852 research outputs found

    Effect of KCl deposits in high-temperature corrosion on chromium-rich steels in SO2-containing atmosphere

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    High-temperature corrosion was studied under multiple chemical loads on ferritic-austenitic model alloys (Fe–13Cr, Fe–18Cr–12Ni, and Fe-25Cr–20Ni) with KCl deposit under 0.5% SO2/99.5% Ar gas atmosphere at 560°C. Postexposure characterization was done by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. In a pure SO2/Ar environment a protective Cr2O3 scale was formed by all samples. The introduction of KCl deposits causes the scale to be nonprotective and multilayered, consisting of CrS, FeS, Cr2O3,Fe3O4, and Fe2O3. The impact of the microstructure and alloying elements is discussed

    Physical performance in young men at Swiss Army recruitment 1982 to 2005

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    Little is known about the physical fitness profiles of the young Swiss population. The purpose of the present work is to describe the data of the physical performance tests at the compulsory Swiss Army recruitment. The 12-minute running test, the standing long jump, and the five-meter pole-climbing test were continuously part of the physical performance test for more than 20 years. These data show a decrease in aerobic endurance and pole-climbing performance from 1987 to 2002. After 2002 a reversal of trend occurred for the aerobic endurance performance. Muscle fitness, assessed by standing long jump, has not changed. The inconsistent data do not confirm the common opinion of a decreasing general physical fitness level among Swiss men

    Learning from scientific texts: personalizing the text increases transfer performance and task involvement

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    In an experiment with 65 high-school students, we tested the hypothesis that personalizing learning materials would increase students’ learning performance and motivation to study the learning materials. Students studied either a 915-word standard text on the anatomy and functionality of the human eye or a personalized version of the same text in which 60 definite articles (e.g., “the eye”) were replaced with 60 second-person possessive pronouns (e.g., “your eye”). Afterwards, participants answered comprehension and transfer questions. One week later, the participants were asked to restudy the text and to answer the same questions again with the aim to improve their performance. In the personalized text condition, students showed higher transfer performance, spent more time on restudying the text, and reported being more motivated than students in the standard text condition. However, only duration of restudying (not self-reported motivation) mediated the effect of personalization on transfer performance

    Kurz vor der Reform: Arbeitsmarktinstrumente auf dem Prüfstand

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    Eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik ist es, die Integration Arbeitsloser in das Erwerbsleben zu unterstützen. Um das Instrumentarium dafür sachgerecht auszugestalten, müssen Qualität und Wirkung der einzelnen Bausteine bekannt sein. Das IAB hat im Januar 2011 gemeinsam mit dem BMAS die bisher vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Befunde zu den Instrumenten der Arbeitsmarktpolitik systematisch aufgearbeitet und im 'Sachstandsbericht der Evaluation der Instrumente' zusammengefasst. Dieser IAB-Kurzbericht stellt die - nach Instrumentengruppen gegliederten - zentralen Befunde des Sachstandsberichts und die daraus folgenden Empfehlungen vor. Er gibt damit einen kompakten Überblick über die Ergebnisse von Evaluationsprojekten in Deutschland

    Effective treatment of the wastewater from ceramic industry using ceramic membranes

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    Emissions of organic compounds, heavy metals and chemicals used in the ceramic industry cause significant organic and inorganic pollution of water. The effluent must be treated before it is discharged into a water body. International and EU laws control the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the wastewater. Conventional technologies, such as sedimentation, flocculation and biological treatment, have lots of drawbacks, whereas membrane technologies give many benefits, as they are chemical-free and allow a reduction of the treatment steps. One-step wastewater nanofiltration with ceramic membranes of 450 Da cut-off is able to reduce the COD of ceramic wastewater to a sufficient level. However, the working time without cleaning is limited and the rejection of membranes can be significantly reduced due to fouling. Multistage filtration can be the solution. Filtration experiments with various combinations (MF, UF and NF) of ceramic membranes were performed at a laboratory scale with single-channel membranes and at pilot scale with 7-, 19- and 151-channel membranes in order to permanently reach the limit value of a COD below 80 mg/L and to increase the operating time. Four types of membranes were sequentially tested in the cross-flow mode: MF (200 nm pore size), UF (2,000 Da), NF (450 Da) and NF (200 Da). 5-day Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) tests were performed in order to examine the wastewater biodegradability. The test results with single-channel membranes showed that in terms of the highest COD rejection and the highest permeability, the best combination was that of MF and UF membranes. Here, UF membranes were sufficient to reach the limit values. As for the multi-channel membranes, the combination of MF and NF (450 Da) was the best and the final COD concentration ranged from 11 to 48 mg/L. 5-day BOD bottle tests showed a COD/BOD ratio of 3.8, which opened up possibilities for combined treatment

