13 research outputs found

    Adenoviruses of the most ancient primate lineages support the theory on virus−host co-evolution

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    The scarcity or complete lack of information on the adenoviruses (AdVs) occurring in the most ancient non-human primates resulted in the initiation of a study for exploring their abundance and diversity in prosimians and New World monkeys (NWMs). In order to assess the variability of these AdVs and the possible signs of the hypothesised virus−host co-evolution, samples from almost every family of NWMs and prosimians were screened for the presence of AdVs. A PCRscreening of 171 faecal or organ samples from live or dead, captive or wild-living prosimians and NWMs was performed. The PCR products from the gene of the IVa2 protein were sequenced and used in phylogeny calculations. The presence of 10 and 15 new AdVs in seven and ten different species of prosimians and NWMs was revealed, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the tentative novel AdVs cluster into two separate groups, which form the most basal branches among the primate AdVs, and therefore support the theory on the co-evolution of primate AdVs with their hosts. This is the first report that provides a comprehensive overview of the AdVs occurring in prosimians and NWMs, and the first insight into the evolutionary relationships among AdVs from all major primate groups

    Popular movements and Political parties (1986-1996) : the missed reorganization of the political order failing

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    La chute de la dictature duvaliĂ©riste, le 7 fĂ©vrier 1986, marque un vĂ©ritable tournant dans l’évolution politique du pays. La situation nouvelle qui en rĂ©sulte est gĂ©nĂ©ralement analysĂ©e ou comprise sous l’angle de l’explication dĂ©coulant du paradigme des transitions. Ce cadre d’analyse s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© en tous points inadaptĂ© pour rendre compte des bouleversements enregistrĂ©s. DĂšs lors, la recherche d’une explication alternative vient Ă  se poser. Cette recherche tente d’explorer cette voie. Et elle soulĂšve un questionnement fondamental qui apprĂ©hende la crise haĂŻtienne sous l’angle de l’épuisement de l’ordre politique imposĂ© lors de la premiĂšre occupation amĂ©ricaine pendant la pĂ©riode 1915-1934. Le dĂ©fi de cette restructuration du champ politique avait sollicitĂ© davantage le rĂŽle et l’action de deux nouveaux acteurs qui ont durablement Ă©mergĂ© dans la vie politique du pays Ă  partir des annĂ©es quatre-vingt : les mouvements populaires et les partis politiques. L’interaction qui s’établit entre ces deux acteurs avait acquis Ă  la fois une dimension complexe et problĂ©matique. D’une part, ils (les acteurs) n’avaient pas pu dĂ©velopper une claire conscience de leur rĂŽle dans le processus de transformation politique en cours. D’autre part, il s’est Ă©tabli entre les deux acteurs un radical antagonisme qui a fini par compromettre la possibilitĂ© de construction des capacitĂ©s politiques nationales en vue de favoriser une Ă©volution positive dudit processus. Le retour Ă  la domination directe amĂ©ricaine, avec l’intervention militaire de 1994, consacrera l’impossibilitĂ© de trouver une issue Ă  la crise au plan interne. Cette intervention confirmera la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’épuisement de l’ordre politique de 1934 tout en provoquant des contradictions nouvelles. Elle a notamment contribuĂ© Ă  prĂ©cipiter la suppression de l’armĂ©e, tout en procĂ©dant de maniĂšre quasi-totale Ă  la confiscation de la souverainetĂ© du pays. Pendant la dĂ©cennie 1986-1996 qui reste charniĂšre dans le processus de changement politique en HaĂŻti, il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible donc d’aboutir Ă  une redĂ©finition de l’ordre politique agonisant. Mais l’enjeu de son renouvellement reste indispensable. MalgrĂ© leurs faiblesses et les controverses Ă  la base de leur relation, les mouvements populaires et les partis politiques demeurent encore les deux principales formes de reprĂ©sentation politique ou d’action collective qui puissent aider d’avancer dans cette direction. La difficultĂ© majeure est d’arriver Ă  dĂ©finir l’originalitĂ© de l’articulation entre ces deux acteurs qui pourrait bien convenir dans le contexte actuel marquĂ© Ă  la fois par le reflux des mouvements et le faible niveau d’enracinement de la forme partisane.The fall of the dictatorship duvalierist, on February 7, 1986, mark a true turning point in the political evolution of the country. The new situation which results from it is generally analyzed or included/understood under the angle of the explanation rising from the paradigm of the transitions. This framework of analysis appeared in all points misfit to give an account of the recorded upheavals. Consequently, the search for an alternative explanation has been suddenly posed. This research tries to explore this way. And it raises a fundamental questioning which apprehends the Haitian crisis under the angle of the exhaustion of the political order imposed at the time of the first American occupation for the period 1915-1934. The challenge of this reorganization of the political field had more requested the role and the action of two new actors who durably emerged in the political life of the country as from the Eighties: popular movements and political parties. The interaction which is established between these two actors had acquired at the same time a complex and problematic dimension. On the one hand, they (actors) had not been able to develop a clear conscience of their role in the process of political transformation in progress. In addition, it was established between the two actors a radical antagonism which ended up compromising the possibility of construction of the capacities national policies in order to support a positive development of the known as process. The return to the American direct domination, with the military intervention of 1994, will devote impossibility of finding an exit with the crisis with the internal plan. This intervention will confirm the reality of the exhaustion of the political order of 1934 whole while causing new contradictions. It in particular contributed to precipitate the removal of the army, while proceeding in a quasi-total way to the confiscation of the sovereignty of the country. During the decade 1986-1996 which remains hinge in the process of political change in Haiti, it was not possible thus to lead to a redefinition of the political order failing. But the stake of its renewal remains essential. In spite of their weaknesses and the controversies at the base of their relation, the popular movements and the political parties remain still the two principal forms of political representation or class action suit who can help to advance in this direction. The major difficulty is to manage to define the originality of the articulation between these two actors which could be appropriate well in the current context marked at the same time by the backward flow of the movements and the low level of rooting of the form partisane

