204 research outputs found

    Sekstorsi: Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online Dalam Paradigma Hukum Indonesia

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    Sekstorsi adalah kekerasan berbasis gender online yang dilakukan pelaku dengan memeras korban terlebih dahulu secara materil maupun seksual disertai dengan ancaman dari pelaku yang akan menyebarluaskan konten pornografi milik korban. Secara umum, konten pornografi korban didapatkan oleh pelaku dengan memperdaya atau mengancam korban dan juga dengan metode hacking. Sekstorsi merupakan bentuk kejahatan yang melanggar hak asasi manusia dan melecehkan derajat perempuan. Oleh karenanya melalui tulisan ‘Sekstorsi: Kekerasan Berbasis Gender Online dalam Paradigma Hukum Indonesia’ yang diteliti penulis melalui metode yuridis normatif, penulis akan mencari ketentuan hukum positif Indonesia yang meregulasi mengenai kejahatan sekstorsi serta bentuk perlindungan yang dapat diberikan kepada korban. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa ketentuan hukum positif Indonesia yang meregulasi sekstorsi dapat ditemui dalam rumusan KUHP, UU Pornografi dan UU ITE yang masing-masing memberikan ancaman pidana bagi pelaku sekstorsi. Selain itu berdasarkan UU Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban, bentuk perlindungan yang diberikan kepada korban dapat berupa hak-hak untuk mendapatkan bantuan dan restitusi guna memulihkan keadaan korban sekstorsi seperti semula. Kata Kunci: sekstorsi, perlindungan, korban

    Pengaruh Perceived Social Media Marketing Activities Terhadap Brand Loyalty pada Industri Fast Fashion Efek Mediasi Brand Consciousness dan Value Consciousness

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    Media sosial telah menjadi sarana penting untuk acara pemasaran online. Media ini digunakan untuk menjalin hubungan yang lebih baik dengan konsumen. Sementara banyak penelitian sebelumnya yang telah meneliti media sosial, namun hanya sedikit yang menjelaskan efek dari social media marketing. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak perceived social media marketing activity terhadap brand loyalty, value consciousness, dan brand consciousness. Untuk menguji secara empiris efek dari kegiatan pemasaran media sosial, penelitian ini melakukan survei online pada pengguna media sosial kemudian SEM dengan AMOS 26 digunakan untuk mengestimasi hubungan variabel dalam model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived social media marketing activities berpengaruh negatif terhadap brand loyalty

    Can big data and random forests improve avalanche runout estimation compared to simple linear regression?

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    Accurate prediction of snow avalanche runout-distances in a deterministic sense remains a challenge due to the complexity of all the physical properties involved. Therefore, in many locations including Norway, it has been common practice to define the runout distance using the angle from the starting point to the end of the runout zone (α-angle). We use a large dataset of avalanche events from Switzerland (N = 18,737) acquired using optical satellites to calculate the α-angle for each avalanche. The α-angles in our dataset are normally distributed with a mean of 33◦ and a standard deviation of 6.1◦, which provides additional understanding and insights into α-angle distribution. Using a feature importance module in the Random Forest framework, we found the most important topographic parameter for predicting α-angles to be the average gradient from the release area to the β-point. Despite the large dataset and a modern machine learning (ML) method, we found the simple linear regression model to yield a higher performance than our ML attempts. This means that it is better to use a simple linear regression in an operational context

    Impact of Surface Chemistry of Silicon Nanoparticles on the Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Si/Ni3.4Sn4 Com-posite Anode for Li-Ion Batteries

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    Embedding silicon nanoparticles in an intermetallic matrix is a promising strategy to produce remarkable bulk anode materials for lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries with low potential, high electrochemical capacity and good cycling stability. These composite materials can be synthetized at a large scale using mechanical milling. However, for Si-Ni3Sn4 composites, milling also induces a chemical reaction between the two components leading to the formation of free Sn and NiSi2, which is detrimental to the performance of the electrode. To prevent this reaction, a modification of the surface chemistry of the silicon has been undertaken. Si nanoparticles coated with a surface layer of either carbon or oxide were used instead of pure silicon. The influence of the coating on the composition, (micro)structure and electrochemical properties of Si-Ni3Sn4 composites is studied and compared with that of pure Si. Si coating strongly reduces the reaction between Si and Ni3Sn4 during milling. Moreover, contrary to pure silicon, Si-coated composites have a plate-like mor-phology in which the surface-modified silicon particles are surrounded by a nanostructured, Ni3Sn4-based matrix leading to smooth potential profiles during electrochemical cycling. The chemical homogeneity of the matrix is more uniform for carbon-coated than for oxygen-coated silicon. As a consequence, different electrochemical behaviors are obtained depending on the surface chemistry, with better lithiation properties for the carbon-covered silicon able to deliver over 500 mAh/g for at least 400 cycles

