125 research outputs found

    Analisis Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Orientasi Perilaku Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada Brem Merek Rumah Joglo, Desa Kaliabu, Caruban – Madiun)

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    Consumer behavior towards a product can vary depending on what orientation . With regard to this behavior , the marketer can identify consumer segments based on product benefits the customer wants . By knowing consumer behavior can also develop the product strategy , promotion strategy , pricing , and distribution systems . This study aimed to determine the knowledge and consumer appetite for brem joglo , consumer behavior , and marketing mix factors memepngaruhi consumer interest in buying brem joglo . The results showed that many who do not know brem joglo . This is due to a lack of distribution and promotion . Consumer behavior before buying , buying time generally is on holiday . And consumers buy directly come to the store . Behavior when buying , the most dominant purchase amount is 1-10 pack every time a purchase . Besides the dominant consumer taste tester , reading labels , asking price , and bargain prices when buying . Behavior after purchasing , the dominant product usability for a souvenir . In addition, consumers are satisfied and will continue to re-purchase . The results also show that there is a strong relationship between the elements of the marketing mix ( price , product , place and promotion ) with the purchasing decisions of consumers Keywords : marketing mix , consumer behavior , brem jogl

    Multiscale Analysis of Turbulence in Horizontal Pipes:Liquid and Particle-Liquid Flow Investigation

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    An experimental–theoretical methodology is developed to investigate the characteristics of turbulence in horizontal particle-liquid pipe flows. Using a discrete wavelet transform, the three-dimensional Lagrangian trajectories of the liquid phase experimentally determined by positron emission particle tracking are decomposed into their deterministic and stochastic sub-trajectories, which are then utilized to construct profiles of local fluctuating velocity components and turbulent kinetic energy. The results for a single-phase flow are independently validated using computational fluid dynamic simulation and the analysis parameters are fine-tuned using direct numerical simulation data from the literature. In a particle-liquid flow, the investigation explores the influence of various factors including particle size, density, and concentration on turbulence intensity. Remarkably, the results demonstrate significant effects of the particle size and density on liquid turbulence. The enhanced understanding gained regarding turbulence intensity helps to advance our fundamental interpretation of the dynamics of particle-liquid flows, thus potentially aiding the rational design of such complex flows and associated equipment

    Multiscale Analysis of Turbulence in Horizontal Pipes:Liquid and Particle-Liquid Flow Investigation

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    An experimental–theoretical methodology is developed to investigate the characteristics of turbulence in horizontal particle-liquid pipe flows. Using a discrete wavelet transform, the three-dimensional Lagrangian trajectories of the liquid phase experimentally determined by positron emission particle tracking are decomposed into their deterministic and stochastic sub-trajectories, which are then utilized to construct profiles of local fluctuating velocity components and turbulent kinetic energy. The results for a single-phase flow are independently validated using computational fluid dynamic simulation and the analysis parameters are fine-tuned using direct numerical simulation data from the literature. In a particle-liquid flow, the investigation explores the influence of various factors including particle size, density, and concentration on turbulence intensity. Remarkably, the results demonstrate significant effects of the particle size and density on liquid turbulence. The enhanced understanding gained regarding turbulence intensity helps to advance our fundamental interpretation of the dynamics of particle-liquid flows, thus potentially aiding the rational design of such complex flows and associated equipment

    Comparative Evaluation of Electrical Resistance Tomography, Positron Emission Particle Tracking and High-Speed Imaging for Analysing Horizontal Particle-Liquid Flow in a Pipe

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    We evaluate three experimental techniques - electrical resistance tomography (ERT), positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) and high-speed imaging (HSI) – for analysing the local particle velocity field and spatial distribution in a horizontal particle-liquid pipe flow under varying conditions of solid concentration. A new ERT methodology is devised for estimating particle velocity, circumventing the limitations of the conventional cross-correlation technique. Furthermore, an enhanced HSI approach is introduced and systematically compared with PEPT and ERT. Results show that, under all conditions, PEPT provides the most accurate particle velocity field followed by HSI, whilst ERT yields the most accurate concentration field, followed by HSI. The enhanced HSI emerges as a simple cost-effective option compared to PEPT and ERT. A combined measurement approach using PEPT for local particle velocity and ERT for local concentration, however, delivers the best comprehensive two-phase flow characterisation, highlighting potential synergies between these methods for complex flow studies

    Giving-up-spirit : coping style in Japan

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    The Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Development/A Field Study in the Ministry of Commerce, the General Company for Foodstuff Trade / Salah Eteach

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    Purpose: The current study aims to investigate the impact of talent management on organizational development in the General Company for Foodstuff Trading ,This paper explained the meaning of talent management and its importance, as well as the factors that are important in order to implement organizational development.   Theoretical framework: For this, the employees of the General Company for Foodstuff Trade were selected, and data were collected from the selected employees by means of an organized questionnaire, The study is based on a review of the various literature presented in the paper.   Design: For the purpose of the current study, a sample of 200 participants working in the General Company for Foodstuff Trade was selected. Three dimensions of talent management such as talent attraction, talent development, and talent development were measured with the help of data on a five-point Likert scale. And indeed, organizational development has been measured. The study concluded that there is an impact of talent management on organizational development in the General Company for Foodstuff Trade at the general level.   Findings: The company's management should plan clearly and set future plans to attract talented employees in order to maintain human resources within the company.   Practical Implications: If leaning towards a talent management strategy, the company's management must ensure how it defines and needs to align with the organization's goals.   Originality: This paper will be valuable to all companies seeking to understand talent management and its impact on organizational development


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    Masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah penggunaan buku penghubung sebagai media komunikasi dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini pada Taman Bermain Percikan Iman Kabupaten Bandung. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh data tentang penggunaan buku penghubung sebagai media komunikasi dalam pembelajaran anak usia dim. Kajian teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari Konsep, Fungsi, dan Tujuan Kelompok Bermain, Konsep Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini, Konsep Komurukasi, Buku Penghubung sebagai Media Komumkasi, Kena Sama antara Orang Tua dengan Tutor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket, wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan/literatur. Dari hasil diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut : pemahaman orang tua secara umum kurang memahami, karena orang tua hanya sebatas mengetahui pengertian buku penghubung, fungsi buku penghubung, manfaat buku penghubung, dan teknik buku penghubung, sedangkan menggunakan buku penghubung jarang digunakan Pola komunikasi yang terjadi setelah membaca buku penghubung yaitu komunikasi satu arah. Faktor dalam penggunaan buku penghubung yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi tujuan, kesadaran, motivasi, waktu dan minat/ kebutuhan belum cukup mendorong dalam penggunaan buku penghubung. Faktor eksternal meliputi lingkungan lembaga lingkungan keluarga dan komumtas/ paguyuban orang tua, secara umum belum cukup mendukung dalam penggunaan buku penghubug. Faktor yang menghambat orang tua dalam menggunakan buku penghubung yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi orang tua tidak mempunyai tujuan yang jelas, kurangnya kesadaran, kurangnya motivasi, keterbatasan waktu dalam mengisi buku penghubung, kurangnya minat orang tua dalam penggunaan buku pennghubung. Faktor eksternal yang menjadi penghambat dalam penggunaan buku penghubung yaitu tidak ada dukungan dari lingkungan keluarga dan komunitas/ paguyuban orang tua