    Experimental characterization of the COndensation PArticle counting System for high altitude aircraft-borne application

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    A characterization of the ultra-fine aerosol particle counter COPAS (COndensation PArticle counting System) for operation on board the Russian high altitude research aircraft M-55 Geophysika is presented. The COPAS instrument consists of an aerosol inlet and two dual-channel continuous flow Condensation Particle Counters (CPCs) operated with the chlorofluorocarbon FC-43. It operates at pressures between 400 and 50 hPa for aerosol detection in the particle diameter (dp) range from 6 nm up to 1 micro m. The aerosol inlet, designed for the M-55, is characterized with respect to aspiration, transmission, and transport losses. The experimental characterization of counting efficiencies of three CPCs yields dp50 (50% detection particle diameter) of 6 nm, 11 nm, and 15 nm at temperature differences (DeltaT) between saturator and condenser of 17°C, 30°C, and 33°C, respectively. Non-volatile particles are quantified with a fourth CPC, with dp50=11 nm. It includes an aerosol heating line (250°C) to evaporate H2SO4-H2O particles of 11 nm<dp<200 nm at pressures between 70 and 300 hPa. An instrumental in-flight inter-comparison of the different COPAS CPCs yields correlation coefficients of 0.996 and 0.985. The particle emission index for the M-55 in the range of 1.4–8.4×10 16 kg -1 fuel burned has been estimated based on measurements of the Geophysika's own exhaust

    Plurilingualism and Language Policies in Tertiary/Higher Education and Research in Europe and Beyond

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    According to the OECD, the 22 European Union country members that belong to the OECD, totalled nearly 16 million higher education students in 2019. Parallel to this, and according to Eurostat1, the 27 European Union country members amounted nearly 2,8 million researchers in 2019, distributed in four main sectors – Business enterprise, government, higher education and private non-profit. As for the higher education sector, it totalled nearly 1,173.000 researchers in 2019, among the post Brexit 27 European Union country members. Since the EU counts twenty-four official languages, not accounting for regional and minority languages, these figures potentially suggest higher education language policies, as well as multilingual research and publishing practices, that should comply with the linguistic diversity that constitutes the EU, and for which EU officials claim to stand for. Yet, is this truly so? Indeed, is it possible to fathom the linguistic choices made by EU-based researchers? Have we got enough data and adequate perspectives to assess whether linguistic diversity is aimed for, encouraged and implemented through EU programmes such as Erasmus and Erasmus+?D’après l’OCDE, les 22 états membres de l’Union Européenne appartenant à l’OCDE comptabilisaient un total de 16 millions d’étudiants dans le supérieur en 2019. Par ailleurs, selon Eurostat1, les 27 états membres de l’Union Européenne comptaient 2,8 millions de chercheurs en 2019, selon une répartition qui distingue quatre secteurs principaux : entreprises, État, enseignement supérieur public et privé à but non lucratif. La sphère éducative de l’éducation supérieure, quant à elle, comptabilisait 1.173.000 chercheurs en 2019. Étant donné qu’il existe 24 langues officielles au sein de l’Union Européenne2 (mises à part les langues régionales et minoritaires) les chiffres précédents suggèrent des politiques linguistiques qui structureraient tant l’éducation supérieure que les pratiques plurilingues soutenant la recherche conduite en Europe. On peut aussi supposer que ces pratiques et ces politiques seraient cohérentes avec la diversité linguistique inhérente à l’Union Européenne et que les cadres de l’UE sont censés défendre. Mais, est-ce bien le cas? Est-il possible de sonder les choix linguistiques privilégiés par les chercheurs basés dans l’Union Européenne ? Existe-t-il des données disponibles qui permettent de comprendre si la diversité linguistique est un objectif qui se matérialise au travers de programmes européens tels qu’Erasmus ou Erasmus+ ?Peer Reviewe

    Comparison of different droplet measurement techniques in the Braunschweig Icing Wind Tunnel

