77 research outputs found

    L'exercici de sobrecàrrega redueix el risc cardiovascular en dones adultes

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    La inactivitat física s'associa a una major prevalença de malalties cròniques no transmissibles com les malalties cardiovasculars, diabetis mellitus tipus II i factors de risc com el sobrepès, l'obesitat i la pressió arterial. Aquest estudi ha avaluat els efectes d'un programa d'exercici físic d'alta intensitat i baix volum en un grup de dones adultes amb sobrepès. Els resultats mostren una millora de la salut cardiovascular, si bé no es va modificar el pes ni la composició corporal de les participants.La inactividad física se asocia a una mayor prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como las enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus tipo II y factores de riesgo como el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la presión arterial. Este estudio ha evaluado los efectos de un programa de ejercicio físico de alta intensidad y bajo volumen en un grupo de mujeres adultas con sobrepeso. Los resultados muestran una mejora de la salud cardiovascular, si bien no se modificaron el peso ni la composición corporal de las participantes.Physical inactivity is associated with a higher prevalence of chronic non- communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes mellitus, and risk factors such as overweight, obesity and high blood pressure. This study evaluated the effects of a high-intensity, low- volume exercise program in overweight sedentary adult women.The results show an improvement in participants' cardiovascular health, but no changes in body weight or composition

    Actividad física durante una jornada escolar con y sin clase de educación física y salud en estudiantes chilenos

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    Los altos índices de obesidad y el aumento del tiempo sedentario en los escolares tienen consecuencias directas en la prevalencia de enfermedades no transmisibles en edad adulta. El entorno escolar es una oportunidad para combatir estos factores de riesgo y la importancia de la clase de educación física es relevante. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el nivel de actividad física, gasto energético y tiempo sedentario entre una jornada con y sin clases de educación física en niños y niñas de primer ciclo básico. Es un estudio no experimental, analítico transversal con una muestra intencionada de 46 escolares de primer ciclo básico. Se midió índice de masa corporal (IMC), actividad física, gasto energético y tiempo sedentario con acelerometría en jornada escolar con y sin clase de educación física. Se utilizó la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon para determinar diferencias entre las jornadas escolares (p < .05). Los resultados muestran que, durante la jornada con clases de educación física, los escolares presentaron un nivel de actividad física moderada (3.03 MET) y, en la jornada sin clases de educación física, un nivel ligero (2.32 MET). Los estudiantes en la jornada escolar con educación física tuvieron mayores niveles de actividad física moderada (Z = -4.430; p < .0001), vigorosa (Z = -5.403; p < .0001), muy vigorosa (Z = -3.940; p < .0001) y disminuyeron el tiempo sedentario (Z = -4.149; p < .0001) con respecto a la jornada sin clase de educación física. Se concluye que aun cuando durante la jornada con educación física, los escolares tienen mayor actividad física, mayor gasto energético y menor tiempo sedentario, este rendimiento resulta insuficiente de acuerdo con las recomendaciones internacionales para la salud

    Treadmill intervention attenuates the cafeteria diet-induced impairment of stress-coping strategies in young adult female rats

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    The current prevalence of diet-induced overweight and obesity in adolescents and adults is continuously growing. Although the detrimental biochemical and metabolic consequences of obesity are widely studied, its impact on stress-coping behavior and its interaction with specific exercise doses (in terms of intensity, duration and frequency) need further investigation. To this aim, we fed adolescent rats either an obesogenic diet (cafeteria diet, CAF) or standard chow (ST). Each group was subdivided into four subgroups according to the type of treadmill intervention as follows: a sedentary group receiving no manipulation; a control group exposed to a stationary treadmill; a low-intensity treadmill group trained at 12 m/min; and a higher intensity treadmill group trained at 17 m/min. Both the diet and treadmill interventions started at weaning and lasted for 8 weeks. Subjects were tested for anxiety-like behavior in the open field test and for coping strategies in the two-way active avoidance paradigm at week 7 and were sacrificed at week 8 for biometric and metabolic characterization. CAF feeding increased the weight gain, relative retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (RWAT %), and plasma levels of glucose, insulin, triglycerides and leptin and decreased the insulin sensitivity. Treadmill intervention partially reversed the RWAT% and triglyceride alterations; at higher intensity, it decreased the leptin levels of CAF-fed animals. CAF feeding decreased the motor activity and impaired the performance in a two-way active avoidance assessment. Treadmill intervention reduced defecation in the shuttle box, suggesting diminished anxiety. CAF feeding combined with treadmill training at 17 m/min increased the time spent in the center of the open field and more importantly, partially reversed the two-way active avoidance deficit. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that at doses that decreased anxiety-like behavior, treadmill exercise partially improved the coping strategy in terms of active avoidance behavior in the CAF-fed animals. This effect was not observed at lower doses of treadmill training

