264 research outputs found

    Factors affecting the fermentation process of Vietnamese traditional wine ("men la" wine) using "Ba Nang" wine starter

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    “Men la” wine is a traditional wine product of the upland people in Vietnam. The wine is of the cultural essence of the nation, reflecting the current trend of one village one product (OCOP). The "Ba Nang" wine starters are usually made from sticky rice and local herbs. In fact, the use of herbs in traditional wine production has become popular. However, the traditional methods used by the local producers are not standardized. The quality of the wines produced is therefore not stable and wine producers resort to laborious trials and personal experience. The aim of this study was to examine the factors affecting the fermentation process in the production of “Men la” wine using the wine starters of the Van Kieu people in Da Ban, Ba Nang commune, Dakrong district, Quang Tri province, Vietnam. The ratio of yeast to rice, solid fermentation time, temperature, and time of liquid fermentation, as well as some biochemical criteria, were investigated to determine the best parameters for "Men la" wine production. The results showed that the optimal parameters for obtaining the highest quality of wine were: a mixture ratio of wine starter and whole rice of 8g: 1000g; solid fermentation for 4 days at 30 – 32oC; and fermentation for 7 days at 25oC with a ratio of rice ingredients and water of 1:2. The final product contained 4.952% of total sugar, 0.08% of reducing sugar, 0.315% acid, 0.104 g/L amino acid, and 10.61g/100mL of ethanol. The analysis did not detect methanol in the distilled wine products. The finished wine produced on a laboratory scale had a sweet taste equivalent to that of wine, with a flavor that was thought to be superior to the local wine. The alcoholic fermentation time was shortened by 2 days compared with local wine. The resultant "Men la" wine met the National Technical Regulations for alcoholic beverage products (QCVN 6-3:2010/BYT).&nbsp

    Factors affecting to digital skills and adaptability of students in the context of digital transformation at the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education

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    The article focuses on analyzing the factors affecting students' digital skills and adaptability in the context of digital transformation. The study identified influencing factors: Environment, Behavior, Individuals, Teachers, Time of use, and access. However, the results of an online survey of 1.282 students of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) with Cronbach's Alpha test method, EFA analysis, correlations, and regression analysis, showed that there are 3/5 factors identified in the hypothesis that affect digital skills and adaptability of HCMUTE students in the context of digital transformation, specifically: behavior (Beta = 0.177, Sig. = 0.000); individuals (Beta = 0.181, Sig. = 0.027); teacher (Beta = 0.547, Sig. = 0.000). Besides, the environment does not affect digital skills and adaptability (KNSKNTU) due to Beta = 0.017 and Sig.=0.384>0.05. Sig does not involve usage and access time factors. >0.05 in the table Correlations not be further analyzed in the regression model. The research results are expected to help provide a more objective view of the reality of digital adoption and student adaptability in the digital transformation context at HCMUTE

    Factors affecting to digital skills and adaptability of students in the context of digital transformation at the Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology and Education

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    The article focuses on analyzing the factors affecting students' digital skills and adaptability in the context of digital transformation. The study identified influencing factors: Environment, Behavior, Individuals, Teachers, Time of use, and access. However, the results of an online survey of 1.282 students of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education (HCMUTE) with Cronbach's Alpha test method, EFA analysis, correlations, and regression analysis, showed that there are 3/5 factors identified in the hypothesis that affect digital skills and adaptability of HCMUTE students in the context of digital transformation, specifically: behavior (Beta = 0.177, Sig. = 0.000); individuals (Beta = 0.181, Sig. = 0.027); teacher (Beta = 0.547, Sig. = 0.000). Besides, the environment does not affect digital skills and adaptability (KNSKNTU) due to Beta = 0.017 and Sig.=0.384>0.05. Sig does not involve usage and access time factors. >0.05 in the table Correlations not be further analyzed in the regression model. The research results are expected to help provide a more objective view of the reality of digital adoption and student adaptability in the digital transformation context at HCMUTE

