14 research outputs found

    Targeting a Cryptic Allosteric Site for Selective Inhibition of the Oncogenic Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Shp2

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    Protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) have been the subject of considerable pharmaceutical-design efforts because of the ubiquitous connections between misregulation of PTP activity and human disease. PTP-inhibitor discovery has been hampered, however, by the difficulty in identifying cell-permeable compounds that can selectively target PTP active sites, and no PTP inhibitors have progressed to the clinic. The identification of allosteric sites on target PTPs therefore represents a potentially attractive solution to the druggability problem of PTPs. Here we report that the oncogenic PTP Shp2 contains an allosteric-inhibition site that renders the enzyme sensitive to potent and selective inhibition by cell-permeable biarsenical compounds. Because Shp2 contains no canonical tetracysteine biarsenical-binding motif, the enzyme’s inhibitor-binding site is not readily predictable from its primary or three-dimensional structure. Intriguingly, however, Shp2’s PTP domain does contain a cysteine residue (C333) at a position that is removed from the active site and is occupied by proline in other classical PTPs. We show that Shp2’s unusual cysteine residue constitutes part of a Shp2-specific allosteric-inhibition site, and that Shp2’s sensitivity to biarsenicals is dependent on the presence of the naturally occurring C333. The determinative role of this residue in conferring inhibitor sensitivity is surprising because C333’s side chain is inaccessible to solvent in Shp2 crystal structures. The discovery of this cryptic Shp2 allosteric site may provide a means for targeting Shp2 activity with high specificity and suggests that buried-yet-targetable allosteric sites could be similarly uncovered in other protein families

    Histone H3 binding to the PHD1 domain of histone demethylase KDM5A enables active site remodeling.

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    Histone demethylase KDM5A removes methyl marks from lysine 4 of histone H3 and is often overexpressed in cancer. The in vitro demethylase activity of KDM5A is allosterically enhanced by binding of its product, unmodified H3 peptides, to its PHD1 reader domain. However, the molecular basis of this allosteric enhancement is unclear. Here we show that saturation of the PHD1 domain by the H3 N-terminal tail peptides stabilizes binding of the substrate to the catalytic domain and improves the catalytic efficiency of demethylation. When present in saturating concentrations, differently modified H3 N-terminal tail peptides have a similar effect on demethylation. However, they vary greatly in their affinity towards the PHD1 domain, suggesting that H3 modifications can tune KDM5A activity. Furthermore, hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) experiments reveal conformational changes in the allosterically enhanced state. Our findings may enable future development of anti-cancer therapies targeting regions involved in allosteric regulation

    G Protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 4 (GRK4) Regulates the Phosphorylation and Function of the Dopamine D3 Receptor*

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    During conditions of moderate sodium excess, the dopaminergic system regulates blood pressure and water and electrolyte balance by engendering natriuresis. Dopamine exerts its effects on dopamine receptors, including the dopamine D3 receptor. G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4 (GRK4), whose gene locus (4p16.3) is linked to essential hypertension, desensitizes the D1 receptor, another dopamine receptor. This study evaluated the role of GRK4 on D3 receptor function in human proximal tubule cells. D3 receptor co-segregated in lipid rafts and co-immunoprecipitated and co-localized in human proximal tubule cells and in proximal and distal tubules and glomeruli of kidneys of Wistar Kyoto rats. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and confocal microscopy revealed that agonist activation of the receptor initiated the interaction between D3 receptor and GRK4 at the cell membrane and promoted it intracellularly, presumably en route to endosomal trafficking. Of the four GRK4 splice variants, GRK4-γ and GRK4-α mediated a 3- and 2-fold increase in the phosphorylation of agonist-activated D3 receptor, respectively. Inhibition of GRK activity with heparin or knockdown of GRK4 expression via RNA interference completely abolished p44/42 phosphorylation and mitogenesis induced by D3 receptor stimulation. These data demonstrate that GRK4, specifically the GRK4-γ and GRK4-α isoforms, phosphorylates the D3 receptor and is crucial for its signaling in human proximal tubule cells

    Extending chemical perturbations of the ubiquitin fitness landscape in a classroom setting reveals new constraints on sequence tolerance

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    Although the primary protein sequence of ubiquitin (Ub) is extremely stable over evolutionary time, it is highly tolerant to mutation during selection experiments performed in the laboratory. We have proposed that this discrepancy results from the difference between fitness under laboratory culture conditions and the selective pressures in changing environments over evolutionary timescales. Building on our previous work (Mavor et al., 2016), we used deep mutational scanning to determine how twelve new chemicals (3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole, 5-fluorocytosine, Amphotericin B, CaCl2, Cerulenin, Cobalt Acetate, Menadione, Nickel Chloride, p-Fluorophenylalanine, Rapamycin, Tamoxifen, and Tunicamycin) reveal novel mutational sensitivities of ubiquitin residues. Collectively, our experiments have identified eight new sensitizing conditions for Lys63 and uncovered a sensitizing condition for every position in Ub except Ser57 and Gln62. By determining the ubiquitin fitness landscape under different chemical constraints, our work helps to resolve the inconsistencies between deep mutational scanning experiments and sequence conservation over evolutionary timescales