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    The generation, transport and characterization of supercooled droplets in multiphase wind tunnel test facilities is of great importance for conducting icing experiments and to better understand cloud microphysical processes such as coalescence, ice nucleation, accretion and riming. To this end, a spray system has been developed, tested and calibrated in the Braunschweig Icing Wind Tunnel. Liquid droplets in the size range of 1 to 150 µm produced by pneumatic atomizers were accelerated to velocities between 10 and 40 m s−1 and supercooled to temperatures between 0 and −20 ∘C. Thereby, liquid water contents between 0.07 and 2.5 g m−3 were obtained in the test section. The wind tunnel conditions were stable and reproducible within 3 % standard variation for median volumetric diameter (MVD) and 7 % standard deviation for liquid water content (LWC). Different instruments were integrated in the icing wind tunnel measuring the particle size distribution (PSD), MVD and LWC. Phase Doppler interferometry (PDI), laser spectroscopy with a fast cloud droplet probe (FCDP) and shadowgraphy were systematically compared for present wind tunnel conditions. MVDs measured with the three instruments agreed within 15 % in the range between 8 and 35 µm and showed high coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.985 for FCDP and 0.799 for shadowgraphy with respect to PDI data. Between 35 and 56 µm MVD, the shadowgraphy data exhibit a low bias with respect to PDI. The instruments' trends and biases for selected droplet conditions are discussed. LWCs determined from mass flow calculations in the range of 0.07–1.5 g m−3 are compared to measurements of the bulk phase rotating cylinder technique (RCT) and the above-mentioned single-particle instruments. For RCT, agreement with the mass flow calculations of approximately 20 % in LWC was achieved. For PDI 84 % of measurement points with LWC<0.5 g m−3 agree with mass flow calculations within a range of ±0.1 g m−3. Using the different techniques, a comprehensive wind tunnel calibration for supercooled droplets was achieved, which is a prerequisite for providing well-characterized liquid cloud conditions for icing tests for aerospace, wind turbines and power networks

    Language Education and Multilingualism – The Langscape Journal Vol. 5

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    The fifth volume of Langscape’s scholarly open-access, peer-reviewed online journal is devoted to the theme of "Multilingualism in Virtual Communication and Encounters. New Approaches to Educational Contexts". Whatever the professional domain that may be considered, contemporary work-related practices, habits and gestures tend to become dematerialised and virtualised. This trend seems to correlate with the ever-expanding use of digital-based technologies, in European countries (Cousteaux, 2019; Eurostat, 2020) as much as anywhere else in the world (Gurría, 2019; Wyckoff, 2019). This trend has been even more pronounced since the outbreak of the world-wide pandemic situation in 2020. As a direct result from far-reaching lockdown measures, working and studying from home has become a daily routine for billions of people across the globe and seems to be here to stay.Le volume 5 de la revue Langscape, revue scientifique en ligne à accès libre et à comité de lecture est consacré au thème suivant : "Le plurilinguisme dans la communication et les rencontres virtuelles. Nouvelles approches dans les contextes éducatifs". Quel que soit le domaine professionnel considéré la tendence à la dématérialisation et à la virtualisation des pratiques, des habitus et des gestes au travail semble s’étendre, en corrélation avec le développement inexorable de l’usage des technologies digitale en Europe (Cousteaux, 2019; Eurostat, 2020) et ailleurs dans le monde (Gurría, 2019; Wyckoff, 2019). Cette tendance s’est accrue depuis le début de la pandémie de 2020 qui a affecté tous les pays. C’est un résultat direct des mesures drastiques de confinement prises alors : le télétravail est devenu une habitude pour des millliards d’individus partout dans le monde, et cela ne parait pas prêt de changer.El quinto volumen de Langscape, revista científica con comité de lectura y de libre acceso, estará dedicado al siguiente tema "El multilingualismo en encuentros y comunicación virtuales. Nuevos enfoques de los contextos educativos". Sea cual sea el medio profesional considerado, así como las correspondientes prácticas, se observa una tendencia según la cual hábitos y gestos relacionados con contextos profesionales se desmaterializan y se virtualizan. Esta tendencia sugiere una correlación con el uso creciente y constante de tecnologías digitales, como es el caso en países europeos (Cousteaux, 2019; Eurostat, 2020) así como en el resto del mundo (Gurría, 2019; Wyckoff, 2019). Esta tendencia parece haberse pronunciado desde la situación de crisis pandémica planetaria en 2020, la cual ha llevado a un número considerable de gobiernos a declarar el confinamiento de la población. Como resultado de esta situación, el trabajo desde casa se ha convertido en una rutina para miles de millones de personas en todo el planeta, y esta rutina parece que va a perdurar.Der fünfte Band der wissenschaftlichen, open-access Online-Zeitschrift von Langscape mit Peer-Review-Verfahren widmet sich dem Thema "Mehrsprachigkeit in der virtuellen Kommunikation und Begegnung. Neue Ansätze für Bildungskontexte".Peer Reviewe