81 research outputs found

    The optimal piano teacher: Sosniak’s model versus Polish teachers from public music schools

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    The author deals with the relationship between a piano teacher and her/his pupil/student at different stages of development. The relationship is defined in the literature as one of the most important features determining musical-artistic achievements. She describes the American research into the nurturing of pianists’ talent, and presents the optimal model of piano teacher devised by L. Sosniak, based on interviews with 20 young American pianists with high and significant achievements. The model indicates that the best conditions for artistic development are the sequence of three different teachers, or three different pedagogical strategies, adjusted to the stages of development of young musicians: (1) music teacher for the youngest pupils, whose task is to arouse interest and provide intrinsic motivation and passion for music and piano-playing; (2) instructor teacher (for teenagers), whose task is to help students to build a solid métier, acquire the necessary motor skills and piano technique, and to improve their artistic performance; (3) master teacher for young adult pianists, whose task is to help them to integrate the skills gained previously, to shape their artistic personality. This sequence turned out to be extremely favourable for the later achievements of the interviewed pianists. The author then provides an analysis of statements by Polish pianists from the older generation, and an observation of the behaviour of piano teachers from Polish public music schools. These show that in our piano pedagogy there exists only one type of teacher, the instructor teacher who, compared to Sosniak‘s model, places the greatest emphasis on technical skills and avoids the issue of expression

    The prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes in Poland—current results (2009–2013)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Poland. Overall, 1,546 intestinal samples from 15 of the 16 provinces in Poland were examined by the sedimentation and counting technique (SCT). The mean prevalence of E. multilocularis in Poland was 16.5 % and was found in 14 of the 15 examined provinces. The mean intensity of infection was 2,807 tapeworms per intestine. Distinct differences in prevalence were observed between regions. In some provinces of eastern and southern Poland, the level of prevalence was 50.0 % (Warmińsko-Mazurskie), 47.2 % (Podkarpackie), 30.4 % (Podlaskie) and 28.6 % (Małopolskie), while in other provinces (west and south-west), only a few percent was found: 2.0 % (Dolnośląskie), 2.5 % (Wielkopolskie) and 0.0 % (in Opolskie). The border between areas with higher and lower prevalence seems to coincide with a north–south line running through the middle of Poland, with prevalence from 17.5 to 50.0 % in the eastern half and from 0.0 to 11.8 % in the western half. The dynamic situation observed in the prevalence of this tapeworm indicated the necessity of continuing to monitor the situation concerning E. multilocularis in red foxes in Poland

    A novel lipid binding protein is a factor required for MgATP stimulation of the squid nerve Na+/Ca2+ exchanger

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes 1788 (2009): 1255-1262, doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.12.016.Here we identify a cytosolic factor essential for MgATP up-regulation of the squid nerve Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Mass spectroscopy and Western blot analysis established that this factor is a member of the lipocalin super family of lipid binding proteins of 132 amino acids in length. We named it Regulatory protein of the squid nerve sodium calcium exchanger (ReP1-NCXSQ). ReP-1-NCXSQ was cloned, over expressed and purified. Far- UV circular dichroism and infrared spectra suggest a majority of β-strand in the secondary structure. Moreover, the predicted tertiary structure indicates ten β-sheets and two short α- helices characteristic of most lipid binding proteins. Functional experiments showed that in order to be active ReP1-NCXSQ must become phosphorylated in the presence of MgATP by a kinase that is Staurosporin insensitive. Even more, the phosphorylated ReP1-NCXSQ is able to stimulate the exchanger in the absence of ATP. In addition to the identification of a new member of the lipid binding protein family, this work shows, for the first time, the requirement of a lipid binding protein for metabolic regulation of an ion transporting system.The work was supported by Grants from the US National Science Foundation [MCB 0444598], Fondo Nacional para Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas [PICT-05- 12397 and PICT-05-38073], Consejo Nacional de Investigfaciones Científicas y Técnicas [PIP 5118 and PIP 5593] Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, Fondo Nacional para Ciencia y Técnica [S1-9900009046 and G- 2001000637] and Fundación Polar, Venezuela and The Rhode Island Idea Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)

    Uterine Gene Expression in the Live-Bearing Lizard, Chalcides ocellatus, Reveals Convergence of Squamate Reptile and Mammalian Pregnancy Mechanisms

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    Although the morphological and physiological changes involved in pregnancy in live-bearing reptiles are well studied, the genetic mechanisms that underlie these changes are not known. We used the viviparous African Ocellated Skink, Chalcides ocellatus, as a model to identify a near complete gene expression profile associated with pregnancy using RNA-Seq analyses of uterine transcriptomes. Pregnancy in C. ocellatus is associated with upregulation of uterine genes involved with metabolism, cell proliferation and death, and cellular transport. Moreover, there are clear parallels between the genetic processes associated with pregnancy in mammals and Chalcides in expression of genes related to tissue remodeling, angiogenesis, immune system regulation, and nutrient provisioning to the embryo. In particular, the pregnant uterine transcriptome is dominated by expression of proteolytic enzymes that we speculate are involved both with remodeling the chorioallantoic placenta and histotrophy in the omphaloplacenta. Elements of the maternal innate immune system are downregulated in the pregnant uterus, indicating a potential mechanism to avoid rejection of the embryo. We found a downregulation of major histocompatability complex loci and estrogen and progesterone receptors in the pregnant uterus. This pattern is similar to mammals but cannot be explained by the mammalian model. The latter finding provides evidence that pregnancy is controlled by different endocrinological mechanisms in mammals and reptiles. Finally, 88% of the identified genes are expressed in both the pregnant and the nonpregnant uterus, and thus, morphological and physiological changes associated with C. ocellatus pregnancy are likely a result of regulation of genes continually expressed in the uterus rather than the initiation of expression of unique genes

