2,111 research outputs found

    Millimeter-Wave Aperture Synthesis Imaging of Vega: Evidence for a Ring Arc at 95 AU

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    We present the first millimeter-wave aperture synthesis map of dust around a main sequence star. A 3'' resolution image of 1.3 mm continuum emission from Vega reveals a clump of emission 12'' from the star at PA 45 deg, consistent with the location of maximum 850 micron emission in a lower resolution JCMT/SCUBA map. The flux density is 4.0+/-0.9 mJy. Adjacent 1.3 mm peaks with flux densities 3.4+/-1.0 mJy and 2.8+/-0.9 mJy are located 14'' and 13'' from the star at PA 67 deg and 18 deg, respectively. An arc-like bridge connects the two strongest peaks. There is an additional 2.4 +/-0.8 mJy peak to the SW 11'' from the star at PA 215 deg and a marginal detection, 1.4+/-0.5 mJy, at the stellar position, consistent with photospheric emission. An extrapolation from the 850 micron flux, assuming F_{1.3mm-0.85mm} proportional to lambda^{-2.8}, agrees well with the total detected flux for Vega at 1.3 mm, and implies a dust emissivity index, beta, of 0.8. We conclude that we have detected all but a very small fraction of the dust imaged by SCUBA in our aperture synthesis map and that these grains are largely confined to segments of a ring of radius 95 AU.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    1988 Amendment to 26 U.S.C. Section 7430: Expanding Taxpayers\u27 Rights to Recover Costs in Tax Controversies

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    Bureaucratic mistakes at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) forced Barbara and David Kaufman to seek a court-ordered injunction prohibiting the IRS from collecting a 14,380 dollar tax assessment for 1980. Even though the Kaufmans had notified the IRS office in Chicago of their new Maine address, the IRS mistakenly mailed the preliminary notice of deficiency to the Kaufmans\u27 prior Illinois address. In addition, the Service mailed the statutory notice of deficiency to another couple also named Barbara and David Kaufman.\u27 Because the Kaufmans never received notice of the proposed deficiency, they did not have an opportunity to contest the tax assessment. The Kaufmans first became aware of the deficiency in 1983 when the IRS seized the refund from their 1982 return in partial satisfaction of the deficiency. Shortly thereafter the taxpayers initiated suit for an injunction against further collection efforts. Once apprised of its errors, the IRS agreed to the entry of a permanent injunction. The Kaufmans then sought to recover their attorney\u27s fees and other litigation costs pursuant to 26 U.S.C. section 7430

    Using New Submillimetre Surveys to Identify the Evolutionary Status of High-z Galaxies

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    This paper describes a key submillimetre survey which we are currently conducting to address some of the outstanding questions in cosmology - how, at what epoch and over what period of time did massive galaxies form at high redshift? A summary of the technical feasibility of future submillimetre observations with new ground-based, airborne and satellite telescopes is also presented.Comment: 6 pages, 3 postscript figures, LaTex uses Kluwer book style file crckapb10.sty, to appear in "Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys", 13-15 January 1997, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, M.Bremer, N.Jackson, I.Perez-Fournon (eds.), Kluwe

    VLT near- to mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy of the M17 UC1-IRS5 region

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    We investigate the surroundings of the hypercompact HII region M17 UC1 to probe the physical properties of the associated young stellar objects and the environment of massive star formation. Five of the seven point sources in this region show LL-band excess emission. Geometric match is found between the H_2 emission and near-IR polarized light in the vicinity of IRS5A, and between the diffuse mid-IR emission and near-IR polarization north of UC1. The H_2 emission is typical for dense PDRs, which are FUV pumped initially and repopulated by collisional de-excitation. The spectral types of IRS5A and B273A are B3-B7 V/III and G4-G5 III, respectively. The observed infrared luminosity L_IR in the range 1-20 micron is derived for three objects; we obtain 2.0x10^3 L_\sun for IRS5A, 13 L_\sun for IRS5C, and 10 L_\sun for B273A. IRS5 might be a young quadruple system. Its primary star IRS5A is confirmed to be a high-mass protostellar object (~ 9 M_\sun, ~1x10^5 yrs); it might have terminated accretion due to the feedback from the stellar activities (radiation pressure, outflow) and the expanding HII region of M17. UC1 might also have terminated accretion because of the expanding hypercompact HII region ionized by itself. The disk clearing process of the low-mass YSOs in this region might be accelerated by the expanding HII region. The outflows driven by UC1 are running in south-north with its northeastern side suppressed by the expanding ionization front of M17; the blue-shifted outflow lobe of IRS5A is seen in two types of tracers along the same line of sight in the form of H_2 emission filament and mid-emission. The H_2 line ratios probe the properties of M17 SW PDR, which is confirmed to have a clumpy structure with two temperature distributions: warm, dense molecular clumps with n_H>10^5 cm^-3 and T~575 K and cooler atomic gas with n_H~3.7x10^3-1.5x10^4 cm-3 and T~50-200 K.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 19 pages, 15 figures, 5 table

