1,119 research outputs found

    7 Things Churches Can Do to Make Queer People Feel Welcome

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    For as long as I can remember, the church, for me, has been a place characterized by shame and hurt. I remember Christian high school friends telling me that I would go to hell for being Queer. I remember hearing sermons from televangelists about the evils of homosexuality, and church leaders pressuring youth leaders to cast out their Queer members. I\u27ve heard more talk of love the sinner, hate the sin, and God didn\u27t make gay, than anyone should, and I\u27ve even received personalized hate mail declaring that God hates dykes. [excerpt

    Evangelicals, Perceived Marginalization and Expressive Mobilization

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    Expressive forms of collective and individual mobilization of the evangelical population in the United States have been understudied in both social movement theory and religion and politics literature. While these forms of mobilization are not the only form of mobilization, they are important to understanding what specific issues evangelicals are feeling aggrieved about. Current research such as Wong (2018a; 2018b) and Sides, Tesler, and Vavreck (2018) have found that there is a growing sense of racial anxiety among the ranks of white evangelicals. Hence, it is likely that evangelicals, at least white evangelicals, are feeling a sense of marginalization. I theorize that a growing feeling of social marginalization is driving evangelicals to mobilize using forms of expressive mobilization such as political consumerism and Twitter venting. These forms of expression help to alleviate their social strain and promote their Biblical values publicly as a way of “identity claiming”. I interview clergy in three different states, perform case studies, and analyze Twitter data to test this theoretical assertion. I find that, while evangelicals are demonstrating signs of social marginalization, they are only mobilizing under a very specific set of circumstances. Their proclivity towards individual salvation and otherworldliness hinders a sense of “collective identity” which is essential to collective action

    Liposomal daunorubicin as treatment for Kaposi’s sarcoma

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    Anthracycline compounds including daunorubicin are the foundation of many modern chemotherapeutic regimens. However, the side-effects of these compounds can be severe, leading to alopecia, nausea, immune deficiency, and cardiotoxicity. For immunocompromised patients with aggressive Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), these complications often preclude the completion of appropriate chemotherapeutic regimens. This review focuses on the development and efficacy of liposomal daunorubicin (DaunoXome®; DNX) carriers for the treatment of KS. Encouragingly, DNX demonstrated increased in vivo stability and specificity. As a result, KS patients benefit from higher cumulative chemotherapeutic doses without significant cardiotoxicity. Tumor response to DNX treatment surpasses that of non-encapsulated daunorubicin and is similar to that observed with conventional multi-drug therapies such as ABV (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vincristine). Moreover, some reports indicate the patient quality of life during therapy may improve with DNX treatment. Although the development of DNX represents a significant advance in KS therapy, recent data suggest that additional modification of the liposomal carrier to include pegylation or target specific antibodies may further increase daunorubicin efficacy in the future

    Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy-Acute Cardiac Dysfunction Associated With Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is an acute and reversible cardiac wall motion abnormality of the left myocardium. Although many studies focused on etiology, diagnostic and treatment of TTC, precise clinical guidelines on TTC are not available. Research revealed emotional and physical triggering factors of TTC and emphasized the association of TTC with psychiatric and particularly acute neurological disorders. Similar clinical presentation of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and TTC patients, makes an anamnestic screening for TTC risk factors necessary. In psychiatric anamnesis affective disorders and chronic anxiety disorders are presumably for TTC. Subarachnoid hemorrhages and status epilepticus are typical acute neurological associated with a higher risk for TTC. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies reveled brain alterations of the limbic system and reduced connectivity of central autonomic nervous system structures. Diagnosis of TTC is made by elevation of cardiac enzymes, electrocardiogram (ECG) and visualization of myocardial wall motion. Major differential diagnoses like acute coronary syndrome and myocarditis are hereby in synopsis with anamnesis with respect of possible emotional and physical triggering factors of TTC ruled out. In most cases the TTC typical wall motion abnormalities resolve in weeks and therapy is only necessary in hemodynamic instable patients and if rare complications, like cardiac wall ruptures occur. Recently, the two-parted International expert consensus document on Takotsubo syndrome was published, providing a detailed characterization of TTC and allows clinicians to understand this cardiac dysfunction with a multidisciplinary view

