321 research outputs found

    Reflection of University Students’ Interethnic Tolerance in Russian Media Education: Past and Present

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the issue of students’ interethnic tolerance in Russian scientific research. The aim is to identify the main periods of the development of interethnic tolerance issue in the post-Soviet times. Analyzing social and cultural, theoretical and methodological aspects of the research in the context of media education is strategically important for defining the main approaches to the further development of media education.The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) as a part of the scientific project No. 19-013-00030 “Reflection of the issue of interethnic tolerance of the student youth in Russian and English-language media education in the post-Soviet period (1992–2020)” carried out at the Rostov State University of Economics. The project manager is PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor I. V. Chelysheva

    Romance Etymology: Tendencies and Prospects

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    The article is devoted to the methodology, theory and practice of etymological research in Romance linguistics. The paper presents general regularities of the construction of the Romance etymological dictionaries and the main directions in the modern Romance etymology. The relevance of the work is determined by the special importance of etymology for the Romance languages, which origin and development is well documented, as well as by the limited use of Romance material outside the circle of novelists. Special attention is paid to dictionaries of French and Italian languages. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that the paper identifies the main lines of development of modern etymological studies both in retrospect and in prospect. The article shows how the etymological method that establishes the origin of the word and the historical analysis that recreates the history of the word are combined in the application to the Romance languages, as well as how the phonetic, morphological and semantic components are correlated in the etymological study

    Problems of Theory and Practice of Investigative Experiment

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    The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the investigative experiment as one of the types of procedural actions performed within the framework of criminal proceedings. In the intro­duction, the genesis of the theoretical foundations of the investigative experiment is considered, the rel­evance of the topic of the article in the modern setting is indicated. The Author identified problems associated with understanding the investigative method of research, which underlies the investigative experiment as an investigative action, noted the controversy of individual judgments expressed in foren­sic literature. The Author refutes an attempt to define the essence of the investigative experiment through the concept of «reproduction». In this regard, the legislative approach to the definition of an investigative experiment has been criticized, which does not make it possible to distinguish an investigative experi­ment from other investigative actions related to the reproduction of actions, events, reconstruction of the situation, etc. Particularly important is the delimitation of the investigative experiment from the veri­fication of testimony on the spot. The necessity of formulating the definition of the concept of an investi­gative experiment through the concept of «experience» is substantiated. In addition, the issues of classifi­cation of investigative experiments, which are based on the intended purpose of the investigative action, are considered. The theoretical and practical significance of the proposed classification is substantiated. The Author of the article describes the features of the tactics of conducting an investigative experiment, depending on its assignment to a particular group. In particular, the features of the use of «props» used in the process of experiments, determining the composition of the participants in the investigative action, the need to recreate the conditions of a real event are reflected. In addition, the issues of using the re­sults of an investigative experiment in proving in criminal cases are raised, in connection with which questions are raised about the features of evaluating the results of the investigative action in question. Thus, within the framework of the article, the epistemological essence of the investigative experiment is investigated, the definition of the concept of this investigative action is formulated, the types of inves­tigative experiments are presented and their content is disclosed. The main tactical recommendations for the production of certain types of investigative experiments are substantiated

    Organization of Education Using Modern Distance Learning Technologies in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (on the example of Russian law schools)

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    The purpose of the article was to find the key problems of transferring the educational process into a distance form, and options for their solution. The changes that have taken place in the world over the past year have posed new challenges for society to which it should have been able to react. The sphere of education found itself in a rather difficult situation. It had to be reorganized in a short time and began to function in a remote communication mode. The author's methodology was based on an empirical study (a survey of teachers and students) to determine the degree of their readiness for a global transition to distance learning. Moreover, sociological, systemic analysis and synthesis scientific methods were used. During the study, the authors have concluded that neither teachers nor trainees were ready for the transformation that took place in the field of education. The problems faced by the participants in the educational process are both technical and psychological. In the technical sphere, there was an acute shortage of equipment used by trainees in the educational process. In addition, the lack of Internet traffic provided made it difficult to exchange information between participants in the educational process.In the psychological sphere, the difficulties have boiled down to the fact that in the new environment the role and degree of responsibility of trainees have increased significantly, which was highly negatively assessed by them. Teachers of the older age group have turned out to be practically unprepared for mastering new methods using technical teaching means. The learning process was mainly reduced to self-preparation of students, during which they were offered to read lecture materials, self-test, independent problem solving and other tasks. At the same time, the interaction between a teacher and trainees was minimized. Some options for the implementation of techniques were proposed in the article. They will help in the future to grade a number of problems, increase the degree of interaction between the teacher and students, making remote learning more convenient and comfortable for many

