33 research outputs found

    Assessment of water quality in distribution networks through the lens of disinfection by-product rules

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    Disinfection with chlorine is a common practice to ensure secured drinking water, but results in  potentially harmful disinfection by-products (DBPs), when excess chlorination is done. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has established Stage 1 and Stage 2 disinfection by-product Rules (DBP rules) to control DBP exposure. A modified version of the Canadian Council of Ministries of the Environment water quality index (CCME WQI) is used to assess water quality. CCME WQI is a  globally accepted index to assess water quality, but is too generic to be used for DBP rules. The study developed a scheme to make the index suitable for DBP rules. A scoring method based on an analytic  hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to assign weights based on DBP rules. A previously modified CCME WQI (Islam et al., 2014) is adapted along with the weights to perform the assessment at the distribution network (DN). A case study was performed on 7 sampling stations in a Québec City DN. The spatial water quality variations are presented using kriging – a geostatistical method, which identifies the regions with relatively poor water quality and highlights the potential locations for re-chlorination points. The proposed assessment formulation is flexible to handle situations with limited data, which makes it especially suited to smaller municipalities.Keywords: CCME water quality index, Stage 1 DBP Rule, Stage 2 DBP Rule, chlorinatio

    Tuscan Varieties of Sweet Cherry Are Rich Sources of Ursolic and Oleanolic Acid: Protein Modeling Coupled to Targeted Gene Expression and Metabolite Analyses

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    The potential of six ancient Tuscan sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) varieties as a source of health-promotingpentacyclictriterpenesishereevaluatedbymeansofatargetedgeneexpressionand metabolite analysis. By using a sequence homology criterion, we identify five oxidosqualene cyclase genes (OSCs) and three cytochrome P450s (CYP85s) that are putatively involved in the triterpene production pathway in sweet cherries. We performed 3D structure prediction and induced-fit docking using cation intermediates and reaction products for some OSCs to predict their function. We show that the Tuscan varieties have different amounts of ursolic and oleanolic acids and that these variations are related to different gene expression profiles. This study stresses the interest of valorizing ancient fruits as alternative sources of functional molecules with nutraceutical value. It also provides information on sweet cherry triterpene biosynthetic genes, which could be the object of follow-up functional studies

    Diversity under threat: Connecting genetic diversity and threat mapping to set conservation priorities for Juglans regia L. populations in Central Asia

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    Central Asia is an important center of diversity for common walnut (Juglans regia L.). We characterized the genetic diversity of 21 wild and cultivated populations across Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. A complete threat assessment was performed evaluating the short-term threats from overexploitation, overgrazing, landslides, and fragmentation as well as long-term threats from climate change. Based on key indicators of genetic diversity and threat magnitude, we developed an approach to identify wild populations for priority conservation and defined appropriate measures to conserve their genetic diversity based on the specific threat magnitudes. We propose (i) ex-situ conservation in areas with ‘severe threat level’ due to climate change and (ii) in-situ conservation in areas with ‘minor threat level’ due to climate change. In addition, we suggest (iii) assisted natural regeneration in areas where ‘minor threat levels’ from climate change coincide with ‘severe threat levels’ from one or more short-term threats. Our research shows high levels of genetic diversity as well as high threat levels in the walnut populations examined across three countries. Overgrazing and overexploitation were identified as the two most important threats whereas climate changed turned out to be of minor concern in the near future. Four out of the five populations selected for priority conservation are severely threatened: Kara-Alma (KGP3) and Sariosiyo (UZP4) by overexploitation and overgrazing, Vanj (TJP2) by landslides and fragmentation and Bostanlyk_2 (UZP2) by overexploitation. Only the Baljuvon population (TJP4) in Tajikistan shows minor threat levels in the short and long term. Thus, for all five priority populations the most appropriate conservation approach appears to be in-situ conservation. Spontaneous natural regeneration should be sufficient to ensure the long-term survival of the Baljuvon population (TJP4), while for the other four priority populations assisted natural regeneration may be needed. This network of five sites represents the minimum number of conservation areas for wild walnut in the three countries that should be established to capture a significant amount of the species genetic diversity. Conservation efforts could be extended to home gardens, which are a valuable genetic reservoir for the wild diversity found in the region

    The assessment of population exposure to chlorination by-products: a study on the influence of the water distribution system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The relationship between chlorination by-products (CBPs) in drinking water and human health outcomes has been investigated in many epidemiological studies. In these studies, population exposure assessment to CBPs in drinking water is generally based on available CBP data (e.g., from regulatory monitoring, sampling campaigns specific to study area). Since trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) are the most documented CBP classes in drinking water, they are generally used as indicators of CBP exposure.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this paper, different approaches to spatially assign available THM and HAA concentrations in drinking water for population exposure assessment purposes are investigated. Six approaches integrating different considerations for spatial variability of CBP occurrence within different distribution systems are compared. For this purpose, a robust CBP database (i.e., high number of sampling locations selected according to system characteristics) corresponding to nine distribution systems was generated.</p> <p>Results and conclusion</p> <p>The results demonstrate the high impact of the structure of the distribution system (e.g., presence of intermediary water infrastructures such as re-chlorination stations or reservoirs) and the spatial variability of CBPs in the assigned levels for exposure assessment. Recommendations for improving the exposure assessment to CBPs in epidemiological studies using available CBP data from water utilities are also presented.</p

    Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome associated with COVID-19: An Emulated Target Trial Analysis.