    Semarang Civil Aviation Institute

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    Dalam menghadapi ASEAN Open Sky Policy Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas infrastruktur penerbangan, menyiapkan sumber daya manusia yang profesional, meningkatkan manajemen penerbangan dan memenuhi standar keselamatan internasional. Jika maskapai penerbangan Indonesia tidak mampu bersaing dalam pasar penerbangan ASEAN, kebijakan ASEAN Open Sky hanya akan menjadi ancaman bagi keberlangsungan industri penerbangan dalam negeri.Sedangkan pada kenyataanya untuk kesediaan sumber daya penerbang jumlah kebutuhan tenaga penerbang di Indonesia sangatlah tidak mencukupi. Setiap tahunnya sebanyak 400 hingga 500 tenaga penerbang (http://tabloidaviasi.com). Kalau dibandingkan dengan jumlah sekolah yang meluluskan peserta didiknya sejumlah 100 hingga 120 pilot.Untuk ATC, Indonesia diperkirakan masih kekurangan 200-300 orang per tahun. Lulusan ATC dari BPSDM mencapai 120-130 orang, kurang dari target 945 lulusan ATC dan kebutuhan Teknisi lebih dari 4700 teknisi per tahun yang tersedia 300-400 teknisi per tahun.(Persentasi CSE Aviation Media Gathering, 2015) Hal tersebut merupakan sebuah peluang bagi kota-kota besar di Indonesia salah satunya adalah semarang sebagai ibukota Jawa Tengah untuk menyediakan sebuah sekolah tinggi penerbangan.Keberadaan lima bandara di wilayah Jawa Tengah dengan dua bandara besar internasional dan tida bandara kecil mendukung untuk penyediaan sumber daya penerbangan yang maksimal di Jawa Tengah.Kedepanya tidak hanya untuk memenuhi sumber daya penerbangan dalam skala lokal, sekolah tinggi ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi sumber daya dalam skala nasional dan internasional. Untuk mendukung program tersebut, maka dibutuhkan fasilitas berupa sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Semarang yang berfokus pada pendidikan dan pelatihan teknologi terapan di bidang penerbangan serta menghasilkan lulusan yang dapat diakui secara internasional untuk menuju pusat keunggulan (Centre of Excellence) yang berstandar internasional yaitu Semarang Civil Aviation Institute (Sekolah Tinggi Penerbangan Semarang)

    Uji Toksisitas Akut Limbah Cair Tahu terhadap Daphnia Magna dengan Metode Renewal Test

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    Tofu is a domestic industry developed rapidly in Indonesia. Unfortunately the treatment of wastewater has not been done before the wastewater is thrown away to receiving water bodies. Therefore it is one of the causes of water pollution that effect the death of aquatic biota. Thus it is needed to do acute toxicity test. The goal of the research are to know the value of LC50 and to analyze the relationship of industrial wastewater of tofu UD. Tahu Jaya towards the experimental animal. Acute toxicity test is done by renewal test method in 96 hours using Daphnia Magna. The characteristic consentration of wastewater of tofu UD. Tahu Jaya is COD 4750 mg/l, TSS 2100 mg/l, ammonia 5,29 mg/l, pH 3 and temperature 33°C. Based on the result of analysis characteristics of tofu wastewater, it is known that the parameters of COD, TSS, ammonia, pass the quality standart of the rules of Enviromental Ministry No. 15 Year 2008 about the Quality Standart of Waste Water for Industry and Soybean Processing Activity. The value of LC50 is 6,509% and TUa (Toxicity Unit Area) of tofu industrial wastewater is 15,36 showed that the wastewater of tofu is very cause acute toxicity

    Pengaruh Komposisi Fly Ash Terhadap Kuat Tarik Belah Beton Porous Dengan Variasi Komposisi Agregat Kasar Daur Ulang (Rca)

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    Beton Porous merupakan beton khusus yang didesain memiliki porositas yang tinggi sehingga rongga pada beton mampu dilewati oleh air. Untuk mendapatkan porositas yang tinggi maka bahan penyusun beton porous terdiri dari campuran semen, air, agregat kasar, dan sedikit agregat halus atau sama sekali tanpa agregat halus. Namun beton porous memiliki kelemahan yaitu kuat tarik belah lebih kecil dari pada beton normal. Pemanfaatan RCA diharapkan mampu menjadi inovasi ramah lingkungan dan pemanfaatan fly ash diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kualitas beton porous sehingga mampu memberikan inovasi penerapan konsep 5R.Kemampuan beton porous cocok digunakan pada perkerasan yang tidak menerima beban berat. Kelebihan beton porous dengan porositas yang tinggi adalah mampu mengalirkan air dengan mudah. Pada penelitian ini dilaksanakan pengujian kuat tarik belah terhadap beton porous dengan kombinasi campuran fly ash sebesar 0%, 15%, 25% dan agregat kasar daur ulang sebesar 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. Pengujian beton porous menggunakan alat uji compression testing machine yang bertujuan mengetahui hubungan serta komposisi optimal kombinasi campuran fly ash dan RCA terhadap kuat tarik belah beton porous Hasil penelitian dari pengujian kuat tarik belah terhadap beton porous adalah kuat tarik belah tertinggi didapatkan pada komposisi fly ash 25% dan agregat kasar daur ulang (RCA) 75% dengan kuat tarik belah sebesar 1,5312 MPa untuk memenuhi persyaratan mutu beton perkerasan masih harus ditingkatkan. Hubungan antara komposisi fly ash dan RCA terhadap kuat tarik belah menunjukkan hasil yang beragam dikarenakan nilai penyerapan NA yang lebih tinggi daripada RCA