    Mouvements populaires et Partis politiques (1986-1996) : la restructuration manquĂ©e de l’ordre politique agonisant

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    The fall of the dictatorship duvalierist, on February 7, 1986, mark a true turning point in the political evolution of the country. The new situation which results from it is generally analyzed or included/understood under the angle of the explanation rising from the paradigm of the transitions. This framework of analysis appeared in all points misfit to give an account of the recorded upheavals. Consequently, the search for an alternative explanation has been suddenly posed. This research tries to explore this way. And it raises a fundamental questioning which apprehends the Haitian crisis under the angle of the exhaustion of the political order imposed at the time of the first American occupation for the period 1915-1934. The challenge of this reorganization of the political field had more requested the role and the action of two new actors who durably emerged in the political life of the country as from the Eighties: popular movements and political parties. The interaction which is established between these two actors had acquired at the same time a complex and problematic dimension. On the one hand, they (actors) had not been able to develop a clear conscience of their role in the process of political transformation in progress. In addition, it was established between the two actors a radical antagonism which ended up compromising the possibility of construction of the capacities national policies in order to support a positive development of the known as process. The return to the American direct domination, with the military intervention of 1994, will devote impossibility of finding an exit with the crisis with the internal plan. This intervention will confirm the reality of the exhaustion of the political order of 1934 whole while causing new contradictions. It in particular contributed to precipitate the removal of the army, while proceeding in a quasi-total way to the confiscation of the sovereignty of the country. During the decade 1986-1996 which remains hinge in the process of political change in Haiti, it was not possible thus to lead to a redefinition of the political order failing. But the stake of its renewal remains essential. In spite of their weaknesses and the controversies at the base of their relation, the popular movements and the political parties remain still the two principal forms of political representation or class action suit who can help to advance in this direction. The major difficulty is to manage to define the originality of the articulation between these two actors which could be appropriate well in the current context marked at the same time by the backward flow of the movements and the low level of rooting of the form partisane.La chute de la dictature duvaliĂ©riste, le 7 fĂ©vrier 1986, marque un vĂ©ritable tournant dans l’évolution politique du pays. La situation nouvelle qui en rĂ©sulte est gĂ©nĂ©ralement analysĂ©e ou comprise sous l’angle de l’explication dĂ©coulant du paradigme des transitions. Ce cadre d’analyse s’est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© en tous points inadaptĂ© pour rendre compte des bouleversements enregistrĂ©s. DĂšs lors, la recherche d’une explication alternative vient Ă  se poser. Cette recherche tente d’explorer cette voie. Et elle soulĂšve un questionnement fondamental qui apprĂ©hende la crise haĂŻtienne sous l’angle de l’épuisement de l’ordre politique imposĂ© lors de la premiĂšre occupation amĂ©ricaine pendant la pĂ©riode 1915-1934. Le