rate (up to 2 \times 10^{-5} Mo yr^{-1} pc^{-2}) for about 3 Myr and is now progressing at a lower rate. Interestingly, sub-clusters mainly composed by low mass PMS stars seem to experience now the first episode of star formation, following multi-seeded spatial patterns instead of resulting from a coherent trigger. Two speculative scenarios are put forth to explain the deficiency of UMS stars: the first invokes under-threshold conditions of the parent gas; the second speculates that the initial mass function (IMF) is a function of time, with the youngest sub-clusters not having had sufficient time to form more massive stars.Comment: 17 pages. Accepted for publication in A

    On the origin of the helium-rich population in the peculiar globular cluster Omega Centauri

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    In this contribution we discuss the origin of the extreme helium-rich stars which inhabit the blue main sequence (bMS) of the Galactic globular cluster Omega Centauri. In a scenario where the cluster is the surviving remnant of a dwarf galaxy ingested by the Milky Way many Gyr ago, the peculiar chemical composition of the bMS stars can be naturally explained by considering the effects of strong differential galactic winds, which develop owing to multiple supernova explosions in a shallow potential well.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 268, Light Elements in the Universe (C. Charbonnel, M. Tosi, F. Primas, C. Chiappini, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press

    Pinchmaps: textures with customizable discontinuities

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    We introduce a new texture representation that combines standard sampling, to be bilinearly interpolated in smoothly varying regions, with customizable discontinuities, to model sharp boundaries between these regions. The structure consists of a standard signal texture, plus a second texture we call pinchmap, which encodes discontinuities along generally curved lines; at rendering time the fragment processor efficiently decodes this structure with a single access to each texture. We also present a fully automatic way to compute a pinchmap and signal texture pair, starting from an original high resolution image. The final result on the screen is a comparable visual quality for a fraction of the texture storage and with a negligible impact on performance

    The Galactic Halo density distribution from photometric survey data: results of a pilot study

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    Our goal is to recover the Galactic Halo spatial density by means of field stars. To this aim, we apply a new technique to the Capodimonte Deep Field (OACDF, Alcala' et al. 2004), as a pilot study in view of the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) stellar projects. Considering the unique chance to collect deep and wide-field photometry with the VST, our method may represent a useful tool towards a definitive mapping of the Galactic Halo. In the framework of synthetic stellar populations, turn-off stars are used to reconstruct the spatial density. The determination of the space density is achieved by comparing the data with synthetic color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). The only assumptions involve the IMF, age and metallicity of the synthetic halo population. Stars are randomly placed in the solid angle. The contributions of the various Monte Carlo distributions (with a step of 4 kpc) along the line of sight are simultaneously varied to reproduce the observed CMD. Our result on the space density is consistent with a power-law exponent n~3 over a range of Galactocentric distances from 8 to 40 kpc.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic


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    QuteMol is an open source (GPL), interactive, high quality molecular visualization system. QuteMol exploits the current GPU capabilites through OpenGL shaders to offers an array of innovative visual effects. QuteMol visualization techniques are aimed at improving clarity and an easier understanding of the 3D shape and structure of large molecules or complex proteins. * Real Time Ambient Occlusion * Depth Aware Silhouette Enhancement * Ball and Sticks, Space-Fill and Liquorice visualization modes * High resolution antialiased snapshots for creating publication quality renderings * Automatic generation of animated gifs of rotating molecules for web pages animations * Real-time rendering of large molecules and protein (>100k atoms) * Standard PDB input * Quick installers for Win and Mac OS X (intel) (new!) * Support as a plugins of the NanoEngineer-1 the modeling and simulation program for nano-composites (new!

    Star Formation History in two fields of the Small Magellanic Cloud Bar

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    The Bar is the most productive region of the Small Magellanic Cloud in terms of star formation but also the least studied one. In this paper we investigate the star formation history of two fields located in the SW and in the NE portion of the Bar using two independent and well tested procedures applied to the color-magnitude diagrams of their stellar populations resolved by means of deep HST photometry. We find that the Bar experienced a negligible star formation activity in the first few Gyr, followed by a dramatic enhancement from 6 to 4 Gyr ago and a nearly constant activity since then. The two examined fields differ both in the rate of star formation and in the ratio of recent over past activity, but share the very low level of initial activity and its sudden increase around 5 Gyr ago. The striking similarity between the timing of the enhancement and the timing of the major episode in the Large Magellanic Cloud is suggestive of a close encounter triggering star formation.Comment: 30 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The StEllar Counterparts of COmpact high velocity clouds (SECCO) survey. II. Sensitivity of the survey and an Atlas of Synthetic Dwarf Galaxies

