2,099 research outputs found

    Interplay between magnetism and short-range order in medium- and high-entropy alloys: CrCoNi, CrFeCoNi, and CrMnFeCoNi

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    The impact of magnetism on predicted atomic short-range order in three medium- and high-entropy alloys is studied using a first-principles, all-electron, Landau-type linear response theory, coupled with lattice-based atomistic modelling. We perform two sets of linear-response calculations: one in which the paramagnetic state is modelled within the disordered local moment picture, and one in which systems are modelled in a magnetically ordered state, which is ferrimagnetic for the alloys considered in this work. We show that the treatment of magnetism can have significant impact both on the predicted temperature of atomic ordering and also the nature of atomic order itself. In CrCoNi, we find that the nature of atomic order changes from being L12\mathrm{L}1_2-like when modelled in the paramagnetic state to MoPt2_2-like when modelled assuming the system has magnetically ordered. In CrFeCoNi, atomic correlations between Fe and the other elements present are dramatically strengthened when we switch from treating the system as magnetically disordered to magnetically ordered. Our results show it is necessary to consider the magnetic state when modelling multicomponent alloys containing mid- to late-3d3d elements. Further, we suggest that there may be high-entropy alloy compositions containing 3d3d transition metals that will exhibit specific atomic short-range order when thermally treated in an applied magnetic field. This has the potential to provide a route for tuning physical and mechanical properties in this class of materials.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Nitrogen-bridged, natural product-like octahydrobenzofurans and octahydroindoles: scope and mechanism of bridge-forming reductive amination via caged heteroadamantanes

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    The biological significance of sp3-rich synthetic scaffolds with natural product-like features yet distinct global frameworks is being increasingly recognised in medicinal chemistry and biochemistry. Taking inspiration from the vast array of bioactive, bridged alkaloids, we report the synthesis of unique, densely functionalised tricyclic scaffolds based on nitrogen-bridged, octahydrobenzofurans and octahydroindoles. These heterocycle-rich frameworks were assembled by a one-pot, two-step bridge-forming reductive amination process, which was shown to proceed via caged, heteroadamantane intermediates that thermodynamically drive an exo–endo epimerisation, enabling intramolecular azaMichael addition over the concave face of the fused bicyclic precursors. In addition to evaluating the scope of this aza bridge-forming reaction, further stereochemical complexity was introduced by subsequent diastereoselective ketone reductions and other manipulations. Finally, strategic diversity points (amino, carboxy) were decorated with common medicinal chemistry fragments, providing a set of exemplar derivatives with Lipinski compliant physicochemical properties

    Pre-Altitude Serum Ferritin Levels and Daily Oral Iron Supplement Dose Mediate Iron Parameter and Hemoglobin Mass Responses to Altitude Exposure

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    Purpose : To investigate the influence of daily oral iron supplementation on changes in hemoglobin mass (Hbmass) and iron parameters after 2–4 weeks of moderate altitude exposure.Methods :Hematological data collected from 178 athletes (98 males, 80 females) exposed to moderate altitude (1,350–3,000 m) were analysed using linear regression to determine how altitude exposure combined with oral iron supplementation influenced Hbmass, total iron incorporation (TII) and blood iron parameters [ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT)]. Results :Altitude exposure (mean ± s: 21 ± 3 days) increased Hbmass by 1.1% [-0.4, 2.6], 3.3% [1.7, 4.8], and 4.0% [2.0, 6.1] from pre-altitude levels in athletes who ingested nil, 105 mg and 210 mg respectively, of oral iron supplement daily. Serum ferritin levels decreased by -33.2% [-46.9, -15.9] and 13.8% [-32.2, 9.7] from pre-altitude levels in athletes who supplemented with nil and 105 mg of oral iron supplement daily, but increased by 36.8% [1.3, 84.8] in athletes supplemented with 210 mg of oral iron daily. Finally, athletes who ingested either 105 mg or 210 mg of oral iron supplement daily had a greater TII compared with non-supplemented athletes (0 versus 105 mg: effect size (d) = -1.88 [-2.56, -1.17]; 0 versus 210 mg: effect size (d) = -2.87 [-3.88, -1.66]). Conclusion :Oral iron supplementation during 2–4 weeks of moderate altitude exposure may enhance Hbmass production and assist the maintenance of iron balance in some athletes with low pre-altitude iron stores

