283 research outputs found

    The influence of lexical selection disruptions on articulation

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    Interactive models of language production predict that it should be possible to observe long-distance interactions; effects that arise at one level of processing influence multiple subsequent stages of representation and processing. We examine the hypothesis that disruptions arising in nonform-based levels of planning—specifically, lexical selection—should modulate articulatory processing. A novel automatic phonetic analysis method was used to examine productions in a paradigm yielding both general disruptions to formulation processes and, more specifically, overt errors during lexical selection. This analysis method allowed us to examine articulatory disruptions at multiple levels of analysis, from whole words to individual segments. Baseline performance by young adults was contrasted with young speakers’ performance under time pressure (which previous work has argued increases interaction between planning and articulation) and performance by older adults (who may have difficulties inhibiting nontarget representations, leading to heightened interactive effects). The results revealed the presence of interactive effects. Our new analysis techniques revealed these effects were strongest in initial portions of responses, suggesting that speech is initiated as soon as the first segment has been planned. Interactive effects did not increase under response pressure, suggesting interaction between planning and articulation is relatively fixed. Unexpectedly, lexical selection disruptions appeared to yield some degree of facilitation in articulatory processing (possibly reflecting semantic facilitation of target retrieval) and older adults showed weaker, not stronger interactive effects (possibly reflecting weakened connections between lexical and form-level representations)

    Prevalence of HBV genotypes in South American immigrants affected by HBV-related chronic active hepatitis

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    This study evaluated the prevalence of HBV infection in a population of South American immigrants in Italy and to determine in patients with detectable serum HBV-DNA the HBVgenotypes. Between April 2005 and April 2006 a total of 130 South American immigrants were tested for HBsAg. In HBsAg positive patients the biochemical and virological activity of infection and the possible presence of co-infections (HCV, HDV, HIV) were evaluated. In patients with detectable serum HBV DNA, the HBV genotype was determined by INNOLiPA. Among the 130 subjects tested, 14 (10.7%) resulted HBsAg positive. All were men, with a mean age of 22 years (range 19-37) and 12 (85.7 %) came from Brazil, while 2 (14.3%) came from Ecuador. All patients infected by HBV had elevated alanine-aminotransferase serum levels (mean level was 127 IU/L, range 74-312) and serum HBV DNA detectable by PCR-Real Time (mean level 1,037,652 copies/mL, range 19,876-1,377,648). Genotype distribution was as follow: genotype D, 9 (64.2%), genotype A, 5 (35.8%). All patients infected by genotype D came from Brazil, while among the patients infected by genotype A, three came from Brazil and two from Ecuador. Our study evidences a moderate prevalence of HBV-infection in South American immigrants with the identification of two genotypes, D and A. These genotypes are not the most prevalent in the South America and this is probably the expression of a possible geographical redistribution of HBV genotypes

    Prevalence of HBV-genotypes in immigrants affected by HBV-related chronic active hepatitis

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic heterogeneity of the HBV genome has been established and eight genotypes can be classified according to the criterion of >8% differences in the complete nucleotide sequence of the viral genome. AIMS: To evaluate the prevalence of HBV-infection in a population of immigrants and to determine in patients with detectable serum HBV-DNA the HBV-genotypes. METHODS: Between January 2005 and December 2005 a total of 556 immigrants were tested for HBsAg. In HBsAg positive patients the biochemical and virological activity of infection and the possible presence of co-infections (HCV, HDV, HIV) were evaluated. In patients with detectable serum HBV DNA, the HBV-genotype was determined by INNOLiPA. RESULTS: Among the 556 subjects tested, 60 (10.7%) resulted HBsAg positive. All were men, and 42 (70%) come from Africa, 10 (16.6%) from Asia and 9 (14.4%) from East-Europe. 28/60 (46.6%) patients presented normal ALT levels (<40 IU/L) and undetectable serum HBV DNA (<100 copies/mL in real-time PCR), while 32 (53.4%) patients had ALT levels above laboratory normal values and detectable serum HBV DNA. Genotype distribution was as follow: genotype E, 16 (50%), genotype D, 9 (28.1%), genotype A, 7 (21.9%). CONCLUSION: Our study evidences a moderate prevalence of HBV-infection in immigrants, particularly in sub-Saharan African people, and the potentiality of migratory flow in the introduction of genotype non-D hepatitis B virus, potentially characterized by a different natural history and, possibly, a different response to antiviral treatment