dĂ©fi de cette restructuration du champ politique avait sollicitĂ© davantage le rĂŽle et l’action de deux nouveaux acteurs qui ont durablement Ă©mergĂ© dans la vie politique du pays Ă  partir des annĂ©es quatre-vingt : les mouvements populaires et les partis politiques. L’interaction qui s’établit entre ces deux acteurs avait acquis Ă  la fois une dimension complexe et problĂ©matique. D’une part, ils (les acteurs) n’avaient pas pu dĂ©velopper une claire conscience de leur rĂŽle dans le processus de transformation politique en cours. D’autre part, il s’est Ă©tabli entre les deux acteurs un radical antagonisme qui a fini par compromettre la possibilitĂ© de construction des capacitĂ©s politiques nationales en vue de favoriser une Ă©volution positive dudit processus. Le retour Ă  la domination directe amĂ©ricaine, avec l’intervention militaire de 1994, consacrera l’impossibilitĂ© de trouver une issue Ă  la crise au plan interne. Cette intervention confirmera la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’épuisement de l’ordre politique de 1934 tout en provoquant des contradictions nouvelles. Elle a notamment contribuĂ© Ă  prĂ©cipiter la suppression de l’armĂ©e, tout en procĂ©dant de maniĂšre quasi-totale Ă  la confiscation de la souverainetĂ© du pays. Pendant la dĂ©cennie 1986-1996 qui reste charniĂšre dans le processus de changement politique en HaĂŻti, il n’a pas Ă©tĂ© possible donc d’aboutir Ă  une redĂ©finition de l’ordre politique agonisant. Mais l’enjeu de son renouvellement reste indispensable. MalgrĂ© leurs faiblesses et les controverses Ă  la base de leur relation, les mouvements populaires et les partis politiques demeurent encore les deux principales formes de reprĂ©sentation politique ou d’action collective qui puissent aider d’avancer dans cette direction. La difficultĂ© majeure est d’arriver Ă  dĂ©finir l’originalitĂ© de l’articulation entre ces deux acteurs qui pourrait bien convenir dans le contexte actuel marquĂ© Ă  la fois par le reflux des mouvements et le faible niveau d’enracinement de la forme partisane

    La lithiase biliaire chez les callithricides (Ă©tude bibliographique et enquĂȘte auprĂšs des parcs zoologiques europĂ©ens)

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    La lithiase biliaire est une affection trĂšs frĂ©quente et bien Ă©tudiĂ©e en mĂ©decine humaine. Bien que connue chez les callithricidĂ©s, elle a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ©e chez ces espĂšces. Cette Ă©tude synthĂ©tise les connaissances actuelles sur cette affection en mĂ©decine humaine et chez les callithricidĂ©s afin de faire ressortir d Ă©ventuelles similitudes. Dans un second temps, l auteur propose l analyse des rĂ©sultats d enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs des parcs europĂ©ens, Ă  propos de cette affection. Des facteurs de prĂ©disposition Ă  la lithiase biliaire, comme l appartenance au genre Leontopithecus et principalement Ă  l espĂšce L. chrysopygus, ainsi que des anomalies de conformation de la vĂ©sicule biliaire, ont Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence. Cette Ă©tude confirme le caractĂšre pigmentaire des calculs biliaires chez les callithricidĂ©s. Elle dĂ©crit les signes cliniques et les lĂ©sions rencontrĂ©es, les moyens diagnostiques et les traitements utilisĂ©s ainsi que leurs efficacitĂ©s. Des conduites Ă  tenir concernant le diagnostic et le choix du traitement sont proposĂ©s Ă  la fin de cette Ă©tude.NANTES-Ecole Nat.VĂ©tĂ©rinaire (441092302) / SudocTOULOUSE-EN VĂ©tĂ©rinaire (315552301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence in Domestics and Exotic Animals in Southern France

