47 research outputs found

    Prime diagnosticity in short-term repetition priming: Is primed evidence discounted, even when it reliably indicates the correct answer?

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    The authors conducted 4 repetition priming experiments that manipulated prime duration and prime diagnosticity in a visual forced-choice perceptual identification task. The strength and direction of prime diagnosticity produced marked effects on identification accuracy, but those effects were resistant to subsequent changes of diagnosticity. Participants learned to associate different diagnosticities with primes of different durations but not with primes presented in different colors. Regardless of prime diagnosticity, preference for a primed alternative covaried negatively with prime duration, suggesting that even for diagnostic primes, evidence discounting remains an important factor. A computational model, with the assumption that adaptation to the statistics of the experiment modulates the level of evidence discounting, accounted for these results

    Recognition of micro-scale deformation structures in glacial sediments - pattern perception, observer bias and the influence of experience

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    It is a scientist's mission to try to remain unbiased. However, certain factors play a role in scientific analyses that are not controlled by conscious thought. These factors are potentially very important in areas of science where interpretations are based on a scientist's ability to identify patterns or structures. One such area is the micromorphology of glacial sediments. In this paper we investigate the role of an analyst's experience in relation to pattern perception with specific reference to turbate microstructures in glacial diamictons. An experiment was conducted on 52 participants, which demonstrated that, as may be expected, more experienced (glacial) micromorphologists tend to exhibit a higher sensitivity-to-signal, but that complete novices, if given clear instructions, can reach levels of sensitivity similar to those of experts. It also showed, perhaps more surprisingly, that response bias does not decrease with experience. We discuss psychological factors, such as the drive for success and consistency, that may have contributed to these results and investigate their possible implications in the micromorphological analysis and interpretation of glacial sediments

    Recall termination in free recall

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    Although much is known about the dynamics of\ud memory search in the free recall task, relatively little is\ud known about the factors related to recall termination. Rean-\ud alyzing individual trial data from 14 prior studies (1,079\ud participants in 28,015 trials) and defining termination as\ud occurring when a final response is followed by a long\ud nonresponse interval, we observed that termination proba-\ud bility increased throughout the recall period and that retriev-\ud al was more likely to terminate following an error than\ud following a correct response. Among errors, termination\ud probability was higher following prior-list intrusions and\ud repetitions than following extralist intrusions. To verify that\ud this pattern of results can be seen in a single study, we report\ud a new experiment in which 80 participants contributed recall\ud data from a total of 9,122 trials. This experiment replicated\ud the pattern observed in the aggregate analysis of the prior\ud studies.\u

    Neuronal Activity in the Human Subthalamic Nucleus Encodes Decision Conflict during Action Selection

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    The subthalamic nucleus (STN), which receives excitatory inputs from the cortex and has direct connections with the inhibitory pathways\ud of the basal ganglia, is well positioned to efficiently mediate action selection. Here, we use microelectrode recordings captured during\ud deep brain stimulation surgery as participants engage in a decision task to examine the role of the human STN in action selection. We\ud demonstrate that spiking activity in the STN increases when participants engage in a decision and that the level of spiking activity\ud increases with the degree of decision conflict. These data implicate the STN as an important mediator of action selection during decision\ud processes.\u

    Dynamics of brain activity reveal a unitary recognition signal.

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    Dual-process models of recognition memory typically assume that independent familiarity and recollec-tion signals with distinct temporal profiles can each lead to recognition (enabling 2 routes to recognition),whereas single-process models posit a unitary “memory strength” signal. Using multivariate classifierstrained on spectral electroencephalogram (EEG) features, we quantified neural evidence for recognitiondecisions as a function of time. Classifiers trained on a small portion of the decision period performedsimilarly to those also incorporating information from previous time points indicating that neural activityreflects an integrated evidence signal. We propose a single-route account of recognition memory that iscompatible with contributions from familiarity and recollection signals, but relies on a unitary evidencesignal that integrates all available evidence

    Electrophysiological correlates of high-level perception during spatial navigation

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    We studied the electrophysiological basis of object recognition by recording scalp\ud electroencephalograms while participants played a virtual-reality taxi driver game.\ud Participants searched for passengers and stores during virtual navigation in simulated\ud towns. We compared oscillatory brain activity in response to store views that were targets or\ud nontargets (during store search) or neutral (during passenger search). Even though store\ud category was solely defined by task context (rather than by sensory cues), frontal ...\ud \u

    Decision noise may mask criterion shifts: Reply to Balakrishnan and MacDonald (2008)

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    J. D. Balakrishnan and J. A. MacDonald (2008) argue that RTbased measures of signal detection processes provide evidence against signal detection theory’s notion of a flexible decision criterion. They argue that this evidence is immune to the alternative explanation proposed by S. T. Mueller and C. T. Weidemann (2008), that decision noise may mask criterion shifts. We show that noise in response times can produce the same effects as are produced by noise in confidence ratings. Given these results, the evidence is not sufficient to categorically reject the notion of a flexible response policy implemented through shifts in a decision criterion

    Confusion and Compensation in Visual Perception: Effects of Spatiotemporal Proximity and Selective Attention

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    The authors investigated spatial, temporal, and attentional manipulations in a short-term repetition priming paradigm. Brief primes produced a strong preference to choose the primed alternative, whereas long primes had the opposite effect. However, a 2nd brief presentation of a long prime produced a preference for the primed word despite the long total prime duration. These surprising results are explained by a computational model that posits the offsetting components of source confusion (prime features are confused with target features) and discounting (evidence from primed features is discounted). The authors obtained compelling evidence for these components by showing how they can cooperate or compete through different manipulations of prime salience. The model allows for dissociations between prime salience and the magnitude of priming, thereby providing a unified account of "subliminal" and "supraliminal" priming

    Alphabetic Letter Identification: Effects of perceivability, similarity, and bias

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    The legibility of the letters in the Latin alphabet has been measured numerous times since the beginning of\ud experimental psychology. To identify the theoretical mechanisms attributed to letter identification, we report\ud a comprehensive review of literature, spanning more than a century. This review revealed that identification\ud accuracy has frequently been attributed to a subset of three common sources: perceivability, bias, and simi-\ud larity. However, simultaneous estimates of these values have rarely (if ever) been performed. We present the\ud results of two new experiments which allow for the simultaneous estimation of these factors, and examine\ud how the shape of a visual mask impacts each of them, as inferred through a new statistical model. Results showed that the shape and identity of the mask impacted the inferred perceivability, bias, and similarity space of a letter set, but that there were aspects of similarity that were robust to the choice of mask. The results illustrate how the psychological concepts of perceivability, bias, and similarity can be estimated simultaneously, and how each make powerful contributions to visual letter identification