31 research outputs found

    The Internet Journalism Disturb Malaysian Social Political Harmony

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    Internet journalism has been recognized to provide better efficiency on information gathering and adapting to the modernization of technology and life of our society. Dissemination of news and information is more flexible, efficient and instantaneous covering the widest possible audience across geographical barriers and providing medium for public discussion, public opinion and concerns on various aspects such as political, social and economic development. Internet journalism plays important roles in our society nowadays as the medium to influence public opinion, providing forum for discussion especially on issues of public concern, providing critical monitoring of political development, building up the intellectual environment and cultural interest of the public and setting up political agenda. However, issues arise regarding the reliability and capability of internet journalism in reporting and covering few breaking news in Malaysia, the roles of internet journalism in socio-political harmony and the development of media law to control the distribution of news through online medium. Therefore, this paper will investigate the advantages of utilizing internet journalism as a medium for disseminating news and information, their roles in shaping the social and political harmony of our country, issues regarding disturbance caused by internet journalism and the implementation of laws to control news dissemination

    Eksplorasi penggunaan ketum dalam kalangan belia di Negeri Kedah

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    Ketum or its scientific name Mitragyna Speciosa has been used in traditional medical practice to treat certain diseases. Recently, ketum has been used widely to replace the synthetic drugs. The mixture of the leaves and other substances such as paracetamol, mosquito coil powder, and soda water are boiled to produce ketum juice. The juice has similar impact as synthetic or traditional drugs on human body that contributes to addiction. This problem is particularly prevalent in Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to explore the ketum consumption among youths in the state of Kedah. The perception of seven subjects interviewed have shown that the ketum juice contributes to good health and at the same time serves as an alternative to drugs. The subjects were aware that the excessive use of ketum juice can lead to injury and fatality. These findings are important to help the professionals such as social worker and counselor in understanding the ketum consumption practice. The input will help them to come up with an appropriate interventions and programs to address the issue especially among youth

    Penagih dadah dan orang kena pengawasan

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    Masyarakat moden kini sedang berdepan dengan pelbagai masalah sosial yang memerlukan perhatian daripada pihak kerajaan dan juga Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO). Salah satu masalah sosial yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat moden ialah isu marginalisasi dan penyisihan sosial (social exclusion) kumpulan atau komuniti tertentu. Isu ini dapat memberikan impak yang negatif dan kemudaratan dari segi kualiti hidup, keterlibatan dalam ekonomi dan sosial negara serta kesihatan mental individu yang menjadi mangsa penyisihan sosial (Duchak, 2014). Dalam hal ini, penagih dadah tergolong sebagai kumpulan marginal dan disisihkan secara sosial. Mereka sering berhadapan dengan pelbagai bentuk pelabelan negatif dan stigma daripada masyarakat termasuk ahli keluarga sendiri. Kesan stigma dan pelabelan negatif ini menjadikan mereka sukar untuk berintegrasi dalam masyarakat umum selepas dibebaskan dari institusi pemulihan dan ini menjadi satu faktor risiko kepada tingkah laku penagihan semula (relaps)


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    Technology advancement has taken a new shape in leading the world into digital civilization, remarkably in e-commerce, communication, and financial sectors.  Taking advantage of the technology, criminals have also digitalized their modus operandi targeting the digital society with fraud and cybercrimes, hence contributing illicit funds. To disguise the money trail to the illegal activities, illicit funds sourced from unlawful and fraudulent activities transformed into legal funds via a money-laundering scheme. Money laundering is perceived as a global threat where funds reverted to the criminal and enter a legitimate economy. To enable the criminals, maintain anonymity, and non-visible to the detection of law enforcement, money mules are positioned in the money laundering chain between actual criminal and illicit funds. Money mules are characters recruited by criminal networks to perform fund transfers by utilizing their accounts. Recruitment is done by offering a job with simple recruitment criteria and attractive income and rewards. This study will examine money mule recruitment and development of a model with related variables to establish the relationship between the aspect of job criteria awareness and the ability of the victims to detect the hidden criminal elements and exposure to law enforcement and derive into the decision to accept the job offer. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative approaches will be employed with surveys and interviews

    Penglibatan wanita dalam pekerjaan seks: faktor risiko dan marginalisasi sosial

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    Pelacuran atau pekerjaan seks ialah isu sosial yang sering disiarkan dalam media arus perdana. Masalah sosial ini telah lama bertapak di Malaysia dan dianggap sebagai profesion tertua di dunia. Pekerjaan seks di Malaysia masih tertakluk kepada Kanun Keseksaan Malaysia (Akta 574), Undang-Undang Syariah, Akta Kesalahan Kecil 1995 dan Akta Kanak-Kanak 2001. Hal ini bermakna, individu yang terlibat dalam pelacuran atau mempunyai hubung kait dengan perkhidmatan ini boleh disabitkan kesalahan dan dikenakan hukuman. Dalam usaha kita mengekang masalah ini daripada berleluasa, terdapat juga negara yang mula menyahjenayahkan pelacuran atau perkhidmatan seks seperti New Zealand, Australia, Kanada, Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Perancis dan Jerman. Perubahan polisi daripada tingkah laku jenayah kepada bukan jenayah antara kandungan perbincangan bab ini. Secara keseluruhan, bab ini menjelaskan penglibatan wanita dalam pekerjaan seks dan membincangkan aspek marginalisasi sosial yang dialami oleh golongan ini

    Three Major Interrelated Factors Contributing to Homelessness Issue among Former Prisoners in Malaysia

