19 research outputs found

    Molecular dysfunction associated with the human mitochondrial 3302A>G mutation in the MTTL1 (mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR))) gene

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    The gene encoding mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR)), MT-TL1, is a hotspot for pathogenic mtDNA mutations. Amongst the first to be described was the 3302A>G transition which resulted in a substantial accumulation in patient muscle of RNA19, an unprocessed RNA intermediate including mt-16S rRNA, mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR)) and MTND1. We have now been able to further assess the molecular aetiology associated with 3302A>G in transmitochondrial cybrids. Increased steady-state levels of RNA19 was confirmed, although not to the levels previously reported in muscle. This data was consistent with an increase in RNA19 stability. The mutation resulted in decreased mt-tRNA(Leu(UUR)) levels, but its stability was unchanged, consistent with a defect in RNA19 processing responsible for low tRNA levels. A partial defect in aminoacylation was also identified, potentially caused by an alteration in tRNA structure. These deficiencies lead to a severe defect in respiration in the transmitochondrial cybrids, consistent with the profound mitochondrial disorder originally associated with this mutation

    A randomised, multi-centre, prospective, double blind pilot-study to evaluate safety and efficacy of the non-absorbable Optilene® Mesh Elastic versus the partly absorbable Ultrapro® Mesh for incisional hernia repair

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Randomised controlled trials with a long term follow-up (3 to 10 years) have demonstrated that mesh repair is superior to suture closure of incisional hernia with lower recurrence rates (5 to 20% versus 20 to 63%). Yet, the ideal size and material of the mesh are not defined. So far, there are few prospective studies that evaluate the influence of the mesh texture on patient's satisfaction, recurrence and complication rate. The aim of this study is to evaluate, if a non-absorbable mesh (Optilene<sup>® </sup>Mesh Elastic) will result in better health outcomes compared to a partly absorbable mesh (Ultrapro<sup>® </sup>Mesh).</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In this prospective, randomised, double blind study, eighty patients with incisional hernia after a midline laparotomy will be included. Primary objective of this study is to investigate differences in the physical functioning score from the SF-36 questionnaire 21 days after mesh insertion. Secondary objectives include the evaluation of the patients' daily activity, pain, wound complication and other surgical complications (hematomas, seromas), and safety within six months after intervention.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This study investigates mainly from the patient perspective differences between meshes for treatment of incisional hernias. Whether partly absorbable meshes improve quality of life better than non-absorbable meshes is unclear and therefore, this trial will generate further evidence for a better treatment of patients.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NCT00646334</p

    Verteiltes Ăśberleben : Paul Barans Antwort auf die atomare Bedrohung

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    Paul Baran, 1926 in Polen geboren, als Zweijähriger in die USA gekommen, hatte nach Abschluss seines Studiums Ende der 1940er Jahre bereits Erfahrung in der Entwicklung des ersten kommerziellen Computers UNIVC gemacht. 1959 trat Baran in den Dienst der RAND Corporation und war mit der Beforschung von Konzepten der Dezentralisierung von Kommunikationsnetzwerken betraut. "On Distributed Communications Networks" stellte das erste Ergebnis seiner Arbeit dar und erschien in der Reihe der Arbeitspapiere des RAND. Obwohl 1962 Computer gerade erst zwanzig Jahre existierten, extrem teuer waren, raumfüllende Ausmaße hatten und ihre Vernetzung exotische Technologie darstellte, kulminiert Barans Konzept bereits in der visionären Frage: "Is it time now to start thinking about a new and possibly non-existant public utility, a common user digital data communication plant designed specifically for the transmission of digital data among a large set of subscribers?

    "Big Brother" ein Arbeitshaus im 21. Jahrhundert: Zur Aktualität des panoptischen Modells

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    By comparing the mechanisms of selection in the TV show Big Brother with the modern methods of business administration according to ISO norms 9000- 9004 on quality management a lot of similarities are shown. In some respect these broadcasts can be understood as workhouses in the Foucaultian manner, the give a public example how to work and how to behave

    nipy/PySurfer: Version 0.7

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    Support for Python 3.3 and up. A new alpha keyword to the Brain constructor now controls opacity of the rendered brain surface. The curv keyword to the Brain constructor has been deprecated. To replicate previous behavior when curv was set to True simply omit the curv keyword. To replicate previous behavior when curv was set to False, simply set the cortex keyword to None. To ease transition the curv argument will still be caught and processed, but it will be removed in a future release. The cortex keyword to the Brain constructor now also accepts a valid color specification (such as a 3-tuple with RGB values or a color name) to render the cortical surface in that color without rendering binary curvature values. Additionally it now also accepts a dictionary with keyword arguments that are passed on to the call to mlab.pipeline.surface. Brain.save_movie now uses the imageio library, eliminating the need to manually install ffmpeg. imageio has been added as an optional dependency which can be installed with $ pip install pysurfer[save_movie]. Brain.save_image now has the option to save with alpha channel and antialiasing