40 research outputs found

    Actitud de aprendizaje en línea y preparación de los estudiantes en Nigeria durante la pandemia de Covid-19: un caso de estudiantes de pregrado en contabilidad

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    The occurrence of corona virus disease in 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic with its negative consequences on various sectors including education up till now has led to the increase in the necessity to use online learning resources and platforms for teaching and learning especially in higher education institutions (HEIs) in various countries. This research paper's major goal was to investigate the online learning attitude and online learning readiness of undergraduate accounting students in Nigerian public HEIs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research participants consisted of 845 male and female undergraduate accounting students purposively selected from six HEIs. Study data was collected quantitatively with two online learning scales addressing students' online learning attitude and online learning readiness respectively. The study data were analysed with relevant statistical tests in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 22) based on .05 level of significance criteria. The finding demonstrates significantly positive online learning attitude among the undergraduate accounting students from the studied HEIs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Finding also showed that the undergraduate accounting students' online learning attitude significantly related to their online learning readiness during the Covid-19 pandemic. The male and female undergraduate accounting students did not differ in their online learning attitude and online learning readiness. There were no significant differences in online learning attitude and online learning readiness among the undergraduate accounting students from the studied HEIs based on institution type (university, polytechnic and college of education). Nigerian HEIs and accounting departments should provide efficient online learning access and resources to these students and work towards bridging any existing institutional disparities in the availability and use of online learning facilities and resources.Introducción: La aparición de la enfermedad del virus corona en la pandemia de 2019 (Covid-19) con sus consecuencias negativas en varios sectores, incluida la educación hasta ahora, ha llevado al aumento de la necesidad de utilizar recursos y plataformas de aprendizaje en línea para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, especialmente en la educación superior. instituciones educativas (IES) en varios países. El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación fue investigar la actitud de aprendizaje en línea y la preparación para el aprendizaje en línea de los estudiantes de pregrado en contabilidad en las IES públicas de Nigeria durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Método: Los participantes de la investigación consistieron en 845 estudiantes de licenciatura en contabilidad, hombres y mujeres, seleccionados intencionalmente de seis IES. Los datos del estudio se recopilaron cuantitativamente con dos escalas de aprendizaje en línea que abordan la actitud de aprendizaje en línea de los estudiantes y la preparación para el aprendizaje en línea, respectivamente. Los datos del estudio se analizaron con pruebas estadísticas relevantes en el Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales (SPSS, versión 22) basado en criterios de nivel de significancia de .05. Resultados: El hallazgo demuestra una actitud de aprendizaje en línea significativamente positiva entre los estudiantes de pregrado en contabilidad de las IES estudiadas durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Los hallazgos también mostraron que la actitud de aprendizaje en línea de los estudiantes de licenciatura en contabilidad se relacionó significativamente con su preparación para el aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Los estudiantes universitarios de contabilidad masculinos y femeninos no difirieron en su actitud de aprendizaje en línea y preparación para el aprendizaje en línea. No hubo diferencias significativas en la actitud de aprendizaje en línea y la preparación para el aprendizaje en línea entre los estudiantes de licenciatura en contabilidad de las IES estudiadas según el tipo de institución (universidad, politécnica y facultad de educación). Discusión: Las IES y los departamentos de contabilidad de Nigeria deben proporcionar acceso y recursos de aprendizaje en línea eficientes a estos estudiantes y trabajar para salvar las disparidades institucionales existentes en la disponibilidad y el uso de las instalaciones y los recursos de aprendizaje en línea

    Enhancing educational and career prospects: A comprehensive analysis of institutional support for students with specific learning disabilities

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    This study employs an integrative review methodology to investigate institutional support mechanisms for students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs), aiming to enhance their educational and career prospects. Extensive analysis of primary sources from databases including Dimension, ERIC, Scopus, Scilit, PubMed, Reference Citation Analysis, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate reveals critical insights. The research reveals that students with SLDs benefit from a spectrum of institutional support measures. These encompass provisions such as extended time allocations, access to study aids, dedicated personnel, financial assistance, and faith-based support. These interventions contribute not only to improved academic performance but also facilitate smoother transitions into the professional sphere. This study emphasizes the pressing need for institutions to fortify their support services dedicated to students with SLDs. It advocates for broader access to such resources, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the academic development and career prospects of this demographic. This approach serves to promote inclusivity and diversity in both educational and occupational domains

    Effect of Group Mentoring on Virtual Library Skills of Secondary School Students

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effect of group mentoring on the virtual library skills of senior secondary school students. The study used a two-group pretest-posttest design to study a sample of senior secondary school students from a Nigerian public secondary school (10 students were enrolled for the group mentoring program and 10 others were waitlisted). Data for this study were collected using the Students\u27 Virtual Library Skills Scale. Compared to their wait-list control group counterparts, senior secondary school students who received group mentoring showed a greater ability to gain virtual library skills. Studies that aim to impart virtual library skills to senior secondary school students will be vital, especially as these students prepare to enter institutions of higher education, where such skills will be essential for their academic success