    The Relation Between Galaxy ISM and Circumgalactic OVI Gas Kinematics Derived from Observations and Λ\LambdaCDM Simulations

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    We present the first galaxy-OVI absorption kinematic study for 20 absorption systems (EW>0.1~{\AA}) associated with isolated galaxies (0.15<z<<z<0.55) that have accurate redshifts and rotation curves obtained using Keck/ESI. Our sample is split into two azimuthal angle bins: major axis (Φ<25\Phi<25^{\circ}) and minor axis (Φ>33\Phi>33^{\circ}). OVI absorption along the galaxy major axis is not correlated with galaxy rotation kinematics, with only 1/10 systems that could be explained with rotation/accretion models. This is in contrast to co-rotation commonly observed for MgII absorption. OVI along the minor axis could be modeled by accelerating outflows but only for small opening angles, while the majority of the OVI is decelerating. Along both axes, stacked OVI profiles reside at the galaxy systemic velocity with the absorption kinematics spanning the entire dynamical range of their galaxies. The OVI found in AMR cosmological simulations exists within filaments and in halos of ~50 kpc surrounding galaxies. Simulations show that major axis OVI gas inflows along filaments and decelerates as it approaches the galaxy while increasing in its level of co-rotation. Minor axis outflows in the simulations are effective within 50-75 kpc beyond that they decelerate and fall back onto the galaxy. Although the simulations show clear OVI kinematic signatures they are not directly comparable to observations. When we compare kinematic signatures integrated through the entire simulated galaxy halo we find that these signatures are washed out due to full velocity distribution of OVI throughout the halo. We conclude that OVI alone does not serve as a useful kinematic indicator of gas accretion, outflows or star-formation and likely best probes the halo virial temperature.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables. Accepted to ApJ on November 14, 201

    National Center for Biomedical Ontology: Advancing biomedicine through structured organization of scientific knowledge

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    The National Center for Biomedical Ontology is a consortium that comprises leading informaticians, biologists, clinicians, and ontologists, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap, to develop innovative technology and methods that allow scientists to record, manage, and disseminate biomedical information and knowledge in machine-processable form. The goals of the Center are (1) to help unify the divergent and isolated efforts in ontology development by promoting high quality open-source, standards-based tools to create, manage, and use ontologies, (2) to create new software tools so that scientists can use ontologies to annotate and analyze biomedical data, (3) to provide a national resource for the ongoing evaluation, integration, and evolution of biomedical ontologies and associated tools and theories in the context of driving biomedical projects (DBPs), and (4) to disseminate the tools and resources of the Center and to identify, evaluate, and communicate best practices of ontology development to the biomedical community. Through the research activities within the Center, collaborations with the DBPs, and interactions with the biomedical community, our goal is to help scientists to work more effectively in the e-science paradigm, enhancing experiment design, experiment execution, data analysis, information synthesis, hypothesis generation and testing, and understand human disease

    One Health and Global Health View of Antimicrobial Susceptibility through the “Eye” of Aeromonas: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most pressing public health concerns; therefore, it is imperative to advance our understanding of the factors influencing AMR from Global and One Health perspectives. To address this, Aeromonas populations were identified using 16S rRNA gene libraries among human, agriculture, aquaculture, drinking water, surface water, and wastewater samples, supporting its use as indicator bacteria to study AMR. A systematic review and meta-analysis was then performed from Global and One Health perspectives, including data from 221 articles describing 15 891 isolates from 57 countries. The interconnectedness of different environments was evident as minimal differences were identified between sectors among 21 different antimicrobials. However, resistance to critically important antibiotics (aztreonam and cefepime) was significantly higher among wastewater populations compared with clinical isolates. Additionally, isolates from untreated wastewater typically exhibited increased AMR compared with those from treated wastewater. Furthermore, aquaculture was associated with increased AMR to ciprofloxacin and tetracycline compared with wild-caught seafood. Using the World Health Organization AWaRe classifications, countries with lower consumption of “Access” compared to “Watch” drugs from 2000 to 2015 demonstrated higher AMR levels. The current analysis revealed negative correlations between AMR and anthropogenic factors, such as environmental performance indices and socioeconomic standing. Environmental health and sanitation were two of the environmental factors most strongly correlated with AMR. The current analysis highlights the negative impacts of “Watch” drug overconsumption, anthropogenic activity, absence of wastewater infrastructure, and aquaculture on AMR, thus stressing the need for proper infrastructure and global regulations to combat this growing problem