    The effect of oral omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on muscle maintenance and quality of life in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Rationale: Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementation is a promising therapy for cancer-relatedmalnutrition, which affects 20-70% of patients with cancer1,2. This systematic review aimed to examine the effects of oralomega-3 PUFA supplementation on muscle maintenance and quality of life in patients with cancer. Methods: Randomised controlled trials in cancer patients aged >18 years were retrieved from 5 electronic databases;MEDLINE (via PubMed), EMBASE, CENTRAL, CINAHL (via EBSCOhost), and Web of Science, from database inceptionuntil 31st of December 2019. Trials supplementing ≥600 mg/d omega-3 PUFA (oral capsules, pure fish oil or oralnutritional supplements) or a control intervention for ≥3 weeks were included. Meta-analyses were performed in RevManto determine the mean differences (MD) in muscle mass and quality of life between omega-3 PUFA and control groupswith 95% confidence intervals (CI) and I2 for heterogeneity. Results: We included 33 studies in patients with various types of cancers and degrees of malnutrition. The Cochrane riskof bias tool graded most trials as ‘unclear’ or ‘high’ risk of bias. Meta-analyses showed oral omega-3 PUFA supplementsimproved physical functioning (MD: 6.33; 95% CI: 0.32, 12.34, p=0.04; I2=0%) and potentially reduced fatigue (MD: -6.21;95% CI: -13.473, 1.05, p=0.09; I2=14%). However, there was no significant effect of omega-3 PUFA supplements on muscle mass, global health status, emotional functioning and symptoms (nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite anddiarrhoea). Conclusion: This review provides evidence for the benefits of oral omega-3 PUFA supplementation on quality of life butnot on muscle maintenance in patients with cancer. Well-designed large-scale randomised controlled trials inhomogenous patient cohorts are required to confirm these findings

    Datacasting V3.0

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    Datacasting V3.0 provides an RSSbased feed mechanism for publishing the availability of Earth science data records in real time. It also provides a utility for subscribing to these feeds and sifting through all the items in an automatic manner to identify and download the data records that are required for a specific application. Datacasting is a method by which multiple data providers can publish the availability of new Earth science data and users download those files that meet a predefined need; for example, to only download data files related to a specific earthquake or region on the globe. Datacasting is a server-client architecture. The server-side software is used by data providers to create and publish the metadata about recently available data according to the Datacasting RSS (Really Simple Syndication) specification. The client software subscribes to the Datacasting RSS and other RSS-based feeds. By configuring filters associated with feeds, data consumers can use the client to identify and automatically download files that meet a specific need. On the client side, a Datacasting feed reader monitors the server for new feeds. The feed reader will be tuned by the user, via a graphical user interface (GUI), to examine the content of the feeds and initiate a data pull after some criteria are satisfied. The criteria might be, for example, to download sea surface temperature data for a particular region that has cloud cover less than 50% and during daylight hours. After the granule is downloaded to the client, the user will have the ability to visualize the data in the GUI. Based on the popular concept of podcasting, which gives listeners the capability to download only those MP3 files that match their preference, Earth science Datacasting will give users a method to download only the Earth science data files that are required for a particular application

    Structural modification and biological evaluation of Dmt1-DALDA analogues

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    The highly charged tetrapeptide Dmt-DALDA (Dmt-D-Arg-Phe-Lys-NH2) has been previously identified as a potent μ-opioid receptor agonist1 and serves as a lead compound for the further development of novel therapeutic (peptidic) opioid analgesics. The present work describes structural modifications of the peptide in order to determine the role of the charges, role of N-methylation, and role of conformation. All prepared compounds have been tested for their in vitro affinity and activity (guinea pig ileum GPI and mouse vas deferens MVD assays), their in vitro permeability (caco-2 test) and in vivo tissue distribution, in- and efflux into and out of mouse brain. These experimental data indicate that : i) side-chain charges are not essential for in vitro activity, ii) the guanidine group of D-Arg2 is important for the blood-brain permeability iii) the conformational constraint of the Phe residue by the benzazepine ring results in highly potent compounds, but is not compatible with the Lys side chain, which can best be removed for high potency. A more detailed discussion of the obtained results will be presented. References: 1. Shimoyama, M.; Szeto, H.H.; Schiller, P.W.; Tagaito, Y.; Tokairin, H.; Eun, C.M., Shimoyama N. Pharmacology 2008, 83, 33-37. 2. Zhao, K.; Luo, G., Zhao, G.-M.; Schiller, P.W.; Szeto, H.H. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 2003, 304, 425-432

    Synthesis and characterization of visible-light-driven novel CuTa2O6 as a promising practical photocatalyst

