16 research outputs found

    Effects of simulated warming on bacterial diversity and abundance in tropical soils from East Malaysia using open top chambers

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    The effects of global warming are increasingly evident, where global surface temperatures and atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide have increased in past decades. Given the role of terrestrial bacteria in various ecological functions, it is important to understand how terrestrial bacteria would respond towards higher environmental temperatures. This study aims to determine soil bacterial diversity in the tropics and their response towards in situ warming using an open-top chamber (OTC). OTCs were set up in areas exposed to sunlight throughout the year in the tropical region in Malaysia. Soil samples were collected every 3 months to monitor changes in bacterial diversity using V3–V4 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing inside the OTCs (treatment plots) and outside the OTCs (control plots). After 12 months of simulated warming, an average increase of 0.81 to 1.15 °C was recorded in treatment plots. Significant changes in the relative abundance of bacterial phyla such as Bacteroidetes and Chloroflexi were reported. Increases in the relative abundance of Actinobacteria were also observed in treatment plots after 12 months. Substantial changes were observed at the genus level, where most bacterial genera decreased in relative abundance after 12 months. This study demonstrated that warming can alter soil bacteria in tropical soils from Kota Kinabalu

    Calculated energy performance certificate of a duplex house and energy renovation analysis

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    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava računske energetske izkaznice s poudarkom na priporočilih za energetsko sanacijo dvostanovanjske stavbe, locirane v Medvodah. Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1985. V tem obdobju se je začela uporabljati toplotna izolacija, saj so se že pojavljala vprašanja o energetski učinkovitosti stavb. Energetska izkaznica stavb je potrebna pri prodaji in najemu stavbe, če je obdobje najema daljše od enega leta. Obvezna je tudi pri novogradnji kot del projekta izvedenih del. V uvodnem delu sem predstavil veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja področje učinkovite rabe energije v stavbah. Potem sem s pomočjo programa TEDI in TOST izdelal računsko energetsko izkaznico za obravnavani objekt v obstoječem stanju, nato pa sem se osredotočil na učinkovitost posameznega ukrepa energetske sanacije. Pri vsakem ukrepu sem komentiral dobljene rezultate in se odločil o smiselnosti njegove izvedbe v odvisnosti od tehnične zahtevnosti in posledičnega prihranka energije. Pri obravnavani stavbi se največ energije, potrebne za ogrevanje z menjavo transparentnega dela in mehanskim prezračevanjem, prihrani z vračanjem toplote odpadnega zraka, in sicer blizu 50 %. Z izborom vseh ukrepov, za katere menim, da so smiselni, pa se prihrani preko 80 % potrebne letne toplote za ogrevanje stavbe. Tudi koeficient specifičnih transmisijskih izgub se zmanjša za 60 %. Poveča pa se potreba po hlajenju, kar je tipična stranska škoda zelo dobro toplotno izoliranih stavb. V zaključnem delu so predstavljene ugotovitve, nastale tekom diplomske naloge.In the undergraduate thesis, the production of the calculated energy performance certificate for the specific building is undertaken. This is done with the emphasis on recommendations for energy renovation of the duplex residential building, which is located in Medvode, Slovenia and was built in 1985. When the building was constructed, energy efficiency was already gaining importance. Consequently many buildings constructed in this period were moderately thermally insulated. An energy performance certificate is legally required when a building is offered for purchase and when it is leased for a period longer than one year. Furthermore the certificate is mandatory for newly built properties, as a basic requirement for the project plan. The thesis initially examines the current legislation, which regulates the area of energy efficiency in buildings. Next the energy performance for the considered building will be produced. This will be done with TEDI and TOST computer software. After that, individual technical measures will be analysed. The viability of these measures will be assessed in consideration of technical complexity and estimated energy savings potential. For the considered building, the greatest energy savings can be realised with exterior joinery renovation and installation of heat recovery ventilation. The implementation of booth measures accounts for about 50% of energy savings. With the comprehensive renovation, more than 80% of the annual heat required for the building would be preserved. In this case the specific heat transfer coefficient would decrease by about 60 %. On the contrary the requirements for cooling would increase, which is the common downside of a well-insulated building

