22 research outputs found

    Juvenile Analysed Based on The Aspect of Morality on The Movie “Alpha Dog” by Nick Cassavetes

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    This study is supposed to know the aspect of morality on the movie Alpha Dog by Nick Cassavetes, to know how the form and the function of language use for describing of moral and the use of language to present good and bad character using descriptive qualitative. Having been analyzed the writer comes to the conclusion that bad moral is dominant comparing to good moral. Final the main of character building is parent hands, that good character its part is frontal not to be given from generation but the parents companion is needed is every process of growth especially in the “labil”: condition of kids protected then from juvenile delinquencies. Juvenile delinquency look easy to spend out for the youth, and not to easy to care but it can be one of the danger of a nation, if it is not well cared by parent and society growth.  Keyword : Juvenille delinquency, morality, alpha dog

    Request Expressions in The Movie “Oblivion” By Joseph Kosinki

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    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisisungkapan permohonan. Ada ungkapan langsung permohonan secara sopan, ada ungkapan tidak langsung. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptifkualitatif. Terdapat 56 ungkapan langsung permohonan secara sopan, yaitupermohonan langsung 36(64.2%), kondisi pernyataan 16(28.6%), kondisi pembicara 2 (3.6%), ungkapan tidak langsung 2 (3.6%). Tergambar bahwa postur kesopanan mendominasi penggunaan kesopanan melalui ucapan aktor dalam menyampaikan ungkapan permohonan96.6%. Sementara itu presentasi negatif kesopanan dalam penggunaan strategi kesopanan dalam ungkapan permohonan 5.4%.Dalam penelitian ini dtemukan seluruh jenis permohonan bisa disampaikan menggunakan strategi kesopanan. Ditemukan ungkapan tidak langsung dapat diungkapkan melalui cara yang sopan. Di dalam ungkapan tidak langsung berdasarkan kondisi dan ungkapan langsung pembicara menggunakan cara yang sopan diungkapkan menggunakan positif dan negatif. Ungkapan tidak langsung 2 (3.6%) diungkapkan menggunakan carakesopanan positif, kondisi pembicara juga digunakan positif dan negatif. Enam belas diungkapkan melalui kondisi orientasi setempat36(64.2%), 14 (87.5%) diungkapkan dengan sopan. Sementara 12.5% menggunakan kesopanan yang negatif. Terakhir adalah permintaan langsung 36 (64.2%) sebagian besar data menggunakan strategi kesopanan positif 35 (97.5%) yang menggunakan strategi kesopanan negatif (2.8%).Kata Kunci:Ungkapan permohononan, Film “Oblivion” karya Joseph Kosink

    Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Shivering pada Pasien Pasca Spinal Anestesi

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the incidence of shivering in patients after spinal anesthesia. The method used was a systematic review of the incidence of shivering after spinal anesthesia. The results of this study show that spinal anesthesia causes shivering, which is influenced by the height of the spinal block, age, gender, length of operation, and body mass index (BMI). In conclusion, there is a relationship between age, gender, duration of surgery, body mass index (BMI), and the incidence of shivering in post-spinal anesthesia patients. All of these factors are related to each other.   Keywords: Shivering, Spinal Anesthesi


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data empirik dan menganalisis pengaruh penguasaan kosakata dan struktur kalimat melalui pemahaman membaca. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Kesuma Bangsa Beji Depok dari tanggal 7 Maret sampai dengan 7 Mei 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah Survei dengan teknik korelasi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka simpulannya adalah terdapat pengaruh penguasaan kosakata dan struktur kalimat terhadap pemahaman membaca. Hal ini diperlihatkan nilai koefisien korelasi ganda sebesar 0,918 dengan kontribusi sebesar 84,2% terhadap pemahaman membaca. Pengaruh ini signifikan dengan nilai sig yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,000. Nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari 0,05 yang berarti pengaruhnya signifikan. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan penguasaan kosakata terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa. Pengaruh ini signifikan dengan nilai sig yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,000. Nilai tersebut lebih kecil dari 0,05 yang berarti pengaruhnya signifikan. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan penguasaan struktur kalimat terhadap pemahaman membaca. Pengaruh ini signifikan dengan nilai sig yang diperoleh sebesar 0,000 yang lebih kecil dari 0,05.Kata kunci: Penguasaan Kosakata,Struktur Kalimat dan Pemahanan Membac


