940 research outputs found

    Реализация «габсбургского мифа» в трагедии Ф. Нрильпарцера «Либуша»

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    Трагедия «Либуша» (1847) занимает особое место в творческом наследии Ф.Грильпарцера: воплощая в себе эстетические и социально-политические взгляды зрелого художника, она является кульминацией развития его творческого метода – мифологизации и одновременно итогом авторской реализации мифологизма

    Dual time-point FDG PET/CT for differentiating benign from malignant solitary pulmonary nodules in a TB endemic area

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    Objective. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography (PET) is an accurate non-invasive imaging test for differentiating benign from malignant solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs). We aimed to assess its diagnostic accuracy for differentiating benign from malignant SPNs in a tuberculosis (TB)-endemic area. Methods. Thirty patients, 22 men and 8 women, mean age 60 years, underwent dual time point FDG-PET/computed tomography (CT) imaging, followed by histological examination of the SPN. Maximum standard uptake values (SUVmax) with the greatest uptake in the lesion were calculated for two time points (SUV1 and SUV2), and the percentage change over time per lesion was calculated (%DSUV). Routine histological findings served as the gold standard. Results. Histological examination showed that 14 lesions were malignant and 16 benign, 12 of which were TB. SUVmax for benign and malignant lesions were 11.02 (standard deviation (SD) 6.6) v. 10.86 (SD 8.9); however, when tuberculomas were excluded from the analysis, a significant difference in mean SUV1max values between benign and malignant lesions was observed (p=0.0059). Using an SUVmax cut-off value of 2.5, a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 25% was obtained. Omitting the TB patients from analysis resulted in a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 100%. Mean %DSUV of benign lesions did not differ significantly from mean %DSUV of malignant lesions (17.1% (SD 16.3%) v. 19.4% (SD 23.7%)). Using a cut-off of %DSUV >10% as indicative of malignancy, a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 50% was obtained. Omitting the TB patients from the analysis yielded a sensitivity of 85.7% and a specificity of 75%. Conclusion. Our findings suggest that FDG-PET cannot distinguish malignancy from tuberculoma and therefore cannot reliably be used to reduce futile biopsy/thoracotomy

    CA 15.3 measurements for separating FDG PET/CT positive from negative findings in breast carcinoma recurrence

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    In breast cancer CA 15.3 is considered the tumour marker of choice. CA 15.3 is directly related to the disease extent and to hormone status (estrogen receptor ER+/ ER-, progesterone receptor PR+/PR-). This study was designed to assess the impact of disease extent, hormone receptor and HER2-status, and circulating blood volume on the area-under the ROC-curve of CA 15.3 to separate FDG PET positive from negative findings. Patients, methods: We retrospectively evaluated 379 FDG PET/CT examinations performed in 80 patients with breast cancer. Blood volumes were derived using the formulas by Nadler and multiplied by their corresponding CA 15.3 measurement. Results: ROC-curve analysis revealed an AUC of 0.695 (p = 0.0001) for CA 15.3 to separate FDG PET positive from negative findings. AUC measurements to separate normal scan findings from loco-regional disease and metastatic disease were 0.527 (p = 0.587) and 0.732 (p = 0.0001), respectively. AUC measurements for CA 15.3 to separate positive from negative FDG PET findings, in ER+ and ER-patients, were respectively 0.772 (p = 0.0001) and 0.596 (p = 0.143). AUC measurements for CA 15.3 to separate positive from negative FDG PET findings, in PR+ and PR-patients, were respectively 0.675 (p = 0.0001) and 0.694 (p = 0.0001). In HER2-positive and -negative patients, the AUC measurements were respectively 0.594 (p = 0.178) and 0.701 (p = 0.0001) to separate positive from negative FDG PET findings. Conclusion: The AUC for CA 15.3 measurements to separate FDG PET positive from negative findings in breast cancer patients with suspected recurrence proved to be directly related to the extent of the recurrent disease and hormone receptor status and inversely related to HER2-status. Correcting CA 15.3 measurements for blood volumes did not impact the AUC

    Chapter 11 Pulling the curtain on the national sovereignty myth:

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    "This book brings recent insights about sovereignty and citizen participation in the Belgian Constitution to scholars in the fields of public law, history, and political theory. Throughout the Western world, there are increasing calls for greater citizen participation. Referendums, citizen councils, and other forms of direct democracy are considered necessary antidotes to a growing hostility towards traditional party politics. This book focuses on the Belgian debate, where the introduction of participatory politics has stalled because of an ambiguity in the Constitution. Scholars and judges generally claim that the Belgian Constitution gives ultimate power to the Nation, which can only speak through representation in parliament. In light of this, direct democracy would be an unconstitutional power grab by the current generation of citizens. This book critically investigates this received interpretation of the Constitution and, by reaching back to the debates among Belgium's 1831 founding fathers, concludes that it is untenable. The spirit, if not the text, of the Belgian Constitution allows for more popular participation than present-day jurisprudence admits. Combining new insights from law, history, and political science, this book is a showcase for continental constitutional theory. The questions it asks reverberate far beyond Belgium. The book provides a rare source of information on Belgium's 1831 Constitution, which was in its time seen as modern constitutionalism’s greatest triumph which became a model for countless other constitutions.