    Role of silicon and carbon on the structural and electrochemical properties of Si-Ni3.4_{3.4}Sn4_4-Al-C anodes for Li-ion batteries

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    Varying the amounts of silicon and carbon, different composites have been prepared by ball milling of Si, Ni3.4_{3.4}Sn4_4, Al and C. Silicon and carbon contents are varied from 10 to 30 wt.% Si, and 0 to 20 wt.% C. The microstructural and electrochemical properties of the composites have been investigated by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical galvanostatic cycling up to 1000 cycles. Impact of silicon and carbon contents on the phase occurrence, electrochemical capacity and cycle-life are compared and discussed. For C-content comprised between 9 and 13 wt.% and Si-content >= 20 wt.%, Si nanoparticles are embedded in a Ni3.4_{3.4}Sn4_4-Al-C matrix which is chemically homogeneous at the micrometric scale. For other carbon contents and low Si-amount (10 wt.%), no homogeneous matrix is formed around Si nanoparticles. When homogenous matrix is formed, both Ni3_3Sn4_4 and Si participate to the reversible lithiation mechanism, whereas no reaction between Ni3_3Sn4_4 and Li is observed for no homogenous matrix. Moreover, best cycle-life performances are obtained when Si nanoparticles are embedded in a homogenous matrix and Si-content is moderate (<= 20 wt.%). Composites with carbon in the 9-13 wt.% range and 20 wt.% silicon lead to the best balance between capacity and life duration upon cycling. This work experimentally demonstrates that embedding Si in an intermetallic/carbon matrix allows to efficiently accommodate Si volume changes on cycling to ensure long cycle-life

    Aprovechamiento de los residuos del pinzote de plátano para la elaboración de cartón

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    Piura es una región de producción de plátano a nivel nacional donde la producción se localiza en la zona norte del país, en las regiones de Tumbes, Piura y Lambayeque, donde existen 5.500 hectáreas certificadas (80% concentradas en Piura). En el campo hay aproximadamente alrededor de 850 plantas por hectárea de las cuales solo se aprovecha el fruto. El pinzote es un residuo que se genera después de la cosecha de plátano como materia prima y puede ser utilizado para la elaboración de cartón que ha sido el estudio de nuestro trabajo y asimismo disminuir la tala de árboles que se realiza para obtener papel y derivados. La elaboración de cartón a base de pinzote de plátano que se realizó en este trabajo de investigación se empleó una metodología de cocción acuosa a dos diferentes tiempos de cocción de 60 min y 70 min, para evaluar la diferencia en el rendimiento; donde se obtuvo las características como el gramaje de 168 gr y 175gr, plenitud, rigidez y humedad de 8.45% y 7.9 % obtenidas del pinzote de plátano; por lo que podemos concluir de los resultados obtenidos que están dentro de los parámetros para ser considerado cartón

    Black hole parameter estimation with synthetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry data from the ground and from space

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    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has imaged the shadow of the supermassive black hole in M87. A library of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GMRHD) models was fit to the observational data, providing constraints on black hole parameters. We investigate how much better future experiments can realistically constrain these parameters and test theories of gravity. We generate realistic synthetic 230 GHz data from representative input models taken from a GRMHD image library for M87, using the 2017, 2021, and an expanded EHT array. The synthetic data are run through a data reduction pipeline used by the EHT. Additionally, we simulate observations at 230, 557, and 690 GHz with the Event Horizon Imager (EHI) Space VLBI concept. Using one of the EHT parameter estimation pipelines, we fit the GRMHD library images to the synthetic data and investigate how the black hole parameter estimations are affected by different arrays and repeated observations. Repeated observations play an important role in constraining black hole and accretion parameters as the varying source structure is averaged out. A modest expansion of the EHT already leads to stronger parameter constraints. High-frequency observations from space rule out all but ~15% of the GRMHD models in our library, strongly constraining the magnetic flux and black hole spin. The 1σ\sigma constraints on the black hole mass improve by a factor of five with repeated high-frequency space array observations as compared to observations with the current ground array. If the black hole spin, magnetization, and electron temperature distribution can be independently constrained, the shadow size for a given black hole mass can be tested to ~0.5% with the EHI, which allows tests of deviations from general relativity. High-precision tests of the Kerr metric become within reach from observations of the Galactic Center black hole Sagittarius A*.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Impact of non-thermal particles on the spectral and structural properties of M87

