22 research outputs found

    Potential of deep learning segmentation for the extraction of archaeological features from historical map series

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    Historical maps present a unique depiction of past landscapes, providing evidence for a wide range of information such as settlement distribution, past land use, natural resources, transport networks, toponymy and other natural and cultural data within an explicitly spatial context. Maps produced before the expansion of large‐scale mechanized agriculture reflect a landscape that is lost today. Of particular interest to us is the great quantity of archaeologically relevant information that these maps recorded, both deliberately and incidentally. Despite the importance of the information they contain, researchers have only recently begun to automatically digitize and extract data from such maps as coherent information, rather than manually examine a raster image. However, these new approaches have focused on specific types of information that cannot be used directly for archaeological or heritage purposes. This paper provides a proof of concept of the application of deep learning techniques to extract archaeological information from historical maps in an automated manner. Early twentieth century colonial map series have been chosen, as they provide enough time depth to avoid many recent large‐scale landscape modifications and cover very large areas (comprising several countries). The use of common symbology and conventions enhance the applicability of the method. The results show deep learning to be an efficient tool for the recovery of georeferenced, archaeologically relevant information that is represented as conventional signs, line‐drawings and text in historical maps. The method can provide excellent results when an adequate training dataset has been gathered and is therefore at its best when applied to the large map series that can supply such information. The deep learning approaches described here open up the possibility to map sites and features across entire map series much more quickly and coherently than other available methods, opening up the potential to reconstruct archaeological landscapes at continental scales

    The Roman centuriated landscape: conception, genesis and development as inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis case

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    Although centuriation was only one system of Roman land division, its impact on the landscape and its visibility in modern field arrangements make it the most commonly recognized expression of Roman landscapes. Centuriated grid systems are usually analyzed from a materialistic point of view and consequently regarded as an assertion of Roman dominance over conquered territories. In this sense, their productive function is clear. The hinterland of Tarraco (the ancient capital of the Roman province of Tarraconensis) offers one of the most clearly documented examples of multiple-grid centuriated systems. From 2006 to 2010, the Landscape Archaeology Research Group (GIAP) of the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology employed a wide array of digital and field methodologies at Tarraco to record the traces of centuriated land divisions and their Roman origin. Most importantly, these methods have allowed research to move beyond pure description of the traces to explore the concepts and ideas behind the making of a centuriated landscape. By using Tarraco as a case study, this article shows how centuriation was not only a system for dividing the land but also a conceptual appropriation of the landscape based on a strong mythical and religious backgroun

    La mémoire du sol : impact de l'occupation et des pratiques agraires anciennes sur le fonctionnement actuel des sols. Habitats et pratiques agraires autour de l'Abbaye de Saint-Seine, du Moyen Âge à nos jours

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    * INRA UR Innovations socio-techniques et organisationnelles en agriculture boulevard Dr Petitjean BP 87999 21079 DIJON CEDEX Diffusion du document : INRA UR Innovations socio-techniques et organisationnelles en agriculture boulevard Dr Petitjean BP 87999 21079 DIJON CEDEXNational audienceLocalisé en milieu forestier et inscrit dans un espace limité par de puissants talwegs paraissant dessiner son territoire (la "Combe Rat" à l'ouest, la "Combe d'Eté" à l'est et le Val Suzon au sud), il ne pouvait qu'attirer l'attention à la fois des historiens-archéologues et des géographes-agronomes spécialistes de la dynamique des paysages agraires et des sols : le gisement offrait la possibilité de recueillir et d'analyser les indices à la fois anthropiques, morphologiques, pédologiques et biologiques nécessaires à l'étude des modalités de formation, de développement et de transformation d'un territoire rural du Moyen-Âge à nos jours, il pouvait donner la possibilité de produire un modèle d'occupation et d'usage du sol tenant compte des dynamiques spatiales et temporelles à l'oeuvre dans la longue durée. Dans le prolongement des résultats obtenus en 2003, une équipe pluridisciplinaire a été constituée : elle s'est attachée en 2004 à poursuivre l'exploration diagnostic du gisement en réalisant une enquête approfondie des sources archivistiques et cartographiques, en opérant aussi sur le terrain, tant sur l'habitat que sur l'ensemble de son environnement forestier, des prospections, pédestres et géophysiques, des sondages archéologiques et en cours des analyses pédologiques systématiques

    Le retour du marchand dans la Chine rurale

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    Quelle est la recomposition des espaces et des échanges marchands dans la Chine rurale au sortir de l'expérience maoïste? Prenant appui sur plusieurs enquêtes locales portant aussi bien sur de vastes marchés spécialisés que sur des petits commerces privés, les auteurs analysent les contraintes mais aussi les ressources, institutionnelles et normatives, qui expliquent leur essor actuel. Des contributions historiques permettent de comprendre ce processus à la lumière de l'expérience passée. En..