31 research outputs found

    From In Situ to satellite observations of pelagic Sargassum distribution and aggregation in the Tropical North Atlantic Ocean

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    International audienceThe present study reports on observations carried out in the Tropical North Atlantic in summer and autumn 2017, documenting Sargassum aggregations using both ship-deck observations and satellite sensor observations at three resolutions (MSI-10 m, OLCI-300 m, VIIRS-750 m and MODIS-1 km). Both datasets reported that in summer, Sargassum aggre-gations were mainly observed off Brazil and near the Caribbean Islands, while they accumulated near the African coast in autumn. Based on in situ observations, we propose a five-class typology allowing standardisation of the description of in situ Sargassum raft shapes and sizes. The most commonly observed Sargassum raft type was windrows, but large rafts composed of a quasi-circular patch hundreds of meters wide were also observed. Satellite imagery showed that these rafts formed larger Sargassum aggregations over a wide range of scales, with smaller aggregations (of tens of m 2 area) nested within larger ones (of hundreds of km 2). Match-ups between different satellite sensors and in situ observations were limited for this dataset, mainly because of high cloud cover during the periods of observation. Nevertheless, comparisons between the two datasets showed that satellite sensors successfully detected Sargassum abundance and aggregation patterns consistent with in situ observations. MODIS and VIIRS sensors were better suited to describing the Sargas-sum aggregation distribution and dynamics at Atlantic scale, while the new sensors, OLCI and MSI, proved their ability to detect Sargassum aggregations and to describe their (sub-) mesoscale nested structure. The high variability in raft shape, size, thickness, depth and biomass density observed in situ means that caution is called for when using satellite maps of Sargassum distribution and biomass estimation. Improvements would require additional in situ and airborne observations or very high-resolution satellite imagery

    Circulation patterns in a channel reef-lagoon system, Ouano lagoon, New Caledonia

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    International audienceThis paper reports on two three-months field experiments carried out in the Ouano lagoon, New Caledonia. This channel-type lagoon, exposed to meso-tides, south pacific swells and trade winds, has been monitored thanks to a network of currents profilers to understand the dynamics of the lagoon waters. Four typical circulation patterns have been identified, covering all together more than 90% of the survey period. These patterns are mainly driven by the waves and wind features. In particular, obliquely incident waves or strong winds blowing over a sufficient period are able to reverse the typical circulation pattern. The analysis of the vertical structure of the currents through passages shows the regular presence of a nearly linear vertical shear within the water column

    Sargassum observations from MODIS: using aggregations context to filter false detections

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    International audienceSince 2011, the distribution extent of pelagic Sargassum algae has substantially increased and now covers the whole Tropical North Atlantic Ocean, with significant inter-annual variability. The ocean colour imagery has been used as the only alternative to monitor such a vast area. However, the detection is hampered by cloud masking, sunglint, coastal contamination and others phenomena. All together, they lead to false detections that cannot be discriminated with classic radiometric analysis, but may be overcome by considering the shape and the context of the detections. Here, we built a machine learning model based on spatial features to filter false detections. More specifically, Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 1 km) data from Aqua and Terra satellites were used to generate daily map of Alternative Floating Algae Index (AFAI). Based on this radiometric index, Sargassum presence in the Tropical Atlantic North Ocean was inferred. For every Sargassum detections, five spatial indices were extracted for describing their shape and surrounding context and then used by a random forest binary classifier. Contextual features were most important in the classifier. Trained with a multi-annual (2016-2020) learning set, the classifier performs the filtering of daily false detections with an accuracy of 90%. This leads to a reduction of detected Sargassum pixels of 50% over the domain. The method provides reliable data while preserving high spatial and temporal resolutions (1 km, daily). The resulting distribution on 2016-2020 is consistent with the literature for seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations, with maximum coverage in 2018 and minimum in 2016. In particular, it retrieves the two areas of consolidation in the western and eastern part of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean associated with distinct temporal dynamics. At full resolution, the dataset allowed us to semi-automatically extract Sargassum aggregations trajectories from successive filtered images. Using those trajectories will help to better quantify the drift of aggregations with respect to the currents, the wind and sea state. Overall, this new dataset will be useful for understanding the drivers of Sargassum dynamics at fine and large scale and validate future models