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh product placement terhadap brand awareness Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat product placement Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung, mengukur tingkat brand awareness Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung, dan pengaruh product placement terhadap brand awareness Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung. Dengan menggunakan dimensi dari product placement yaitu visual/screen placement. Kemudian dimensi dari brand awareness adalah top of mind, brand recall, brand recognition dan unaware of brand. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatf. Populasi peneitian ini adalah masyarakat Kota Bandung, berusia ? 17 tahun, dengan sampel 100 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kusioner dengan teknik purpose sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat product placement Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung dalam kategori tinggi, dan tingkat brand awareness Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung dalam juga dalam katagori tinggi. Kemudian hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signfikan antara product placement terhadap brand awareness Nissan Juke pada sitkom Tetangga Masa Gitu di Kota Bandung

    Pencampuran Batubara Beda Kualitas Untuk Memenuhi Permintaan Konsumen Di PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) bertujuan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen secara optimaldan menghasilkan nilai ekonomis dari batubara kualitas rendah melalui pencampuran berbagaijenis batubara. Namun, saat ini proses pencampuran yang dilakukan belum mampu memenuhipermintaan konsumen tersebut. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan perhitungan ulang menggunakanmetode linear programming metode simpleks dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak POM QMdan Ms. Excel-Solver untuk mencapai pencampuran yang optimal. Rencana pencampuran yangtelah diperbaiki sesuai dengan standar permintaan konsumen. Untuk Kadar Abu, perangkat lunakPOM QM menunjukkan rentang 5,15% - 6,81% dan perangkat lunak Ms. Excel-Solvermenunjukkan rentang 5,15% - 7,08% (spesifikasi permintaan konsumen: 5,5%- 8,9%). Untuk Kadar Sulfur Total, perangkat lunak POM QM menunjukkan rentang 0,34% -1,12% dan perangkat lunak Ms. Excel-Solver menunjukkan rentang 0,34% - 1,12% (spesifikasipermintaan konsumen: 0,40% - 1,40%). Sedangkan untuk Nilai Kalor, perangkat lunak POMQMmenunjukkan rentang 4400 kkal/kg - 6300 kkal/kg dan perangkat lunak Ms. Excel-Solvermenunjukkan rentang 4400 kkal/kg - 6300 kkal/kg (spesifikasi permintaan konsumen: 4400kkal/kg - 6300 kkal/kg). Dalam perencanaan pencampuran menggunakan perangkat lunak POMQM,digunakan 313.445 ton batubara kualitas rendah dari total stok 1.180.000 ton. Sementara itu,dalam perencanaan pencampuran menggunakan perangkat lunak Ms. Excel-Solver, digunakan335.973 ton batubara kualitas rendah dari total stok 1.180.000 ton, dan penggunaan perangkatlunak Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) dalam Ms. Excel PT. KPC menggunakan 270.300 tonbatubara kualitas rendah dari total stok 1.180.000 ton


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    AbstrakTingkat ketidakrataan jalan merupakan parameter awal yang biasa digunakan untuk mengukur kondisi jalan. Alat dan metode yang digunakan adalah alat NAASRA  atau biasa disebut dengan Roughometer NAASRA. Penggunaan metode dan alat ini berdasarkan SNI 03-3426-1994 untuk mendapatkan keseragaman dalam memperoleh nilai kerataan permukaan perkerasan jalan yang digunakan sebagai salah satu masukan dalam pemyusunan rencana dan program pembinaan jaringan jalan. Dari hasil pengukuran nilai IRI pada ruas jalan Bulu – Batas Kota Tuban, Kabupaten Tuban diperoleh 46,73% jalan dalam kondisi baik, 52,12% jalan dalam kondisi sedang dan 1,15% jalan dalam kondisi rusak ringan. Sehingga jenis penangan yang dilakukan pada ruas jalan tersebut adalah pemeliharaan rutin untuk kondisi jalan baik dan sedang sepanjang 42,943 km dan rehabilitasi mayor dan minir sepanjang 0,500 km.AbstractThe initial parameter commonly used to measure road conditions is the level of road unevenness. The tools and methods that used are NAASRA tools or commonly referred to as NAASRA Roughometers. The use of this method and tool was based on SNI 03-3426-1994 to acquire uniformity in obtaining the value of the surface flatness of the road pavement that used as one of the inputs in the preparation of plans and road network development programs. From the results of the measurement of the IRI value on the Bulu - Tuban City boundary road, Tuban Regency, it was found that 46.73% of the road was in good condition, 52.12% of the road was in moderate condition and 1.15% of the road was in a lightly damaged condition. So that the types of handling carried out on these roads were routine maintenance for good and moderate road conditions along 42,943 km and major and minor rehabilitation along 0.500 k

    Evaluation of the Implementation of Tax Incentive Policy for Small and Medium Enterprises Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic at the Tax Service Office Pratama Koja Utara Jakarta

