13 research outputs found

    Road Traffic and Its Influence on Urban Ammonia Concentrations (France)

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    Ammonia (NH3) is an unregulated atmospheric gaseous pollutant in ambient air, involved in the formation of fine particles. Ammonia is therefore a major precursor of particulate matter (PM), the health effects of which have been widely demonstrated. NH3 emissions are clearly dominated by the agricultural sector (livestock and fertilizers), but other sources may also be important and less studied, such as road traffic with the increased use of catalytic converters in vehicles. This study is based on a long-term real-time measurements campaign (December 2019–September 2021) on two urban sites: a background site and a roadside site in the same agglomeration in France. The study of historical measurements at the background site clearly demonstrated the dominance of agriculture on the ammonia concentrations. This influence was also observed at both sites during the measurement campaign. The annual and monthly averages obtained in the study were similar to previous ones, with concentrations between 1–10 µg/m3 at both sites, indicating lower levels than previous studies for the roadside site. The ammonia levels measured during the campaign at the traffic site were significantly higher than those measured at the background site, highlighting the road traffic influence on ammonia in urban area. The biomass burning influence also seemed to be observed during this long measurement campaign at the agglomeration scale. The influences of road traffic and biomass burning on ammonia concentration remain small compared to agriculture

    RePP'Air - Comprendre les mécanismes de transferts de produits phytosanitaires dans l'air pour une appropriation par la profession agricole.

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    The RePP'Air project aims to better understand the processes of transfer of plant protection products inthe air through the implementation of a measurement device on 7 sites in France, associated with surveysof agricultural practices on site. After 4 years of study, the RePP'Air project made it possible to betterunderstand the mechanisms influencing the transfers in the air, to sensitize the farmers and farmersorganisations, so that the agricultural sector appropriates this subject and the existing levers of action.Prospects for further work were also identified. The richness of this project also lies in its unprecedentedpartnership between agricultural actors, air actors, agronomic research and vocational schools, which hasenabled progress to be made on this topic of shared interest.Le projet RePP’Air vise à mieux appréhender les processus de transferts de produits phytosanitaires dansl'air via la mise en place d'un réseau de 7 dispositifs de mesures sur des espaces agricoles français,associé à des enquêtes de pratiques agricoles sur chaque site. Après 4 années d’étude, le projetRePP’Air a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes influençant les transferts dans l’air, sensibiliserla profession, de façon à ce que le secteur agricole soit d’approprie ce sujet et les leviers d’actionsexistants pour limiter les risques de transfert. Des pistes de travail à approfondir ont également étéidentifiées. La richesse de ce projet réside aussi dans son partenariat inédit entre les acteurs agricoles,les acteurs de l’air, de la recherche agronomique et de l’enseignement agricole qui a permis d’avancersur cette thématique d’intérêts partagé

    Substantial brown carbon emissions from wintertime residential wood burning over France

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    International audiencelevated concentrations of inorganic arsenic, one of the most potent environmental toxicants and carcinogens, have been detected in well water around Lake Poopó, Bolivia. This study aimed to assess human exposure to arsenic in villages around Lake Poopó, and also to elucidate whether the metabolism and detoxification of arsenic in this population is as efficient as previously indicated in other Andean areas. We recruited 201 women from 10 villages around Lake Poopó. Arsenic exposure was determined as the sum concentration of arsenic metabolites (inorganic arsenic; monomethylarsonic acid, MMA; and dimethylarsinic acid, DMA) in urine (U-As), measured by HPLC-HG-ICP-MS. Efficiency of arsenic metabolism was assessed by the relative fractions of the urinary metabolites. The women had a wide variation in U-As (range 12–407 μg/L, median 65 μg/L) and a markedly efficient metabolism of arsenic with low %MMA (median 7.7%, range: 2.2–18%) and high %DMA (80%, range: 54–91%) in urine. In multivariable-adjusted linear regression models, ethnicity (Aymara-Quechua vs. Uru), body weight, fish consumption and tobacco smoking were associated with urinary arsenic metabolite fractions. On average, the Uru women had 2.5 lower % (percentage unit) iAs, 2.2 lower %MMA and 4.7 higher %DMA compared with the Aymara-Quechua women. Our study identified several factors that may predict these women's arsenic methylation capacity, particularly ethnicity. Further studies should focus on mechanisms underlying these differences in arsenic metabolism efficiency, and its importance for the risk of arsenic-related health effects

    Comparison of PM10 Sources Profiles at 15 French Sites Using a Harmonized Constrained Positive Matrix Factorization Approach

