108 research outputs found

    Memperbaiki Saturasi Oksigen, Frekuensi Denyut Jantung, Dan Pernafasan Neonatus Yang Menggunakan Ventilasi Mekanik Dengan Terapi Musik

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    Improving Oxygen Saturation, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate of Neonates Using Mechanical Ventilation with Music Therapy. Neonates using mechanical ventilation cause of respiratory disorder experience oxygenation and heart rate problems. Interventions should be made in order to calm neonates so that the need of oxygen can be minimized, one of these interventions is music therapy. This study aimed to identify the effect of music therapy on oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate of neonates using mechanical ventilation. This quasi experiment study with a pretest-posttest design without control involved 13 neonates selected by consecutive sampling. Data collected through observation and analyzed by paired t test. There was a significant difference on the average of oxygen saturation, heart rate and respiratory rate of infants using mechanical ventilation before and after music therapy (p value <0,05). Music therapy can be used as a complementary medical therapies to improve oxygenation in neonates using mechanical ventilation

    Expression of fatty acid synthesis genes and fatty acid accumulation in haematococcus pluvialis under different stressors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biofuel has been the focus of intensive global research over the past few years. The development of 4<sup>th </sup>generation biofuel production (algae-to-biofuels) based on metabolic engineering of algae is still in its infancy, one of the main barriers is our lacking of understanding of microalgal growth, metabolism and biofuel production. Although fatty acid (FA) biosynthesis pathway genes have been all cloned and biosynthesis pathway was built up in some higher plants, the molecular mechanism for its regulation in microalgae is far away from elucidation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We cloned main key genes for FA biosynthesis in <it>Haematococcus pluvialis</it>, a green microalga as a potential biodiesel feedstock, and investigated the correlations between their expression alternation and FA composition and content detected by GC-MS under different stress treatments, such as nitrogen depletion, salinity, high or low temperature. Our results showed that high temperature, high salinity, and nitrogen depletion treatments played significant roles in promoting microalgal FA synthesis, while FA qualities were not changed much. Correlation analysis showed that acyl carrier protein (ACP), 3-ketoacyl-ACP-synthase (KAS), and acyl-ACP thioesterase (FATA) gene expression had significant correlations with monounsaturated FA (MUFA) synthesis and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) synthesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We proposed that ACP, KAS, and FATA in <it>H. pluvialis </it>may play an important role in FA synthesis and may be rate limiting genes, which probably could be modified for the further study of metabolic engineering to improve microalgal biofuel quality and production.</p

    Learning Inter- and Intra-frame Representations for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo

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    In this paper, we build a two-stage Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture to construct inter- and intra-frame representations based on an arbitrary number of images captured under different light directions, performing accurate normal estimation of non-Lambertian objects. We experimentally investigate numerous network design alternatives for identifying the optimal scheme to deploy inter-frame and intra-frame feature extraction modules for the photometric stereo problem. Moreover, we propose to utilize the easily obtained object mask for eliminating adverse interference from invalid background regions in intra-frame spatial convolutions, thus effectively improve the accuracy of normal estimation for surfaces made of dark materials or with cast shadows. Experimental results demonstrate that proposed masked two-stage photometric stereo CNN model (MT-PS-CNN) performs favorably against state-of-the-art photometric stereo techniques in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. In addition, the proposed method is capable of predicting accurate and rich surface normal details for non-Lambertian objects of complex geometry and performs stably given inputs captured in both sparse and dense lighting distributions.Comment: 9 pages,8 figure

    Skin-touch-actuated textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator with black phosphorous for durable biomechanical energy harvesting

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    Textiles that are capable of harvesting biomechanical energy via triboelectric effects are of interest for self-powered wearable electronics. Fabrication of conformable and durable textiles with high triboelectric outputs remains challenging. Here we propose a washable skin-touch-actuated textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator for harvesting mechanical energy from both voluntary and involuntary body motions. Black phosphorus encapsulated with hydrophobic cellulose oleoyl ester nanoparticles serves as a synergetic electron-trapping coating, rendering a textile nanogenerator with long-term reliability and high triboelectricity regardless of various extreme deformations, severe washing, and extended environmental exposure. Considerably high output (~250–880 V, ~0.48–1.1 µA cm−2) can be attained upon touching by hand with a small force (~5 N) and low frequency (~4 Hz), which can power light-emitting diodes and a digital watch. This conformable all-textile-nanogenerator is incorporable onto cloths/skin to capture the low output of 60 V from subtle involuntary friction with skin, well suited for users’ motion or daily operations

    Re-channelization of turbidity currents in South China Sea abyssal plain due to seamounts and ridges