    La dificultad contramayoritaria de las burocracias públicas: democracia, ética y legitimidad institucional en América Latina

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    El concepto de dificultad contramayoritaria, aplicado al control de constitucionalidad, describe el problema de justificar que un tribunal declare inválida (inconstitucional) una ley, votada por los representantes de una mayoría de los ciudadanos. ¿Es esto legítimo? En el presente trabajo, analizamos un problema similar respecto a las burocracias públicas, relativamente menos discutido hasta ahora: ¿puede la burocracia pública tomar decisiones que considera justificadas, o tiene que limitarse a implementar las directivas del poder político en todos los casos? El debate se ha planteado con intensidad en México, durante los últimos años, pero afecta a la configuración institucional de otros países en América Latina.The concept of countermajoritarian difficulty, applied to constitutional review, describes the problem of justifying that a tribunal declares invalid (unconstitutional) a law that was voted by representatives of a majority of citizens. ¿Is this legitimate? The present work analyzes a similar problem for public bureaucracies, which has been comparatively less discussed until now: ¿can public bureaucracies take decisions that they consider justified, or must they be restricted to implement directions of the political power in all cases? This issue was intensely debated in Mexico for the past few years, but it affects the institutional configuration of other Latin American countries

    Zebrafish macroH2A variants have distinct embryo localization and function

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    Mouse and cell-based studies have shown that macroH2A histone variants predominantly associate with heterochromatin. Functional studies found that macroH2As are involved in gene repression, inhibiting the acquisition of pluripotency and preserving cell differentiation. However, only a few studies have analysed the role of macroH2A during early embryo development. We report the development of transgenic zebrafish lines expressing macroH2A isoforms (mH2A1 and mH2A2) fusion proteins (with GFP) under identified endogenous promoters. We found that mH2A1 and mH2A2 have different spatial and temporal expression patterns during embryonic development. mH2A1 is expressed mostly in the extraembryonic Yolk Syncytial Layer (YSL) starting before shield stage and decreasing once morphogenesis is completed. mH2A2 expression lags behind mH2A1, becoming evident at 24 hpf, within the whole body of the embryo proper. Our ChIP-seq analysis showed that mH2A1 and mH2A2 bind to different DNA regions, changing dramatically after gastrulation. We further analysed RNA-seq data and showed that there is not a general/unspecific repressing function of mH2A1 or mH2A2 associated with heterochromatin but a fine regulation depending on cell types and stage of development. mH2A1 downregulates DNA expression in specific cells and embryo stages and its effect is independent of heterochromatin formation but it is correlated with nucleus quiescence instead. Whereas mH2A2 DNA association correlates with upregulation of differentially expressed genes between 75% epiboly and 24 hpf stages. Our data provide information for underlying molecules that participate in crucial early developmental events, and open new venues to explore mH2A related mechanisms that involve cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and metabolism

    A brief review about anxiety and aggressive behavior in pediatric age

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    Anxiety can be considered a normal experience of the human being and as such also of the child. It manifests itself in different ways according to the level of development: in the smaller the child, the more anxiety is expressed with manifestations that involve the whole organism, becoming evident either with motor excitement or with physical discomfort. As the psychic apparatus is structured, anxiety is experienced as an inner phenomenon and is experienced as an unpleasant state. Fortunately, we are all a bit anxious, even if there are some people who are more, others less

    Short-term physiological effects of a very low-calorie ketogenic diet: Effects on adiponectin levels and inflammatory states

