166 research outputs found

    The use of different adhesive filling material and mass combinations to restore class II cavities under loading and shrinkage effects: a 3D-FEA

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    3D tooth models were virtually restored: flowable composite resin + bulk-fill composite (A), glass ionomer cement + bulk-fill composite (B) or adhesive + bulk-fill composite (C). Polymerization shrinkage and masticatory loads were simulated. All models exhibited the highest stress concentration at the enamel–restoration interfaces. A and C showed similar pattern with lower magnitude in A in comparison to C. B showed lower stress in dentine and C the highest cusps displacement. The use of glass ionomer cement or flowable composite resin in combination with a bulk-fill composite improved the biomechanical behavior of deep class II MO cavities

    The use of different adhesive filling material and mass combinations to restore class II cavities under loading and shrinkage effects: a 3D-FEA

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    3D tooth models were virtually restored: flowable composite resin + bulk-fill composite (A), glass ionomer cement + bulk-fill composite (B) or adhesive + bulk-fill composite (C). Polymerization shrinkage and masticatory loads were simulated. All models exhibited the highest stress concentration at the enamel-restoration interfaces. A and C showed similar pattern with lower magnitude in A in comparison to C. B showed lower stress in dentine and C the highest cusps displacement. The use of glass ionomer cement or flowable composite resin in combination with a bulk-fill composite improved the biomechanical behavior of deep class II MO cavities

    Metabolic Changes Associated with Different Levels of Energy Deficits in Mediterranean Buffaloes during the Early Lactation Stage: Type and Role of the Main Lipid Fractions Involved

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    Simple Summary The mobilization of lipids from adipose tissue increases fatty acids and ketone bodies levels. The & beta;-hydroxybutyrate is the main ketone body used to diagnose ketosis, a metabolic disorder of the transition period, in ruminants. Nevertheless, a specific cut-off for the ketosis of & beta;-hydroxybutyrate in buffaloes and the plasma lipid fractions related to ketone bodies have not been established. The relative concentrations of not only total plasma lipids but also lipid fractions such as phospholipids, free fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol esters are influenced by the mobilization of lipids. Each of these fractions has a different role in animal metabolism, influencing energy redistribution and cell metabolism and function. The present study reveals the relationship between lipid fractions and changes in metabolism and inflammation that is related to variations in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in the early lactation of Mediterranean buffaloes. Furthermore, buffaloes defined as at risk of ketosis showed similarities, with ketotic cows suggesting the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants. Cell function and energy redistribution are influenced by lipid classes (phospholipids (PLs), free fatty acids (FFAs), triglycerides (TGs), and cholesterol esters (CEs)). The aim of this study was to investigate metabolic alterations that are related to changes in lipid classes according to different levels of energy deficits in early lactating Mediterranean buffaloes (MBs). Sixty-three MBs were enrolled at the beginning of lactation using an observational study with a cross-sectional experimental design. Serum & beta;-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels were used to group the animals into a healthy group (Group H; n = 38; BHB < 0.70 mmol/L) and hyperketonemia risk group (Group K; n = 25; BHB & GE; 0.70 mmol/L). Statistical analysis was performed using a linear model that included the effect of the group and body condition score to assess differences in fatty acid (FA) concentrations. A total of 40 plasma FAs were assessed in each lipid class. Among the FAs, eight PLs, seven FFAs, four TGs, and four CEs increased according to BHB levels, while three FFAs, three TGs, and one CE decreased. The changes among lipid class profiles suggested the influence of inflammatory response, liver metabolism, and the state of body lipid reserves. In addition, the possible similarities of buffaloes at risk of hyperketonemia with ketotic cows suggest the necessity of further investigations in these ruminants

    Serum metabolomics assessment of etiological processes predisposing ketosis in water buffalo during early lactation

