193 research outputs found

    1st Place Essay - ENGL 1000 Literacy Autobiography Contest 2017

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    ASP.NET Implementation of Information System for Department Publication

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    Import 31/08/2009Tato diplomová práce se zabývá tvorbou aplikace, která má za úkol spravovat publikační činnost Katedry automatizační techniky a řízení. Aplikace je vyvíjena v prostředí ASP.NET 3.0. Přihlašování do aplikace je přes LDAP. Informační systém má několik uživatelských rolí. Umožňuje několik výstupů různých formátů. Výstupy dodržují normy ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690-2. Evidence výstupů je kompatibilní s požadavky na systém RIV.This Diploma project deals with creation application, that it have as one's task manage publication activity Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation, Technical University of Ostrava. Application is develop in environment ASP.NET 3.0. Login to the application be over LDAP. Information system has several users role. It makes possible several different output formats. Outputs keep norms ČSN ISO 690 and ČSN ISO 690-2. Outputs control is compatible with requirements on system RIV.352 - Katedra automatizační techniky a řízenívýborn

    Tracking the Elephant (\u3cem\u3eLexodonta africana\u3c/em\u3e) Corridor and the Human-Wildlife Conflict in Selela Village

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    The beastly journey of long-distance migration for the African Elephant (Lexodonta Africana) is important for upholding their connections between diminishing protected areas, especially in northeastern Tanzania. However, human development is encroaching into these corridors, creating a human-elephant conflict, which can ruin livelihoods of villagers, depending on the extent of conflict. This study focused on exploring the hypothesized human-elephant conflict on the Selela corridor, specifically in Selela village, as well as GPS (Global Positioning System) mapping evidence of elephant travel along the projected Selela elephant corridor connecting Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), to Selela Forest Reserve (SFR), and finally to Manyara Ranch. 61 interviews were conducted in the Selela village that consists of about 7,000 Maasai and Wambulu people. The village is adjacent to the SFR, which backs up to the Rift Valley Escarpment. Opportunistic interviews were conducted along the corridor with pastoralists, agriculturalists, Askari gaurds, and one key-informant interview. Furthermore, the corridor was physically mapped by using Global Positioning System to mark each piece of evidence (dung, tracks, browsing, scratching, and wallowing). We found that, after compiling interviews and GPS waypoints of elephant evidence, we can conclude the Selela elephant corridor is currently used for migration during the rainy season. We support our hypothesis that elephants currently travel during the rainy season from NCA to SFR and from Manyara Ranch to Losimangori Mountains (LM), and possibly from LM to SFR, but there was not enough elephant evidence to confirm that area is still connected to the SFR. There is a large human-elephant conflict in Selela village, where elephants often kill humans and destroy farmland. Elephants might travel to the SFR in order to escape dangerous ants in NCA, to eat crops, and for the high phosphorous levels in the forest for lactating females. We hope that this study can be used to help conserve this vital elephant corridor and assist in resolving the human-elephant conflict in Selela village in the wake of increasing human development

    Tracking the Elephant (Lexodonta africana) Corridor and the Human-Wildlife Conflict in Selela Village

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    The beastly journey of long-distance migration for the African Elephant (Lexodonta Africana) is important for upholding their connections between diminishing protected areas, especially in northeastern Tanzania. However, human development is encroaching into these corridors, creating a human-elephant conflict, which can ruin livelihoods of villagers, depending on the extent of conflict. This study focused on exploring the hypothesized human-elephant conflict on the Selela corridor, specifically in Selela village, as well as GPS (Global Positioning System) mapping evidence of elephant travel along the projected Selela elephant corridor connecting Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA), to Selela Forest Reserve (SFR), and finally to Manyara Ranch. 61 interviews were conducted in the Selela village that consists of about 7,000 Maasai and Wambulu people. The village is adjacent to the SFR, which backs up to the Rift Valley Escarpment. Opportunistic interviews were conducted along the corridor with pastoralists, agriculturalists, Askari gaurds, and one key-informant interview. Furthermore, the corridor was physically mapped by using Global Positioning System to mark each piece of evidence (dung, tracks, browsing, scratching, and wallowing). We found that, after compiling interviews and GPS waypoints of elephant evidence, we can conclude the Selela elephant corridor is currently used for migration during the rainy season. We support our hypothesis that elephants currently travel during the rainy season from NCA to SFR and from Manyara Ranch to Losimangori Mountains (LM), and possibly from LM to SFR, but there was not enough elephant evidence to confirm that area is still connected to the SFR. There is a large human-elephant conflict in Selela village, where elephants often kill humans and destroy farmland. Elephants might travel to the SFR in order to escape dangerous ants in NCA, to eat crops, and for the high phosphorous levels in the forest for lactating females. We hope that this study can be used to help conserve this vital elephant corridor and assist in resolving the human-elephant conflict in Selela village in the wake of increasing human development

    Expression and Isolation of the BchE Encoded Protein of \u3cem\u3eRhodobacter capsulatus in Rhodobacter capsulatus\u3c/em\u3e

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    Bacteriochlorophyll plays an essential role in the process of photosynthesis in photosynthetic bacteria, but several of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of this tetrapyrrole are yet to be entirely understood. The step in which the ring structure of the tetrapyrrole is formed is catalyzed by the enzyme Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase (MPE-cyclase) which converts the substrate MPE into protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) and incorporates an oxygen atom from water. The gene bchE has been suggested to encode a protein required for MPE-cyclase activity in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus. In order to study the cyclase enzyme, we attempted to isolate the polypeptide encoded by bchE by first expressing the protein using pRho expression vectors in R. capsulatus. With column chromatography we hoped to isolate the BchE protein for further studies and co-purify any strongly associated partners. A MSMS analysis of the elutions from the chromatography column revealed that Pyruvate carboxylase was purified along with the two propionyl-CoA carboxylase subunits alpha and beta. These results indicated that biotin from the RC-V media had out-competed the StrepII-tag of BchE for binding to the streptactin column thus leading to the purification of biotin utilizing enzymes, but confirmed that it is possible to co-purify protein partners with strong binding affinities

    Non-Standard Use of Collaborative Robots

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá nestandartními způsoby využití kolaborativních robotů. V rámci práce je navržena úloha s kolaborativním robotem UR3, sloužící k propagaci Katedry robotiky. V úvodu práce jsou popsány kolaborativní roboty a možnosti jejich nasazení. Následně jsou navrženy tři varianty koncepčního řešení propagačních úloh. Z nich je vybrána vítězná varianta, spočívající v kreslení portrétů kolaborativním robotem. Pro úlohu jsou navrženy potřebné hardwarové komponenty a software. Následně je ověřena funkčnost navržené úlohy. Výstupem práce je plně funkční úloha s kolaborativním robotem propagující Katedru robotiky.The diploma thesis deals with non-standard ways of using collaborative robots. Within the work, a task with a collaborative robot UR3 is designed with the intended use to promote the Department of Robotics. The introduction describes collaborative robots and the possibilities of their deployment. Subsequently, three variants of the conceptual solution of promotional tasks are proposed. The winning variant is chosen from them and consists of drawing portraits by the collaborative robot. The necessary hardware components and software are designed for the task. Subsequently, the functionality of the designed task is verified. The output of the work is a fully functional task with the collaborative robot promoting the Department of Robotics.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    A comparison of overbank flow conditions in skewed and converging/diverging channels

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    River hydrodynamicsOverbank flows and vegetatio