20 research outputs found

    Characterization of Cracks and their Effects on the Effective Transport Pathways in Ni-YSZ Anodes after Reoxidation Using X-Ray Nanotomography

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    Reduction-oxidation cycling of Ni-based electrodes for solid oxide fuel/electrolysis cells irreversibly alters their microstructure and can cause the fracture of the electrolyte. Non-destructive 3-D imaging enables tracking of microstructural changes that occur during cycling. Despite recent advances, the understanding of how local 3-D geometrical features in the heterogeneous electrode material contribute to the material degradation remains incomplete. Absorption contrast X-ray nanotomography (XNT) of a same Ni(O)-yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) sample was performed at the Ni K-edge white-line peak (8348 eV), before and after exposure to air at 800°C during 45 minutes. A complimentary XNT at 8376 eV confirmed a degree of oxidation in the range of 98%. The morphology of the Ni(O) phase was as expected completely different after re-oxidation. The spatial resolution better than 20 nm enabled the detection of cracks in the brittle YSZ phase above this dimension. The detrimental effects of the cracks on the effective 3-D transport pathways in the Ni-YSZ anode under polarization was investigated using a skeleton-based discrete representation of the imaged volume and an analytical electrochemical fin model. Topological properties, effective ionic conductivity and polarization resistance were calculated before and after oxidation. For the latter estimate, the effect of the cracked YSZ network was considered alone so far; that of the spatial redistribution of triple-phase boundaries induced by re-oxidation will be included in the future. Cracks in the brittle YSZ phase induced an increase in the effective ionic resistivity and in the polarization resistance in the range of 25 ± 9% and 12 ± 5%, respectively

    Insights into the physical and chemical properties of a cement-polymer composite developed for geothermal wellbore applications

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    To isolate injection and production zones from overlying formations and aquifers during geothermal operations, cement is placed in the annulus between well casing and the formation. However, wellbore cement eventually undergoes fractures due to chemical and physical stress with the resulting time and cost intensive production shutdowns and repairs. To address this difficult problem, a polymer-cement (composite) with self-healing properties was recently developed by our group. Short-term thermal stability tests demonstrated the potential of this material for its application in geothermal environments. In this work, the authors unveil some of the physical and chemical properties of the cement composite in an attempt to better understand its performance as compared to standard cement in the absence of the polymer. Among the properties studied include material's elemental distribution, mineral composition, internal microstructure, and tensile elasticity. Polymer-cement composites have relatively larger, though not interconnected, levels of void spaces compared to conventional cement. Most of these void spaces are filled with polymer. The composites also seem to have higher levels of uncured cement grains as the polymer seems to act as a retarder in the curing process. The presence of homogeneously-distributed more flexible polymer in the cement brings about 60-70% higher tensile elasticity to the composite material, as confirmed experimentally and by density-functional calculations. The improved tensile elasticity suggests that the composite materials can outperform conventional cement under mechanical stress. In addition, calculations indicate that the bonding interactions between the cement and polymer remain stable over the range of strain studied. The results suggest that this novel polymer-cement formulation could represent an important alternative to conventional cement for application in high-temperature subsurface settings.11Nsciescopu