229 research outputs found


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    Early infancy is ideal for children's physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and character development. The central pillar of early childhood education is parents, who shape early childhood character. Young children have spontaneous attitudes that cannot distinguish between good and bad behavior. Therefore, good stimulus can build good character, and poor stimulus can build lousy character. Environment, which includes family, school, and community, can shape early childhood character. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. Structured observation, semi-structured interviews using a scheduled questionnaire, and interview guides were employed to obtain data from research sources


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    Islamic finance is a system that originates from the Al-Quran and Sunnah, as well as from the interpretations of the scholars of these sources of revelation. The economic system is something that is important to the economy of a country. The economic system is formed due to various complex factors, such as ideology and belief system, way of life, geographical environment, politics, socio-culture, etc. The structure of Islamic finance has emerged as one of the most important modern implementations of the Islamic legal system and successful, and as a test for the renewal and development of Islamic law in the future. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This study aims to ensure that the financial system is carried out in accordance with Islamic teachings. The instruments of the Islamic financial system are zakat, prohibition of usury, economic cooperation, social security, prohibition against dirty business practices and the role of the state in the economic system. Keuangan Islam adalah sebuah sistem yang bersumber dari Al-Quran dan Sunnah, serta dari penafsiran para ulama terhadap sumber-sumber wahyu tersebut. Sistem ekonomi merupakan sesuatu yang penting bagi perekonomian suatu negara. Sistem ekonomi terbentuk karena berbagai faktor yang kompleks, misalnya ideologi dan sistem kepercayaan, pandangan hidup, lingkungan geografi, politik, sosial budaya, dan lain-lain.. Struktur keuangan Islam telah tampil sebagai salah satu implementasi modern dari sistem hukum Islam yang paling penting dan berhasil, dan sebagai ujicoba bagi pembaruan dan perkembangan hukum Islam pada masa mendatang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar sistem keuangan dilakukan sesuai ajaran Islam. Instrument sistem keuangan Islam adalah zakat, larangan riba, kerjasama ekonomi, jaminan sosial, Pelarangan terhadap praktek-praktek usaha yang kotor serta adanya peranan negara dalam sistem ekonomi


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    Early infancy is ideal for children\u27s physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and character development. The central pillar of early childhood education is parents, who shape early childhood character. Young children have spontaneous attitudes that cannot distinguish between good and bad behavior. Therefore, good stimulus can build good character, and poor stimulus can build lousy character. Environment, which includes family, school, and community, can shape early childhood character. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. Structured observation, semi-structured interviews using a scheduled questionnaire, and interview guides were employed to obtain data from research sources

    Evaluation of Kidney Transplant Candidates: An Update in 2012

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    Religious awareness is an attitude, experience, feeling and religious behavior that occurs within a person which is organized in the mental system of the personality of each individual. Religion involves all the functions of the human body and soul, so religious awareness also includes affective, conative, cognitive and motor aspects. The involvement of the affective and conative aspects appears in the experience of God, religious feelings and longing for God. The cognitive aspect is seen in the attitude of faith and belief, while the involvement of motor functions can be seen from the actions and movements of religious behavior. The research methodology used in this study is a qualitative research method with observation-based data collection techniques. The aim of this study was to determine the teacher's role in building religious awareness in students. The results of his research are that teachers familiarize students with religious practices and habits, create affection and harmonious relationships between teachers and students, motivate students to memorize selected verses of the Al-Qur'an, provide understanding and awareness to students of the importance of Islamic Religious Education , accustom students to always apply commendable traits and good morals

    Pengaruh Pemberian Reward terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    This research aims to determine the effect of giving rewards on the student learning motivation in learning PAI at SMPIT Ar-Rudho Jakarta. The method used in this research is field research which is in the form of observation and distribution of questionnaires that will eventually be collected and used as the source for data analysis. The hypotheses were tested using Pearson product moment correlation to find a correlation between variable X (Giving Rewards) and variable Y (Learning Motivation). The findings of this research indicate that there is an effect of giving rewards on the  student learning motivation. This can be seen from the correlation index value - (r observed) 0.401 ≥ (r table) 0.254 - which means that there is a strong enough influence of giving rewards on the student learning motivation. It can be concluded that the provision of rewards can increase student motivation. So that giving rewards can encourage students to be more active in the learning process at school. Keywords: Reward, Learning Motivatio

    Carbon dioxide emissions modelling in a power system model: A case study of Germany and Poland.

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    This study aims to build a method for validating a power system model in the PLEXOS software. Special emphasis is put on the carbon dioxide emissions modelling. A case study of Germany and Poland is formulated in order to apply the created procedure to a European power model. The verification of emissions being one of the outputs, is divided into two phases. The first one focuses on the historical results from 2016-2017, which are compared with the chosen reference statistics and the emissions results obtained in another optimization tool. The second phase looks into the trends of emissions in the near future, i.e. time period between 2019-2025. OSeMOSYS as the second piece of software is used for benchmarking the results obtained by the PLEXOS model

    Chip-off Success Rate Analysis Comparing Temperature and Chip Type

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    Throughout the digital forensic community, chip-off analysis provides examiners with a technique to obtain a physical acquisition from locked or damaged digital device. Thermal based chip-analysis relies upon the application of heat to remove the flash memory chip from the circuit board. Occasionally, a flash memory chip fails to successfully read despite following similar protocols as other flash memory chips. Previous research found the application of high temperatures increased the number of bit errors present in the flash memory chip. The purpose of this study is to analyze data collected from chip-off analyses to determine if a statistical difference exists between the removal temperatures of flash memory chips successfully and unsuccessfully read by using a t-test, F-test and an analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results from the statistical evaluation showed no statistical difference between the groups of memory chips successfully and unsuccessfully read, as well as, between older and newer types of Ball Grid Array (BGA) memory chips


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    This research is motivated by using eco-literacy as a teaching medium for science learning in elementary schools. The type of research used is a qualitative phenomenology approach. This research uses data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation with data analysis techniques through three channels: Data Reduction, Data Display, verification and conclusions. Research shows that school teachers often use the school environment to carry out outdoor learning processes. Class V students are happy and hope learning can occur at their school using the surrounding natural environment. Utilizing the environment in science learning also does not require costs. Learning patterns that utilize the natural environment also attract more students' attention. This can be seen from the results of observations, interviews, documentation and triangulation; all of the indicators in the research can support the use of the surrounding natural environment as a teaching medium for science learning
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