612 research outputs found

    Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Inflammation in Different Types of Multiple Sclerosis

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    Different clinical courses of multiple sclerosis, heterogeneity of its clinical implications, different effect of immunomodulatory therapy for the same clinical forms implies various pathogenetic mechanisms of central nervous system damage at this disease. Applicability of immunological and biochemical markers for the estimation of immunocorrecting and anti-inflammatory therapy efficacy is important. This research aims at improvement of pathological process stages diagnostics at multiple sclerosis and further therapy optimization depending on the activity of the inflammatory process. In the article matrix metalloproteinase-9 rate was assessed in 135 patients with multiple sclerosis of different course types and at different activity stages of the pathological process. The highest matrix metalloproteinase-9 rates were in patients with relapsing-remitting type at the stage of exacerbation, with the lowest rate being in patients with primary-progressive multiple sclerosis. Determination of matrix metalloproteinase-9 rate allows to assess the degree of inflammatory process expression and to monitor the efficacy of multiple sclerosis treatment

    Influence of intermartensitic transitions on transport properties of Ni2.16Mn0.84Ga alloy

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    Magnetic, transport, and x-ray diffraction measurements of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Ni2.16_{2.16}Mn0.84_{0.84}Ga revealed that this alloy undergoes an intermartensitic transition upon cooling, whereas no such a transition is observed upon subsequent heating. The difference in the modulation of the martensite forming upon cooling from the high-temperature austenitic state [5-layered (5M) martensite], and the martensite forming upon the intermartensitic transition [7-layered (7M) martensite] strongly affects the magnetic and transport properties of the alloy and results in a large thermal hysteresis of the resistivity ρ\rho and magnetization MM. The intermartensitic transition has an especially marked influence on the transport properties, as is evident from a large difference in the resistivity of the 5M and 7M martensite, (ρ5Mρ7M)/ρ5M15(\rho_{\mathrm{5M}} - \rho_{\mathrm{7M}})/\rho _{\mathrm{5M}} \approx 15%, which is larger than the jump of resistivity at the martensitic transition from the cubic austenitic phase to the monoclinic 5M martensitic phase. We assume that this significant difference in ρ\rho between the martensitic phases is accounted for by nesting features of the Fermi surface. It is also suggested that the nesting hypothesis can explain the uncommon behavior of the resistivity at the martensitic transition, observed in stoichiometric and near-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloys.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, REVTEX

    Resonant Cyclotron Radiation Transfer Model Fits to Spectra from Gamma-Ray Burst GRB870303

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    We demonstrate that models of resonant cyclotron radiation transfer in a strong field (i.e. cyclotron scattering) can account for spectral lines seen at two epochs, denoted S1 and S2, in the Ginga data for GRB870303. Using a generalized version of the Monte Carlo code of Wang et al. (1988,1989b), we model line formation by injecting continuum photons into a static plane-parallel slab of electrons threaded by a strong neutron star magnetic field (~ 10^12 G) which may be oriented at an arbitrary angle relative to the slab normal. We examine two source geometries, which we denote "1-0" and "1-1," with the numbers representing the relative electron column densities above and below the continuum photon source plane. We compare azimuthally symmetric models, i.e. models in which the magnetic field is parallel to the slab normal, with models having more general magnetic field orientations. If the bursting source has a simple dipole field, these two model classes represent line formation at the magnetic pole, or elsewhere on the stellar surface. We find that the data of S1 and S2, considered individually, are consistent with both geometries, and with all magnetic field orientations, with the exception that the S1 data clearly favor line formation away from a polar cap in the 1-1 geometry, with the best-fit model placing the line-forming region at the magnetic equator. Within both geometries, fits to the combined (S1+S2) data marginally favor models which feature equatorial line formation, and in which the observer's orientation with respect to the slab changes between the two epochs. We interpret this change as being due to neutron star rotation, and we place limits on the rotation period.Comment: LaTeX2e (aastex.cls included); 45 pages text, 17 figures (on 21 pages); accepted by ApJ (to be published 1 Nov 1999, v. 525

    Magnetic field dependence of galfenol elastic properties

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    Elastic shear moduli measurements on Fe100−xGax (x = 12–33) single crystals (via resonant ultrasound spectroscopy) with and without a magnetic field and within 4–300 K are reported. The pronounced softening of the tetragonal shear modulus c′ is concluded to be, based on magnetoelastic coupling, the cause of the second peak in the tetragonal magnetostriction constant λ100 near x = 28. Exceedingly high ΔE effects ( ∼ 25%), combined with the extreme softness in c′ (c′\u3c10 GPa), suggest structural changes take place, yet, gradual in nature, as the moduli show a smooth dependence on Ga concentration, temperature, and magnetic field. Shear anisotropy (c44/c′) as high as 14.7 was observed for Fe71.2Ga28.8

    Magnetic properties of Ni2.18Mn0.82Ga Heusler alloys with a coupled magnetostructural transition

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    Polycrystalline Ni2.18Mn0.82Ga Heusler alloys with a coupled magnetostructural transition are studied by differential scanning calorimetry, magnetic and resistivity measurements. Coupling of the magnetic and structural subsystems results in unusual magnetic features of the alloy. These uncommon magnetic properties of Ni2.18Mn0.82Ga are attributed to the first-order structural transition from a tetragonal ferromagnetic to a cubic paramagnetic phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Transition Radiation Spectra of Electrons from 1 to 10 GeV/c in Regular and Irregular Radiators

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    We present measurements of the spectral distribution of transition radiation generated by electrons of momentum 1 to 10 GeV/c in different radiator types. We investigate periodic foil radiators and irregular foam and fiber materials. The transition radiation photons are detected by prototypes of the drift chambers to be used in the Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) of the ALICE experiment at CERN, which are filled with a Xe, CO2 (15 %) mixture. The measurements are compared to simulations in order to enhance the quantitative understanding of transition radiation production, in particular the momentum dependence of the transition radiation yield.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res.

    Diffuse-Charge Dynamics in Electrochemical Systems

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    The response of a model micro-electrochemical system to a time-dependent applied voltage is analyzed. The article begins with a fresh historical review including electrochemistry, colloidal science, and microfluidics. The model problem consists of a symmetric binary electrolyte between parallel-plate, blocking electrodes which suddenly apply a voltage. Compact Stern layers on the electrodes are also taken into account. The Nernst-Planck-Poisson equations are first linearized and solved by Laplace transforms for small voltages, and numerical solutions are obtained for large voltages. The ``weakly nonlinear'' limit of thin double layers is then analyzed by matched asymptotic expansions in the small parameter ϵ=λD/L\epsilon = \lambda_D/L, where λD\lambda_D is the screening length and LL the electrode separation. At leading order, the system initially behaves like an RC circuit with a response time of λDL/D\lambda_D L / D (not λD2/D\lambda_D^2/D), where DD is the ionic diffusivity, but nonlinearity violates this common picture and introduce multiple time scales. The charging process slows down, and neutral-salt adsorption by the diffuse part of the double layer couples to bulk diffusion at the time scale, L2/DL^2/D. In the ``strongly nonlinear'' regime (controlled by a dimensionless parameter resembling the Dukhin number), this effect produces bulk concentration gradients, and, at very large voltages, transient space charge. The article concludes with an overview of more general situations involving surface conduction, multi-component electrolytes, and Faradaic processes.Comment: 10 figs, 26 pages (double-column), 141 reference