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    International audienceReceptor-oriented models, including positive matrix factorization (PMF) analyses, are now commonly used to elaborate and/or evaluate action plans to improve air quality. In this context, the SOURCES project has been setup to gather and investigate in a harmonized way 15 datasets of chemical compounds from PM 10 collected for PMF studies during a five-year period (2012-2016) in France. The present paper aims at giving an overview of the results obtained within this project, notably illustrating the behavior of key primary sources as well as focusing on their statistical robustness and representativeness. Overall, wood burning for residential heating as well as road transport were confirmed to be the two main primary sources strongly influencing PM 10 loadings across the country. While wood burning profiles, as well as those dominated by secondary inorganic aerosols, present a rather good homogeneity among the sites investigated, some significant variabilities were observed for primary traffic factors, illustrating the need to better characterize the diversity of the various vehicle exhaust and non-exhaust emissions. Finally, natural sources, such as sea salts (widely observed in internal mixing with anthropogenic compounds), primary biogenic aerosols and/or terrigenous particles, were also found as non-negligible PM 10 components at every investigated site

    Assembly of The Mitochondrial Complex\u2005I Assembly Complex Suggests a Regulatory Role for Deflavination

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    Fatty acid \u3b2-oxidation (FAO) and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) are mitochondrial redox processes that generate ATP. The biogenesis of the respiratory Complex I, a 1\u2005MDa multiprotein complex that is responsible for initiating OXPHOS, is mediated by assembly factors including the mitochondrial complex I assembly (MCIA) complex. However, the organisation and the role of the MCIA complex are still unclear. Here we show that ECSIT functions as the bridging node of the MCIA core complex. Furthermore, cryo-electron microscopy together with biochemical and biophysical experiments reveal that the C-terminal domain of ECSIT directly binds to the vestigial dehydrogenase domain of the FAO enzyme ACAD9 and induces its deflavination, switching ACAD9 from its role in FAO to an MCIA factor. These findings provide the structural basis for the MCIA complex architecture and suggest a unique molecular mechanism for coordinating the regulation of the FAO and OXPHOS pathways to ensure an efficient energy production

    Caractéristiques et origines principales des épisodes de pollution hivernaux aux PM10 en France

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    National audienceThis paper aims at gaining an insight into the PM10 daily threshold (50 micro g/m3) exceedances measured by French regional air quality monitoring networks for the last four years. As almost three quarter of these exceedances happens to occur between November and April, we focus here on such winter (broadly speaking) pollution episodes. The deployment of monitoring devices allowing for a proper account of semi-volatile material within PM10 was achieved concomitantly to the development particulate pollution episodes largely influenced by ammonium nitrate (which is semi-volatile) in March-April 2007. Since then, such pollution events are frequently observed at this period of the year, notably due to stable meteorological conditions favoring the condensation of semi-volatile material into the particulate phase along with the resumption of manure spreading, which constitutes a major source of ammonium nitrate gaseous precursors (at least at some points of the year). Such pollution events, which are also related to combustion emissions (among which mobile sources) are typically preceded, from November to February, by frequent daily threshold exceedances with potentially significant influences of biomass burning (e.g. residential wood burning). The winter period is also impacted by long range transport episodes, corresponding notably to increases of ammonium sulfate relative abundances within PM10. Moreover, as traffic sites are generally the first ones showing PM10 exceedances due the increment of direct emissions and resuspension processes, mobile sources are also considered as a major target for action plans. Finally, it is underlined that the occurrence of daily threshold exceedances is highly influenced by meteorological conditions, so that the yearly number of these exceedances shows well-marked inter-annual variations, with 2009 and 2011 (and 2012, but not shown here) being significantly more polluted than 2008 and 2010. The on-going development of efficient forecasting systems still suffer lacks of detailed emission inventories and strong knowledge on the physical and chemical transformation processes of particles and their gaseous precursors within the boundary layer.Cette synthèse dresse une analyse non exhaustive des dépassements du seuil réglementaire journalier de 50 micro g/m3 pour les PM10 mesurés au niveau national par les Associations Agréées de Surveillance de la Qualité de l'Air (AASQA) au cours des quatre dernières années. Près des trois quarts de ces dépassements étant observés entre fin novembre et début avril, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement ici à ces épisodes hivernaux (au sens large). La mise en oeuvre de techniques analytiques permettant une prise en compte correcte des espèces semi-volatiles dans la composition des PM10 a coïncidé en mars-avril 2007 à la survenue de nombreux dépassements de seuil journalier s'accompagnant d'importants niveaux de nitrate d'ammonium (composé semi-volatil). Ce type d'épisode est régulièrement observé à cette période. Il s'explique notamment par la conjonction de conditions atmosphériques stables et propices à la condensation en phase particulaire des espèces labiles, et de la reprise des épandages agricoles, constituant une source majeure, au moins ponctuellement, de précurseurs gazeux azotés du nitrate d'ammonium. Ce type d'épisode, mettant également en cause les émissions anthropiques de combustion (dont les transports), est typiquement précédé entre novembre et février de fréquents dépassements pour lesquels le rôle des combustions de biomasse (incluant notamment le chauffage au bois individuel) peut être important. La période hivernale est également marquée par l'occurrence de phénomènes de transport longue distance se caractérisant par une augmentation des contributions du sulfate d'ammonium. Les sites de proximité automobile étant généralement les premiers concernés par les dépassements du seuil journalier en raison du surplus de concentrations provenant des émissions à l'échappement et des phénomènes de remise en suspension, le transport routier est également considéré comme un levier incontournable pour le respect des valeurs limites. Enfin, il est souligné que l'occurrence des différents types d'épisodes de dépassements dépend fortement des conditions météorologiques, de sorte qu'on observe une forte variabilité interannuelle du nombre de dépassements hivernaux ? : 2009 et 2011 (et 2012) étant significativement plus impactées que 2008 et 2010. Une bonne prévision de ces épisodes passe encore par l'affinage des cadastres d'émission et une meilleure compréhension du devenir dans l'atmosphère des émissions primaires (gazeuses et particulaires)