    A common variant near TGFBR3 is associated with primary open angle glaucoma

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    Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), a major cause of blindness worldwide, is a complex disease with a significant genetic contribution. We performed Exome Array (Illumina) analysis on 3504 POAG cases and 9746 controls with replication of the most significant findings in 9173 POAG cases and 26 780 controls across 18 collections of Asian, African and European descent. Apart from confirming strong evidence of association at CDKN2B-AS1 (rs2157719 [G], odds ratio [OR] = 0.71, P = 2.81 × 10−33), we observed one SNP showing significant association to POAG (CDC7–TGFBR3 rs1192415, ORG-allele = 1.13, Pmeta = 1.60 × 10−8). This particular SNP has previously been shown to be strongly associated with optic disc area and vertical cup-to-disc ratio, which are regarded as glaucoma-related quantitative traits. Our study now extends this by directly implicating it in POAG disease pathogenesis

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    Abstract Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), a major cause of blindness worldwide, is a complex disease with a significant genetic contribution. We performed Exome Array ), we observed one SNP showing significant association to POAG (CDC7-TGFBR3 rs1192415, OR G-allele = 1.13, P meta = 1.60 × 10 −8 ). This particular SNP has previously been shown to be strongly associated with optic disc area and vertical cup-to-disc ratio, which are regarded as glaucoma-related quantitative traits. Our study now extends this by directly implicating it in POAG disease pathogenesis

    In search of sporting excellence

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    The focus of our project is on the current state of Singapore's quest for sporting excellence. In it we attempt to evaluate where we stand now and whether we are headed in the right direction.Bachelor of Communication Studie

    Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Chloroflexi bacteria from Antarctic soils survive under simulated tropical conditions

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    The human movement to and from Antarctica has increased significantly in recent decades, particularly to the South Shetland Islands, King George Island (KGI), and Deception Island (DCI). Such movements may result in unintentional soil transfer to other warmer regions, such as tropical countries. However, the ability of Antarctic bacteria to survive in tropical climates remained unknown. Hence, the objectives of this work were (i) to determine the bacterial diversity of the soils at the study sites on the two islands, and (ii) to determine if simulated tropical-like growth climate conditions would impact overall diversity and increase the abundance of potentially harmful bacteria in the Antarctic soils. KGI and DCI soils were incubated for 12 months under simulated tropical conditions. After 6 and 12-months, samples were collected and subjected to metagenomic DNA extraction, 16S rDNA amplification, sequencing, and alignment analysis. The 12-month denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis revealed changes in fingerprinting patterns and bacterial diversity indices. Following that, bacterial diversity analyses for KGI and DCI soils were undertaken using V3-V4 16S rDNA amplicon sequencing. Major bacterial phyla in KGI and DCI soils comprised Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia. Except for Proteobacteria in KGI soils and Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi in DCI soils, most phyla in both soils did not acclimate to simulated tropical conditions. Changes in diversity were also observed at the genus level, with Methylobacterium spp. predominating in both soils after incubation. After the 12-month incubation, the abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Mycobacterium, Massilia, and Williamsia spp. increased. Overall, there was a loss of bacterial diversity in both Antarctic soils after 12 months, indicating that most bacteria from both islands sampling sites cannot survive well if the soils were accidentally transported into warmer climates

    RpoN Regulates Virulence Factors of <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> via Modulating the PqsR Quorum Sensing Regulator

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    The alternative sigma factor RpoN regulates many cell functions, such as motility, quorum sensing, and virulence in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). P. aeruginosa often evolves rpoN-negative variants during the chronic infection in cystic fibrosis patients. It is unclear how RpoN interacts with other regulatory mechanisms to control virulence of P. aeruginosa. In this study, we show that RpoN modulates the function of PqsR, a quorum sensing receptor regulating production of virulence factors including the phenazine pyocyanin. The ∆rpoN mutant is able to synthesize 4-quinolone signal molecule HHQ but unable to activate PqsR and Pseudomonas quinolone signal (pqs) quorum sensing. The ∆rpoN mutant produces minimal level of pyocyanin and is unable to produce the anti-staphylococcal agents. Providing pqsR in trans in the ∆rpoN mutant restores its pqs quorum sensing and virulence factor production to the wild-type level. Our study provides evidence that RpoN has a regulatory effect on P. aeruginosa virulence through modulating the function of the PqsR quorum sensing regulator