348 research outputs found

    Person-environment fit: Does it matter for tourism students’ career outcomes in an era of crisis?

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    This study aims to examine the relationship of personal interest (P), the environment (E) (i.e., pandemic, social unrest, international disputes) and P-E fit, with the five selected career-related outcomes (i.e., intent to join tourism industry, lifelong commitment, leadership self-efficacy, resilience, and anxiety). Structural equation modelling was used to analyse 380 data from tourism students in Hong Kong higher education institutions. The results show that P strongly predict Intent, Lifelong, Leadership self-efficacy, and Resilience, while E strongly predicted Anxiety. Tourism educators and employers should facilitate a healthy match of P and E to attract new employees to the industry

    Career choice of tourism students in a triple-whammy crisis

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    Hong Kong hospitality and tourism industry has been battered by the triple whammy of social unrest, Sino-US trade war and COVID-19 pandemic in recent years. To understand how vulnerable tourism students may be in terms of career shock when facing the three major challenges, 407 tourism students in Hong Kong were surveyed. Structural equation modelling found a positive correlation between affect (an intrinsic, motivating factor) and extraneous events (an extrinsic, demotivating factor), indicating that motivation and demotivating factors may co-exist. Affect was more positively correlated with three career choice outcomes (intent to join the industry, desire for a lifelong career, and resilience in face of unfavourable circumstances) than was Extraneous. In face of career shock arising from extraneous events, tourism students still tend to have a strong intent to join the workforce, take it as a lifelong career, and remain resilient despite the hardship. However, the career shock was a greater concern for those in hotel-related disciplines and for students aged over 20 than younger ones. The findings offer an empirical basis to guide policy makers, academia and the industry in strategy formulation to ensure sustainable quality and manpower supply in the post-crisis future

    The Use of Text Messaging for Peer Support Among Counselling Psychology Graduate Students

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    The journey through graduate school to become a counselling psychologist is inherently challenging. Consequently, many students face emotional stress. Peers offer a unique source of support through a shared understanding of their experience. This pilot study used focused ethnography to understand how counselling psychology graduate students engage in emotional support with a peer through the use of text messaging within a naturalistic context. A three-member peer support group, comprising the researchers, served as the convenience sample. In this manner, the researchers both took part in and analyzed the experience of text messaging based peer support. Transcripts of emotional peer support interactions were obtained through sampling the participant-observers’ naturally occurring text message conversations. Elements of Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis (TA) and Elo and Kyngäs’ content analysis (CA) were used to categorize the raw data. The main findings indicate peer support bilaterally encompasses action, connection, disclosure, hearing, initiation, shared happiness, and solidarity. Within a support conversation, supporters predominantly used connection statements, whereas supportees mainly utilized emotional disclosure. These preliminary findings suggest that text messaging offers an immediate, intimate, and readily available platform through which peers can actively create a supportive dialogue

    Robo2 determines subtype-specific axonal projections of trigeminal sensory neurons

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    How neurons connect to form functional circuits is central to the understanding of the development and function of the nervous system. In the somatosensory system, perception of sensory stimuli to the head requires specific connections between trigeminal sensory neurons and their many target areas in the central nervous system. Different trigeminal subtypes have specialized functions and downstream circuits, but it has remained unclear how subtype-specific axonal projection patterns are formed. Using zebrafish as a model system, we followed the development of two trigeminal sensory neuron subtypes: one that expresses trpa1b, a nociceptive channel important for sensing environmental chemicals; and a distinct subtype labeled by an islet1 reporter (Isl1SS). We found that Trpa1b and Isl1SS neurons have overall similar axon trajectories but different branching morphologies and distributions of presynaptic sites. Compared with Trpa1b neurons, Isl1SS neurons display reduced branch growth and synaptogenesis at the hindbrain-spinal cord junction. The subtype-specific morphogenesis of Isl1SS neurons depends on the guidance receptor Robo2. robo2 is preferentially expressed in the Isl1SS subset and inhibits branch growth and synaptogenesis. In the absence of Robo2, Isl1SS afferents acquire many of the characteristics of Trpa1b afferents. These results reveal that subtype-specific activity of Robo2 regulates subcircuit morphogenesis in the trigeminal sensory system

    Robo2 determines subtype-specific axonal projections of trigeminal sensory neurons

