6,432 research outputs found

    On the mass of the neutron star in V395 Car/2S 0921-630

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    We report high-resolution optical spectroscopy of the low-mass X-ray binary V395 Car/2S 0921-630 obtained with the MIKE echelle spectrograph on the Magellan-Clay telescope. Our spectra are obtained near superior conjunction of the mass donor star and we exploit the absorption lines originating from the back-side of the K-type object to accurately derive its rotational velocity. Using K0-K1 III templates, we find vsini=32.9 +/- 0.8 km/s. We show that the choice of template star and the assumed limb darkening coefficient has little impact on the derived rotational velocity. This value is a significant revision downwards compared to previously published values. We derive new system parameter constraints in the light of our much lower rotational velocity. We find M_1=1.44 +/- 0.10 Msun, M_2=0.35 +/- 0.03 Msun, and q=0.24 +/- 0.02 where the errors have been estimated through a Monte-Carlo simulation. A possible remaining systematic effect is the fact that we may be over-estimating the orbital velocity of the mass donor due to irradiation effects. However, any correction for this effect will only reduce the compact object mass further, down to a minimum mass of M_1=1.05 +/- 0.08 Msun. There is thus strong evidence that the compact object in this binary is a neutron star of rather typical mass and that the previously reported mass values of 2-4Msun were too high due to an over-estimate of the rotational broadening.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Methodological Aspects of Spontaneous Crystalluria Studies in Calcium Stone Formers

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    Despite nearly a half-century of study, the clinical value of spontaneous crystalluria (Cx) examinations in calcium stone formers (CaSF) is still uncertain. The analytical complexity of urine particle study is largely responsible for this situation. As a result, there is no consensus regarding technical methods in Cx with several techniques for urine sampling and three different instruments currently used for particle study, namely, particle counting (PC), light microscopy (LM) and petrographic microscopy (PM). In this work, we first examined urine sampling and instrument methods regarding their appropriateness for Cx studies. Then we performed a comparative analysis of Cx studies in CaSF. Despite many technical and clinical discrepancies, several studies agree that the frequency of all particles and of the weddellite and whewellite calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystalline phases are increased in CaSF as compared to normal subjects (NS). Particle sizes and aggregation ratio are also often increased. Altogether, these results reinforce the need for an efficient method for Cx studies in these patients. Examining each technique leads us to conclude that most particle parameters can be studied by direct LM observation of freshly voided urine samples, i.e., urine samples without any separation steps. For clinical applications, several examinations should be performed, first to define the specific Cx characteristics in a patient, then for the study of treatment efficiency on Cx control, and finally, during the patient follow-up. Due to Cx variability in each patient, the frequency of Cx examinations during each phase needs to be determined in long-term comparative prospective studies of CaSF

    The Outer Shock of the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8: Evidence for the Interaction with the Stellar Winds from its Massive Progenitor

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    We study the outer-shock structure of the oxygen-rich supernova remnant G292.0+1.8, using a deep observation with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We measure radial variations of the electron temperature and emission measure that we identify as the outer shock propagating into a medium with a radially decreasing density profile. The inferred ambient density structure is consistent with models for the circumstellar wind of a massive progenitor star rather than for a uniform interstellar medium. The estimated wind density n_H = 0.1 ~ 0.3 cm^-3) at the current outer radius (~7.7 pc) of the remnant is consistent with a slow wind from a red supergiant (RSG) star. The total mass of the wind is estimated to be ~ 15 - 40 solar mass (depending on the estimated density range), assuming that the wind extended down to near the surface of the progenitor. The overall kinematics of G292.0+1.8 are consistent with the remnant expanding through the RSG wind.Comment: 9 pages (2-column), 5 figures, accepted for Ap

