163 research outputs found

    Statute of Limitations in Malpractice Actions

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    The ill-treated patient has sought redress for medical malpractice by actions that sound in tort, in contract, or in fraud. As with other actions, the underlying policy of peace and repose of all statutes of limitations dictates that these actions be timely. In Ohio, for example, the time limit for an action for malpractice is one year

    Statute of Limitations in Malpractice Actions

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    The ill-treated patient has sought redress for medical malpractice by actions that sound in tort, in contract, or in fraud. As with other actions, the underlying policy of peace and repose of all statutes of limitations dictates that these actions be timely. In Ohio, for example, the time limit for an action for malpractice is one year

    Assisted stellar suicide in V617 Sgr

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    V617 Sgr is a V Sagittae star - a group of binaries thought to be the galactic counterparts of the Compact Binary Supersoft X-ray Sources - CBSS. To check this hypothesis, we measured the time derivative of its orbital period. Observed timings of eclipse minima spanning over 30,000 orbital cycles are presented. We found that the orbital period evolves quite rapidly: P/Pdot = 1.1 x 10^{6} years. This is consistent with the idea that V617 Sgr is a wind driven accretion supersoft source. As the binary system evolves with a time-scale of about one million years, which is extremely short for a low mass evolved binary, it is likely that the system will soon end either by having its secondary completely evaporated or by the primary exploding as a supernova of type Ia.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    UBVRI photometric comparison sequences for symbiotic stars

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    We present accurate UBVRI photometric comparison sequences around 20 symbiotic stars. The sequences extend over wide brightness and color ranges, and are suited to cover quiescence as well as outburst phases. The sequences are intended to assist both present time photometry as well as measurement of photographic plates from historical archives. The types of variability presented by symbiotic stars are reviewed. Individual notes on the known photometric behaviour of the program stars are provided.Comment: in press in Astron.Astrophys.Supp

    WR 7a: a V Sagittae or a qWR star?

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    The star WR 7a, also known as SPH 2, has a spectrum that resembles that of V Sagittae stars although no O VI emission has been reported. The Temporal Variance Spectrum - TVS - analysis of our data shows weak but strongly variable emission of O VI lines which is below the noise level in the intensity spectrum. Contrary to what is seen in V Sagittae stars, optical photometric monitoring shows very little, if any, flickering. We found evidence of periodic variability. The most likely photometric period is P(phot) = 0.227(14) d, while radial velocities suggest a period of P(spec) = 0.204(13) d. One-day aliases of these periods can not be ruled out. We call attention to similarities with HD 45166 and DI Cru (= WR 46), where multiple periods are present. They may be associated to the binary motion or to non-radial oscillations. In contrast to a previous conclusion by Pereira et al. (1998), we show that WR 7a contains hydrogen. The spectrum of the primary star seems to be detectable as the N V 4604A absorption line is visible. If so, it means that the wind is optically thin in the continuum and that it is likely to be a helium main sequence star. Given the similarity to HD 45166, we suggests that WR 7a may be a qWR - quasi Wolf-Rayet - star. Its classification is WN4h/CE in the Smith et al. (1996) three dimensional classification system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, preprint of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Societ

    Applying Advanced ICT Technologies and Augmented Reality To Generate Future Events On The Example of Organisation and Education in Sports Methodological Assumptions

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    The article follows up on two research and implementation grants. One focused on the application of mobile ICT systems to improve communication efficiency within the structure of the AZS-AWF Wroc?aw sports club (e-AZS platform). The other was devoted to the application of the technology of augmented reality to prototype educational trainers as seen on the example of judo. The two projects are to result in the development of original software improving the systems of sports organisation and education. It is assumed that linearity of events means that present effects have their causes solely in events from the past. While this is true, we cannot reject a thesis whereby present events may also result from events located in the future. Weather forecast will never change the weather, but forecasts of stock market trends can and do influence current stock prices in a significant way (after [1]). Thus, one of the new paradigms we can put forward is the thesis saying that future events generated in the information field may be the cause of what is yet to happen. The authors adopt this new paradigm as they explore the areas of sports education and organisation focusing on the specific examples of the sports training process and the organisational system of sports clubs. Using advanced IT technologies, they have described and explained the methodological basis of the adopted paradigm in the form of a prototype trainer to be used in martial arts including judo and the e-ASZ platform, a tool used in the AZS-AWF Wroc?aw sports club to organise training activities.Hence, the paper describes the application of advanced information and communications technologies (ICT) to manage the organisational aspect of the sports club as well as augmented reality as a technology to create a new reality through augmenting its real (augmented reality), virtual (augmented virtuality) and medial (augmented mediality) aspects (research in 2013-2016 and 2015-2017 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, supervised by dr hab. Wojciech B. Cieslinski prof. at AWF Wroclaw grant numbers: 0014/RS2/2013/52, and dr hab. Kazimierz Witkowski 0011/RS3/2015/53)