    Neuropsychological profiles and neural correlates in typical and atypical variants of Alzheimer disease: A systematic qualitative review

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    Introduction: Neuropsychological symptoms and cortical atrophy patterns show similarities between typical Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and its variants. Thus, correct diagnosis is difficult, leading to errors in the therapeutic process. Indeed, the challenge in cognitive neuroscience focuses on identifying key features of cognitive-linguistic profiles and improving the knowledge of neural correlates for accurate differential diagnosis between the heterogeneous profiles of typical and atypical AD. Aim: This systematic review aims to describe different AD profiles, considering their neuropsychological symptoms and neural correlates. Methods: The present study followed the PRISMA guidelines and included studies from the PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, published between 2011 and 2021. Results: Thirty-one articles were included in this systematic review for critical analysis. Results suggest significant declines in episodic and working memory and executive function. Likewise, in all groups, verbal fluency and visuospatial/visuoconstructive skills declined. However, these symptoms overlap between typical AD, logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia, posterior cortical atrophy, behavioural/dysexecutive or frontal variant AD, and corticobasal syndrome. On the other hand, the neural correlate showed a pattern of atrophy in frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital areas, even compromising the cuneus and precuneus. Conclusion: Spontaneous language and semantic and phonological verbal fluency could be an important biomarker for differential diagnosis between typical AD and its atypical variants. Likewise, clinical assessment should consider using advanced neuroimaging techniques to establish early associations between brain dysfunction and neuropsychological performance, with particular attention to brain areas such as the cuneus and precuneus

    Association of Physical Fitness, Screen Time, and Sleep Hygiene According to the Waist-to-Height Ratio in Children and Adolescents from the Extreme South of Chile

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    Objective: To analyze the perception of physical fitness, screen time, and self-reported sleep hygiene in children and adolescents (CA) from the extreme south of Chile and its associations with waist-to-height ratio (WtHr). Material and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 594 schoolchildren from 5th to 8th grade of primary education, belonging to municipal educational establishments in the Magallanes region, Chile. Cardiorespiratory fitness was assessed through the 20-m shuttle run test, muscle strength through handgrip and the standing broad jump test, physical fitness perception through the International Fitness Scale, and central obesity through the waist-to-height index. In addition, sleep hygiene and screen time were measured. Results: More than 92% of CA spent more than two hours a day watching or using screens. In addition, CA with excess central adiposity had a lower perception of physical fitness, and lower muscle strength and cardiorespiratory fitness compared to CA with normal values of adiposity. Conclusions: CA of the present study spent a high number of hours watching or using screens and had poor sleep quality. In addition, excessive central adiposity was associated with lower physical fitness.post-print311 K

    Efectos del ejercicio en condiciones de normopeso y obesidad : Estudios en animales y humanos /

