168 research outputs found

    Flight of the ouzel| [Essays]

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    Understanding walking and cycling:summary of key findings and recommendations

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    It is widely recognized that there is a need to increase levels of active and sustainable travel in British urban areas. The Understanding Walking and Cycling (UWAC) project, funded by the EPSRC, has examined the factors influencing everyday travel decisions and proposes a series of policy measures to increase levels of walking and cycling for short trips in urban areas. A wide range of both quantitative and qualitative data were collected in four English towns (Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester and Worcester), including a questionnaire survey, spatial analysis of the built environment, interviews (static and whilst mobile) and detailed ethnographies. Key findings of the research are that whilst attitudes to walking and cycling are mostly positive or neutral, many people who would like to engage in more active travel fail to do so due to a combination of factors. These can be summarised as: Concerns about the physical environment, especially with regard to safety when walking or cycling; The difficulty of fitting walking and cycling into complex household routines (especially with young children); The perception that walking and cycling are in some ways abnormal things to do. It is suggested that policies to increase levels of walking and cycling should focus not only on improving infrastructure (for instance through fully segregated cycle routes along main roads and restriction on vehicle speeds), but also must tackle broader social, economic, cultural and legal factors that currently inhibit walking and cycling. Together, such changes can create an environment in which driving for short trips in urban areas is seen as abnormal and walking or cycling seem the obvious choices. A joint project by by Lancaster University, Oxford Brookes University and the University of Leeds

    Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma: Results of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group MTS 2008 Study and Pooled Analysis With the Concurrent BERNIE Study

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    Rabdomiosarcoma metastĂĄsico; Sarcoma de tejido blandoRabdomiosarcoma metastĂ tic; Sarcoma de teixit touMetastatic rhabdomyosarcoma; Soft tissue sarcomaPURPOSE Outcome for patients with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is poor. This study presents the results of the MTS 2008 study with a pooled analysis including patients from the concurrent BERNIE study. PATIENTS AND METHODS In MTS 2008, patients with metastatic RMS received four cycles of ifosfamide, vincristine, and actinomycin D (IVA) plus doxorubicin, five cycles of IVA, and 12 cycles of maintenance chemotherapy (low-dose cyclophosphamide and vinorelbine). The BERNIE study randomly assigned patients to the addition or not of bevacizumab to the same chemotherapy. Local therapy (surgery/radiotherapy) was given to the primary tumor and all metastatic sites when feasible. RESULTS MTS 2008 included 270 patients (median age, 9.6 years; range, 0.07-20.8 years). With a median follow-up of 50.3 months, 3-year event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) were 34.9% (95% CI, 29.1 to 40.8) and 47.9% (95% CI, 41.6 to 53.9), respectively. In pooled analyses on 372 patients with a median follow-up of 55.2 months, 3-year EFS and OS were 35.5% (95% CI, 30.4 to 40.6) and 49.3% (95% CI, 43.9 to 54.5), respectively. Patients with ≀ 2 Oberlin risk factors (ORFs) had better outcome than those with ≄ 3 ORFs: 3-year EFS was 46.1% versus 12.5% (P < .0001) and 3-year OS 60.0% versus 26.0% (P < .0001). Induction chemotherapy and maintenance appeared tolerable; however, about two third of patients needed dose adjustments during maintenance. CONCLUSION Outcome remains poor for patients with metastatic RMS and multiple ORFs. Because of the design of the studies, it was not possible to determine whether the intensive induction regimen and/or the addition of maintenance treatment resulted in apparent improvement of outcome compared with historical cohorts. Further studies, with novel treatment approaches are urgently needed, to improve outcome for the group of patients with adverse prognostic factors

    Shedding a Light on the Challenges of Adolescents and Young Adults with Rhabdomyosarcoma.

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a typical tumour of childhood but can occur at any age. Several studies have reported that adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients with RMS have poorer survival than do younger patients. This review discusses the specific challenges in AYA patients with pediatric-type RMS, exploring possible underlying factors which may influence different outcomes. Reasons for AYA survival gap are likely multifactorial, and might be related to differences in tumor biology and intrinsic aggressiveness, or differences in clinical management (that could include patient referral patterns, time to diagnosis, enrolment into clinical trials, the adequacy and intensity of treatment), as well as patient factors (including physiology and comorbidity that may influence treatment tolerability, drug pharmacokinetics and efficacy). However, improved survival has been reported in the most recent studies for AYA patients treated on pediatric RMS protocols. Different strategies may help to further improve outcome, such as supporting trans-age academic societies and national/international collaborations; developing specific clinical trials without upper age limit; defining integrated and comprehensive approach to AYA patients, including the genomic aspects; establishing multidisciplinary tumor boards with involvement of both pediatric and adult oncologists to discuss all pediatric-type RMS patients; developing dedicated projects with specific treatment recommendations and registry/database

    Effects of two nights partial sleep deprivation on an evening submaximal weightlifting performance; are 1 h powernaps useful on the day of competition?