    Kelayakan Media Diorama Pemanasan Global Kelas VII

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    This research aimed to determine the feasibility of diorama as the media for global warming materials for grade VII of Junior High School. This research was a descriptive study. Data collection were done by using validation instrument. The diorama of global warming was accompanied with teacher's and student's guide sheets. The validation of the diorama and its guide sheets were done separately. The validation were done by 5 validators. 2 validators is the lecturers of biology education, while 3 others is the teachers of biology for grade VII of Junior High School. The validation of diorama and its guide sheets were obtained for 3.80 and 3.71 sequencely. Both are categorized as valid and feasible for global warming learning for grade VII

    Pengujian Kuat Lentur Kayu Profil Tersusun Bentuk Kotak

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    Kayu sebagai bahan bangunan mempunyai kelebihan dibanding bahan bangunan lainnya, tersedia hampir diseluruh dunia yang mudah diperoleh dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Namun, kayu solid sudah sangat susah ditemukan dengan ukuran yang diinginkan. Sehingga dibuatlah inovasi balok tersusun dengan cara menggabungkan beberapa kayu untuk mendapatkan variasi ukuran balok kayu yang diinginkan dan dibutuhkan. Dengan menggabungkan kayu menjadi balok tersusun digunakan berbagai macam jenis sambungan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat karakterisik kayu dengan pengujian modulus elastisitas dan kekuatan lentur balok tersusun kayu. Balok tersusun dengan dimensi 130 mm x 150 mm x 1000 mm dengan ukuran paku 2 inch dan variasi jarak paku 3 cm, 6 cm, dan 9 cm, dengan sistem kampuh mendatar dan kampuh tegak dibuat untuk mengetahui kekuatan balok tersusun mana yang lebih kuat dan lebih efisien. Pengujian dilakukan dengan parameter SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia).Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mutu kayu ditentukan oleh modulus elastisitas. Dalam hasil didapatkan bahwa kayu cempaka yang digunakan diperoleh hasil nilai E7, E8, E9, E10. Kuat lentur kayu didapat bahwa kampuh tegak memiliki kekuatan lentur yang lebih kuat dengan nilai 44,918 kN, 47,009 kN, 50,342 kN, dibandingkan dengan kampuh mendatar dengan nilai 44,061 kN, 43,339 kN, 32,505 kN. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kampuh tegak dengan jarak 9 cm mempunyai kekuatan yang lebih kuat. Kekuatan paku tidak dilihat dan ditentukan oleh jumlah paku

    Water adsorption on vanadium oxide thin films in ambient relative humidity.

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    In this work, ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) is used to study the initial stages of water adsorption on vanadium oxide surfaces. V 2p, O 1s, C 1s, and valence band XPS spectra were collected as a function of relative humidity in a series of isotherm and isobar experiments. Experiments were carried out on two VO2 thin films on TiO2 (100) substrates, prepared with different surface cleaning procedures. Hydroxyl and molecular water surface species were identified, with up to 0.5 ML hydroxide present at the minimum relative humidity, and a consistent molecular water adsorption onset occurring around 0.01% relative humidity. The work function was found to increase with increasing relative humidity, suggesting that surface water and hydroxyl species are oriented with the hydrogen atoms directed away from the surface. Changes in the valence band were also observed as a function of relative humidity. The results were similar to those observed in APXPS experiments on other transition metal oxide surfaces, suggesting that H2O-OH and H2O-H2O surface complex formation plays an important role in the oxide wetting process and water dissociation. Compared to polycrystalline vanadium metal, these vanadium oxide films generate less hydroxide and appear to be more favorable for molecular water adsorption