97 research outputs found

    Arbeiderkollektivet i dag - replikasjon og teoretisk utvikling

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    Sverre Lysgaards teori om arbetarkollektivet Ă€r fortfarande en inflytelserik klassiker inom skandinavisk arbetslivsforskning. Lysgaards studie genomfördes i en massa- och pappersfabrik pĂ„ 1950-talet och Jonas Axelsson, Jan Ch. Karlsson och Egil J. Skorstad har nu Ă„tervĂ€nt till fabriken för att ta reda pĂ„ vad som hĂ€nt med arbetarkollektivet sedan dess. Genom observationer pĂ„ arbetsplatsen och intervjuer med arbetare, ingenjörer och chefer, i tillĂ€gg till att de har haft tillgĂ„ng till data frĂ„n 1950-talet och 1980-talet, kan författarna kartlĂ€gga den teknologiska och arbetsorganisatoriska utvecklingen och dess pĂ„verkan pĂ„ arbetarkollektivet. UtifrĂ„n denna analys föreslĂ„r de tvĂ„ förĂ€ndringar i Lysgaards teori. Den ena Ă€r att dela upp det han omtalar som det ”tekniskt-ekonomiska systemet” i tvĂ„ relativt autonoma system, det tekniska och det ekonomiska. Det andra Ă€r att analysera hur kollektivet har infiltrerat det tekniska, men inte det ekonomiska systemet.Lysgaards teori om arbeiderkollektivet er fortsatt en innflytelsesrik klassiker i skandinavisk arbeidslivsforskning. Studien ble gjennomfĂžrt i en masse- og papirfabrikk pĂ„ 1950-tallet, og vi har returnert til fabrikken for Ă„ finne ut hva som har skjedd med arbeiderkollektivet. Gjennom observasjoner pĂ„ arbeidsplassen og intervjuer med arbeidere, ingeniĂžrer og sjefer, i tillegg til at vi har hatt tilgang til data fra 1950- og 1980-tallet, kan vi kartlegge den teknologiske og arbeidsorganisatoriske utviklingen og dens pĂ„virkning pĂ„ arbeiderkollektivet. PĂ„ basis av dette foreslĂ„r vi to typer endringer av Lysgaards teori. Den ene er Ă„ dele opp det Lysgaard omtaler som det teknisk/Ăžkonomiske system i to relativt autonome system, det tekniske respektive det Ăžkonomiske systemet. Den andre er Ă„ analysere hvordan kollektivet har infiltrert det tekniske, men ikke det Ăžkonomiske systemet.Lysgaard’s theory of the worker collectivity is still an influential classic in Scandinavian working-life research. The study was carried out in a pulp and paper mill in the late 1950s and we have returned to the plant to find out what has happened to the worker collectivity. Through observations at the workplace and interviews with workers, engineers and managers, as well as having access to data from the 1950s and 1980s, we are able to map the development of technology, work organization and the collectivity. On this basis, we suggest two changes to Lysgaard’s theory. One is to conceptually split what Lysgaard called the technical/economic system into two relatively autonomous systems – the technical and the economic, respectively. The other is to analyse the way in which the collectivity has infiltrated the technical, but not the economic system.publishedVersio

    Section 27 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 as a Violation of the Equality Clause of the Constitution of South Africa: A Critical Analysis

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    The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is regarded as one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. As the supreme law in South Africa, it applies to all law and conduct. All South African laws must be consistent with the Constitution. Where there is an alleged violation of constitutional provisions, that law or conduct must be evaluated to establish whether or not it is consistent with the values of an open and democratic society based on fundamental human rights such as human dignity and the right to equality. The Insolvency Act and section 27 in particular which is the focus of this paper must be consistent with the Constitution. Section 27(1) provides: "No immediate benefit under a duly registered antenuptial contract given in good faith by a man to his wife or any child to be born of the marriage shall be set aside as a disposition without value, unless that man's estate was sequestrated within two years of the registration of that antenuptial contract." This section protects benefits arising from an antenuptial contract and given by a man to his wife or to a child born of their marriage, from being set aside as dispositions without value during sequestration proceedings. The same protection is not afforded however, to benefits given by the wife under an antenuptial contract. This also excludes benefits given by those in a same sex marriage, and limits the benefits available to children born of that form of marriage. As the right to equality in section 9 of the Constitution seeks to provide equal benefits before the law to persons in the same or similar positions by prohibiting unfair discrimination, the limitations in section 27 render it vulnerable to constitutional review. As the Insolvency Act has not been amended as a whole to accommodate the equality provisions in the Constitution, in its current form, section 27 seems to violate section 9(3) of the Constitution on the grounds of sexual orientation, marital status and birth. However, certain proposals have been made in the report by the South African Law Reform Commission on the Review of the Law of Insolvency to develop section 27 to comply with the Constitution. Further developments have been proposed by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Developments in its presentations to the Labour Market Chamber in 2003 and 2006. This paper examines section 27 of the Insolvency Act as it currently reads, within the context of the right to equality in section 9 of the Constitution. Current developments in respect of section 27 will be considered to illustrate progress made in reforming the section and whether the reform measures proposed will protect all those affected by the discrimination arising from section 27. The discussion opens with a consideration of the current dispensation and the question whether section 27 violates section 9(3) of the Constitution. Current developments will then be discussed in the light of the current proposals.      &nbsp