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    Homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia upon their release is of great concern. Hence, this study aimed to identify the predominant factors influencing homelessness issue among former prisoners in Malaysia. Imprisonment is usually assumed to be a negative life event and can act as a hindrance for the former prisoner to successfully integrate after being freed from prison. Imprisonment and past criminal records are the biggest contributors to becoming homeless. This is a fact because imprisonment causes the former prisoners to lose his source of income, personal belongings, ability to seek shelter and personal relationships due to family rejection, addiction and unemployment. This study was based on the Ecological Model of Homeless by Nooe and Patterson. The selection of this model was considered appropriate and aligned with the objectives of the study which aimed to identify the factors that lead to the life of the homeless among former prisoners. In this study, nineteen former prisoners, regardless of the type of offence committed, were selected using the snowball sampling method and were interviewed. The findings revealed that family denial, unemployment, and drug addiction were the three major interrelated factors that contribute to the homelessness issue among the former prisoners during their reintegration process. Housing security is a risk factor of homelessness


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    This paper looks at the "Nigerian Prison Service (NPS) and the difficulties of staff welfare organization: An investigation of Oke Kura prison, went for determining the degree to which welfare administrations were being managed in Oke Kura prison and the elements influencing it. Overview outline through organized poll was utilized to remove applicable information for the study. Speculation was tried utilizing chi-square (X2) measurable device. The study found that Oke Kura prison has been not able meet least U.N standard in welfare administrations on account of blockage. There is a constant utilization of pail lavatories which open inmates to wellbeing dangers. Aside from lacking assets, it was found that bungle of welfare assets has presented detainees to unfortunate circumstance, which can result to scourges and less than ideal passing of the inmates. We in this manner prescribed that administration ought to assemble more structures in the prison to oblige the perpetually expanding number of detainees, states governments ought to be permitted to make state confinement focuses as other option to penitentiaries, consistent preparing and retraining of prison staff in accordance with current worldwide best practices for prisons gets to be essential

    Nigerian Prison Reformation: A Necessity Not A Luxury

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    This article addresses one of the many issues of Nigerian prisons conditions utilizing helpful equity activity against the conventional criminal equity framework, which puts much accentuation on the awaiting trials and the accused person in the prison facilities and subsequently making prison population to increase. The re-integrative Rehabilitation theory was utilized to support the discussion. Logically, to reestablish equity is to correct offenders and degenerates, and re-set up and revivify repelled connections and breakdown of law and order in society. Rehabilitation is a developing non-caretaker, non-reformatory and humanistic procedure for the treatment not punishment of offenders without recourse to legal battle that often results in remanding one party in prison custody. Considering the encompassing merits of rehabilitation justice, there is an urgent need to officially integrate this alternative to incarceration intervention programme into the Nigerian legal system, as this will go a long way in decongesting the seemingly overpopulated correctional institutions in Nigeria. The rehabilitation/restorative justice facilitators, victims and their families, offenders and their families, and ‘community’ as a sole owner of every individual living in it, collectively strive to restore justice, order, security, property, and core values in Nigeria

    Politics of Law Legislation of Qanun Sharia Islam in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia

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    AbstractThis paper discusses the regulation in The Province of Aceh, which is related to the Islamic sharia law regarding the prohibition of seclusion, the so-called Qanun Khalwat. This writing looks at the initial socio-political conditions underlying the Qanun legal process as well as the effects of external pressure arising during this legislating process. This study aims to understand to what extent the Qanun Khalwat legislating process refers to the prevailing legal standards in Indonesia. The data in this paper were collected from interviews with several informants such as civil servants of the Aceh Islamic Sharia Department, Legal Bureau, and academics. Some information is also obtained through archive review. It found that the Qanun Khalwat legal process does not follow the standard formulation of national law because several conditions are not implemented in the legislating process, such as the lack of public participation during the process. Besides, there are still some texts in the qanun that are not standardized and are not suitable for use as formulations in qanuns.Keywords: Politics of law, Legisltaion, Qanun Khalwat, Ace

    Lebihan berat badan dan obesiti dalam kalangan kanak-kanak dan remaja : faktor risiko dan implikasinya

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    Salah satu isu kanak-kanak yang menjadi kebimbangan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) ialah epidemik lebihan berat badan dan obesiti. Statistik menunjukkan masalah ini semakin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Namun, isu ini kurang mendapat perhatian dan jarang dibincangkan di media. Tidak banyak bahan literatur tempatan yang mengangkat isu ini untuk diketengahkan dalam wacana ilmiah. Sehubungan itu, artikel ini membincangkan sorotan masalah lebihan berat badan dan obesiti kanak-kanak merangkumi faktor risiko dan implikasinya kepada kesihatan fizikal dan kesejahteraan mental kanak-kanak. Penulisan artikel ini adalah bersandarkan bahan-bahan literatur atau data sekunder yang diperolehi daripada buku, jurnal dan bahan di laman web berkaitan (seperti WHO). Berdasarkan penelitian literatur, faktor risiko utama yang menyebabkan lebihan berat badan dan obesiti kanak-kanak ialah faktor genetik, status sosio ekonomi keluarga, psikologikal, amalan diet serta aktiviti fizikal dan cara hidup sedentari. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberi sumbangan yang signifikan dalam bidang berkaitan seperti kesihatan awam, kerja sosial, psikologi, Pendidikan dan kaunseling. Semua pemegang taruh perlu memainkan peranan yang proaktif dalam mencegah masalah ini daripada terus meningkat