    Probing the centre of the large circumstellar disc in M17

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    We investigated the nature of the hitherto unresolved elliptical infrared emission in the centre of the ~20000 AU disc silhouette in M 17. We combined high-resolution JHKsL'M' band imaging carried out with NAOS/CONICA at the VLT with [Fe II] narrow band imaging using SOFI at the NTT. The analysis is supported by Spitzer/GLIMPSE archival data and by already published SINFONI/VLT Integral Field Spectroscopy data. For the first time, we resolve the elongated central infrared emission into a point-source and a jet-like feature that extends to the northeast in the opposite direction of the recently discovered collimated H2 jet. They are both orientated almost perpendicular to the disc plane. In addition, our images reveal a curved southwestern emission nebula whose morphology resembles that of the previously detected northeastern one. Both nebulae are located at a distance of 1500 AU from the disc centre. We describe the infrared point-source in terms of a protostar that is embedded in circumstellar material producing a visual extinction of 60 <= Av <= 82. The observed Ks band magnitude is equivalent to a stellar mass range of 2.8 Msun <= Mstar <= 8 Msun adopting conversions for a main-sequence star. Altogether, we suggest that the large M 17 accretion disc is forming an intermediate to high-mass protostar. Part of the accreted material is expelled through a symmetric bipolar jet/outflow.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS (16 May 2008

    The variable stellar wind of Rigel probed at high spatial and spectral resolution

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    We present a spatially resolved, high-spectral resolution (R=12000) K-band temporal monitoring of Rigel using AMBER at the VLTI. Rigel was observed in the Bracket Gamma line and its nearby continuum in 2006-2007, and 2009-2010. These unprecedented observations were complemented by contemporaneous optical high-resolution spectroscopy. We analyse the near-IR spectra and visibilities with the 1D non-LTE radiative-transfer code CMFGEN. The differential and closure phase signal exhibit asymmetries that are interpreted as perturbations of the wind. A systematic visibility decrease is observed across the Bracket Gamma. During the 2006-2007 period the Bracket Gamma and likely the continuum forming regions were larger than in the 2009-2010 epoch. Using CMFGEN, we infer a mass-loss rate change of about 20% between the two epochs. We further find time variations in the differential visibilities and phases. The 2006-2007 period is characterized by noticeable variations of the differential visibilities in Doppler position and width and by weak variations in differential and closure phase. The 2009-2010 period is much more quiet with virtually no detectable variations in the dispersed visibilities but a strong S-shape signal is observed in differential phase coinciding with a strong ejection event discernible in the optical spectra. The differential phase signal that is sometimes detected is reminiscent of the signal computed from hydrodynamical models of corotating interaction regions. For some epochs the temporal evolution of the signal suggests the rotation of the circumstellar structures.Comment: Paper accepted in the A&A journa

    SIRT1 Activity Is Linked to Its Brain Region-Specific Phosphorylation and Is Impaired in Huntington’s Disease Mice

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    Huntingtons disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder for which there are no disease-modifying treatments. SIRT1 is a NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase that is implicated in maintaining neuronal health during development, differentiation and ageing. Previous studies suggested that the modulation of SIRT1 activity is neuroprotective in HD mouse models, however, the mechanisms controlling SIRT1 activity are unknown. We have identified a striatum-specific phosphorylation-dependent regulatory mechanism of SIRT1 induction under normal physiological conditions, which is impaired in HD. We demonstrate that SIRT1 activity is down-regulated in the brains of two complementary HD mouse models, which correlated with altered SIRT1 phosphorylation levels. This SIRT1 impairment could not be rescued by the ablation of DBC1, a negative regulator of SIRT1, but was linked to changes in the sub-cellular distribution of AMPK-α1, a positive regulator of SIRT1 function. This work provides insights into the regulation of SIRT1 activity with the potential for the development of novel therapeutic strategies
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