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    RATIONALE: Whether COVID patients may benefit from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) compared with conventional invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) remains unknown. OBJECTIVES: To estimate the effect of ECMO on 90-Day mortality vs IMV only Methods: Among 4,244 critically ill adult patients with COVID-19 included in a multicenter cohort study, we emulated a target trial comparing the treatment strategies of initiating ECMO vs. no ECMO within 7 days of IMV in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (PaO2/FiO2 <80 or PaCO2 ≥60 mmHg). We controlled for confounding using a multivariable Cox model based on predefined variables. MAIN RESULTS: 1,235 patients met the full eligibility criteria for the emulated trial, among whom 164 patients initiated ECMO. The ECMO strategy had a higher survival probability at Day-7 from the onset of eligibility criteria (87% vs 83%, risk difference: 4%, 95% CI 0;9%) which decreased during follow-up (survival at Day-90: 63% vs 65%, risk difference: -2%, 95% CI -10;5%). However, ECMO was associated with higher survival when performed in high-volume ECMO centers or in regions where a specific ECMO network organization was set up to handle high demand, and when initiated within the first 4 days of MV and in profoundly hypoxemic patients. CONCLUSIONS: In an emulated trial based on a nationwide COVID-19 cohort, we found differential survival over time of an ECMO compared with a no-ECMO strategy. However, ECMO was consistently associated with better outcomes when performed in high-volume centers and in regions with ECMO capacities specifically organized to handle high demand. This article is open access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Développement de stratégies pour l'évaluation de l'exposition de la population aux sous-produits de la chloration dans l'eau potable

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    Cette thèse est consacrée au développement de stratégies pour évaluer l'exposition de la population aux sous-produits de la chloration (SPC) dans l'eau potable. Afin de réaliser cette thèse, l'étude de cas est conduite dans les réseaux de distribution d'eau potable qui desservent la grande région de Québec (Province de Québec, Canada). Le premier chapitre constitue une analyse critique des approches appliquées pour estimer l'exposition de la population aux SPC dans l'eau potable dans les études épidémiologiques axées sur les problèmes de reproduction humaine. Cette analyse permet d'identifier les facteurs à considérer pour estimer l'exposition de la population, et plus particulièrement en intégrant la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de l'occurrence des SPC dans les réseaux de distribution. Le deuxième chapitre compare différentes méthodes pour assigner spatialement des données de SPC à la population afin d'estimer son exposition à ces contaminants. Le troisième chapitre intègre une analyse des risques pour la santé humaine (cancer et non-cancer) associés à l'exposition de la population aux SPC dans l'eau potable. Les caractéristiques des réseaux de distribution influant sur la variabilité spatiale de l'occurrence des SPC sont considérées dans l'analyse. Par conséquent, la distribution spatiale du risque pour la population dans chacun des réseaux de distribution à l'étude est obtenue. Dans le dernier chapitre, une modélisation statistique multi-niveaux est réalisée afin d'estimer l'exposition de la population aux SPC dans l'eau potable à l'échelle de la région à l'étude. Ces modèles font appel à des paramètres facilement disponibles et intègrent la variabilité spatiale mais aussi saisonnière de l'occurrence des SPC dans les réseaux de distribution d'eau potable

    Differential Lipid Composition and Gene Expression in the Semi-Russeted “Cox Orange Pippin” Apple Variety

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    Russeting is characterized by a particular rough and brown phenotype, which is mainly due to the accumulation of suberin in the inner part of the epidermal cell walls. In our previous bulk transcriptomic analysis, comparing fully russeted, and waxy apple varieties, showed, in apple fruit skin, a massive decreased expression of cutin, wax and some pentacyclic triterpene biosynthesis genes in the russeted varieties, with an expected concomitant enhanced expression of the suberin biosynthetic genes. In the present work, we performed a deep investigation of the aliphatic composition of the cutin, suberin, waxes, and triterpenes in the waxy and russeted patches of the semi-russeted apple variety “Cox Orange Pippin.” A targeted gene expression profiling was performed to validate candidate genes which were identified in our previous work and might be involved in the respective metabolic pathways. Our results showed that a decrease of cuticular waxes, ursolic acid and oleanolic acid, accompanied by an accumulation of alkyl-hydroxycinamates and betulinic acid, occurs in the russeted patches. The suberin monomer composition is characterized by specific occurrence of 20, 22, and 24 carbon aliphatic chains, whereas cutin is mainly represented by common C16 and C18 aliphatic chains. This work depicts, for the first time in apple, the complex composition of suberin, cutin, waxes and triterpenes, and confirms the strong interplay between these epidermal polymers in apple fruit skin

    La professionnalisation de l'emploi associatif. L'exemple des permanents des associations intermédiaires

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    en ligne : https://pmb.cereq.fr/doc_num.php?explnum_id=5519 / Série Documents Observatoire n°15

    La professionnalisation de l'emploi associatif. L'exemple des permanents des associations intermédiaires

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    en ligne : https://pmb.cereq.fr/doc_num.php?explnum_id=5519 / Série Documents Observatoire n°15