506 research outputs found

    Holes in the Historical Record: The Politics of Torture in Great Britain, the United States, and Argentina, 1869-1977

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    While many politicians gain national or international acclaim, domestic political activists are rarely remembered for their dedication and, similarly, their sufferings. More specifically, the acts of female political activists, and the harsh punishments they endure following government pushback, are not appreciated or acknowledged by popular histories. Across Great Britain, the United States, and Argentina, three women played crucial roles in advancing reform against unjust government policies. Josephine Butler (1828-1906) was a pivotal character in repealing laws allowing for the government regulation of prostitution, the Contagious Diseases Acts, in Great Britain. Similarly, Alice Paul (1885-1997) was essential in achieving the ratification of the Nineteenth Constitutional Amendment in the United States—granting universal suffrage. Lastly, Azucena Villaflor (1924-1977) was one of the first people, man or woman, to openly oppose the Junta dictatorship in Argentina and openly advocate for the release of information on desaparecidos. Despite advancing such important policy reform, all three women increasingly faced physical suffering, torture or death at the hands of their respective state governments. Amid a lack of media coverage or biased, partial media coverage paired with the direct confrontation of male government leaders, noncombatant activists were unjustly treated in violation of their fundamental human rights. Progressive, forceful voices for positive change are consistently dismissed as crazy, extreme or irrational, rather than praised for their efforts. In exploring the cycle of violence surrounding the treatment of political activists, it appears nationalist histories are often void of past government faults

    Star–Crossed Copyrights: The Story of How Mexico Defied Civil Law Traditions by Infusing Common Law Ideologies into its Audiovisual and Motion Picture Copyright Regulations

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    This Note was inspired by the out–of–the–ordinary, yet practical approach that Mexico chose to implement when it waived certain longstanding copyright moral rights principles in favor of the U.S. common law work–made–for–hire approach for its audiovisual and motion picture regulations. Since the inception of its copyright law, Mexico has strictly adhered to the civil law ideologies that are generally standard to civil law countries, particularly in its loyalty to the original creators of creative works through the moral rights doctrine. The United States, on the other hand, favors utilitarian ideologies that emphasize the societal importance of fostering innovation through the balance of creator rights and limitations. This Note will breakdown and analyze Mexico’s unique “hybrid law” that incorporates a work–made–for–hire exception to its moral rights ideologies through (1) the examination of each country’s traditional copyright laws, (2) the analysis of two international treaties that influenced the creation of the copyright exception, and (3) the effects of the hybrid law on the audiovisual and motion picture industries. Furthermore, this Note will discuss how the hybrid law created the flexibility to promote greater collab-oration between the United States and Mexico


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    In this paper, I intend to review the intentionalist account of perceptual experience in order to deal with some difficulties that it faces in adequately specifying the nature and object of perceptual experience. My aim is to show that it is possible for the intentionalists to incorporate the disjunctivist thesis that the object of perception is part of perceptual experiences, without renouncing the common factor principle. I argue that, in order to do this, it is necessary to engage with the concept of biological function and to review the concept of a perceptual object

    Infraestructura potenciadora de un recurso natural y espacio público Centro Tecnológico de Educación Ambiental en la Central Hidroeléctrica Guangopolo