    Theoretical Aspects of the Problem of Forming the Culture of Tolerance of Students in the Media Space

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    In the process of reforming and modernizing modern Russian education, the problems of searching for new methods, technologies, techniques and methods of the educational process in the work with the younger generation, presented in Russian and foreign pedagogical science, are actualized. This is the reason for the interest in the problems of education by means and on the material of mass media (television, radio, cinema, the press, the Internet, etc.). Modern QMS have a significant impact on the worldview, life priorities and interests of young people, as well as the enormous opportunities that media education offers for the development of analytical thinking, media security and social adaptation of young people in a rapidly growing information flow. The intensification of this process in connection with the active introduction of the Internet, communication networks and the increasing media threat associated with manifestations of extremism, terrorism and, as a result, the need to ensure the media safety of student youth has increased significantly in recent decades. The life of the modern generation is closely connected with the media of communication and information, which in turn actualizes the need to develop analytical skills, independent thinking and safe strategies of existence in the media space. Of particular relevance is the problem of forming a culture of inter-ethnic tolerance in the work with students, including representatives of different ethnic groups living in the Russian Federation, their personal social position, level of inter-ethnic culture. In the context of the intensification of the media flow and the rapid development of media in all spheres of life of today's students, the tasks related to identifying the main prospects for media education for the development of inter-ethnic tolerance are actualized. Theoretical analysis of the use of media education potential, including forms and methods aimed at the development of interethnic tolerance of modern students, the reduction of media attitudes related to extremist orientation, which will contribute to the development of their independent, conscious attitude of respect, trust and peace-loving attitude towards other peoples based on constructive dialogue positions, non-violent interaction and intercultural exchange opportunities.В процессе реформирования и модернизации современного российского образования актуализируются проблемы поиска новых методик, технологий, приемов и методов образовательного процесса в работе с подрастающим поколением, представленных в отечественной и зарубежной педагогической науке. Этим обусловлен интерес к проблемам образования средствами и на материале средств массовой коммуникации (телевидения, радио, кинематографа, прессы, сети Интернет и т.д.). Современные СМК оказывают значительное влияние на мировоззрение, жизненные приоритеты и интересы молодежи, а также огромными возможностями, которые открывает медиаобразование для развития аналитического мышления, медиабезопасности и социальной адаптации молодых людей в условиях стремительно растущего информационного потока. Интенсификация данного процесса в связи с активным внедрением Интернет, коммуникационных сетей и возрастанием медиаугроз, связанных с проявлениями экстремизма, терроризма и, как следствие – необходимостью обеспечения медиабезопасности студенческой молодежи существенно возросла в последние десятилетия. Жизнь современного поколения тесно связана со средствами массовой коммуникации и информации, что в свою очередь актуализирует необходимость развития аналитических навыков, самостоятельного мышления и безопасных стратегий существования в медиапространстве. Особую актуальность проблема формирования культуры межэтнической толерантности приобретает в работе со студенческой молодежью, включая представителей разных народностей, проживающих в РФ, их личной социальной позиции, уровня межнациональной культуры. В условиях интенсификации медийного потока и бурного развития медиа во всех сферах жизни современной студенческой молодежи актуализируются задачи, связанные с выявлением основных перспектив медиаобразования для развития межэтнической толерантности. Теоретический анализ использования потенциала медиаобразования, включая формы и методы, направленные на развитие межэтнической толерантности современного студенчества, снижению медиарисков, связанных с экстремистской направленностью, которые будут способствовать выработке их самостоятельной, сознательной позиции уважения, доверия и миролюбивого отношения к другим народам, основанного на конструктивных диалогических позициях, ненасильственном взаимодействии и возможностях межкультурного обмена.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке Российского фонда фундаментальный исследований (РФФИ) в рамках научного проекта № 19-013-00030 «Отражение проблемы межэтнической толерантности студенческой молодежи в российском и англоязычном медиаобразовании постсоветского периода (1992-2020)», выполняемого в Ростовском государственном экономическом университете