    Optical polarimetric monitoring of the type II-plateau SN 2005af

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    Aims. Core-collapse supernovae may show significant polarization that implies non-spherically symmetric explosions. We observed the type II-plateau SN 2005af using optical polarimetry in order to verify whether any asphericity is present in the supernova temporal evolution. Methods. We used the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter to obtain optical linear polarization measurements in R (five epochs) and V (one epoch) broadbands. Interstellar polarization was estimated from the field stars in the CCD frames. The optical polarimetric monitoring began around one month after the explosion and lasted ~30 days, between the plateau and the early nebular phase. Results. The weighted mean observed polarization in R band was [1.89 +/- 0.03]% at position angle (PA) 54 deg. After foreground subtraction, the level of the average intrinsic polarization for SN 2005af was ~0.5% with a slight enhancement during the plateau phase and a decline at early nebular phase. A rotation in PA on a time scale of days was also observed. The polarimetric evolution of SN 2005af in the observed epochs is consistent with an overall asphericity of ~20% and an inclination of ~30 deg. Evidence for a more complex, evolving asphericity, possibly involving clumps in the SN 2005af envelope, is found.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published A&

    Transient jets in V617 Sagittarii

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    Some of the luminous Compact Binary Supersoft X-Ray sources (CBSS) have shown indications of jets, also called satellites due to their appearance in the spectra. In V Sagittae (V Sge) stars, the galactic counterparts of the CBSS, such features have been reported only for WX Cen. If V Sge stars are indeed the analogs of CBSS, one may expect transient jet emission in other objects of this class. Spectroscopic observations of the V Sge star V617 Sgr have been made, both at high photometric state and at decline. We show that V617 Sgr presents Halpha satellites at high photometric state with velocities of +/-780 km/s. This feature confirms, once more, the CBSS nature of the V Sge stars, however the details of the spectral characteristics also suggest that the two groups of stars display some intrinsic spectroscopic differences, which are likely to be due to a selection effect related to chemical abundance.Comment: Four pages, accepted to be published as a Letter in A&

    Discovery of optical pulsations in V2116 Ophiuchi/GX 1+4

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    We report the detection of pulsations with 124\sim 124 s period in V2116 Oph, the optical counterpart of the low-mass X-ray binary GX 1+4. The pulsations are sinusoidal with modulation amplitude of up to 4% in blue light and were observed in ten different observing sessions during 1996 April-August using a CCD photometer at the 1.6-m and 0.6-m telescopes of Laborat\'orio Nacional de Astrof\'{\i}sica, in Brazil. The pulsations were also observed with the UBVRIUBVRI fast photometer. With only one exception the observed optical periods are consistent with those observed by the BATSE instrument on board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory at the same epoch. There is a definite correlation between the observability of pulsations and the optical brightness of the system: V2116~Oph had RR magnitude in the range 15.315.515.3-15.5 when the pulsed signal was detected, and R=16.017.7R = 16.0-17.7 when no pulsations were present. The discovery makes GX 1+4 only the third of 35\sim 35 accretion-powered X-ray pulsars to be firmly detected as a pulsating source in the optical. The presence of flickering and pulsations in V2116 Oph adds strong evidence for an accretion disk scenario in this system. The absolute magnitude of the pulsed component on 1996 May 27 is estimated to be MV1.5M_V \sim -1.5. The implied dimensions for the emitting region are 1.1 R_{\sun}, 3.2 R_{\sun}, and 7.0 R_{\sun}, for black-body spectral distributions with T=105T = 10^5 K, 2×1042 \times 10^4 K, and 1×1041 \times 10^4 K, respectively.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures in PostScript, latex, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Letter