253 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Causal Networks by Set Covering

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    We present a method for the reconstruction of networks, based on the order of nodes visited by a stochastic branching process. Our algorithm reconstructs a network of minimal size that ensures consistency with the data. Crucially, we show that global consistency with the data can be achieved through purely local considerations, inferring the neighbourhood of each node in turn. The optimisation problem solved for each individual node can be reduced to a Set Covering Problem, which is known to be NP-hard but can be approximated well in practice. We then extend our approach to account for noisy data, based on the Minimum Description Length principle. We demonstrate our algorithms on synthetic data, generated by an SIR-like epidemiological model.Comment: Under consideration for the ECML PKDD 2010 conferenc

    Generating Bounds for the Ground State Energy of the Infinite Quantum Lens Potential

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    Moment based methods have produced efficient multiscale quantization algorithms for solving singular perturbation/strong coupling problems. One of these, the Eigenvalue Moment Method (EMM), developed by Handy et al (Phys. Rev. Lett.{\bf 55}, 931 (1985); ibid, {\bf 60}, 253 (1988b)), generates converging lower and upper bounds to a specific discrete state energy, once the signature property of the associated wavefunction is known. This method is particularly effective for multidimensional, bosonic ground state problems, since the corresponding wavefunction must be of uniform signature, and can be taken to be positive. Despite this, the vast majority of problems studied have been on unbounded domains. The important problem of an electron in an infinite quantum lens potential defines a challenging extension of EMM to systems defined on a compact domain. We investigate this here, and introduce novel modifications to the conventional EMM formalism that facilitate its adaptability to the required boundary conditions.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys.

    Generating Converging Bounds to the (Complex) Discrete States of the P2+iX3+iĪ±XP^2 + iX^3 + i\alpha X Hamiltonian

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    The Eigenvalue Moment Method (EMM), Handy (2001), Handy and Wang (2001)) is applied to the HĪ±ā‰”P2+iX3+iĪ±XH_\alpha \equiv P^2 + iX^3 + i\alpha X Hamiltonian, enabling the algebraic/numerical generation of converging bounds to the complex energies of the L2L^2 states, as argued (through asymptotic methods) by Delabaere and Trinh (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 33} 8771 (2000)).Comment: Submitted to J. Phys.

    Generating Converging Eigenenergy Bounds for the Discrete States of the -ix^3 Non-Hermitian Potential

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    Recent investigations by Bender and Boettcher (Phys. Rev. Lett 80, 5243 (1998)) and Mezincescu (J. Phys. A. 33, 4911 (2000)) have argued that the discrete spectrum of the non-hermitian potential V(x)=āˆ’ix3V(x) = -ix^3 should be real. We give further evidence for this through a novel formulation which transforms the general one dimensional Schrodinger equation (with complex potential) into a fourth order linear differential equation for āˆ£ĪØ(x)āˆ£2|\Psi(x)|^2. This permits the application of the Eigenvalue Moment Method, developed by Handy, Bessis, and coworkers (Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 931 (1985);60, 253 (1988a,b)), yielding rapidly converging lower and upper bounds to the low lying discrete state energies. We adapt this formalism to the pure imaginary cubic potential, generating tight bounds for the first five discrete state energy levels.Comment: Work to appear in J. Phys. A: Math & Ge

    Extension of a Spectral Bounding Method to Complex Rotated Hamiltonians, with Application to p2āˆ’ix3p^2-ix^3

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    We show that a recently developed method for generating bounds for the discrete energy states of the non-hermitian āˆ’ix3-ix^3 potential (Handy 2001) is applicable to complex rotated versions of the Hamiltonian. This has important implications for extension of the method in the analysis of resonant states, Regge poles, and general bound states in the complex plane (Bender and Boettcher (1998)).Comment: Submitted to J. Phys.

    Overcoming controllability problems in distributed testing from an input output transition system

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2012 Springer VerlagThis paper concerns the testing of a system with physically distributed interfaces, called ports, at which it interacts with its environment. We place a tester at each port and the tester at port p observes events at p only. This can lead to controllability problems, where the observations made by the tester at a port p are not sufficient for it to be able to know when to send an input. It is known that there are test objectives, such as executing a particular transition, that cannot be achieved if we restrict attention to test cases that have no controllability problems. This has led to interest in schemes where the testers at the individual ports send coordination messages to one another through an external communications network in order to overcome controllability problems. However, such approaches have largely been studied in the context of testing from a deterministic finite state machine. This paper investigates the use of coordination messages to overcome controllability problems when testing from an input output transition system and gives an algorithm for introducing sufficient messages. It also proves that the problem of minimising the number of coordination messages used is NP-hard

    Necessary and sufficient conditions of solution uniqueness in ā„“1\ell_1 minimization

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    This paper shows that the solutions to various convex ā„“1\ell_1 minimization problems are \emph{unique} if and only if a common set of conditions are satisfied. This result applies broadly to the basis pursuit model, basis pursuit denoising model, Lasso model, as well as other ā„“1\ell_1 models that either minimize f(Axāˆ’b)f(Ax-b) or impose the constraint f(Axāˆ’b)ā‰¤Ļƒf(Ax-b)\leq\sigma, where ff is a strictly convex function. For these models, this paper proves that, given a solution xāˆ—x^* and defining I=\supp(x^*) and s=\sign(x^*_I), xāˆ—x^* is the unique solution if and only if AIA_I has full column rank and there exists yy such that AITy=sA_I^Ty=s and āˆ£aiTyāˆ£āˆž<1|a_i^Ty|_\infty<1 for iāˆˆĢøIi\not\in I. This condition is previously known to be sufficient for the basis pursuit model to have a unique solution supported on II. Indeed, it is also necessary, and applies to a variety of other ā„“1\ell_1 models. The paper also discusses ways to recognize unique solutions and verify the uniqueness conditions numerically.Comment: 6 pages; revised version; submitte

    MaxPre : An Extended MaxSAT Preprocessor

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    We describe MaxPre, an open-source preprocessor for (weighted partial) maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT). MaxPre implements both SAT-based and MaxSAT-specific preprocessing techniques, and offers solution reconstruction, cardinality constraint encoding, and an API for tight integration into SAT-based MaxSAT solvers.Peer reviewe
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