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    How neurons connect to form functional circuits is central to the understanding of the development and function of the nervous system. In the somatosensory system, perception of sensory stimuli to the head requires specific connections between trigeminal sensory neurons and their many target areas in the central nervous system. Different trigeminal subtypes have specialized functions and downstream circuits, but it has remained unclear how subtype-specific axonal projection patterns are formed. Using zebrafish as a model system, we followed the development of two trigeminal sensory neuron subtypes: one that expresses trpa1b, a nociceptive channel important for sensing environmental chemicals; and a distinct subtype labeled by an islet1 reporter (Isl1SS). We found that Trpa1b and Isl1SS neurons have overall similar axon trajectories but different branching morphologies and distributions of presynaptic sites. Compared with Trpa1b neurons, Isl1SS neurons display reduced branch growth and synaptogenesis at the hindbrain-spinal cord junction. The subtype-specific morphogenesis of Isl1SS neurons depends on the guidance receptor Robo2. robo2 is preferentially expressed in the Isl1SS subset and inhibits branch growth and synaptogenesis. In the absence of Robo2, Isl1SS afferents acquire many of the characteristics of Trpa1b afferents. These results reveal that subtype-specific activity of Robo2 regulates subcircuit morphogenesis in the trigeminal sensory system

    Defining criteria for rheumatoid arthritis patient-derived disease activity score that correspond to Disease Activity Score 28 and Clinical Disease Activity Index based disease states and response criteria

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    Objective. Two versions of a patient-based DAS (PDAS) 1 and 2 (with and without ESR) have been developed and validated in RA. The objective of this study was to define PDAS1- and PDAS2-based criteria for remission, low, moderate and high disease activity and responses to treatment. Method. Using receiver operating characteristic curves, the optimal thresholds for PDAS1 and PDAS2 that correspond to validated assessor-based DAS (DAS28) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) disease statuses were determined. Data from RA patients initiated on disease-modifying drugs were used to determine optimal thresholds for PDAS1 and PDAS2 that corresponded to EULAR good and moderate responses. Agreement with DAS28, CDAI and EULAR response criteria was assessed by Cohen’s κ statistic. Results. Threshold for PDAS1 and PDAS2 demonstrated fair to moderate agreement with DAS28 [κ = 0.44 (95% CI: 0.40, 0.50) and 0.31 (95% CI: 0.25, 0.38)] and CDAI [κ = 0.27 (95% CI: 0.22, 0.33) and 0.42 (95% CI: 0.35, 0.49)] disease statuses, respectively, which was similar to agreement between DAS28 and CDAI [κ = 0.54 (95% CI: 0.46, 0.61)] within this group. Agreement of EULAR good and moderate response with PDAS1 and PDAS2 was κ = 0.46 (95% CI: 0.27, 0.64) and 0.38 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.56), respectively. Conclusion. Thresholds for disease activity statuses and response to treatment for PDAS1 and PDAS2 have been established. They have comparable agreement to assessor-based criteria

    Simple and Complex Metafluids and Metastructures with Sharp Spectral Features in a Broad Extinction Spectrum: Particle-Particle Interactions and Testing the Limits of the Beer-Lambert Law

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    Metallic nanocrystals (NCs) are useful instruments for light manipulation around the visible spectrum. As their plasmonic resonances depend heavily on the NC geometry, modern fabrication techniques afford a great degree of control over their optical responses. We take advantage of this fact to create optical filters in the visible-near IR. Our systems show an extinction spectrum that covers a wide range of wavelengths (UV to mid-IR), while featuring a narrow transparency band around a wavelength of choice. We achieve this by carefully selecting the geometries of a collection of NCs with narrow resonances that cover densely the spectrum from UV to mid-IR except for the frequencies targeted for transmission. This fundamental design can be executed in different kinds of systems, including a solution of colloidal metal NCs (metafluids), a structured planar metasurface or a combination of both. Along with the theory, we report experimental results, showing metasurface realizations of the system, and we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these different approaches, paying particular attention to particle-particle interaction and to what extent it hinders the intended objective by shifting and modifying the profile of the planned resonances through the hybridization of their plasmonic modes. We have found that the Beer-Lambert law is very robust overall and is violated only upon aggregation or in configurations with nearly-touching NCs. This striking property favors the creation of metafluids with a narrow transparency window, which are investigated here.Comment: Includes Supplementary Information, totaling 32 pages and 8 figure