    Suspicion and treatment of severe sepsis. An overview of the prehospital chain of care

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    Sepsis is a life-threatening condition where the risk of death has been reported to be even higher than that associated with the major complications of atherosclerosis, i.e. myocardial infarction and stroke. In all three conditions, early treatment could limit organ dysfunction and thereby improve the prognosis

    Assessmentof character structure based on ISTDP, compared with the patientÂŽs self assessmentof psychological distress

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    Inledning: Inom ISTDP har psykodynamisk diagnostik utvecklats och anvÀnds kontinuerligt i behandlingen. Diagnostiken delar in patienter i olika karaktÀrsstrukturer. Frederickson (2013) gör en indelning i de fyra kategorierna lÄgt motstÄnd, moderat motstÄnd, högt motstÄnd och skör. Föreliggande studie undersöker hur patienters bedömda karaktÀrsstruktur samvarierar med patientens sjÀlvskattning av sina psykiska besvÀr.  FrÄgestÀllningar: Samvarierar terapeutens bedömning avseende karaktÀrsstrukturerna lÄgt motstÄnd, moderat motstÄnd, högt motstÄnd och skör med patientens sjÀlvskattade psykiska besvÀr med utvÀrderingsformulÀret CORE-OM.  Metod: 31 patienter pÄ tre olika psykiatriska mottagningar har fyllt i sjÀlvskattningsformulÀret CORE-OM. DÀrefter intervjuades de av psykolog för att bedöma karaktÀrsstruktur. Den faststÀllda karaktÀrsstrukturen jÀmfördes med utfall i CORE-OM. De statistiska analyserna har genomförts med Spearmans rho vÀrde. Kruskal - Wallis rangordningstest. Vald signifikansnivÄ < 0.05. Uppföljande parvisa post/hoc test (Man-Whitney U test med Bonferoni korrigerat p vÀrde).  Resultat: Bedömd karaktÀrsstruktur samvarierar med patientens sjÀlvskattning av psykiska besvÀr mÀtt med CORE-OM. Skillnaderna Àr signifikanta mellan karaktÀrstrukturerna moderat motstÄnd och skör avseende bÄde CORE-OM total- och domÀnpoÀng. KaraktÀrsstrukturen skör skiljer ut sig signifikant frÄn övriga i domÀnen risk med högre grad av risk rapporterad. KaraktÀrsstrukturen moderat motstÄnd skiljer ut sig signifikant med rapporterat lÀgre grad av svÄrigheter i underkategorierna nÀra relationer och socialt i förhÄllande till övriga.  Diskussion: Studiens resultat pÄvisar att bedömning av karaktÀrsstruktur utifrÄn ISTDP Àr en tillförlitlig diagnostisk metod. Resultatet stödjer den lÄnga traditionen av teoribildning inom den psykodynamiska traditionen vad gÀller koppling mellan art av försvar och graden av psykisk ohÀlsa.Introduction: In ISTDP have psychodynamic diagnostics developed and is continuously used in the treatment. The diagnostics divides patients into different character structures. Frederickson (2013) makes a classification into these four categories low resistance, moderate resistance, high resistance and fragile. This study examines how patients assessed character structure correlates with the patient's self-assessment of their mental problems. Questions: Does therapist's assessment correlate, concerning the nature of the structures low resistance, moderate resistance, high resistance and fragile, with the patient's self-rated mental health problems with the evaluation form CORE-OM. Methods: 31 patients at three psychiatric clinics have completed the self-assessment form CORE-OM. Then they were interviewed by the psychologists to assess the character of the structure. The estimated structure was compared with the outcomes of the CORE-OM. The statistical analyzes were conducted with Spearman's rho value. Kruskal - Wallis rank test. Selected level of significance <0:05. Follow-up pairwise mail / hoc test (Man-Whitney U test with Bonferoni corrected p value). Results: The estimated character structure correlates with the patient's self-assessment of psychological disorders as measured by the CORE-OM. The differences are significant between character structures moderate resistance and fragile regard both the CORE-OM total and domain scores. Fragile character structure stands out significantly from the rest of the domain risk with higher degree of risk reported. Character Structure moderate resistance stands out significantly with reported lower degree of difficulty in subcategories close relationships and socially with the rest. Discussion: The study's results demonstrate that the assessment of the character structure based ISTDP is a reliable diagnostic method. The results support the long tradition of theory in the psychodynamic tradition of the link between the nature of the defense and the level of mental illness

    HACCP-Implementering och tillsyn

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      The food-safety legislation in Sweden were changed and updated in 1996, much because of demands from the European Union for a common legislation regarding the food-safety issues in the EU. This report discusses how the Swedish authorities are dealing with the new legislation in Sweden. Further on the report presents how the food safety officers in the municipalities in Sweden are implementing this new legislation in their daily work, especially the requirements regarding the HACCP, Hazard Analysis Control and Checkpoints. The report shows that the implementation is quite slow and that many foodsafety-officers don’t implement the legislation in the same way all over the country. In some parts of Sweden the officers demands a complete Hazard-analysisplan with Critical checkpoints while in other parts of Sweden the are not the same demands. The reason to why this is possible may be the educational differences between the food safety officers in Sweden. In some municipalities the officers are well educated about the new legislation including HACCP while other municipalities don’t afford or take the time to educate their officers. The report also shows that the knowledge of the new legislation is poor among the people who work in the food-section.
