690 research outputs found

    The effect of surface roughness on the adhesion of elastic solids

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    We study the influence of surface roughness on the adhesion of elastic solids. Most real surfaces have roughness on many different length scales, and this fact is taken into account in our analysis. We consider in detail the case when the surface roughness can be described as a self affine fractal, and show that when the fractal dimension D_f >2.5, the adhesion force may vanish, or be at least strongly reduced. We consider the block-substrate pull-off force as a function of roughness, and find a partial detachment transition preceding a full detachment one. The theory is in good qualitative agreement with experimental data.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    High frequency oscillatory ventilation compared with conventional mechanical ventilation in adult respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial [ISRCTN24242669]

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    INTRODUCTION: To compare the safety and efficacy of high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) with conventional mechanical ventilation (CV) for early intervention in adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a multi-centre randomized trial in four intensive care units was conducted. METHODS: Patients with ARDS were randomized to receive either HFOV or CV. In both treatment arms a priority was given to maintain lung volume while minimizing peak pressures. CV ventilation strategy was aimed at reducing tidal volumes. In the HFOV group, an open lung strategy was used. Respiratory and circulatory parameters were recorded and clinical outcome was determined at 30 days of follow up. RESULTS: The study was prematurely stopped. Thirty-seven patients received HFOV and 24 patients CV (average APACHE II score 21 and 20, oxygenation index 25 and 18 and duration of mechanical ventilation prior to randomization 2.1 and 1.5 days, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences in survival without supplemental oxygen or on ventilator, mortality, therapy failure, or crossover. Adjustment by a priori defined baseline characteristics showed an odds ratio of 0.80 (95% CI 0.22–2.97) for survival without oxygen or on ventilator, and an odds ratio for mortality of 1.15 (95% CI 0.43–3.10) for HFOV compared with CV. The response of the oxygenation index (OI) to treatment did not differentiate between survival and death. In the HFOV group the OI response was significantly higher than in the CV group between the first and the second day. A post hoc analysis suggested that there was a relatively better treatment effect of HFOV compared with CV in patients with a higher baseline OI. CONCLUSION: No significant differences were observed, but this trial only had power to detect major differences in survival without oxygen or on ventilator. In patients with ARDS and higher baseline OI, however, there might be a treatment benefit of HFOV over CV. More research is needed to establish the efficacy of HFOV in the treatment of ARDS. We suggest that future studies are designed to allow for informative analysis in patients with higher OI

    An interactive web application for the dissemination of human systems immunology data

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    International audienceBackground: Systems immunology approaches have proven invaluable in translational research settings. The current rate at which large-scale datasets are generated presents unique challenges and opportunities. Mining aggregates of these datasets could accelerate the pace of discovery, but new solutions are needed to integrate the heterogeneous data types with the contextual information that is necessary for interpretation. In addition, enabling tools and technologies facilitating investigators' interaction with large-scale datasets must be developed in order to promote insight and foster knowledge discovery. Methods: State of the art application programming was employed to develop an interactive web application for browsing and visualizing large and complex datasets. A collection of human immune transcriptome datasets were loaded alongside contextual information about the samples. Results: We provide a resource enabling interactive query and navigation of transcriptome datasets relevant to human immunology research. Detailed information about studies and samples are displayed dynamically; if desired the associated data can be downloaded. Custom interactive visualizations of the data can be shared via email or social media. This application can be used to browse context-rich systems-scale data within and across systems immunology studies. This resource is publicly available online at [Gene Expression Browser Landing Page (https://gxb.benaroyaresearch.org/dm3/landing.gsp)]. The source code is also available openly [Gene Expression Browser Source Code (https://github.com/BenaroyaResearch/gxbrowser)]. Conclusions: We have developed a data browsing and visualization application capable of navigating increasingly large and complex datasets generated in the context of immunological studies. This intuitive tool ensures that, whether taken individually or as a whole, such datasets generated at great effort and expense remain interpretable and a ready source of insight for years to come