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    Turbidity currents can be characterized as net-erosive, net-depositional or net-bypassing. Whether a flow is erosive, depositional or bypasses depends on the flow velocity, concentration and size but these can also be impacted by external controls such as the degree of confinement, slope gradient and substrate type and erodibility. Our understanding of the relative importance of these controls comes from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, as well as from field data due to the proliferation of high-resolution 3D seismic and bathymetric data, as well as the outcrop and rock record. In this study, based on extensive multibeam and seismic reflection surveys in combination with International Ocean Discovery Program cores from the South China Sea, we document a new mechanism of turbidity current transformation from depositional to erosive resulting in channel incision. We show how confinement by seamounts and bedrock highs of previously unconfined turbidity currents has resulted in the development of seafloor channels. These channels are inferred to be the result of confinement of flows, which have traversed the abyssal plain, leading to flow acceleration allowing them to erode the seafloor substrate. This interpretation is further supported by the coarsening of flow deposits within the area of the seamounts, indicating that confinement has increased flow competency, allowing turbidity currents to carry larger volumes of coarse sediment which has been deposited in this region. This basin-scale depositional pattern suggests that pre-established basin topography can have an important control on sedimentation which can impact characteristics such as potential hydrocarbon storage

    Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance Under Environmental Stress by Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling in Cyanobacterium

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    Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation are well known as connected with many important biological processes. Rapid accumulating evidence shows environmental stress can generate particular defense epigenetic changes across generations in eukaryotes. This transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in animals and plants has gained interest over the last years. Cyanobacteria play very crucial role in the earth, and as the primary producer they can adapt to nearly all diverse environments. However, few knowledge about the genome wide epigenetic information such as methylome information in cyanobacteria, especially under any environment stress, was reported so far. In this study we profiled the genome-wide cytosine methylation from a model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, and explored the possibility of transgenerational epigenetic process in this ancient single-celled prokaryote by comparing the DNA methylomes among normal nitrogen medium cultivation, nitrogen starvation for 72 h and nitrogen recovery for about 12 generations. Our results shows that DNA methylation patterns in nitrogen starvation and nitrogen recovery are much more similar with each other, significantly different from that of the normal nitrogen. This study reveals the difference in global DNA methylation pattern of cyanobacteria between normal and nutrient stress conditions and reports the evidence of transgenerational epigenetic process in cyanobacteria. The results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of epigenetic regulation in prokaryotic adaptation to and survive in the ever changing environment

    Deep Neural Network for Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution via Channel-Attention-based Fusion of Orientation-aware Features

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    Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been successfully adopted to solve the ill-posed single image super-resolution (SISR) problem. A commonly used strategy to boost the performance of CNN-based SISR models is deploying very deep networks, which inevitably incurs many obvious drawbacks (e.g., a large number of network parameters, heavy computational loads, and difficult model training). In this paper, we aim to build more accurate and faster SISR models via developing better-performing feature extraction and fusion techniques. Firstly, we proposed a novel Orientation-Aware feature extraction and fusion Module (OAM), which contains a mixture of 1D and 2D convolutional kernels (i.e., 5 x 1, 1 x 5, and 3 x 3) for extracting orientation-aware features. Secondly, we adopt the channel attention mechanism as an effective technique to adaptively fuse features extracted in different directions and in hierarchically stacked convolutional stages. Based on these two important improvements, we present a compact but powerful CNN-based model for high-quality SISR via Channel Attention-based fusion of Orientation-Aware features (SISR-CA-OA). Extensive experimental results verify the superiority of the proposed SISR-CA-OA model, performing favorably against the state-of-the-art SISR models in terms of both restoration accuracy and computational efficiency. The source codes will be made publicly available.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    AGBL4 promotes malignant progression of glioblastoma via modulation of MMP-1 and inflammatory pathways

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    IntroductionGlioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most common primary malignant brain tumor, is notorious for its aggressive growth and dismal prognosis. This study aimed to elucidate the molecular underpinnings of GBM, particularly focusing on the role of AGBL4 and its connection to inflammatory pathways, to discover viable therapeutic targets.MethodsSingle-cell sequencing was utilized to examine the expression levels of AGBL4 and functional assays were performed to assess the effects of AGBL4 modulation.ResultsOur findings identified the significant upregulation of AGBL4 in GBM, which correlated with adverse clinical outcomes. Functional assays demonstrated that AGBL4 knockdown inhibited GBM cell proliferation, migration, and invasion and influenced inflammatory response pathways, while AGBL4 overexpression promoted these activities. Further investigation revealed that AGBL4 exerted its oncogenic effects through modulation of MMP-1, establishing a novel regulatory axis critical for GBM progression and inflammation.DiscussionBoth AGBL4 and MMP-1 may be pivotal molecular targets, offering new avenues for targeted therapy in GBM management