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    Adipose tissue is a multifunctional organ involved in many physiological and metabolic processes through the production of adipokines and, in particular, adiponectin. Caloric restriction is one of the most important strategies against obesity today. The very low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) represents a type of caloric restriction with very or extremely low daily food energy consumption. This study aimed to investigate the physiological effects of a VLCKD on anthropometric and biochemical parameters such as adiponectin levels, as well as analyzing oligomeric profiles and cytokine serum levels in obese subjects before and after a VLCKD. Twenty obese subjects were enrolled. At baseline and after eight weeks of intervention, anthropometric and biochemical parameters, such as adiponectin levels, were recorded. Our findings showed a significant change in the anthropometric and biochemical parameters of these obese subjects before and after a VLCKD. We found a negative correlation between adiponectin and lipid profile, visceral adipose tissue (VAT), C-reactive protein (CRP), and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), which confirmed the important involvement of adiponectin in metabolic and inflammatory diseases. We demonstrated the beneficial short-term effects of a VLCKD not only in the treatment of obesity but also in the establishment of obesity-correlated diseases


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    Abstract Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Nefrologia. L’insufficienza renale acuta (IRA) ha una prevalenza sempre più elevata (Hsu C et al., Kidney Int 2007, 72:208-12) e si associa a incremento della mortalità e dei tempi di degenza. Scopo. Studio prospettico osservazionale finalizzato alla valutazione della tipologia di IRA e dei principali “outcome” in pazienti ricoverati presso il nostro ospedale e giunti all’osservazione del nefrologo. Pazienti e metodi. Sono stati presi in considerazione pazienti che avevano sviluppato IRA definita secondo i criteri RIFLE. A tale scopo è stata utilizzata la scheda raccolta dati proposta per un registro IRA dal gruppo di studio “area critica” della Sezione ALaMMU della SIN. La scheda includeva le seguenti informazioni: esordio, eziopatogenesi, tipolo- gia, durata e decorso dell’IRA, fattori di comorbilità, presenza di MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome), necessità e tipo di terapia sostitutiva, “outcome” (sopravvivenza, recupero funzione renale). Risultati. Negli ultimi 4 anni (2005-2009) sono stati osservati 274 pazienti (188 M, 86 F) con IRA. Età: 66.9±14.6 aa. IRA insorta durante il ricovero: 53.6% (n=147). IRA oligurica: 71.5% (n=196). IRA sovrapposta a IRC (classi K/DOQI 3-5): 63.5% (n=174). Fattori di co- morbilità: ipertensione arteriosa 71.9%, diabete mellito 41.2%, arteriopatia polidistrettua- le 27.7%, neoplasia 13.5%. Tipo di IRA: pre-renale 33.2% (n=91), renale 56.2% (n=154), post-renale 10.6% (n=29). IRA associata a MODS: 31% (n=85). Classe RIFLE: “R” 8.4% (n=23), “I” 6.2% (n=17), “F” 85.4% (n=234). Necessità di terapia sostitutiva (IHD o CRRT): 54% (n=148). Accesso vascolare: femorale (85.8%), giugulare interna (12.8%), succlavia (1.4%). Pazienti usciti dal follow-up: 4% (n=11). La mortalità è stata del 31.9% (n=84) ed è risultata significativamente più elevata nell’IRA oligurica (37.8% vs 12.8%, p 21 gg 12.3%. L’analisi multivariata ha evidenziato il significato prognostico sfavorevole dell’oliguria (OR 2.58, CI 1.15-5.8, p=0.021), della necessità di RRT (OR 4.2, CI 1.74-10, p<0.001) e della presenza di MODS (OR 4, CI 1.8-8.8, p<0.0001). Conclusioni. La prevalenza di IRA di grado grave e la numerosità relativa della popo- lazione di pazienti con IRA associata a MODS rappresentano una particolarità e allo stesso tempo, un limite dello studio. In relazione alla prevalenza di IRA insorta durante il ricovero, spesso sovrapposta a IRC, e alla percentuale non trascurabile di IRA prerenale, emerge la necessità di attuare misure preventive finalizzate a ridurre l’incidenza di cause iatrogene. In una percentuale elevata di pazienti si è assistito a recupero completo o parziale della funzione renale che si è verificato nella maggior parte dei casi entro 7 gg. Si conferma, infine, il significato prognostico sfavorevole dell’oliguria, della necessità di terapia sostitutiva e della presenza di MODS già riportato in letteratura
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