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    The recent 230 GHz observations of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) are able to image the innermost structure of the M87 and show a ring-like structure which is in agreement with thermal synchrotron emission generated in a torus surrounding a supermassive black hole. However, at lower frequencies M87 is characterised by a large-scale and edge-brightened jet with clear signatures of non-thermal emission. In order to bridge the gap between these scales and to provide a theoretical interpretation of these observations we perform general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion on to black holes and jet launching. M87 has been the target for multiple observations across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Among these VLBI observations provide unique details on the collimation profile of the jet down to several gravitational radii. In this work we aim to model the observed broad-band spectrum of M87 from the radio to the NIR regime and at the same time fit the jet structure as observed with Global mm-VLBI at 86 GHz. We use general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics and simulate the accretion of the magnetised plasma onto Kerr-black holes in 3D. The radiative signatures of these simulations are computed taking different electron distribution functions into account and a detailed parameter survey is performed in order to match the observations. The results of our simulations show that magnetically arrested disks around fast spinning black holes (a⋆≥0.5a_\star\geq0.5) together with a mixture of thermal and non-thermal particle distributions are able to model simultaneously the broad-band spectrum and the innermost jet structure of M87Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, submitted to A&

    TeraHertz Exploration and Zooming-in for Astrophysics (THEZA): ESA Voyage 2050 White Paper

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    This paper presents the ESA Voyage 2050 White Paper for a concept of TeraHertz Exploration and Zooming-in for Astrophysics (THEZA). It addresses the science case and some implementation issues of a space-borne radio interferometric system for ultra-sharp imaging of celestial radio sources at the level of angular resolution down to (sub-) microarcseconds. THEZA focuses at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths (frequencies above ∼\sim300~GHz), but allows for science operations at longer wavelengths too. The THEZA concept science rationale is focused on the physics of spacetime in the vicinity of supermassive black holes as the leading science driver. The main aim of the concept is to facilitate a major leap by providing researchers with orders of magnitude improvements in the resolution and dynamic range in direct imaging studies of the most exotic objects in the Universe, black holes. The concept will open up a sizeable range of hitherto unreachable parameters of observational astrophysics. It unifies two major lines of development of space-borne radio astronomy of the past decades: Space VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) and mm- and sub-mm astrophysical studies with "single dish" instruments. It also builds upon the recent success of the Earth-based Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) -- the first-ever direct image of a shadow of the super-massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy M87. As an amalgam of these three major areas of modern observational astrophysics, THEZA aims at facilitating a breakthrough in high-resolution high image quality studies in the millimetre and sub-millimetre domain of the electromagnetic spectrum.Comment: White Paper submitted in response to the ESA Call Voyage 205

    First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results and the Role of ALMA

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    In April 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration revealed the first image of the candidate super-massive black hole (SMBH) at the centre of the giant elliptical galaxy Messier 87 (M87). This event-horizon-scale image shows a ring of glowing plasma with a dark patch at the centre, which is interpreted as the shadow of the black hole. This breakthrough result, which represents a powerful confirmation of Einstein's theory of gravity, or general relativity, was made possible by assembling a global network of radio telescopes operating at millimetre wavelengths that for the first time included the Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array (ALMA). The addition of ALMA as an anchor station has enabled a giant leap forward by increasing the sensitivity limits of the EHT by an order of magnitude, effectively turning it into an imaging array. The published image demonstrates that it is now possible to directly study the event horizon shadows of SMBHs via electromagnetic radiation, thereby transforming this elusive frontier from a mathematical concept into an astrophysical reality. The expansion of the array over the next few years will include new stations on different continents - and eventually satellites in space. This will provide progressively sharper and higher-fidelity images of SMBH candidates, and potentially even movies of the hot plasma orbiting around SMBHs. These improvements will shed light on the processes of black hole accretion and jet formation on event-horizon scales, thereby enabling more precise tests of general relativity in the truly strong field regime.Comment: 11 pages + cover page, 6 figure
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