    Small vault RNA1-2 modulates expression of cell membrane proteins through nascent RNA silencing

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    Gene expression can be regulated by transcriptional or post-transcriptional gene silencing. Recently, we described nuclear nascent RNA silencing that is mediated by Dicer-dependent tRNA-derived small RNA molecules. In addition to tRNA, RNA polymerase III also transcribes vault RNA, a component of the ribonucleoprotein complex vault. Here, we show that Dicer-dependent small vault RNA1-2 (svtRNA1-2) associates with Argonaute 2 (Ago2). Although endogenous vtRNA1-2 is present mostly in the cytoplasm, svtRNA1-2 localises predominantly in the nucleus. Furthermore, in Ago2 and Dicer knockdown cells, a subset of genes that are up-regulated at the nascent level were predicted to be targeted by svtRNA1-2 in the intronic region. Genomic deletion of vtRNA1-2 results in impaired cellular proliferation and the up-regulation of genes associated with cell membrane physiology and cell adhesion. Silencing activity of svtRNA1-2 molecules is dependent on seed-plus-complementary-paired hybridisation features and the presence of a 5-nucleotide loop protrusion on target RNAs. Our data reveal a role of Dicer-dependent svtRNA1-2, possessing unique molecular features, in modulation of the expression of membrane-associated proteins at the nascent RNA level

    Using of Critical Thinking Technology at Different Stages of Lexical Skill Formation

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    В статье рассматривается применение технологии развития критического мышления на разных этапах формирования речевого лексического навыка. Дано определение понятия лексического навыка, перечислены основные этапы его формирования, описаны приемы технологии развития критического мышления.The article discusses the use of critical thinking technology at different stages of lexical skill formation. The definition of the lexical skill is given, the main stages of its formation are listed. Technologies for the critical thinking development are described

    Analysis of the Structure of the Content of Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Training of College Students

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    Представлен анализ апикальной и имплицитной составляющих в структуре содержания профессионально-ориентированной иноязычной подготовки.The article presents an analysis of the apical and implicit components in the structure of the content of professionally-oriented foreign language training

    Zip4/Spo22 Is Required for Class I CO Formation but Not for Synapsis Completion in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In budding yeast meiosis, the formation of class I interference-sensitive crossovers requires the ZMM proteins. These ZMM proteins are essential in forming a mature synaptonemal complex, and a subset of these (Zip2, Zip3, and Zip4) has been proposed to compose the core of synapsis initiation complexes (SICs). Zip4/Spo22 functions with Zip2 to promote polymerization of Zip1 along chromosomes, making it a crucial SIC component. In higher eukaryotes, synapsis and recombination have often been correlated, but it is totally unknown how these two processes are linked. In this study, we present the characterization of a higher eukaryote SIC component homologue: Arabidopsis AtZIP4. We show that mutations in AtZIP4 belong to the same epistasis group as Atmsh4 and eliminate approximately 85% of crossovers (COs). Furthermore, genetic analyses on two adjacent intervals of Chromosome I established that the remaining COs in Atzip4 do not show interference. Lastly, immunolocalization studies showed that polymerization of the central element of the synaptonemal complex is not affected in Atzip4 background, even if it may proceed from fewer sites compared to wild type. These results reveal that Zip4 function in class I CO formation is conserved from budding yeast to Arabidopsis. On the other hand, and contrary to the situation in yeast, mutation in AtZIP4 does not prevent synapsis, showing that both aspects of the Zip4 function (i.e., class I CO maturation and synapsis) can be uncoupled