    Mean first-passage time of surface-mediated diffusion in spherical domains

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    We present an exact calculation of the mean first-passage time to a target on the surface of a 2D or 3D spherical domain, for a molecule alternating phases of surface diffusion on the domain boundary and phases of bulk diffusion. The presented approach is based on an integral equation which can be solved analytically. Numerically validated approximation schemes, which provide more tractable expressions of the mean first-passage time are also proposed. In the framework of this minimal model of surface-mediated reactions, we show analytically that the mean reaction time can be minimized as a function of the desorption rate from the surface.Comment: to appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Coronal X-Ray Emission from the Stellar Companions to Transiently Accreting Black Holes

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    Observations of soft X-ray transients (SXTs) in quiescence have found that the binaries harboring black holes are fainter than those that contain a neutron star. Narayan and collaborators postulated that the faint X-ray emission from black hole binaries was powered by an advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF). We explore an alternative explanation for the quiescent X-ray emission from the black hole systems: coronal emission from the rapidly rotating optical companion. This is commonly observed and well studied in other tidally locked binaries, such as the RS CVns. We show that two of the three X-ray detected black hole binaries (A0620-00 and GRO J1655-40) exhibit X-ray fluxes entirely consistent with coronal emission. The X-ray spectra of these objects should be best fit with thermal Raymond-Smith models rich in lines when coronal emission predominates. One black hole system (V404 Cyg) is too X-ray bright to be explained as coronal emission. The quiescent X-ray emission from the neutron star binaries is far too bright for coronal emission. It might be that all SXT's have variable accretion rates in quiescence and that the basal quiescent X-ray flux is set by either coronal emission from the companion or -- when present -- by thermal emission from the neutron star. We also show that the lithium abundances in the black hole systems are comparable to those in the RS CVns, reducing the need for production mechanisms that involve the compact object.Comment: ApJ, accepted (v541; Oct 1, 2000); Changes to figures and tables, minor modifications to text. Uses emulateapj.sty. 14 pages, 3 figure

    An XMM-Newton Study of the Bright, Nearby Supernova Remnant G296.1-0.5

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    We present a detailed study of the supernova remnant G296.1-0.5, performed using observations with the EPIC and RGS instruments of the XMM-Newton satellite. G296.1-0.5 is a bright remnant that displays an incomplete multiple-shell morphology in both its radio and X-ray images. We use a set of observations towards G296.1-0.5, from three distinct pointings of EPIC, in order to perform a thorough spatial and spectral analysis of this remnant, and hence determine what type of progenitor gave rise to the supernova explosion, and describe the evolutionary state of the SNR. Our XMM-Newton observations establish that the spectral characteristics are consistent across the X-ray bright regions of the object, and are best described by a model of the emission from a nonequilibrium ionization collisional plasma. The study reveals that the emission from the shell is characterized by an excess of N and an underabundance of O, which is typical of wind material from red supergiant (RSG) and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. Additionally, we have detected transient X-ray source 2XMMi J115004.8-622442 at the edge of the SNR whose properties suggest that it is the result of stellar flare, and we discuss its nature in more detail.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    International Network for Capacity Building for the Control of Emerging Viral Vector-Borne Zoonotic Diseases: Arbo-Zoonet

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    Arboviruses are arthropod-borne viruses, which include West Nile fever virus (WNFV), a mosquito-borne virus, Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV), a mosquito-borne virus, and Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV), a tick-borne virus. These arthropod-borne viruses can cause disease in different domestic and wild animals and in humans, posing a threat to public health because of their epidemic and zoonotic potential. In recent decades, the geographical distribution of these diseases has expanded. Outbreaks of WNF have already occurred in Europe, especially in the Mediterranean basin. Moreover, CCHF is endemic in many European countries and serious outbreaks have occurred, particularly in the Balkans, Turkey and Southern Federal Districts of Russia. In 2000, RVF was reported for the first time outside the African continent, with cases being confirmed in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. This spread was probably caused by ruminant trade and highlights that there is a threat of expansion of the virus into other parts of Asia and Europe. In the light of global warming and globalisation of trade and travel, public interest in emerging zoonotic diseases has increased. This is especially evident regarding the geographical spread of vector-borne diseases. A multi-disciplinary approach is now imperative, and groups need to collaborate in an integrated manner that includes vector control, vaccination programmes, improved therapy strategies, diagnostic tools and surveillance, public awareness, capacity building and improvement of infrastructure in endemic regions