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    Metabolic disorders as ketosis are manifestations of the animal's inability to manage the increase in energy requirement during early lactation. Generally, buffaloes show a different response to higher metabolic demands than other ruminants with a lower incidence of metabolic problems, although ketosis is one of the major diseases that may decrease the productivity in buffaloes. The aim of this study was to characterize the metabolic profile of Mediterranean buffaloes (MB) associated with 2 different levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Sixty-two MB within 50 days in milk (DIM) were enrolled and divided into 2 groups according to se -rum BHB concentration: healthy group (37 MB; BHB &lt;0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 5.00; parity: 3.78; and DIM: 30.70) and group at risk of hyperketonemia (25 MB; BHB &gt;= 0.70 mmol/L; body condition score: 4.50; parity: 3.76; and DIM: 33.20). The statistical analysis was conducted by one-way ANOVA and un-paired 2-sample Wilcoxon tests. Fifty-seven metabolites were identified and among them, 12 were significant or tended to be significant. These metabolites were related to different metabolic changes such as mobilization of body resources, ruminal fermentations, urea cycle, thy-roid hormone synthesis, inflammation, and oxidative stress status. These findings are suggestive of metabolic changes related to subclinical ketosis status that should be further investigated to better characterize this dis-ease in the MB

    Proteomic changes in the milk of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with subclinical mastitis due to intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus and by non-aureus staphylococci

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    Subclinical mastitis by Staphylococcus aureus (SAU) and by non-aureus staphylococci (NAS) is a major issue in the water buffalo. To understand its impact on milk, 6 quarter samples with &gt;3,000,000 cells/ mL (3 SAU-positive and 3 NAS-positive) and 6 culture-negative quarter samples with &lt;50,000 cells/ mL were investigated by shotgun proteomics and label-free quantitation. A total of 1530 proteins were identified, of which 152 were significantly changed. SAU was more impacting, with 162 vs 127 differential proteins and higher abundance changes (P &lt; 0.0005). The 119 increased proteins had mostly structural (n = 43, 28.29%) or innate immune defence functions (n = 39, 25.66%) and included vimentin, cathelicidins, histones, S100 and neutrophil granule proteins, haptoglobin, and lysozyme. The 33 decreased proteins were mainly involved in lipid metabolism (n = 13, 59.10%) and included butyrophilin, xanthine dehydrogenase/oxidase, and lipid biosynthetic enzymes. The same biological processes were significantly affected also upon STRING analysis. Cathelicidins were the most increased family, as confirmed by western immunoblotting, with a stronger reactivity in SAU mastitis. S100A8 and haptoglobin were also validated by western immunoblotting. In conclusion, we generated a detailed buffalo milk protein dataset and defined the changes occurring in SAU and NAS mastitis, with potential for improving detection (ProteomeXchange identifier PXD012355)

    A search for periodicity in the light curves of selected blazars

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    We present an analysis of multifrequency light curves of the sources 2223-052 (3C 446), 2230+114 (CTA 102), and 2251+158 (3C 454.3), which had shown evidence of quasi-periodic activity. The analysis made use of data from the University of Michican Radio Astronomy Observatory (USA) at 4.8, 8, and 14.5 GHz, as well as the Metsahovi Radio Astronomy Observatory (Finland) at 22 and 37 GHz. Application of two different methods (the discrete autocorrelation function and the method of Jurkevich) both revealed evidence for periodicity in the flux variations of these sources at essentially all frequencies. The periods derived for at least two of the sources -- 2223-052 and 2251+158-- are in good agreement with the time interval between the appearance of successive VLBI components. The derived periods for 2251+158 (P = 12.4 yr and 2223-052 (P = 5.8 yr) coincide with the periods found earlier by other authors based on optical light curves.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Report

    The correlated optical and radio variability of BL Lacertae. WEBT data analysis 1994-2005

