661 research outputs found

    Probabilistyczne podejście do obliczania przepływów mocy w sieci energetycznej

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThis thesis sets forth a computational framework of probabilistic load flow analysis taking into consideration of high penetration of variable energy resources, such as the wind generation. The framework enables a faster and more precise estimation of the impact of variable energy resources in load flow analysis. This thesis consists of six chapters: introduction, probabilistic load flow algorithms, computer program for PLF calculations, conclusion and future work, appendices and reference. The second part contains the mathematical development of the framework based on Sequence Operation Theory newly established. The formulation is novel in that it provides an improved computational alternative to the existing simulation based frameworks. The third part contains information about program written in Fortran 90/95 environment like format of reading data etc. Include the studies based on the standard IEEE 9-bus system. Data obtained as a result of program’s work in debugging process are compared with manual calculations for the same network to check if the program is working in proper way. Moreover comprise the results obtained in the program for largest tested network 96-RTS (24 buses). Appendices include content of two input files (random generation, system configuration for 96-RTS) and intermediate result calculated for the 24-bus system.Esta dissertação descreve parte do desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de software para calcular o fluxo de potência em sistemas de redes elétricas usando métodos probabilísticos, considerando o caso da existência de geradores com produção fortemente variável, como acontece nas quintas eólicas. A dissertação está dividida em seis capítulos: introdução, algoritmos de fluxo de potência probabilísticos, desenvolvimento do código, conclusão, apêndices e referências. A segunda parte é constituída pelo desenvolvimento matemático do método utilizado, que foi recentemente criado apresentando uma alternativa mais eficiente às tradicionais. A Terceira parte contem informação sobre a o programa criado para implementar o algoritmo e seu teste, nomeadamente o desempenho na análise do standard IEEE 96-RTS (24 - bus system). Os apêndices incluem o conteúdo dos ficheiros de entrada e resultados intermédios para debug da solução apresentada.Praca przedstawia probabilistyczną metodę do obliczania przepływów mocy w sieci energetycznej z szczególnym uwzględnieniem zmiennych źródeł energii takich jak generacja wiatrowa. Prezentowane podejście umożliwia szybsze i bardziej precyzyjne oszacowanie zmiennych zasobów energetycznych w analizie rozpływów mocy. Dokument został podzielony na sześć następujących części: wstęp, algorytm probabilistic load flow, program komputerowy, podsumowanie i możliwośći rowoju projektu, dodatki, bibliografia. Druga część pracy zawiera założenia metody Sequence Operation Theory (SOT). Prezentowany algorytm jest nowy i stanowi alternatywę dla dotychczasowo stosowanych metod. Część trzecia opisuje program komputerowy z zaimplementowaną metodą SOT stworzony na potrzeby tej pracy. Kod programu został napisany w środowisku Fortran 90/95. Rozdział zawiera badania oparte na systemie sieci energetycznej 9 magistral w celu sprawdzenia poprawności działania kodu. Ponadto w tej części zostały zaprezentowane wyniki działania aplikacji dla systemu testowego 96-RTS (24 magistral). W dodatkach zaprezentowano zawartość dwóch plików wejściowych: konfigurację systemu testowego 96-RTS i wartości generacji dla zmiennego źródła oraz pośrednie wyniki obliczeniowe dla tego systemu

    Sperm Production and Cryopreservation in Muskellunge after Carp Pituitary Extract and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection

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    We investigated the effects of carp pituitary extract (CPE) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on the sperm production in muskellunge Esox masquinongy. Total volumes of milt collected from fish (mean weight, 4.8 ± 1.5 kg) injected with CPE, hCG, or the saline control were 5.36 ± 3.75 mL, 3.1 ± 1.52 mL, and 3.89 ±2.16 mL, respectively. Sperm concentration, protein and mineral concentrations of semen, and osmolality of seminal plasma were similar in control and hormonally treated fish. Hormonal injections did not affect the initial percentage of motile sperm compared to untreated fish. However, motility of sperm from the CPE group was lower than for the saline group at 75 s after activation (statistical significance was P = 0.06). The fertilizing capacities of spermatozoa after cryopreservation from CPE-injected fish were similar to, if not better than, control fish. We report here, for the first time, the successful cryopreservation of muskellunge semen, which produced 30.1 ± 3.8% survival to the eyed-embryo stage versus 72.9 ± 8.7% survival obtained with fresh semen.This work was funded by Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration project F-69-P (Fish Management in Ohio), which is administered jointly by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Ohio Division of Wildlife. Salaries were partly provided by state and federal funds appropriated to the Ohio Agriculture and Development Center. This is manuscript 173/95