    Use of Leishmania major parasites expressing a recombinant Trypanosoma cruzi antigen as live vaccines against Chagas disease

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    INTRODUCTION: METHODS: We generated recombinant RESULTS: We demonstrate that mice inoculated with these recombinant TS-expressing DISCUSSION: Altogether, these data indicate tha

    Measurements and Computations of Second-Mode Instability Waves in Three Hypersonic Wind Tunnels

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    High-frequency pressure-fluctuation measurements were made in AEDC Tunnel 9 at Mach 10 and the NASA Langley 15-Inch Mach 6 and 31-Inch Mach 10 tunnels. Measurements were made on a 7deg-half-angle cone model. Pitot measurements of freestream pressure fluctuations were also made in Tunnel 9 and the Langley Mach-6 tunnel. For the first time, second-mode waves were measured in all of these tunnels, using 1-MHz-response pressure sensors. In Tunnel 9, second-mode waves could be seen in power spectra computed from records as short as 80 micro-s. The second-mode wave amplitudes were observed to saturate and then begin to decrease in the Langley tunnels, indicating wave breakdown. Breakdown was estimated to occur near N approx. equals 5 in the Langley Mach-10 tunnel. The unit-Reynolds-number variations in the data from Tunnel 9 were too large to see the same processes. In Tunnel 9, the measured transition locations were found to be at N = 4.5 using thermocouples, and N = 5.3 using 50-kHz-response pressure sensors. What appears to be a very long transitional region was observed at a unit Reynolds number of 13.5 million per meter in Tunnel 9. These results were consistent with the high-frequency pressure fluctuation measurements. High-frequency pressure fluctuation measurements indicated that transition did occur in the Langley Mach-6 tunnel, but the location of transition was not precisely determined. Unit Reynolds numbers in the Langley Mach-10 tunnel were too low to observe transition. More analysis of this data set is expected in the future

    Land Cover Mapping using Digital Earth Australia

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    This study establishes the use of the Earth Observation Data for Ecosystem Monitoring (EODESM) to generate land cover and change classifications based on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) and environmental variables (EVs) available within, or accessible from, Geoscience Australia’s (GA) Digital Earth Australia (DEA). Classifications representing the LCCS Level 3 taxonomy (8 categories representing semi-(natural) and/or cultivated/managed vegetation or natural or artificial bare or water bodies) were generated for two time periods and across four test sites located in the Australian states of QueenslandandNewSouthWales. Thiswasachievedbyprogressivelyandhierarchicallycombining existing time-static layers relating to (a) the extent of artificial surfaces (urban, water) and agriculture and (b) annual summaries of EVs relating to the extent of vegetation (fractional cover) and water (hydroperiod, intertidal area, mangroves) generated through DEA. More detailed classifications that integrated information on, for example, forest structure (based on vegetation cover (%) and height (m); time-static for 2009) and hydroperiod (months), were subsequently produced for each time-step. The overall accuracies of the land cover classifications were dependent upon those reported for the individual input layers, with these ranging from 80% (for cultivated, urban and artificial water) to over95%(forhydroperiodandfractionalcover).Thechangesidentifiedincludemangrovediebackin the southeastern Gulf of Carpentaria and reduced dam water levels and an associated expansion of vegetation in Lake Ross, Burdekin. The extent of detected changes corresponded with those observed using time-series of RapidEye data (2014 to 2016; for the Gulf of Carpentaria) and Google Earth imagery (2009–2016 for Lake Ross). This use case demonstrates the capacity and a conceptual framework to implement EODESM within DEA and provides countries using the Open Data Cube (ODC) environment with the opportunity to routinely generate land cover maps from Landsat or Sentinel-1/2 data, at least annually, using a consistent and internationally recognised taxonomy