    Synergy between Low Earth Orbit (LEO)—MODIS and Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO)—GOES Sensors for Sargassum Monitoring in the Atlantic Ocean

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    International audienceSince 2011, massive stranding of the brown algae Sargassum has regularly affected the coastal waters of the West Caribbean, Brazil, and West Africa, leading to heavy environmental and socio-economic impacts. Ocean color remote sensing observations as performed by sun-synchronous satellite sensors such as MODIS (NASA), MERIS (ESA), or OLCI (ESA/Copernicus) are used to provide quantitative assessments of Sargassum coverage through the calculation of indices as the Alternative Floating Algae Index (AFAI). Sun-synchronous sensors usually provide at best one daytime observation per day of a given oceanic area. However, such a daily temporal revisit rate is not fully satisfactory to monitor the dynamics of Sargassum aggregation due to their potentially significant drift over the course of the day as a result of oceanic currents and sea surface wind stress. In addition, the sun glint and the presence of clouds limit the use of low earth orbit observations, especially in tropical zones. The high frequency sampling provided by geostationary sensors can be a relevant alternative approach in synergy with ocean color sun-synchronous sensors to increase the temporal resolution of the observations, thus allowing efficient monitoring of Sargassum dynamics. In this study, data acquired by a geostationary satellite sensor located at 36,000 km from Earth, namely GOES-16 (NASA/NOAA), which was primarily designed for meteorology applications, are analyzed to investigate the Sargassum dynamics. The results demonstrate that a GOES-16 hourly composite product is appropriate to identify Sargassum aggregations using an index commonly used for vegetation monitoring, namely NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). It is also shown that GOES hourly observations can significantly improve the simulated drift obtained with a transport circulation model, which uses geostrophic current, wind, and waves. This study thus highlights the significant relevance of the effective synergy between sun-synchronous and geostationary satellite sensors for characterizing the Sargassum dynamics. Such a synergy could be summarized as follows: (i) A sun-synchronous sensor enables accurate Sargassum detection and quantitative estimates (e.g., fractional coverage) through AFAI Level-2 products while (ii) a geostationary sensor enables the determination of the displacement features of Sargassum aggregations (velocity, direction

    Revisited Estimation of Moderate Resolution Sargassum Fractional Coverage Using Decametric Satellite Data (S2-MSI)

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    International audienceSince 2011, massive stranding of the brown algae Sargassum has regularly affected the coastal waters of the West Caribbean, Brazil and West Africa, leading to significant environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The AFAI algal index (Alternative Floating Algae Index) is often used with remote sensing data in order to estimate the Sargassum coverage, and more precisely the AFAI deviation, which consists of the difference between AFAI and AFAI of the Sargassum-free background. In this study, the AFAI deviation is computed using NASA's 1 km Terra/MODIS (Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and ESA/Copernicus's 20 m Sentinel-2/MSI (Multi Spectral Instrument) for the same sites and at the same time. Both MODIS and MSI AFAI deviations are compared to confirm the relevance of AFAI deviation technique for two very different spatial resolutions. A high coefficient of determination was found, thus confirming a satisfactory downsampling from 20 m (MSI) to 1 km (MODIS). Then, AFAI deviations are used to estimate the fractional coverage of Sargassum (noted FC). A new linear relationship between the MODIS AFAI deviation and FC is established using the dense Sargassum aggregations observed by MSI data. The AFAI deviation is proportional to FC with a factor of proportionality close to 0.08. Finally, it is shown that the factor is dependent on the Sargassum spectral reflectance, submersion or physiological state