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    Infrastructures are the foundations of society. They use, process and transport the benefits that natural resources have to offer. Infrastructures connect to provide all basic services to people, it doesn’t matter if they are of different magnitudes or work at different scales, they are essential to countries and cities. Most commonly infrastructures are big constructions that explode in a minimum form the natural resource and this becomes poorly used when it could give a purpose to another necessity that could allow the development of different activities for society’s benefit. One of the most used and valued resource is water, and this one is exploded to make infrastructures work; considering that is usually serves a smaller capacity that the one that is possess. This is why it should be primordial to optimize it so it can please the necessities of a certain society and can provide with its full potential. Hydroelectric Plants are very important in Ecuador because they are the main source of energy production in the country. Never the less they constantly become old because of the construction of new infrastructures. This is bad because many plants have a big water reservoir that start to contaminate. One example of this occurs in the Hydroelectric Plant in Guangopolo in the Valle de los Chillos. This infrastructure is not taken very seriously, but it has a lot of potential the same way as its surroundings. This could develop with the benefits and different uses water can have. Being a big space of land with the pass of time it becomes older; this is why it’s very important to rehabilitate it, creating opportunities of learning, resting, and sporting activities. This would be used by smaller constructions that would connect with the Hydroelectric Plant. This proposal has the interest of rehabilitating the infrastructure so that the second Plant that produces energy in Pichincha maintains working. It is also important to use the water of the reservoir to generate activities that could benefit society.Las infraestructuras son la base del funcionamiento de la ciudad ya que son aquellos sistemas que explotan, procesan y transportan los beneficios que ofrecen los recursos naturales. Ya sean de magnitudes o escalas distintas, estas se conectan entre sí para dar diferentes servicios a las sociedades. Muchas veces las infraestructuras son grandes construcciones que explotan de manera mínima el recurso natural y esta pasa a ser subutilizado cuando podría suplir otro tipo de necesidades que permitan el desarrollo de distintas actividades para el beneficio de la sociedad. Entre todos los recursos, el agua es uno de los que más se explota para que las infraestructuras funcionen y de igual manera suele servir una capacidad mucho menor de la que tiene. Es por esto que se debe buscar la optimización del mismo para el desarrollo de ciertas necesidades, de forma que este recurso natural pueda brindar todo su potencial. Las Centrales Hidroeléctricas en el Ecuador son muy importantes ya que son la principal forma de producir energía, sin embargo algunas se encuentran en deterioro y tienen reservas muy grandes de agua para la energía que producen. Entre estas se encuentra la central de Guangopolo ubicada en el Valle de los Chillos. A pesar de ser poco tomada en cuenta, esta central y sus al rededores tienen mucho potencial a desarrollarse con el beneficio de la utilización del agua. Al ser un gran espacio con el paso de los años se deteriora más, es por esto que es importante rehabilitarlo y generar actividades tanto de ocio, aprendizaje, deportivas, etc. que aprovechen infraestructuras y equipamientos de escala más pequeña que se conectan con la central. Esta propuesta tiene como propósito rehabilitar la infraestructura para que la segunda fuente de energía de Pichincha se mantenga en funcionamiento, además de potenciar el uso del agua que se encuentra en el reservorio para producir otras actividades que sirvan y reactiven a la zona de la Armenia que es en donde se encuentra la Central Hidroeléctrica Guangopolo

    O problema da individuação na biologia à luz da determinação da unidade de seleção natural

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    The assertion that there are multiple levels of units of natural selection has been used as a way to explain the existence of different levels of biological organization. However these differentiated levels may still be thought from the perspective of the concept of individuation, which also presents gradations. In fact, we consider that the concepts of individual and unit of selection are interrelated, in such way that the stronger the action of selection at a certain level of biological organization the more individuated it will be.A tese que defende a existência de múltiplos níveis da unidade de seleção natural tem sido utilizada para explicar a existência de diferentes níveis de organização biológica. Porém, é possível tomar os níveis diferenciados de organização biológica a partir do conceito de individuação e considerar que também desse ponto de vista há gradações. De fato, acreditamos que os conceitos de indivíduo e de unidade de seleção estão inter-relacionados, de modo que quanto maior for a ação da seleção sobre certo nível de organização biológica, mais individuado ele será

    A pluralidade como idéia reguladora: a noção de justiça a partir da filosofia de Lyotard

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    De acordo com Lyotard, não poderíamos mais contar com o apoio de um sistema filosófico para fundamentar nosso conceito de justiça. A pluralidade é a grande marca da experiência do pensamento no nosso tempo e, por isso, deveríamos considerar o problema da justiça a partir dessa pluralidade e não contra ela. Isso não significa reduzir a questão da justiça ao jogo de opinião e das relações de dominação, mas significa concebê-la a partir de uma Idéia que é capaz de reconstituir a universalidade e também a finalidade na forma da coexistência das diferenças. Essa Idéia teria uma função reguladora sobre a diversidade das opiniões e se basearia no fato de que o julgar transcende a determinação do presente, pois projeta o porvir da humanidade. Se, por um lado, a Idéia é incapaz de gerar um conceito unitário de justiça, capaz de garantir a paz entre os diferentes, por outro, ela, ao menos, evita que se confundam unificação e dominação, promovendo acordos que sustentem a coexistência das diferenças

    Uma análise crítica da teleosemântica informacional de Fred Dretske

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    I discuss in this paper the proposal of  informational teleosemantics, as it was conceived by Fred Dretske. I sustain that, although informational teleosemantics faces serious difficulties concerning determination of the content of beliefs, it provides good criteria to distinguish merely informational systems from representational systems.Discuto, neste artigo, a proposta de uma teleosemântica informacional, tal como concebida por Fred Dretske. Sustento neste texto que, embora a teleosemântica informacional defronte-se com sérias dificuldades relativas à determinação dos conteúdos das crenças, ela oferece bons critérios para distinguir sistemas meramente informacionais de sistemas representacionais