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    El objetivo principal de la tesis fue evaluar, en estudios con animales y humanos, el impacto que tiene la práctica de ejercicio físico sobre variables conductuales, metabólicas y nutricionales, considerando diferencias de género en individuos de peso normal o con sobrepeso/obesidad. En los estudios con animales, se usaron ratas macho y hembra adultas de peso normal o con obesidad inducida por dieta (OID). Las ratas fueron entrenadas a una intensidad moderada (12 metros/minutos) y más alta (16 metros/minutos) durante 30 minutos, 4-5 días a la semana, tomando como referencia las recomendaciones de actividad física de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y adaptándolas al modelo animal. Se evaluaron variables biométricas, plasmáticas, neuroendocrinas, de sintomatología ansiosa y estrategias de afrontamiento. En los estudios con humanos, se analizó el rendimiento académico, la condición física, el estado nutricional y parámetros psicológicos relacionados con la salud mental en estudiantes de enseñanza básica, secundaria y universitaria. Los estudios en animales indicaron que las ratas hembras aprendieron mejor y más rápidamente que los machos la evitación activa de dos sentidos (SB), en términos de mayor número de respuestas de evitación, latencias de escape más cortas y menor número de ensayos hasta alcanzar el criterio de aprendizaje. En ambos sexos, el ejercicio mejoró la ejecución de la tarea, al aumentar el número total de evitaciones y disminuir el número de ensayos necesarios hasta alcanzar el criterio de aprendizaje. Las ratas obesas alimentadas con dieta cafetería (CAF) presentaban un aumento de masa y un conjunto de alteraciones metabólicas, como un aumento de los niveles plasmáticos de glucosa, insulina, triglicéridos y leptina, así como una disminución de la sensibilidad a la insulina, con respecto a las ratas de peso normal. El ejercicio disminuyó el porcentaje de masa grasa retroperitoneal y los niveles de leptina en las ratas con dieta CAF. A nivel conductual, las ratas obesas alimentadas con dieta CAF disminuyeron la distancia recorrida en el campo abierto (CA) y el número de evitaciones en la SB. El ejercicio aumentó la distancia recorrida en el CA. Específicamente, las ratas alimentadas con dieta CAF y que hicieron ejercicio a una intensidad más alta aumentaron el tiempo de permanencia en la zona central del CA y mejoraron parcialmente la adquisición de la evitación activa en dos sentidos. En los estudios en humanos, se observó una alta tasa de sobrepeso y obesidad en los estudiantes chilenos de todos los cursos evaluados. En los estudiantes de secundaria y universidad, los hombres tenían mayor porcentaje de masa muscular, menor porcentaje de masa grasa que las mujeres. Los hombres mostraron mejor condición física que las mujeres en todos los cursos evaluados. Las mujeres estudiantes de secundaria y universidad presentaron valores más bajos en la escala de autoestima, depresión y ansiedad que los hombres. En general, los estudiantes que tenían un mayor índice de masa corporal (IMC) presentaron peor condición física en comparación con los estudiantes de peso normal. Globalmente, la condición física y los parámetros psicológicos de autoestima, depresión y ansiedad fueron menores en las mujeres y los estudiantes con sobrepeso/obesidad en comparación con los hombres y los estudiantes de peso normal. En conclusión, los estudios con animales indican que la dieta CAF puede perjudicar la salud y sus efectos negativos se pueden revertir parcialmente con ejercicio físico. Además, el ejercicio aeróbico de intensidad moderada mejora las estrategias de afrontamiento y podría considerarse como un apoyo terapéutico en el manejo del estrés y de las estrategias de afrontamiento.The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate, in animals and humans studies, the impact of physical exercise on behavioral, metabolic and nutritional variables, considering gender differences in individuals with normal weight or overweight/obesity. In the animal studies, male and female adult rats with normal weight or with diet-induced obesity (DIO) were used. The rats were trained on a treadmill at moderate intensity (12 m / min) and high intensity (16 m / min) for 30 minutes, 4-5 days week, taking as reference the WHO Global recommendations on physical activity for health and adapting to the animal model. Biometric, plasma, neuroendocrine variables, anxiety-related symptoms and stress-copy strategies were evaluated. In the human studies, academic performance, physical fitness, nutritional status and psychological parameters related to mental health of primary, secondary and university students were assessed. Animal studies indicated that female learned better and faster that male for two-way activity avoidance learning (SB), in terms of higher number of avoidance responses, shorter escape latencies and fewer trials to reach performance criteria. In both sexes, exercise improved task performance by increasing the total number of avoidances and reduce the number of trials needed to reach the performance criteria. The rats that were fed with cafeteria diet (CAF) show an increase in body weight and a set of metabolic disorders such as retroperitoneal fat percentage, glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and leptin plasma levels as well as a decrease in insulin sensitivity regarding to normal weight rats. Exercise decreased the retroperitoneal fat mass percentage and the leptin levels in rats fed with CAF diet. A behavioral level, obese rats fed diet CAF decreased the distance on the open field test (OF) and the number of avoidances responses on SB. Exercise increased the distance covered in the OF. Specifically, the rats fed with CAF diet in combination with high intensity exercises increased the time spent on the OF central area and partially improved the coping strategies on the SB. In the human studies, a high rate of overweight and obesity was observed in Chilean students of all courses evaluated. Men of secondary and university students had higher lean mass average and lower fat mass average than women. Men showed better physical condition than women in all courses evaluated. Women of secondary and university had worse values of self-esteem, depression and anxiety scales than men. In general, students who had a higher body mass index (BMI) had worse physical condition compared with normal weight students. Overall, physical condition and psychological parameters of self-esteem, depression and anxiety were lower in women and overweight / obese students compared with men and normal weight students. In conclusion, animal studies indicated that the CAF diet intake can impair health and its negative effects can be partially reversed with exercise. In addition, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves coping strategies and it could be considered as a therapeutic support in stress management and coping strategies

    A higher skeletal muscle mass and lower adiposity phenotype is associated with better cardiometabolic control in adults with hip and knee osteoarthritis: results from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017