    Caractéristiques et origines principales des épisodes de pollution hivernaux aux PM10 en France

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    National audienceThis paper aims at gaining an insight into the PM10 daily threshold (50 micro g/m3) exceedances measured by French regional air quality monitoring networks for the last four years. As almost three quarter of these exceedances happens to occur between November and April, we focus here on such winter (broadly speaking) pollution episodes. The deployment of monitoring devices allowing for a proper account of semi-volatile material within PM10 was achieved concomitantly to the development particulate pollution episodes largely influenced by ammonium nitrate (which is semi-volatile) in March-April 2007. Since then, such pollution events are frequently observed at this period of the year, notably due to stable meteorological conditions favoring the condensation of semi-volatile material into the particulate phase along with the resumption of manure spreading, which constitutes a major source of ammonium nitrate gaseous precursors (at least at some points of the year). Such pollution events, which are also related to combustion emissions (among which mobile sources) are typically preceded, from November to February, by frequent daily threshold exceedances with potentially significant influences of biomass burning (e.g. residential wood burning). The winter period is also impacted by long range transport episodes, corresponding notably to increases of ammonium sulfate relative abundances within PM10. Moreover, as traffic sites are generally the first ones showing PM10 exceedances due the increment of direct emissions and resuspension processes, mobile sources are also considered as a major target for action plans. Finally, it is underlined that the occurrence of daily threshold exceedances is highly influenced by meteorological conditions, so that the yearly number of these exceedances shows well-marked inter-annual variations, with 2009 and 2011 (and 2012, but not shown here) being significantly more polluted than 2008 and 2010. The on-going development of efficient forecasting systems still suffer lacks of detailed emission inventories and strong knowledge on the physical and chemical transformation processes of particles and their gaseous precursors within the boundary layer.Cette synthèse dresse une analyse non exhaustive des dépassements du seuil réglementaire journalier de 50 micro g/m3 pour les PM10 mesurés au niveau national par les Associations Agréées de Surveillance de la Qualité de l'Air (AASQA) au cours des quatre dernières années. Près des trois quarts de ces dépassements étant observés entre fin novembre et début avril, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement ici à ces épisodes hivernaux (au sens large). La mise en oeuvre de techniques analytiques permettant une prise en compte correcte des espèces semi-volatiles dans la composition des PM10 a coïncidé en mars-avril 2007 à la survenue de nombreux dépassements de seuil journalier s'accompagnant d'importants niveaux de nitrate d'ammonium (composé semi-volatil). Ce type d'épisode est régulièrement observé à cette période. Il s'explique notamment par la conjonction de conditions atmosphériques stables et propices à la condensation en phase particulaire des espèces labiles, et de la reprise des épandages agricoles, constituant une source majeure, au moins ponctuellement, de précurseurs gazeux azotés du nitrate d'ammonium. Ce type d'épisode, mettant également en cause les émissions anthropiques de combustion (dont les transports), est typiquement précédé entre novembre et février de fréquents dépassements pour lesquels le rôle des combustions de biomasse (incluant notamment le chauffage au bois individuel) peut être important. La période hivernale est également marquée par l'occurrence de phénomènes de transport longue distance se caractérisant par une augmentation des contributions du sulfate d'ammonium. Les sites de proximité automobile étant généralement les premiers concernés par les dépassements du seuil journalier en raison du surplus de concentrations provenant des émissions à l'échappement et des phénomènes de remise en suspension, le transport routier est également considéré comme un levier incontournable pour le respect des valeurs limites. Enfin, il est souligné que l'occurrence des différents types d'épisodes de dépassements dépend fortement des conditions météorologiques, de sorte qu'on observe une forte variabilité interannuelle du nombre de dépassements hivernaux ? : 2009 et 2011 (et 2012) étant significativement plus impactées que 2008 et 2010. Une bonne prévision de ces épisodes passe encore par l'affinage des cadastres d'émission et une meilleure compréhension du devenir dans l'atmosphère des émissions primaires (gazeuses et particulaires)