    Adecuaciones de la política educativa durante la emergencia sanitaria en México

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    La declaración de pandemia mundial de la COVID-19 sorprendió a México a la víspera de numerosos cambios de política pública, entre ellos una reforma educativa cuyas leyes reglamentarias (una nueva Ley General de Educación, La Ley General del Sistema para la Carrera de las Maestras y los Maestros y la Ley para la Mejora Continua de la Educación) se aprobaron hacia el último trimestre de 2019. En el presente texto se sistematizan las medidas de contingencia adoptadas en la esfera educativa. Al respecto, en primer lugar, se valora su adecuación a ciertas recomendaciones internacionales, pero también a las condiciones concretas del contexto nacional. En segundo lugar, se resumen las principales evidencias existentes a la fecha sobre los efectos de la pandemia sobre diversos procesos educativos. Sobre esta base, se pondera cuánto ha afectado la circunstancia pandémica al desarrollo de algunos de los principales cambios previstos con la reforma educativa. The announcement of a global pandemic of COVID-19 surprised Mexico on a context of numerous changes in public policy, including a recent educational reform with several new laws (a new General Law of Education, The General Law of the System for the Career of Teachers and the Teachers and the Law for the Continuous Improvement of Education) which were approved towards the last quarter of 2019). In this text, we analyze the contingency measures adopted in the educational sphere. First of all, we discuss if these interventions considered certain international recommendations, but also to the specific conditions of the national context. Second, the main existing evidence on the effects of the pandemic on various educational processes is summarized. On this basis, it is evaluated how much the pandemic circumstance has affected the development of some of the main changes defined by the educational reform. Available from: https://doi.org/10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-134

    O valor da floresta: trajetória histórica dos Paiter Suruí no uso dos recursos florestais na Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro

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    The Brazilian agricultural border expansion across the Amazon has triggered profound changes in the traditional people and communities’ lives and in their relationships with natural resources. Large infrastructure projects have been implemented in the Amazon under the heading of developmentalism promote unequal and unsustainable land uses, making indigenous populations and their territories vulnerable. In this paper we aim at analyzing transformations in the conception and use of forest resources by the Paiter Suruí indigenous people, in Sete de Setembro Indigenous Territory. The study was based on the documentary method and the analyses was carried out on the basis of Ecosocialism (LÖWY, 2013; 2014). The results point to a growing understanding, by the Paiter Suruí people, of the “standing” forest value for income generation, especially through the use of forest biomass for carbon sequestration; they also indicate the ethnic group introduction into the international debate on the environmental crisis and global warming.La expansión de la frontera agrícola brasileña en la Amazonía ha generado profundos cambios en las formas de vida de los pueblos y comunidades tradicionales y en su relación con los recursos naturales. Los grandes proyectos de infraestructura implementados en la Amazonía, a raíz del desarrollismo, promovieron usos de la tierra desiguales e insostenibles, volviendo vulnerables a las poblaciones indígenas y sus territorios. En este artículo buscamos analizar las transformaciones en la concepción y uso de los recursos forestales por parte del pueblo indígena Paiter Suruí, en la Tierra Indígena Sete de Setembro. El estudio se basó en el método documental y los análisis se realizaron en base al Ecosocialismo (LÖWY, 2013; 2014). Los resultados apuntan a una comprensión cada vez mayor, por parte del pueblo Paiter Suruí, del valor del bosque “en pie” para la generación de ingresos, principalmente a través del uso de biomasa forestal para la captura de carbono; también indican la introducción de esta etnia en el debate internacional sobre la crisis ambiental y el calentamiento global.A expansão da fronteira agrícola brasileira na Amazônia gerou profundas mudanças nos modos de vida de povos e comunidades tradicionais e em suas relações com os recursos naturais. Os grandes projetos de infraestrutura implementados na Amazônia, na esteira do desenvolvimentismo, promoveram usos desiguais e insustentáveis do solo, tornando vulneráveis as populações indígenas e seus territórios. Neste artigo buscamos analisar as transformações na concepção e uso dos recursos florestais pelo povo indígena Paiter Suruí, na Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro. O estudo baseou-se no método documental e as análises foram conduzidas com base no Ecossocialismo (LÖWY, 2013; 2014). Os resultados apontam para uma compreensão crescente, por parte do povo Paiter Suruí, do valor da floresta em “pé” para geração de renda, principalmente por meio do uso da biomassa florestal para sequestro de carbono; indicam também a introdução dessa etnia no debate internacional sobre a crise ambiental e o aquecimento global