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    Objective: This study aimed to (1) characterize cardiometabolic factors in self-reported hip and knee osteoarthritis (OAD) across four body composition phenotypes defined by muscle mass and adiposity, and (2) associate risk factors with diabetes and hypertension (HTN). Methods: A crosssectional analysis of the Chilean National Health Survey 2016–17 (n = 4996) stratified participants into four groups: low skeletal muscle mass/high waist circumference (Low-SMM/High-WC), low SMM/low WC (Low-SMM/Low-WC), high SMM/high WC (High-SMM/High-WC), and high SMM/low WC (reference group). Each group was further divided into subgroups with or without diagnosed hip or knee OAD. The main outcomes were fasting plasma glucose, systolic (SBP)/diastolic (DBP) blood pressure (continuous outcomes), and other secondary factors such as cardiovascular risk (CVR). Results: In the hip OAD subgroup, the Low-SMM/High-WC groups had significantly higher SBP versus the reference value (145 vs. 127 mmHg, p < 0.0001, diff +18 mmHg). In the knee OAD subgroup, the Low-SMM/High-WC groups had significantly higher SBP versus the reference value (141 vs. 134 mmHg, p < 0.0001, diff +7 mmHg). The SBP showed a significant interaction between the group and OAD diagnosis (p = 0.007 hip OAD; p < 0.0001 knee OAD). Conclusions: Hip and knee OAD associates with elevated SBP/DBP in older adults. OAD groups showed an OR above 2 for diabetes, 2.7 for HTN, 4.5 for metabolic syndrome, and over 2 for moderate-to-high cardiovascular risk. OAD interacts substantially with cardiometabolic factors, especially in low muscle mass/high adiposity phenotypes. Lifestyle optimization of physical activity and nutrition to preserve muscle mass and mitigate adiposity is essential for cardiometabolic health promotion in OAD patients

    Pacientes hipertensos muestran una mayor respuesta de la frecuencia cardíaca durante el ejercicio progre-sivo en relación con pares adultos normotensos: Proyecto Vascu-Health

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    Existe información limitada respecto a la respuesta de la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) a partir de fórmulas predictivas y prueba de ejercicio real entre adultos con hipertensión arterial (HTA) y normotensos, así como sobre las similitudes o diferencias vasculares entre muestras de diferente control de la presión arterial. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar la frecuencia cardiaca durante el ejercicio entre adultos con HTN y normotensos, así como describir parámetros de función endotelial y vasculares. Se realizó un estudio clínico descriptivo con 64 adultos (hombres y mujeres) que fueron divididos en tres grupos: hipertensión arterial (HTN n=26), presión arterial elevada (Ele n=16), o normotensos control (CG n=22). Los participantes se sometieron a una prueba de ejercicio, en la que se midió la FC (variable principal) y parámetros vasculares secundarios (clasificación percentil de la velocidad de la onda del pulso (%ILEPWVba), grosor máximo de la íntima-media carotídea (cIMTmax) y edad arterial entre otras. En la etapa 2 del test (50-100 vatios), el grupo HTN mostró una FC significativamente mayor vs. el grupo GC (+14 latidos/min), y vs. el grupo Ele (+15 latidos/min), ambos p<0,05; y en la etapa 5 (125-250 vatios) vs. el grupo GC (+22 latidos/min; p<0,05). El grupo HTN mostró una clasificación mayor de rigidez arterial %ILEPWVba, y de edad arterial que el grupo NT. En conclusión, los sujetos con HTA presentan una mayor respuesta de la FC durante el ejercicio que los normotensos. Sin embargo, todos los grupos mostraron una mayor HRpredicted en relación con la HRpeak real. Estos resultados se muestran con una clasificación en percentiles superiores de rigidez arterial y una mayor estimación de la edad arterial con relación a adultos normotensos.There is limited information regarding heart rate (HR) response from predictive formulae and actual exercise tests between arterial hypertension (HTN) and normotensive adults, as well as about vascular similarities or differences between samples of different blood pressure control. This study aimed 1) to describe and compare the HR during exercise between HTN and normotensive adults and 2) to describe the endothelial function and related vascular parameters in both groups. A descriptive clinical study was conducted with 64 adults (men and women) who were divided into three groups: arterial hypertension (HTN n=26), elevated blood pressure (Ele n=16), or normotensive control (CG n=22). The participants underwent a incremental cycling exercise test of 5 stages, where HR (primary outcome) was measured, and secondary vascular outcomes (percentile classification of the pulse wave velocity (%ILEPWVba), maximum carotid intima-media thickness (cIMTmax), and arterial age among others were measured. In stage 2 of the test (50-100 watts), the HTN group showed significantly higher HR vs. CG (+14 beats/min; p<0.05) and vs. Ele group (+15 beats/min; p<0.05), and in stage 5 (125-250 watts), HTN group showed vs. CG (+22 beats/min; p<0.05). HTN group showed a higher arterial stiffness by %ILEPWVba classification and arterial age estimation than the CG group. In conclusion, HTN patients reported a higher HR response only in two out of five stages of the Astrand cycling exercise test than normotensive peers. Moreover, all groups showed a higher HRpredicted than real HRpeak obtained from the exercise test. These results are displayed with more altered vascular parameters in the HTN group.This research was funded by Direccion General de In-vestigación, Vicerrectoria de Investigación y Doctorado, Concurso de Ciencias Biomédicas y Clínicas, Universidad Andres Bello 2022 Código N° DI-01-CBC/22”. Also, the main author (C.A.) was funded by the Exercise and Reha-bilitation Sciences Institute, School of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, 7591538, Chile