    The massive neutron star or low-mass black hole in 2S0921-630

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    We report on optical spectroscopy of the eclipsing Halo LMXB 2S0921-630, that reveals the absorption line radial velocity curve of the K0III secondary star with a semi-amplitude K_2=92.89 +/- 3.84 km/s, a systemic velocity Îł\gamma=34.9 +/- 3.3 \kms and an orbital period P_orb of 9.0035 +/- 0.0029 day (1-sigma). Given the quality of the data, we find no evidence for the effects of X-ray irradiation. Using the previously determined rotational broadening of the mass donor, and applying conservative limits on the orbital inclination, we constrain the compact object mass to be 2.0-4.3 Msolar (1-sigma), ruling out a canonical neutron star at the 99% level. Since the nature of the compact object is unclear, this mass range implies that the compact object is either a low-mass black hole with a mass slightly higher than the maximum neutron star mass (2.9 Msolar) or a massive neutron star. If the compact object is a black hole, it confirms the prediction of the existence of low-mass black holes, while if the object is a massive neutron star its high mass severely constrains the equation of state of nuclear matter.Comment: Accepted by ApJ

    A Relativistic Type Ibc Supernova Without a Detected Gamma-ray Burst

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    Long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) mark the explosive death of some massive stars and are a rare sub-class of Type Ibc supernovae (SNe Ibc). They are distinguished by the production of an energetic and collimated relativistic outflow powered by a central engine (an accreting black hole or neutron star). Observationally, this outflow is manifested in the pulse of gamma-rays and a long-lived radio afterglow. To date, central engine-driven SNe have been discovered exclusively through their gamma-ray emission, yet it is expected that a larger population goes undetected due to limited satellite sensitivity or beaming of the collimated emission away from our line-of-sight. In this framework, the recovery of undetected GRBs may be possible through radio searches for SNe Ibc with relativistic outflows. Here we report the discovery of luminous radio emission from the seemingly ordinary Type Ibc SN 2009bb, which requires a substantial relativistic outflow powered by a central engine. The lack of a coincident GRB makes SN 2009bb the first engine-driven SN discovered without a detected gamma-ray signal. A comparison with our extensive radio survey of SNe Ibc reveals that the fraction harboring central engines is low, ~1 percent, measured independently from, but consistent with, the inferred rate of nearby GRBs. Our study demonstrates that upcoming optical and radio surveys will soon rival gamma-ray satellites in pinpointing the nearest engine-driven SNe. A similar result for a different supernova is reported independently.Comment: To appear in Nature on Jan 28 2010. Embargoed for discussion in the press until 13:00 US Eastern Time on Jan 27 (Accepted version, 27 pages, Manuscript and Suppl. Info.

    Fluorescent oxide nanoparticles adapted to active tips for near-field optics

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    We present a new kind of fluorescent oxide nanoparticles with properties well suited to active-tip based near-field optics. These particles with an average diameter in the range 5-10 nm are produced by Low Energy Cluster Beam Deposition (LECBD) from a YAG:Ce3+ target. They are studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), classical photoluminescence, cathodoluminescence and near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM). Particles of extreme photo-stability as small as 10 nm in size are observed. These emitters are validated as building blocks of active NSOM tips by coating a standard optical tip with a 10 nm thick layer of YAG:Ce3+ particles directly in the LECBD reactor and by subsequently performing NSOM imaging of test surfaces.Comment: Changes made following Referee's comments; added references; one added figure. See story on this article at: http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/tech/3606