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    We have investigated the effects that sleep restriction (3-h sleep during two consecutive nights) have on an evening (17:00 h) submaximal weightlifting session; and whether this performance improves following a 1-h post-lunch powernap. Fifteen resistance-trained males participated in this study. Before the experimental protocol commenced, 1RM bench press and inclined leg press and normative habitual sleep were recorded. Participants were familiarised with the testing protocol, then completed three experimental conditions with two nights of prescribed sleep: (i) Normal (N): retire at 23:00 h and wake at 06:30 h, (ii) partial sleep-deprivation (SD): retire at 03:30 h and wake at 06:30 h and (iii) partial sleep-deprivation with nap (SDN): retire at 03:30 h and wake at 06:30 h with a 1-h nap at 13:00 h. Each condition was separated by at least 7 days and the order of administration was randomised and counterbalanced. Rectal (Trec) and mean skin (Ts) temperatures, Profile of Mood Scores, subjective tiredness, alertness and sleepiness values were measured at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 h on the day of the weightlifting session. Following the final temperature measurements at 17:00 h, participants completed a 5-min active warm-up before a ‘strength’ protocol. Participants performed three repetitions of right-hand grip strength, then three repetitions at each incremental load (40%, 60% and 80% of 1RM) for bench press and inclined leg press, with a 5-min recovery in between each repetition. A linear encoder was attached perpendicular to the movement, to the bar used for the exercises. Average power (AP), average force (AF), peak velocity (PV), distance (D) and time-to-peak velocity (tPV) were measured (MuscleLab software) during the concentric phase of the movements for each lift. Data were analysed using general linear models with repeated measures. The main findings were that SD reduced maximal grip (2.7%), bench press (11.2% AP, 3.3% AF and 9.4% PV) and leg press submaximal values (5.7% AP) with a trend for a reduction in AF (3.3% P = 0.06). Furthermore, RPE increased for measures of grip strength, leg and bench press during SD. Following a 1-h powernap (SDN), values of grip and bench press improved to values similar in N, as did tiredness, alertness and sleepiness. There was a main effect for “load” on the bar for both bench and leg press where AP, AF, tPV values increased with load (P < 0.05) and PV decreased from the lightest to the heaviest load for both bench and leg press. An interaction of “load and condition” was present in leg press only, where the rate of change of AP is greater in the N than SD and SDN conditions. In addition, for PV and tPV the rate of change was greater for SDN than N or SD condition values. In summary, SD had a negative effect on grip strength and some components of bench and inclined leg press. The use of a 1-h power nap that ended 3 h before the “strength” assessment had a positive effect on weightlifting performance, subjective mood and ratings of tiredness

    Biological Role and Clinical Implications of MYOD1L122R Mutation in Rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Major progress in recent decades has furthered our clinical and biological understanding of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) with improved stratification for treatment based on risk factors. Clinical risk factors alone were used to stratify patients for treatment in the European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) RMS 2005 protocol. The current EpSSG overarching study for children and adults with frontline and relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma (FaR-RMS NCT04625907) includes FOXO1 fusion gene status in place of histology as a risk factor. Additional molecular features of significance have recently been recognized, including the MYOD1L122R gene mutation. Here, we review biological information showing that MYOD1L122R blocks cell differentiation and has a MYC-like activity that enhances tumorigenesis and is linked to an aggressive cellular phenotype. MYOD1L122R mutations can be found together with mutations in other genes, such as PIK3CA, as potentially cooperating events. Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, ten publications in the clinical literature involving 72 cases were reviewed. MYOD1L122R mutation in RMS can occur in both adults and children and is frequent in sclerosing/spindle cell histology, although it is also significantly reported in a subset of embryonal RMS. MYOD1L122R mutated tumors most frequently arise in the head and neck and extremities and are associated with poor outcome, raising the issue of how to use MYOD1L122R in risk stratification and how to treat these patients most effectively