    Blood-brain barrier transport kinetics of NOTA-modified proteins : the somatropin case

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    BACKGROUND: Chemical modifications such as PEG, polyamine and radiolabeling on proteins can alter their pharmacokinetic behaviour and their blood-brain barrier (BBB) transport characteristics. NOTA, i.e. 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-1,4,7-triacetic acid, is a bifunctional chelating agent that has attracted the interest of the scientific community for its high complexation constant with metals like gallium. Until now, the comparative BBB transport characteristics of NOTA-modified proteins versus unmodified proteins are not yet described. METHODS: Somatropin (i.e. recombinant human growth hormone), NOTA-conjugated somatropin and gallium-labelled NOTA-conjugated somatropin were investigated for their brain penetration characteristics (multiple time regression and capillary depletion) in an in vivo mice model to determine the blood-brain transfer properties. RESULTS: The three compounds showed comparable initial brain influx, with Kin = 0.38 ± 0.14 µL/(g×min), 0.36 ± 0.16 µL/(g×min) and 0.28 ± 0.18 µL/(g×min), respectively. Capillary depletion indicated that more than 80% of the influxed compounds reached the brain parenchyma. All three compounds were in vivo stable in serum and brain during the time frame of the experiments. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that modification of NOTA as well as gallium chelation onto proteins, in casu somatropin, does not lead to a significantly changed pharmacokinetic profile at the blood-brain barrier

    Quantitative pretreatment VOI analysis of liver metastases 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT and FDG PET/CT in relation with treatment response to SIRT

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    Using quantitive VOI analysis, the percentage Tc-99m-MAA uptake and SUVmax and mean values of liver metastases obtained prior to SIRT were related to treatment response using both a lesion-based and clinical dichotomous approach. Based on the VOI % of Tc-99m-MAA activity, the estimated Y-90-microspheres activity/cc (MBq/cc) was calculated from the effective dose injected. Baseline VOI FDG PET SUVmean and max values and estimated MBq/cc values were related to treatment response using a lesion-based approach (% change in SUVmean >= 50%) and a clinical dichotomous approach. Fifteen treatment sessions were analyzed (13 patients). Using the lesion-based approach (12 treatment sessions) 40 lesions responded and 37 did not. SUVmax and mean values proved significantly different between non-responding and responding lesions; 18:6 (SD 10.8) versus 13.5 (SD 8.4) for SUVmax (p = 0.02) and 11.4 (SD 3.8) versus 6.3 (SD 4.5) for SUVmean (p = 0.002). Using the clinical dichotomous approach (15 treatment sessions / 11 responding), 91 lesions were analyzed; 57 responded. VOI volumes and estimated Y-90-loaded glass microspheres activity (MBq/cc) did not differ between responders and non responders; 24 cc (SD 27) versus 21 cc (SD 21 cc) (p = 0.4) and 1.95 MBq/cc (SD 1.1 MBq/cc) versus 1.90 MB/cc (SD 2.7 MBq/cc) (p = 0.92). On the contrary, SUVmax and mean values proved significantly different between responders and non-responders; 23.7 (SD 9.8) versus 9.4 (SD 3.8) for SUVmax (p = 0.0001) and 13.1 (SD 8.1) versus 4.9 (SD 1.4) for SUVmean. Conclusion: These findings suggest that in patients presenting with high baseline SUVmax and mean values, the administration of higher activities or alternatively, other potentially more useful treatment options might be considered

    Impacts of meso-to submeso-scale features on the ocean circulation in the Coral Sea

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    International audienceAs part of the South Pacific subtropical gyre, the encounter of the South Equatorial Current (SEC)with the complex bottom topography and numerous islands of the southwest tropical Pacific resultsinto a series of zonal jets, flowing mainly westward off the tip of archipelagos. Moreover, themesoscale activity at basin scale is dominated by westward-propagating nonlinear eddies, with astrong impact on the ocean circulation, the mixing of water masses and tracers' distribution. Eddy-jet interactions are studied here with the data collected in September 2012 during theBIFURCATION cruise in the Coral Sea, under the auspices of SPICE (Southwest PacIfic OceanCirculation and Climate Experiment). We analyze and explain in situ data with the help of satellite-based remote sensing data (altimetry, SSS, SST, ocean color), and we estimate the mass transportbudget within the Coral Sea. We show that the mesoscale activity is a significant contributor to the0-600m transport estimates (5-10 Sv) and is essential for the interpretation of hydrologicalobservations. A specific mesoscale eddy is identified as responsible for the connection between theNorth Vanuatu Jet (NVJ) and the North Caledonian Jet (NCJ). By using a Lagrangian technique, weare able to confirm the long-term connection between the NVJ and the NCJ through mesoscaleactivity. At a smaller scale, our analysis shows that surface temperature and salinity gradients can beassociated with hydrodynamical submesoscale features depicted by Finite Size LyapunovExponents (FSLE). These structures can also be linked to the presence of diazotroph species, incontrast with the general oligotrophy of the area. This study offers interesting outlooks for the useof FSLE to study the distribution of biogeochemical elements

    PSMA-targeting positron emission agents for imaging solid tumors other than non-prostate carcinoma : a systematic review

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    Despite its name, prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) has been shown using immunohistochemistry (IHC) to also be over-expressed in the tumor neovasculature of a wide variety of solid tumors other than prostate carcinoma. Accordingly, positron-emitting radiolabeled small molecules targeting PSMA, initially developed for positron emission tomography in prostate carcinomas, are currently being explored for their staging and restaging potential as an alternative imaging modality in other solid tumor types where 18-F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET imaging has low diagnostic accuracy. In this paper, the currently available literature in this field is reviewed. Preliminary, mainly retrospective studies are encouraging, with evidence of improved diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in clear cell renal carcinoma, glioma, and hepatocellular carcinoma, leading to a change in patient management in several patients. However, the results published thus far warrant confirmation by larger prospective studies additionally assessing the longitudinal impact on patient outcomes