    Cryopreservation of Muskellunge and Yellow Perch Semen

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    Hierarchiczna struktura akademii w mediach społecznościowych dla naukowców: studium przypadku Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

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    Oryginalne wyniki zaprezentowane w tym artykule zostały oparte na danych zgromadzonych na potrzeby pracy magisterskiej pod kierunkiem Emanuela Kulczyckiego, realizowanej w ramach projektu pt. „Współczesna polska humanistyka wobec wyzwań naukometrii”, finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Programu Rozwoju Humanistyki, nr decyzji 0057/NPHR3/H11/82/2014.This article analyses a hierarchical structure of academia within two academic social media networking sites, i.e. Academia.edu and ResearchGate. In this study, I investigate profiles (in these two services) of all academic staff members of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (N = 2661). I use the concept of prestige to analyse whether the hierarchical structure of academia is being reproduced in analysed services. Since prestige is an unobservable construct, I use two indicators to measure it: the number of followers and the number of views. My findings show that the hierarchical structure differs between Academia.edu and ResearchGate. While the structure of ResearchGate is explicitly hierarchical in reference to degrees of the researchers (a higher degree is related to a higher value of the prestige indicators), the structure of Academia.edu resembles a reversed pyramid (a higher degree is related to a lower value of the prestige indicators). The article concludes with a discussion concerning possible causes of differences between services in terms of reproducing the hierarchical structure. Moreover, I provide potential implications of the results as well as the justification of the necessity of using the concept of prestige to determine hierarchical structure of academia

    Eucharist in the life and priestly ministry of Fr. Michal Sopocko

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    This work discusses the role of the Eucharist in the life and priestly ministry of Fr. Michal Sopocko. As a priest he celebrated the Eucharist, as a theologian he deepened and propagated the teaching about it, as an apostle of the truth of Divine Mercy he saw it through the prism of Divine mercy, as a man of faith he lived with the Eucharist. His teaching, his spiritual notes regarding Eucharist, as well as testimonies of other people show how he loved, cherished, venerated and lived with the Eucharist. As an apostle of Divine Mercy he taught that it is in the Eucharist that the Divine Mercy becomes real to the highest degree. Eucharist, as any work of God , is an expression of His mercy, and a very special one, since Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament gives to us not merely His graces, but Himself.AWSD w Białymstoku47-5

    Regulatory roles of sugars in plant growth and development

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    In recent years, several studies have focused on the factors and mechanisms that regulate plant growth and development, as well as the functioning of signaling pathways in plant cells, unraveling the involvement of sugars in the processes regulating such growth and development. Saccharides play an important role in the life of plants: they are structural and storage substances, respiratory substrates, and intermediate metabolites of many biochemical processes. Sucrose is the major transport form of assimilates in plants. Sugars can also play an important role in the defense reactions of plants. However, it has been shown that glucose, sucrose, or trehalose-6-phosphate (Tre6P) can regulate a number of growth and metabolic processes, acting independently of the basal functions; they can also act as signaling molecules. Changes in the concentration, qualitative composition, and transport of sugars occur continuously in plant tissues, during the day and night, as well as during subsequent developmental stages. Plants have developed an efficient system of perception and transmission of signals induced by lower or higher sugar availability. Changes in their concentration affect cell division, germination, vegetative growth, flowering, and aging processes, often independently of the metabolic functions. Currently, the mechanisms of growth regulation in plants, dependent on the access to sugars, are being increasingly recognized. The plant growth stimulating system includes hexokinase (as a glucose sensor), trehalose-6-phosphate, and TOR protein kinase; the lack of Tre6P or TOR kinase inhibits the growth of plants and their transition to the generative phase. It is believed that the plant growth inhibition system consists of SnRK1 protein kinases and C/S1 bZIP transcription factors. The signal transduction routes induced by sugars interact with other pathways in plant tissues (for example, hormonal pathways) creating a complex communication and signaling network in plants that precisely controls plant growth and development