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    Since 1997, BL Lacertae has undergone a phase of high optical activity, with the occurrence of several prominent outbursts. Starting from 1999, the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) consortium has organized various multifrequency campaigns on this blazar, collecting tens of thousands of data points. One of the main issues in the study of this huge dataset has been the search for correlations between the optical and radio flux variations, and for possible periodicities in the light curves. The analysis of the data assembled during the first four campaigns (comprising also archival data to cover the period 1968-2003) revealed a fair optical-radio correlation in 1994-2003, with a delay of the hard radio events of ~100 days. Moreover, various statistical methods suggested the existence of a radio periodicity of ~8 years. In 2004 the WEBT started a new campaign to extend the dataset to the most recent observing seasons, in order to possibly confirm and better understand the previous results. In this campaign we have collected and assembled about 11000 new optical observations from twenty telescopes, plus near-IR and radio data at various frequencies. Here, we perform a correlation analysis on the long-term R-band and radio light curves. In general, we confirm the ~100-day delay of the hard radio events with respect to the optical ones, even if longer (~200-300 days) time lags are also found in particular periods. The radio quasi-periodicity is confirmed too, but the "period" seems to progressively lengthen from 7.4 to 9.3 years in the last three cycles. The optical and radio behaviour in the last forty years suggests a scenario where geometric effects play a major role. In particular, the alternation of enhanced and suppressed optical activity (accompanied by hard and soft radio events, respectively) canComment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Radio variability properties for radio sources

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    In this paper, we used the database of the university of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory (UMRAO) at three (4.8 GHz, 8.0 GHZ, and 14.5 GHz) radio frequency to analyze the radio light curves by the power spectral analysis method in search of possible periodicity. The analysis results showed that the radio sources display astrophysically meaningful periodicity ranging from 2.2 to 20.8 years in their light curves at the three frequencies. We also calculated the variability parameters and investigated the correlations between the variability parameter and the flux density. For the variability parameters, we found that the parameters at higher frequency are higher than those in the lower frequency. In addition, the variability parameters of BL Lacertae objects are larger than those of flat-spectrum radio quasars. suggesting that they are more variable than flat spectrum radio quasars.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, A&A in pres

    Evaluation of a multi-disciplinary back pain rehabilitation programme—individual and group perspectives

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    To evaluate the impact of a multi-disciplinary back pain rehabilitation programme using a combination of individual and group change data. A total of 261 consecutive patients attending an assessment session for the back pain rehabilitation programme completed the SF-36 health survey questionnaire. The patients were requested to complete the questionnaires again at programme completion and at the 6-month follow-up. The Reliable Change Index was used to define 'clinical significance' in terms of the assessment of individual change. Half of those patients considered to be suitable for the programme subsequently completed it. In group terms, non-completers scored lower than completers on all SF-36 scales. Statistically significant improvements were evident for those completing the programme (all scales at P < 0.000), with improvement maintained at follow-up. In individual terms, 'clinical significance' was exceeded most frequently in the Physical Functioning and Role Physical scales. Whilst some participants lost previous improvements between completion and follow-up, others improved over this same time period. The majority of those completing the programme showed improvement in at least one scale. Adding assessment of individual change to traditional group change measures provides greater insight into the impact a rehabilitation programme has upon participants' quality of life. Whilst the programme is clearly effective for those who complete it, work is required to limit post-programme deterioration and improve uptak

    HIV Capsid is a Tractable Target for Small Molecule Therapeutic Intervention

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    Despite a high current standard of care in antiretroviral therapy for HIV, multidrug-resistant strains continue to emerge, underscoring the need for additional novel mechanism inhibitors that will offer expanded therapeutic options in the clinic. We report a new class of small molecule antiretroviral compounds that directly target HIV-1 capsid (CA) via a novel mechanism of action. The compounds exhibit potent antiviral activity against HIV-1 laboratory strains, clinical isolates, and HIV-2, and inhibit both early and late events in the viral replication cycle. We present mechanistic studies indicating that these early and late activities result from the compound affecting viral uncoating and assembly, respectively. We show that amino acid substitutions in the N-terminal domain of HIV-1 CA are sufficient to confer resistance to this class of compounds, identifying CA as the target in infected cells. A high-resolution co-crystal structure of the compound bound to HIV-1 CA reveals a novel binding pocket in the N-terminal domain of the protein. Our data demonstrate that broad-spectrum antiviral activity can be achieved by targeting this new binding site and reveal HIV CA as a tractable drug target for HIV therapy
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