    An online counseling intervention for Nigerian undergraduates with academic burnout

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    A growing problem among university students is academic burnout, and it has become more prevalent in recent years. With the increasing demand for school mental health services, online counseling interventions are gradually being regarded as a reasonable way to provide assistance to students with regard to burnout reduction. It was the researcher's aim to find out whether an online counseling intervention would be able to reduce academic burnout in a Nigerian undergraduate sample. A total of 80 Nigerian undergraduates were participants of this study. In this study, the participants were randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=40) and to the control group (n=40) by using a simple randomization procedure.  For the collection of data, the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory for Students and the Students School Burnout Inventory were utilised. The researcher applied repeated measures ANOVA to examine within and between groups' mean differences, reported η² to establish treatment effect size, and conducted posthoc analyses where mean differences existed using Holm's approach. The results of the study demonstrate that the online counseling intervention for academic burnout was effective in reducing the level of academic burnout among Nigerian undergraduates.As online counseling can help students reduce academic burnout, this finding opens the door to reach a larger number of burned-out students, such as those who live off-campus or are afraid of social stigma when seeking mental health care. This intervention has the potential to significantly improve student mental health related to burnout in other higher education settings like polytechnics. It is recommended that students should be encouraged to receive psychological supports and care from the university's counseling centre, not just during crises, but as a regular process of mental health support

    Influence of career mentoring on career orientation and career engagement of rural secondary school librarians

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    As a career development tool, career mentoring is an important way to gain new skills, knowledge, competence, and other resources from an experienced colleague who is in the same profession. This study examined how career mentoring influences career orientation and career engagement among Nigerian rural secondary school librarians. This quantitative study gathered data from 42 librarians at selected rural secondary schools. Career mentoring significantly influences career orientation and career engagement of librarians, according to the results. A positive relationship was observed between career mentoring experience and career orientation and engagement as well as job skills among librarians. Additionally, career orientation and career engagement were shown to be significantly correlated with one another and with librarian job skills. Consequently, it is recommended that school librarians' career advancement be promoted through the development and implementation of a career mentoring program

    Assessing Theories and Strategies Regarding Career Transition for Students with Visual Impairments

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine evidence-based theories and strategies that can aid in comprehending and fostering the career transitioning of students with visual impairments. Understanding the various career transitioning theories will enable career professionals and visually impaired students to achieve a successful career counselling encounter. The suggested theoretical models highlight the importance of psychological and social variables in predicting a successful transition and the attainment of good and meaningful jobs by visually impaired students. The theories discussed in this paper include Schlossberg's transition theory; Bridges’ transition framework; Psychological model for student retention; Psychology of working theory; Opportunity structure theory; Liquid modernity and life design; and Career construction theory. This article contributes to the literature on career counselling by arguing and elucidating the theoretical significance of these vocational counselling theories and strategies as they pertain to promoting career transition for visually impaired students. Theoretical knowledge could help to inform counselling methods and enable professionals, and various institutions to understand the contextual drivers of career transitioning, advocate for more inclusive workplaces, and explore solutions to reduce the number of unemployed visually impaired graduates. Career counsellors can adapt many techniques if they use an integrated theoretical approach to help visually impaired students transition from school to their potential employment.               &nbsp

    Evaluating Data from A Work Engagement Intervention among Nigerian History Lecturers

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    History lecturers who approach their work positively are more likely to be more engaged in their work than those who do not. Nigerian history lecturers have not been examined in terms of how psychological interventions can improve their work engagement. The present research examined the research dataset of an online rational emotive behavior therapy (online REBT) on work engagement among Nigerian history lecturers at higher education institutions. The sample consisted of 31 history lecturers, 16 of whom were randomly assigned to the online REBT group and 15 to a waiting-list control group. A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted at a level of 0.05 probability using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences software. Comparing the two groups, the dataset shows that history lecturers in the online intervention group exhibited significantly higher work engagement scores than those in the waiting list control group (p=.000). The one-month follow up dataset reveal that history lecturers who participated in the online REBT intervention continued to feel engaged at work compared to those in the waiting list control group (p=.000). Thus, a significant improvement in work engagement scores of history lecturers was associated with the online REBT intervention. Future studies with a larger sample size are needed

    Interventions for Supporting Career Transition among Students with Visual Impairments