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    Since late 2019, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has emerged as a significant global threat to public health. Responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, this new coronavirus has prompted extensive scientific research to comprehend its transmission dynamics, especially among humans. However, as our understanding deepens, it becomes increasingly clear that SARS-CoV-2’s impact goes beyond human populations. Recent investigations have illuminated the transmission of the virus between humans and various animal species, raising important questions about zoonotic spillover events and their potential implications for both human and animal health. Our study set out to investigate the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in domestic animals (dogs and cats) and zoo animals in the south of France in 2021 and 2022, covering pre-Omicron and Omicron waves. We identified evidence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies not only in domestic dogs and cats but also in several mammals in zoos. This study shows the importance of implementing surveillance measures, including serological studies, to identify and monitor cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in animals

    Evolution of Neurological Recovery during the First Year after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage in a French University Centre

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: The evolution of neurological recovery during the first year after aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (SAH) is poorly described. PATIENTS: Patients with SAH in one university hospital from March the 1st 2010, to December 31st 2012, with a one-year follow-up. METHOD: Evaluation was performed via phone call at 3, 6 and 12\,months. Primary endpoint was poor neurological recovery (modified Rankin Scale 3-4-5-6), one year after SAH. Secondary endpoints were the incidence of lack of self-perceived previous health status recovery and incidence of cognitive disorders, one year after SAH. Risk factors of poor neurological recovery were retrieved with multivariable logistic regression. RESULTS: Two hundred and eleven patients were included and 208 had a complete follow-up. One hundred and twenty (57.7%) patients were female, 112 (53.8%) had a WFNS grade I-II-III. Seventy (33.6%) patients displayed one-year poor neurological outcome and risk factors of poor outcome were age, baseline Glasgow Coma Score\,≀q\,8, external ventricular drainage, intra-cranial hypertension and angiographic vasospasm. We observed an improvement in good outcome at 3\,months [112 (53.8%) patients], 6 months [127 (61.1%) patients] and one-year [138 (66.3%) patients]. Fifty-nine (35.3%) patients recovered previous health status, 96 (57.5%) had persistent behaviour disorders, and 71 (42.5%) suffered from memory losses at one year. DISCUSSION: Neurological recovery seems to improve over time. The same key complications should be targeted worldwide in SAH patients. CONCLUSION: Neurological complications in the following of SAH should be actively treated in order to improve outcome. The early neuro-ICU phase remains a key determinant of long-term recovery

    Evidence of Exposure to USUV and WNV in Zoo Animals in France

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    International audienceWest Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) are zoonotic arboviruses. These flaviviruses are mainly maintained in the environment through an enzootic cycle involving mosquitoes and birds. Horses and humans are incidental, dead-end hosts, but can develop severe neurological disorders. Nevertheless, there is little data regarding the involvement of other mammals in the epidemiology of these arboviruses. In this study, we performed a serosurvey to assess exposure to these viruses in captive birds and mammals in a zoo situated in the south of France, an area described for the circulation of these two viruses. A total of 411 samples comprising of 70 species were collected over 16 years from 2003 to 2019. The samples were first tested by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The positive sera were then tested using virus-specific microneutralization tests against USUV and WNV. USUV seroprevalence in birds was 10 times higher than that of WNV (14.59% versus 1.46%, respectively). Among birds, greater rhea (Rhea Americana) and common peafowl (Pavo cristatus) exhibited the highest USUV seroprevalence. Infections occurred mainly between 2016–2018 corresponding to a period of high circulation of these viruses in Europe. In mammalian species, antibodies against WNV were detected in one dama gazelle (Nanger dama) whereas serological evidence of USUV infection was observed in several Canidae, especially in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus). Our study helps to better understand the exposure of captive species to WNV and USUV and to identify potential host species to include in surveillance programs in zoos

    Filmer, travailler, chercher

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    Dans le sillage du troisiĂšme numĂ©ro de la revue qui s’intĂ©ressait aux usages et aux statuts des images dans le processus d’enquĂȘte, il s’agit ici non seulement de considĂ©rer diffĂ©rentes façons de faire de la recherche filmĂ©e sur le travail, mais aussi de mettre l’accent sur les effets de la fabrication ou de l’usage de ces donnĂ©es visuelles sur les situations d’enquĂȘte), en mettant la focale sur l’utilisation de camĂ©ras et d’images animĂ©es