12 research outputs found

    Inhibitory Peptide of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase/Trx1 Interface Blunts the Dual Redox Signaling Functions of the Complex

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    Soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC1) and oxido-reductase thioredoxin (Trx1) form a complex that mediates two NO signaling pathways as a function of the redox state of cells. Under physiological conditions, reduced Trx1 (rTrx1) supports the canonical NO-GC1-cGMP pathway by protecting GC1 activity from thiol oxidation. Under oxidative stress, the NO-cGMP pathway is disrupted by the S-nitrosation of GC1 (addition of a NO group to a cysteine). In turn, SNO-GC1 initiates transnitrosation cascades, using oxidized thioredoxin (oTrx1) as a nitrosothiol relay. We designed an inhibitory peptide that blocked the interaction between GC1 and Trx1. This inhibition resulted in the loss of a) the rTrx1 enhancing effect of GC1 cGMP-forming activity in vitro and in cells and its ability to reduce the multimeric oxidized GC1 and b) GC1’s ability to fully reduce oTrx1, thus identifying GC1 novel reductase activity. Moreover, an inhibitory peptide blocked the transfer of S-nitrosothiols from SNO-GC1 to oTrx1. In Jurkat T cells, oTrx1 transnitrosates procaspase-3, thereby inhibiting caspase-3 activity. Using the inhibitory peptide, we demonstrated that S-nitrosation of caspase-3 is the result of a transnitrosation cascade initiated by SNO-GC1 and mediated by oTrx1. Consequently, the peptide significantly increased caspase-3 activity in Jurkat cells, providing a promising therapy for some cancers

    The organic zinc with moderate chelation strength enhances the expression of related transporters in the jejunum and ileum of broilers

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    ABSTRACT: Our previous study demonstrated that the zinc (Zn) proteinate with moderate chelation strength (Zn-Prot M) enhanced the Zn absorption in the small intestine partially via increasing the expression of some Zn and amino acid transporters in the duodenum of broilers. However, it remains unknown whether the Zn-Prot M could also regulate the expression of related transporters in the jejunum and ileum of broilers in the above enhancement of Zn absorption. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the Zn-Prot M on the expression of related transporters in the jejunum and ileum of broilers compared to the Zn sulfate (ZnS). Zinc-deficient broilers (13-d-old) were fed with the Zn-unsupplemented basal diets (control) or the basal diets supplemented with 60 mg Zn/kg as ZnS or Zn-Prot M for 26 d. The results showed that in the jejunum, compared to the control, supplementation of the organic or inorganic Zn increased (P < 0.05) mRNA and protein expression of b0,+-type amino acid transporter (rBAT), Zn transporter 10 (ZnT10), and peptide-transporter 1 (PepT1) mRNA expression and Zn transporter 7 (ZnT7) protein expression on d 28, while y+L-type amino transporter 2 (y+LAT2) mRNA and protein expression, and protein expression of ZnT7 and ZnT10 on 28 d and zrt-irt-like protein 3 (ZIP3) and zrt-irt-like protein 5 (ZIP5) on d 39 were higher (P < 0.05) for Zn-Prot M than for ZnS. In the ileum, Zn addition regardless of Zn source up-regulated (P < 0.05) mRNA expression of Zn transporter 9 (ZnT9) and ZIP3, ZIP5, and y+LAT2 protein expression on d 28, and PepT1 mRNA and protein expression, ZIP3 and y+LAT2 mRNA expression and ZnT10 protein expression on d 39. Furthermore, Zn transporter 4 (ZnT4) and ZnT9 mRNA expression and Zn transporter 1 (ZnT1) protein expression on d 28, and y+LAT2 mRNA expression and ZnT10 and PepT1 protein expression on d 39 were higher (P < 0.05) for Zn-Prot M than for ZnS. It was concluded that the Zn-Prot M enhanced the expression of the ZnT1, ZnT4, ZnT9, ZnT10, ZIP3, ZIP5, y+LAT2, and PepT1 in the jejunum or ileum of broilers compared to the ZnS

    Enterotype Bacteroides Is Associated with a High Risk in Patients with Diabetes: A Pilot Study

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    Background. More and more studies focus on the relationship between the gastrointestinal microbiome and type 2 diabetes, but few of them have actually explored the relationship between enterotypes and type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods. We enrolled 134 patients with type 2 diabetes and 37 nondiabetic controls. The anthropometric and clinical indices of each subject were measured. Fecal samples of each subject were also collected and were processed for 16S rDNA sequencing. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the associations of enterotypes with type 2 diabetes. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between lipopolysaccharide levels and insulin sensitivity after adjusting for age, BMI, TG, HDL-C, DAO, and TNF-α. The correlation analysis between factors and microbiota was identified using Spearman correlation analysis. The correlation analysis between factors was identified using partial correlation analysis. Results. Gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes group exhibited lower bacterial diversity compared with nondiabetic controls. The fecal communities from all subjects clustered into two enterotypes distinguished by the levels of Bacteroides and Prevotella. Logistic regression analysis showed that the Bacteroides enterotype was an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes by decreasing insulin sensitivity. The levels of lipopolysaccharide and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were higher in the Bacteroides enterotype compared to the Prevotella enterotype. Partial correlation analysis showed that lipopolysaccharide was closely associated with diamine oxidase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and Gutt insulin sensitivity index after adjusting for multiple covariates. Furthermore, the level of lipopolysaccharide was found to be an independent risk factor for insulin sensitivity. Conclusions. We identified two enterotypes, Bacteroides and Prevotella, among all subjects. Our results showed that the Bacteroides enterotype was an independent risk factor for type 2 diabetes, which was due to increased levels of lipopolysaccharide causing decreased insulin sensitivity

    Carbon Monitor Europe near-real-time daily CO2 emissions for 27 EU countries and the United Kingdom

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    Abstract With the urgent need to implement the EU countries pledges and to monitor the effectiveness of Green Deal plan, Monitoring Reporting and Verification tools are needed to track how emissions are changing for all the sectors. Current official inventories only provide annual estimates of national CO2 emissions with a lag of 1+ year which do not capture the variations of emissions due to recent shocks including COVID lockdowns and economic rebounds, war in Ukraine. Here we present a near-real-time country-level dataset of daily fossil fuel and cement emissions from January 2019 through December 2021 for 27 EU countries and UK, which called Carbon Monitor Europe. The data are calculated separately for six sectors: power, industry, ground transportation, domestic aviation, international aviation and residential. Daily CO2 emissions are estimated from a large set of activity data compiled from different sources. The goal of this dataset is to improve the timeliness and temporal resolution of emissions for European countries, to inform the public and decision makers about current emissions changes in Europe