    KNOTTIN: the knottin or inhibitor cystine knot scaffold in 2007

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    The KNOTTIN database provides standardized information on the small disulfide-rich proteins with a knotted topology called knottins or inhibitor cystine knots. Static pages present the essential historical or recent results about knottin discoveries, sequences, structures, syntheses, folding, functions, applications and bibliography. New tools, KNOTER3D and KNOTER1D, are provided to determine or predict if a user query (3D structure or sequence) is a knottin. These tools are now used to automate the database update. All knottin structures and sequences in the database are now standardized according to the knottin nomenclature based on loop lengths between knotted cysteines, and to the knottin numbering scheme. Therefore, the whole KNOTTIN database (sequences and structures) can now be searched using loop lengths, in addition to keyword and sequence (BLAST, HMMER) searches. Renumbered and structurally fitted knottin PDB files are available for download as well as renumbered sequences, sequence alignments and logos. The knottin numbering scheme is used for automatic drawing of standardized two-dimensional Colliers de Perles of any knottin structure or sequence in the database or provided by the user. The KNOTTIN database is available at http://knottin.cbs.cnrs.fr

    Substitution of Ala564 in the first zinc cluster of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-binding domain of the androgen receptor by Asp, Asn, or Leu exerts differential effects on DNA binding

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    In the androgen receptor of a patient with androgen insensitivity, the alanine residue at position 564 in the first zinc cluster of the DNA-binding domain was substituted by aspartic acid. In other members of the steroid receptor family, either valine or alanine is present at the corresponding position, suggesting the importance of a neutral amino acid residue at this site. The mutant receptor was transcriptionally inactive, which corresponded to the absence of specific DNA binding in gel retardation assays, and its inactivity in a promoter interference assay. Two other receptor mutants with a mutation at this same position were created to study the role of position 564 in the human androgen receptor on DNA binding in more detail. Introduction of asparagine at position 564 resulted in transcription activation of a mouse mammary tumor virus promoter, although at a lower level compared with the wild-type receptor. Transcription activation of an (ARE)2-TATA promoter was low, and binding to different hormone response elements could not be visualized. The receptor with a leucine residue at position 564 was as active as the wild-type receptor on a mouse mammary tumor virus promoter and an (ARE)2-TATA promoter, but interacted differentially with several hormone response elements in a gel retardation assay. The results of the transcription activation and DNA binding studies could partially be predicted from three-dimensional modeling data. The phenotype of the patient was explained by the negative charge, introduced at position 564

    Is there a rationale for the continuous infusion of cefepime? A multidisciplinary approach

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    This review is the fruit of multidisciplinary discussions concerning the continuous administration of β-lactams, with a special focus on cefepime. Pooling of the analyses and viewpoints of all members of the group, based on a review of the literature on this subject, has made it possible to test the hypothesis concerning the applicability of this method of administering cefepime. Cefepime is a cephalosporin for injection which exhibits a broader spectrum of activity than that of older, third-generation cephalosporins for injection (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime). The specific activity of cefepime is based on its more rapid penetration (probably due to its zwitterionic structure, this molecule being both positively and negatively charged) through the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, its greater affinity for penicillin-binding proteins, its weak affinity for β-lactamases, and its stability versus certain β-lactamases, particularly derepressed cephalosporinases. The stability of cefepime in various solutions intended for parenteral administration has been studied, and the results obtained demonstrated the good compatibility of cefepime with these different solutions. These results thus permit the administration of cefepime in a continuous infusion over a 24-h period, using two consecutive syringes

    High flux polarized gamma rays production: first measurements with a four-mirror cavity at the ATF

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    The next generation of e+/e- colliders will require a very intense flux of gamma rays to allow high current polarized positrons to be produced. This can be achieved by converting polarized high energy photons in polarized pairs into a target. In that context, an optical system consisting of a laser and a four-mirror passive Fabry-Perot cavity has recently been installed at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) at KEK to produce a high flux of polarized gamma rays by inverse Compton scattering. In this contribution, we describe the experimental system and present preliminary results. An ultra-stable four-mirror non planar geometry has been implemented to ensure the polarization of the gamma rays produced. A fiber amplifier is used to inject about 10W in the high finesse cavity with a gain of 1000. A digital feedback system is used to keep the cavity at the length required for the optimal power enhancement. Preliminary measurements show that a flux of about 4×106γ4\times10^6 \gamma/s with an average energy of about 24 MeV was generated. Several upgrades currently in progress are also described