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    SECCO is a survey devoted to the search for stellar counterparts within Ultra Compact High Velocity Clouds. In this contribution we present the results of a set of simulations aimed at the quantitative estimate of the sensitivity of the survey as a function of the total luminosity, size and distance of the stellar systems we are looking for. For all our synthetic galaxies we assumed an exponential surface brightness profile and an old and metal-poor population. The synthetic galaxies are simulated both on the images and on the photometric catalogs, taking into account all the observational effects. In the fields where the available observational material is of the top quality we detect synthetic galaxies as >=5 sigma over-densities of resolved stars down to muV,h=30.0 mag/arcsec2, for D<=1.5 Mpc, and down to muV,h~29.5 mag/arcsec2, for D<=2.5 Mpc. In the field with the worst observational material of the whole survey we detect synthetic galaxies with muV,h<=28.8 mag/arcsec2 out to D<=1.0 Mpc, and those with muV,h<=27.5 mag/arcsec2 out to D<=2.5 Mpc. Dwarf galaxies with MV=-10, with sizes in the range spanned by known dwarfs, are detected by visual inspection of the images up to D=5 Mpc independently of the image quality. In the best quality images dwarfs are partially resolved into stars up to D=3.0 Mpc, and completely unresolved at D=5 Mpc. As an independent test of the sensitivity of our images to low surface brightness galaxies we report on the detection of several dwarf spheroidal galaxies probably located in the Virgo cluster with MV<=-8.0 and muV,h<=26.8 mag/arcsec2. The nature of the previously discovered SECCO 1 stellar system, also likely located in the Virgo cluster, is re-discussed in comparison with these dwarfs. While specific for the SECCO survey, our study may also provide general guidelines for detection of faint stellar systems with 8m class telescopes.Comment: accepted for publication on A&

    White Dwarf Cosmochronology in the Solar Neighborhood

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    The study of the stellar formation history in the solar neighborhood is a powerful technique to recover information about the early stages and evolution of the Milky Way. We present a new method which consists of directly probing the formation history from the nearby stellar remnants. We rely on the volume complete sample of white dwarfs within 20 pc, where accurate cooling ages and masses have been determined. The well characterized initial-final mass relation is employed in order to recover the initial masses (1 < M/Msun < 8) and total ages for the local degenerate sample. We correct for moderate biases that are necessary to transform our results to a global stellar formation rate, which can be compared to similar studies based on the properties of main-sequence stars in the solar neighborhood. Our method provides precise formation rates for all ages except in very recent times, and the results suggest an enhanced formation rate for the solar neighborhood in the last 5 Gyr compared to the range 5 < Age (Gyr) < 10. Furthermore, the observed total age of ~10 Gyr for the oldest white dwarfs in the local sample is consistent with the early seminal studies that have determined the age of the Galactic disk from stellar remnants. The main shortcoming of our study is the small size of the local white dwarf sample. However, the presented technique can be applied to larger samples in the future.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Lighting up stars in chemical evolution models : the CMD of Sculptor

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. ©: 2016 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present a novel approach to draw the synthetic colour–magnitude diagram (CMD) of galaxies, which can provide – in principle – a deeper insight in the interpretation and understanding of current observations. In particular, we ‘light up’ the stars of chemical evolution models, according to their initial mass, metallicity and age, to eventually understand how the assumed underlying galaxy formation and evolution scenario affects the final configuration of the synthetic CMD. In this way, we obtain a new set of observational constraints for chemical evolution models beyond the usual photospheric chemical abundances. The strength of our method resides in the very fine grid of metallicities and ages of the assumed data base of stellar isochrones. In this work, we apply our photochemical model to reproduce the observed CMD of the Sculptor dSph and find that we can reproduce the main features of the observed CMD. The main discrepancies are found at fainter magnitudes in the main sequence turn-off and sub-giant branch, where the observed CMD extends towards bluer colours than the synthetic one; we suggest that this is a signature of metal-poor stellar populations in the data, which cannot be captured by our assumed one-zone chemical evolution model.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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