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    In this work, the novel CuTa2O6 phase was successfully synthesized by the hydrothermal and followed by the calcination process. The X-ray diffraction pattern confirms the formation of different phases. At a low temperature, CuTa2O6 exhibits the orthorhombic phase, whereas, at a higher temperature, it underwent a phase transition to a cubic crystal structure. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic results suggest the presence of all the elements (Cu, Ta, and O). The optical studies were carried out using a UV-Vis DRS spectrophotometer. FESEM images confirm the spherical-shaped particles for the sample annealed at a high temperature. The local atomic and electronic structures around Cu and the contribution of the Cu oxidation state in the CuTa2O6 system were determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. To investigate the effective usage of CuTa2O6 in treating wastewater, its photocatalytic activity was investigated by evaluating its use in the photodegradation of MO dye under visible light irradiation. Moreover, the prepared CuTa2O6 photocatalyst exhibits significant photocatalytic activity in the degradation of MO dye and shows excellent stability; it is therefore a promising material for potential use in a practical photocatalyst. The CuTa2O6 photocatalyst suggests an alternative avenue of research into effective photo-catalysts for solar hydrogen water splitting

    Differential Cytokine Utilization and Tissue Tropism Results in Distinct Repopulation Kinetics of Naïve vs. Memory T Cells in Mice

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    Naïve and memory T cells co-exist in the peripheral T cell pool, but the cellular mechanisms that maintain the balance and homeostasis of these two populations remain mostly unclear. To address this question, here, we assessed homeostatic proliferation and repopulation kinetics of adoptively transferred naïve and memory T cells in lymphopenic host mice. We identified distinct kinetics of proliferation and tissue-distribution between naïve and memory donor T cells, which resulted in the occupancy of the peripheral T cell pool by mostly naïve-origin T cells in short term (<1 week), but, in a dramatic reversal, by mostly memory-origin T cells in long term (>4 weeks). To explain this finding, we assessed utilization of the homeostatic cytokines IL-7 and IL-15 by naïve and memory T cells. We found different efficiencies of IL-7 signaling between naïve and memory T cells, where memory T cells expressed larger amounts of IL-7Rα but were significantly less potent in activation of STAT5 that is downstream of IL-7 signaling. Nonetheless, memory T cells were superior in long-term repopulation of the peripheral T cell pool, presumably, because they preferentially migrated into non-lymphoid tissues upon adoptive transfer and additionally utilized tissue IL-15 for rapid expansion. Consequently, co-utilization of IL-7 and IL-15 provides memory T cells a long-term survival advantage. We consider this mechanism important, as it permits the memory T cell population to be maintained in face of constant influx of naïve T cells to the peripheral T cell pool and under competing conditions for survival cytokines

    Clinical implications of reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones in paediatric Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri infections.

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to quantify the impact of fluoroquinolone resistance on the clinical outcome of paediatric shigellosis patients treated with fluoroquinolones in southern Vietnam. Such information is important to inform therapeutic management for infections caused by this increasingly drug-resistant pathogen, responsible for high morbidity and mortality in young children globally. METHODS: Clinical information and bacterial isolates were derived from a randomized controlled trial comparing gatifloxacin with ciprofloxacin for the treatment of paediatric shigellosis. Time-kill experiments were performed to evaluate the impact of MIC on the in vitro growth of Shigella and Cox regression modelling was used to compare clinical outcome between treatments and Shigella species. RESULTS: Shigella flexneri patients treated with gatifloxacin had significantly worse outcomes than those treated with ciprofloxacin. However, the MICs of fluoroquinolones were not significantly associated with poorer outcome. The presence of S83L and A87T mutations in the gyrA gene significantly increased MICs of fluoroquinolones. Finally, elevated MICs and the presence of the qnrS gene allowed Shigella to replicate efficiently in vitro in high concentrations of ciprofloxacin. CONCLUSIONS: We found that below the CLSI breakpoint, there was no association between MIC and clinical outcome in paediatric shigellosis infections. However, S. flexneri patients had worse clinical outcomes when treated with gatifloxacin in this study regardless of MIC. Additionally, Shigella harbouring the qnrS gene are able to replicate efficiently in high concentrations of ciprofloxacin and we hypothesize that such strains possess a competitive advantage against fluoroquinolone-susceptible strains due to enhanced shedding and transmission

    The 2021 flexible and printed electronics roadmap

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    This roadmap includes the perspectives and visions of leading researchers in the key areas of flexible and printable electronics. The covered topics are broadly organized by the device technologies (sections 1–9), fabrication techniques (sections 10–12), and design and modeling approaches (sections 13 and 14) essential to the future development of new applications leveraging flexible electronics (FE). The interdisciplinary nature of this field involves everything from fundamental scientific discoveries to engineering challenges; from design and synthesis of new materials via novel device design to modelling and digital manufacturing of integrated systems. As such, this roadmap aims to serve as a resource on the current status and future challenges in the areas covered by the roadmap and to highlight the breadth and wide-ranging opportunities made available by FE technologies