    Fuzzy support vector machines for pattern classification

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    In response to the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa, the World Health Organization has advised all nations to prepare for the detection, investigation and management of confirmed and suspected EVD cases in order to prevent further spread through international travel. To gain insights into the state of preparedness of European hospitals, an electronic survey was circulated in August–September 2014 to 984 medical professionals representing 736 hospitals in 40 countries. The survey addressed the willingness and capacity to admit patients with suspected EVD as well as specific preparedness activities in response to the current Ebola crisis. Evaluable responses were received from representatives of 254 (32%) hospitals in 38 countries, mostly tertiary care centres, of which 46% indicated that they would admit patients with suspected EVD. Patient transfer agreements were in place for the majority of hospitals that would not admit patients. Compared with non-admitting hospitals, admitting hospitals were more frequently engaged in various preparedness activities and more often contained basic infrastructural characteristics such as admission rooms and laboratories considered important for infection control, but some gaps and concerns were also identified. The results of this survey help to provide direction towards further preparedness activities and prioritisation thereof

    Derivation and validation of a prognostic model for postoperative risk stratification of critically ill patients with faecal peritonitis

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    Background Prognostic scores and models of illness severity are useful both clinically and for research. The aim of this study was to develop two prognostic models for the prediction of long-term (6 months) and 28-day mortality of postoperative critically ill patients with faecal peritonitis (FP). Methods Patients admitted to intensive care units with faecal peritonitis and recruited to the European GenOSept study were divided into a derivation and a geographical validation subset; patients subsequently recruited to the UK GAinS study were used for temporal validation. Using all 50 clinical and laboratory variables available on day 1 of critical care admission, Cox proportional hazards regression was fitted to select variables for inclusion in two prognostic models, using stepwise selection and nonparametric bootstrapping sampling techniques. Using Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AuROC) analysis, the performance of the models was compared to SOFA and APACHE II. Results Five variables (age, SOFA score, lowest temperature, highest heart rate, haematocrit) were entered into the prognostic models. The discriminatory performance of the 6-month prognostic model yielded an AuROC 0.81 (95% CI 0.76–0.86), 0.73 (95% CI 0.69–0.78) and 0.76 (95% CI 0.69–0.83) for the derivation, geographic and temporal external validation cohorts, respectively. The 28-day prognostic tool yielded an AuROC 0.82 (95% CI 0.77–0.88), 0.75 (95% CI 0.69–0.80) and 0.79 (95% CI 0.71–0.87) for the same cohorts. These AuROCs appeared consistently superior to those obtained with the SOFA and APACHE II scores alone. Conclusions The two prognostic models developed for 6-month and 28-day mortality prediction in critically ill septic patients with FP, in the postoperative phase, enhanced the day one SOFA score’s predictive utility by adding a few key variables: age, lowest recorded temperature, highest recorded heart rate and haematocrit. External validation of their predictive capability in larger cohorts is needed, before introduction of the proposed scores into clinical practice to inform decision making and the design of clinical trials

    CyBase: a database of cyclic protein sequences and structures, with applications in protein discovery and engineering

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    CyBase was originally developed as a database for backbone-cyclized proteins, providing search and display capabilities for sequence, structure and function data. Cyclic proteins are interesting because, compared to conventional proteins, they have increased stability and enhanced binding affinity and therefore can potentially be developed as protein drugs. The new CyBase release features a redesigned interface and internal architecture to improve user-interactivity, collates double the amount of data compared to the initial release, and hosts a novel suite of tools that are useful for the visualization, characterization and engineering of cyclic proteins. These tools comprise sequence/structure 2D representations, a summary of grafting and mutation studies of synthetic analogues, a study of N- to C-terminal distances in known protein structures and a structural modelling tool to predict the best linker length to cyclize a protein. These updates are useful because they have the potential to help accelerate the discovery of naturally occurring cyclic proteins and the engineering of cyclic protein drugs. The new release of CyBase is available at http://research1t.imb.uq.edu.au/cybas