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    Purpose: Various interventions and career support services are necessary to aid visually impaired students in transitioning to a new career and becoming fully integrated into society. This article examined some interventions for assisting students with visual impairments (VI) to experience a smooth career transition. Design/Methods/approach: This research was conducted using a narrative-integrative review research approach. From an array of data sources, an investigator can provide a viewpoint on a subject matter by using a narrative-integrative review. Findings/Results: The interventions for assisting students with visual impairments in the career transition process were classified in this article as educational interventions, family participation interventions, work-based learning interventions, interagency and transition service intervention, career mentoring as an intervention, knowledge of career and job-searching ability as an intervention, and transition programs as intervention. The author in this article addressed various issues associated with the implementation of the interventions. Also, the author discussed strategies that can be adopted to facilitate the implementation of the interventions in order to promote the career transitioning of students with visual impairments. Implications: There is a need for collaboration in implementing interventions toward facilitating career transition for students with VI. The interventions outlined in this article should be implemented collaboratively by a team of teachers, psychologists, career professionals, families, and other important agencies. Using the article as a point of reference, it will be possible to categorize and target interventions to facilitate career transition for students with VI

    Perspective on career assessment tools for evaluating students with specific learning disabilities

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    Purpose - The purpose of this research was to examine career assessment tools for evaluating students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs).Method - The paper adopted a narrative literature review of research papers connected to assessment tools for SLD students. Among the databases looked at were Pubmed, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, and PsycINFO.Result  -  The results emphasize the need for assessment tools to take certain domains of difficulty into consideration when evaluating the interests and skills of students with SLDs and profiling the learning characteristics linked with the individual learning impairment also offers useful information for job preparation.Implication – Students with SLDs typically have limited career options so it would be crucial to consider career evaluation as part of the career planning and transitioning process for this group.Originality - This research reinforces the significance of employing career assessment tools for the evaluation of persons with SLDs in the process of career transition.***Tujuan - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji alat asesmen karir untuk mengevaluasi siswa dengan ketidakmampuan belajar spesifik (SLD).Metode - Makalah ini menggunakan tinjauan literatur naratif terhadap makalah penelitian yang berhubungan dengan alat penilaian untuk siswa SLD. Di antara basis data yang ditinjau adalah Pubmed, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, dan PsycINFO.Hasil - Hasil penelitian menekankan perlunya alat asesmen untuk mempertimbangkan domain kesulitan tertentu ketika mengevaluasi minat dan keterampilan siswa dengan SLD dan membuat profil karakteristik pembelajaran yang terkait dengan gangguan belajar individu juga menawarkan informasi yang berguna untuk persiapan kerja.Implikasi - Siswa dengan SLD biasanya memiliki pilihan karir yang terbatas, sehingga akan sangat penting untuk mempertimbangkan evaluasi karir sebagai bagian dari perencanaan karir dan proses transisi untuk kelompok ini.Keaslian - Penelitian ini memperkuat pentingnya penggunaan alat asesmen karir untuk mengevaluasi siswa dengan SLD dalam proses transisi karir

    El uso de libros electrónicos para mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes en la asignatura de Física: Implicaciones para la orientación

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    The utilization of ICT resources has the potential to improve teaching and learning, according to the literature. To ascertain the possible influence of e-books on students' achievement in physics, no empirical research has been done in Nigeria. Hence the need for this study. Utilizing a simple repeated measures research design, this study was driven by a quantitative research methodology. The study included 58 senior secondary two (2) physics students who were randomly selected from secondary schools in the Nsukka Education zone. The Physics Achievement Test (PAT), which has been trial tested and face and content validated, was used to collect the data. The internal consistency dependability for the PAT components was .76. The repeated measures analysis of variance was used to analyze the data collected. It was discovered that the learners' access to e-books significantly impacted (p < .05) how well they performed in Physics. This research finding has implications for counselling in that teachers and their schools need to be provided educational guidance and couselling by the librarian-counsellor on the legal and ethical implications of using ICT resources like e-books to deliver physics instructions in schools.  La utilización de los recursos TIC tiene el potencial de mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, según la literatura. Para determinar la posible influencia de los libros electrónicos en el rendimiento de los estudiantes en física, no se ha realizado ninguna investigación empírica en Nigeria. De ahí la necesidad de este estudio. Utilizando un diseño de investigación simple de medidas repetidas, este estudio fue impulsado por una metodología de investigación cuantitativa. El estudio incluyó a 58 estudiantes de física de secundaria superior dos (2) que fueron seleccionados al azar de escuelas secundarias en la zona educativa de Nsukka. Para recopilar los datos se utilizó el Physics Achievement Test (PAT), que ha sido probado y validado de cara y contenido. La confiabilidad de consistencia interna para los componentes PAT fue .76. Se utilizó el análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas para analizar los datos recopilados. Se descubrió que el acceso de los alumnos a los libros electrónicos tuvo un impacto significativo (p < .05) en su desempeño en Física. Este hallazgo de investigación tiene implicaciones para el asesoramiento en el sentido de que los maestros y sus escuelas deben recibir orientación educativa y asesoramiento por parte del bibliotecario-consejero sobre las implicaciones legales y éticas del uso de recursos de TIC como libros electrónicos para impartir instrucciones de física en las escuelas