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    The Covid 19 pandemic in almost all countries, including Indonesia, has negatively impacted the economic sector, especially the MSME business. The government has made various efforts to restore the Indonesian economy. Through the Directorate General of Taxes, under the authority of the Ministry of Finance, the government decided to provide tax incentives for taxpayers affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This final income tax incentive is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 44 PMK/03/2020. This regulation focuses on Small and Medium Enterprises. Taxes are usually 0.5% of gross income that is self-paid or deducted or collected by withholders or collectors. However, with PMK-44/PMK.03/2020, the tax is borne by the government, which means that the income is not subjected to tax from April 2020 to December 2020. This study used a descriptive method. The data was collected through a literature study where the author evaluated the implementation of government regulatory policies regarding applying tax incentives for MSMEs affected by Covid-19. The purpose of providing tax incentives to MSMEs is to reduce their difficulty in meeting operational costs or expenses so that MSMEs can survive during the pandemic, as well as save the national economy and maintain financial system stability. The study results show that tax incentives and relaxation and the provision of tax incentives to the beneficiary sector MSME are productive and able to support the recovery of the national economy. These programs and tactical steps ensure that economic growth is maintained even though these programs are separate and unrelated to the spread of Covid-19, which can be controlled quickly

    Gambaran Implementasi Regulasi Kawasan Tanpa Rokok Dalam Upaya Menurunkan Prevalensi Perokok Di Kabupaten Blitar

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    Blitar Regency already has a Regulation No. 1 of  2019 concerning Smoke-Freee Areas, carrying out technical capacity building for health workers in Stop Smoking Efforts (UBM) services. However, the number of smokers in Blitar Regency has not decreased, which is still 28.0%. This study aims to provide a descriptive description of the KTR regulations implemented by health facilities in Blitar Regency.  This is a type of quantitative research with a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The research material used was secondary data from KTR and Cigarette reports in Blitar Regency in 2022 for the PTM program. The number of smokers aged 10 - 18 years was 7678 people (4.47%) consisting of 81.61% male smokers and 18.39% female smokers. The number of schools that have implemented KTR is 894 (79.32%) and those that have not are 233 (20.68%). There are 3 clinics (12%) and 17 independent doctor practices (22.67%) that have implemented UBM. The results of the multiple linear regression test, both from the P value (Sig. 0.785) and the calculated F (0.244), both show that there is no significance between schools that have KTR or not and the number of smokers aged 10 - 18 years, P value > α 0.05 and F count < F table (3.47). The implementation of KTR in schools needs to be achieved up to 100% and also in other places where KTR is mandatory because the long-term goal is to reduce the prevalence of the number of smokers

    Rehabilitasi Desain Bendung Tukuman Kali Dengkeng Cawas Kabupaten Klaten– Jawa Tengah

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    Tukuman Weir is a weir of Dengkeng Cawas River, Klaten Regency, Central Java. This weir got a severe damage due to the excessive discharge in December 1989. This caused the people around the weir irrigated their field by free intake. The problems discussed in this paper are 1) the damage of the weir overflow, and 2) the damage of the tail water. The aim of the research is to maximize the flow of water into the irrigation network that the need of irrigation water can be met properly to increase the income of farmers each year. This research uses the latest data which then is processed by using hydrological analysis as the basic of the next planning. Watershed (DAS) of Dengkeng River is 101, 157 km2 in large, with three rain stations: Gantiwarno, Kemudo and Ngelo. The calculation of flood discharge plan uses several methods. The chosen discharge is the result of the calculation using HSS Gama I method with return period of 100 years, then continued with Qdesign=110 m3/sec. The large of the irrigation area of Tukuman weir is 150 hectares, with 0.22 m3/sec water need. From the result of the balance sheet analysis, the need of water irrigation is fulfilled, even it is a surplus. The rehabilitation concept is combining the fixed and barrage, but keeping the elevation of the old weir overflow. The redesign of the weir dimension with the fixed weir, the elevation height of the overflow is +102.02 m.dpl, rounded overflow with effective width of 7.75 m. While for the motion overflow, the overflow elevation is +99.7 m.dpl as planned, with 5 doors and effective width of each is 2.5 m. the length of the floor to the weir face is 10.5 m as planned, and the tail water of USBR type III is chosen. The cost of the weir rehabilitation is Rp. 3,241,000,000 with time estimation is 20 weeks. Based on the calculation, it is obtained that there is surplus on the water need that might be considered using it for other needs, for instance, enlarging the irrigation area or fulfilling drinking water needs