    The optimal piano teacher: Sosniak’s model versus Polish teachers from public music schools

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    The author deals with the relationship between a piano teacher and her/his pupil/student at different stages of development. The relationship is defined in the literature as one of the most important features determining musical-artistic achievements. She describes the American research into the nurturing of pianists’ talent, and presents the optimal model of piano teacher devised by L. Sosniak, based on interviews with 20 young American pianists with high and significant achievements. The model indicates that the best conditions for artistic development are the sequence of three different teachers, or three different pedagogical strategies, adjusted to the stages of development of young musicians: (1) music teacher for the youngest pupils, whose task is to arouse interest and provide intrinsic motivation and passion for music and piano-playing; (2) instructor teacher (for teenagers), whose task is to help students to build a solid métier, acquire the necessary motor skills and piano technique, and to improve their artistic performance; (3) master teacher for young adult pianists, whose task is to help them to integrate the skills gained previously, to shape their artistic personality. This sequence turned out to be extremely favourable for the later achievements of the interviewed pianists. The author then provides an analysis of statements by Polish pianists from the older generation, and an observation of the behaviour of piano teachers from Polish public music schools. These show that in our piano pedagogy there exists only one type of teacher, the instructor teacher who, compared to Sosniak‘s model, places the greatest emphasis on technical skills and avoids the issue of expression

    The category of body in Jealousy and medicine by Michał Choromański

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    Praca jest próbą wykazania w „Zazdrości i medycynie”, autorstwa Michała Choromańskiego, silnej obecności kategorii cielesności i jej wpływu na odbiór powieści. Początek pracy wprowadza odbiorcę w popularny współcześnie, kulturowy kontekst somatyczności oraz stawia pytanie o jej wcześniejsze funkcjonowanie w literaturze. W dalszej części uwaga zostaje skierowana na sposoby przejawiania się somy w konkretnym, wcześniej wymienionym, utworze oraz ważność redefinicji jego pierwotnej klasyfikacji w obrębie literatury i literaturoznawstwa. W trzech rozdziałach wykazana i interpretowana jest obecność ciała w narracji i języku „Zazdrości i medycyny”. Uwydatnieniu podlega charakterystyka kategorii cielesności i jej związki z innymi kategoriami, takimi jak: medycyna, erotyka, śmierć. Co więcej praca określa rolę jaką cielesność pełni w portrecie psychologicznym poszczególnych postaci. Tym samym potwierdzając tezy: o dominacji cielesnego odczytania nad odczytaniem wyłącznie przez pryzmat psychologii i obecności somy we wszystkich analizowanych poziomach powieści.The study is an attempt to demonstrate the strong presence of the category of body in "Jealousy and Medicine", by Michał Choromański, and its influence on the perception of the novel. Introduction acquaints the viewer into popular nowadays cultural somatic context and poses the question of its previous operation in the literature. In the next part the attention is directed to the manifestations of the soma in a specific, previously mentioned, novel and to the importance of redefining its original classification within the literature and literary criticism. In the three sections is shown and interpreted the presence of the body in the narrative and language of "Jealousy and Medicine". The work emphasize the characteristics of the body category and its relation with other categories, such as medicine, eroticism and death. What's more work shows role that physicality plays in the psychological portrait of each character. Thereby confirming the thesis of the dominance of bodily reading on reading only through the lens of psychology, and the presence of soma in all analyzed levels of the novel

    Association between depression and BMI among Cracow citizens in age of 45-69.

