112 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbedaan Earnings Management Sebelum Dan Sesudah Initial Public Offering Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2014

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    The purpose of this research is to see the difference of earnings management to company performance before and after Initial Public Offering. Earnings management is detected and calculated with discretionary accruals (DA) Models of Jones Modified. The population of this study are all companies that IPO in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in observation year 2011-2014. The samples in this study amounted to 35 companies obtained by using Purposive Sampling method. Data analysis in this research using non parametric paired test that is wilcoxon test. The results in this study proves that there is no indication of earnings management one year before and one year after the IPO company

    Ambivalence of Identity and Dislocation Seen in Lotus Eater by W. Somerset Maugham and The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head

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    This paper focuses on identifying the ambivalence and displacement seen in two short stories. The first is Lotus Eater by W. Somerset Maugham and the second is The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses by Bessie Head. Both of the stories tells us about the cultural contact which occur in the colonial era where there are differences of culture and power operate. This paper uses Bhabhas theory of ambivalence and dislocation in order to scrutinize the ambivalence and dislocation in the two short stories. This research paper finds out that in those stories, the ambivalent identity and sense of dislocation emerge and affect to both sides interacting in the cultural contact. Both the ambivalent identity and the sense of dislocation operate together to tell the complex relation of the entities inside the stories.Keywords: cultural contact, ambivalent identity, displacemen

    Perancangan Interior Japanese Action Figure Center Di Surabaya

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    Japanese Action Figure Center in Surabaya is intended for lovers of action figures to be able to buy , assemble , and respond to their needs to provide a place that has the style of anime in Surabaya . The concept of this design is stylish and modern techno , which impressed futuristic design , and followed by the use of advanced technology in order to access the facilities in place . Brand image of the product sold itself is "imaginative and communicative " where the figure lovers will immediately be able to imagine the feel of the place is so into it . Therefore the design of the room is really an implementation of anime , or the character of the game , combined with a modern interior style

    Analisis Perbedaan Earnings Management Sebelum Dan Sesudah Initial Public Offering Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2011-2014

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    The purpose of this research is to see the difference of earnings management to company performance before and after Initial Public Offering. Earnings management is detected and calculated with discretionary accruals (DA) Models of Jones Modified. The population of this study are all companies that IPO in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in observation year 2011-2014. The samples in this study amounted to 35 companies obtained by using Purposive Sampling method. Data analysis in this research using non parametric paired test that is wilcoxon test. The results in this study proves that there is no indication of earnings management one year before and one year after the IPO company

    MEREFLEKSIKAN SAINS UNTUK ECOTEOLOGI Telaah Pemikiran Pierre Teilhard de Chardin dan Robert Spitzer

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    This writing is an attempt to discuss an ecotheology from the scientific point of view. The main sentence is that reflecting on the development of science which has ecological impacts could bring human beings to the awareness of their own lives, their relation with nature, and Gods presence in nature. The thoughts of two great minds, namely of Teilhard de Chardin and Robert Spitzer are being considered here and help reflect on the progress of science, mainly physics, chemistry, and biology in order to build this scientific-based ecotheology. This reflection holds its importance in todays world as we face ecological catastrophes. The culprit is humans voracity of energy to develop their lives, mainly in economic basis. Science that primarily serves human knowledge to search and find out the unknown regions of the universe is also able to serve the development of technology especially which generates energy. Since then, human beings exploit the sources of energy such as crude oil, coal, natural gas, and uranium, and in doing so they destroy Mother Nature and foul her with poisonous wastes

    Pengaruh Pesan Iklan #KitaVSCorona di Youtube terhadap Minat Beli Jasa Grab Dimassa Covid-19

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    Banyak perusahaan memanfaatkannya media sosial sebagai sarana untuk beriklan. Salah satu perusaan yang melakukan strategi iklan di media sosial Youtube adalah Grab Indonesia. Grab menyebarkan iklan #KitaVSCorona dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pesan mengajak dan meyakinkan masyarakat untuk menggunakan transportasi online Grab supaya lebih aman dan juga nyaman selama pandemi Covid-19. Teori dan konsep pada penelitian ini adalah teori Pesan Iklan dan teori Minat Beli, kemudian ada teori Elaboration Likelihood Model untuk menarik kesimpulan. Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah followers akun Instagram @grabid dan jumlah sampel awal yang diambil sebanyak 200 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan kuisoner pada followers akun Instagram @grabid. Kemudian data diolah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan, terdapat pengaruh sebesar 58,2% antara pesan iklan #KitaVSCorona di Youtube terhadap minat beli Jasa Grab. Kemudian dari keempat dimensi pesan iklan, dimensi yang paling berpengaruh besar terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah dimensi bentuk pesan dan struktur pesan


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    Pemimpin merupakan salah satu faktor penting penunjang jalannya suatu kegiatan di perusahaan dan kesuksesan perusahaan tersebut. Kepemimpinan etis sendiri memberikan dampak yang baik bagi perusahaan sendiri, dalam hal hubungan perusahaan dengan karyawannya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bahwa kepemimpinan etis dapat mempengaruhi keterikatan kerja karyawan dan kesejahteraan karyawan. Variable yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepemimpinan etis, keterikatan kerja karyawan dan kesejahteraan karyawan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kepemimpinan etis dapat mempengaruhi keterikatan kerja karyawan dan kesejahteraan karyawan
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