29 research outputs found
Evaluering av kompetanseløftet for spesialpedagogikk og inkluderende praksis : Delrapport 2
Kompetanseløftet for spesialpedagogikk og inkluderende praksis startet opp i 2021. Det gjorde også evalueringen av kompetanseløftet, og dette er den andre delrapporten fra evalueringen. Delrapporten omhandler særlig det vi omtaler som kompetanseløftets programteori, universitets- og høgskolesektorens rolle i kompetanseløftet og hvordan arbeidet har foregått frem til nå. Vi identifiserer også noen områder som vi mener det er særlig viktig å være oppmerksom på i det fremtidige arbeidet med kompetanseløftet og evalueringen. Rapporten er basert på intervjuer med representanter for Statsforvalteren, intervjudata fra casestudier og spørreskjemadata og rapporter fra statsforvaltere.Evaluering av kompetanseløftet for spesialpedagogikk og inkluderende praksis : Delrapport 2publishedVersio
IT as an Interactive Teaching Tool in Legal Education
This project is a continuation of a development project at Stockholm University Law Faculty, which has generated a prototype for interactive studies in procedural law. The project combines information technology (IT) and legal theory. This new project phase has three objectives: a) To test, evaluate, and elaborate the prototype and databases that so far have been developed in practical teaching situations, b) to make an international inventory and comparative analysis of ongoing projects concerning IT-based legal education, and c) further develop the knowledge about interactive teaching tools for legal education
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Juridikbok.se, CC-BY-NC 4.0</p
Utevarohandläggning och bevisprövning i brottmål
The thesis examines one specific and one general problem: First, an analysis of Chapter 46 section 15 of the Swedish Code of Procedure (RB 46:15), an exceptional provision that - in minor cases - allows the judge to carry through the trial when the accused has refused to present himself at court. Second, an analysis of methods for evaluating evidence in criminal cases. The two issues are linked together by a hypothesis that the extent of the burden of proof is proportional to the amount of information considered necessary to achieve secure judgement in the actual case. When the defendant is absent, Swedish law - as consequence of the loss of a major source of information - permits a less extensive examination, »satisfactory», in court. Thereby two different standards - one for trials in the absence, another in the presence of the accused - are etablished. But also within these two standards there are different ranges of investigation, depending on how serious the crime is, the existence of a guilty-plea or not, the legal requirement for proof of criminal intent and upon the factual circumstances in the individual case. The conclusion of the analysis is that it is adequate to speak of a prosecutor’s burden of investigation beside the burden of proof. By using a burden of investigation as a quantity standard it is possible to accept »beyond reasonable doubt» as a quality standard in all criminal cases. As sequel of the conclusion, evaluation of evidence is recommended to be executed as a two-step procedure: First the judge defines to what extent it is »reasonable» to examine alternative hypotheses in favour of the accused. If such a hypothesis cannot be tested - because vital information is missing - the prosecutor has failed to fulfil his burden of investigation. If the hypothesis cannot be falsified he has not fulfilled his burden of proof.Juridikbok.seCC-BY-NC 4.0</p
Aid to Mozambique An end to dependence? : an assessment of the quality of aid to Mozambique, with special reference to British and EC aid for health and education
Includes bibliographical references. Title from coverAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:m03/27222 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo
Criminal Justice for Assulted Women in Sweden : Theory versus Practise
This article examines whether there is criminal justice for women in reported cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) in Sweden. A sample of 474 cases drawn from police records show that criminal justice for victims of IPV does not accord with the intentions of the law. Factors that were most likely to increase the probability of the crime report leading to prosecution were whether the suspect had been interrogated and whether the woman was cooperating. IPV crimes have been subject to public prosecution since 1982 in Sweden, which means that legal action can be taken without the women’s cooperation, but in most of the cases that still seems to be a requirement for pursuing prosecution and for taking other legal action, such as issuing contact prohibition orders or the provision of injured party counsel. There is a need for greater knowledge of the complexity of IPV, and a greater willingness to take serious measures against these serious crimes.Artikeln publicerades i avhandlingen, med titeln "Från himlen rakt ner i helvetet": Från uppbrott till rättsprocess vid mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer. I avhandlingen hade artikeln titeln: Criminal Justice for Assulted Women in Sweden - Theory versus Practise</p