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    Background: Both depression and obesity affect the wider number of people all over the world and are among the main health problems of modern civilization. Depression and obesity may be linked to each other. Direction of this relationship is not clear – overweight / obesity, are causing depression or depression is a reason of obesity. Objective: Investigate the relationship between BMI and depression among residents of Cracow at the age of 45-69 years, taking into account gender, age, education, marital status, self health report, smoking, job status and physical activity.Methods: The study group was a representative sample of the population of Cracow (9095 people, including 4426 men and 4669 women). Data for analysis came from questionnaires of respondents, and anthropometric measurements. To assess depression the scale CES-D 20 was used and the occurrence of depression was observed in case of obtaining at least 16/60 pts. BMI was calculated from measurements of height and weight.Results: Among women, overweight and obesity were protective factors against the occurrence of depression. The chance of presence of depression in women who are overweight and obesity was respectively 24% and 19% lower than among women of normal weight. Results for underweight women, and underweight, overweight and obesitya group of men turned out not to be statistically significant.Conclusions: Prospective studies on the same population could prove exact direction of relationship, whether the disturbances of body weight have an influence on the presence of depression or vice versa – the occurrence of depressive disorders, promotes weight loss.Wprowadzenie: Zarówno depresja jak i otyłość dotykają coraz szerszej liczby osób na całym świecie i należą do głównych problemów zdrowotnych współczesnej cywilizacji. Depresja i otyłość mogą być ze sobą powiązane. Niejasny jest kierunek tej zależności – czy nadwaga / otyłość mogą powodować depresje, czy odwrotnie to depresja może przyczynić się do wystąpienia nadwagi lub otyłości. Cel: Zbadanie związku pomiędzy depresją a wskaźnikiem BMI wśród mieszkańców Krakowa w wieku 45-69 lat przy uwzględnieniu płci, wieku, wykształcenia, stanu cywilnego, samooceny stanu zdrowia, palenia papierosów, aktywności zawodowej i aktywności fizycznej.Metoda: Badaną grupę stanowiła reprezentatywna próba populacji Krakowa, licząca 9095 osób w tym 4426 mężczyzn i 4669 kobiet. Dane do analiz pochodziły z kwestionariuszy wypełnianych przez respondentów oraz pomiarów antropometrycznych. Do oceny depresji zastosowano skalę CES-D 20, a występowanie depresji odnotowano w przypadku uzyskania, co najmniej 16/60 pkt. BMI obliczono na podstawie pomiarów wzrostu i masy ciała.Wyniki: W grupie kobiet nadwaga i otyłość miały ochronny charakter przed występowaniem depresji. Szansa wystąpienia depresji w grupie kobiet z nadwagą i otyłością była o odpowiednio 24% i 19% mniejsza niż w grupie kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała. Wyniki dotyczące niedowagi u kobiet oraz niedowagi, nadwagi i otyłości w grupie mężczyzn okazały się nieistotne statystycznie.Wnioski: Cenne mogłoby okazać się przeprowadzenie badania prospektywnego na tej samej populacji, co pozwoliłoby na określenie dokładnego kierunku zależności, tj. czy zaburzenia masy ciała maja wpływ na występowanie depresji czy też odwrotnie – czy występowanie depresji sprzyja zaburzeniom masy ciała

    Evaluate the effectiveness of using storytelling to achieve marketing goals in the opinion of marketers

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    Przedmiotem pracy jest wykorzystanie storytellingu, zwanego inaczej marketingiem narracyjnym, w realizacji celów strategii marketingowych. Celem pracy jest określenie możliwości wykorzystania storytellingu do realizacji celów marketingowych w opinii marketerów. Przytoczona literatura oraz przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na opisanie specyfiki wyznaczania celów marketingowych oraz ich realizacji poprzez zastosowanie odpowiednich technik i narzędzi marketingu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem marketingu narracyjnego. Storytelling to technika, która służy realizacji celów marketingowych. Ten rodzaj marketingu wyróżnia markę na tle konkurencji oraz zbieżny jest z obecnymi trendami marketingu 4.0. Marketing narracyjny pozwala przedsiębiorstwom na realizację celów sprzedażowych i wizerunkowych, których osiągnięcie związane jest z działaniami w ramach określonej strategii marketingowej i biznesowej. Głównymi obszarami zastosowania marketingu narracyjnego są media społecznościowe oraz inne narzędzia wchodzące w skład marketingu internetowego. Firmy poprzez opowieść i pokazanie bohatera w postaci klienta, pracowników czy liderów, budują skuteczność oferowanego produktu w postaci rozwiązywania problemów poszczególnym grup docelowych. Szczególnie istotnym elementem w ramach storytellingu jest bazowanie na autentyczności danej marki.The subject of the thesis is the use of storytelling, also known as narrative marketing, to achieve the objectives of marketing strategies. The aim of the thesis is to identify the ways in which storytelling can be used to achieve marketing goals in the opinion of marketers. The literature cited and the studies carried out have made it possible to describe the peculiarities of the definition of marketing objectives and their implementation by applying appropriate marketing techniques and tools, with particular attention to narrative marketing. Storytelling is a technique that serves to achieve marketing goals. This type of marketing sets the brand apart from the competition and corresponds to the current trends of Marketing 4. 0. Narrative marketing enables companies to achieve sales and image goals that are linked to activities within a specific marketing and business strategy. The main application areas of narrative marketing are social media and other tools that are part of online marketing. By telling a story and showing a hero in the form of customers, employees or executives, companies create the efficiency of the product they offer by solving the problems of each target group. A particularly important element in storytelling is the authenticity of a brand

    Isoelectric focusing of proteins in the pH gradient as a tool for identification of species origin of raw meat

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    Health, religious, and commercial aspects justify the need for meat species identification. The lack of officially approved methods prompts the undertaking of research on validation of isoelectric focusing of proteins (IEF) for official purposes