17 research outputs found

    Seasonally variant stable isotope baseline characterisation of Malawi's Shire River Basin to support integrated water resources management

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    Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is vital to the future of Malawi and motivates this study's provision of the first stable isotope baseline characterization of the Shire River Basin (SRB). The SRB drains much of Southern Malawi and receives the sole outflow of Lake Malawi whose catchment extends over much of Central and Northern Malawi (and Tanzania and Mozambique). Stable isotope (283) and hydrochemical (150) samples were collected in 2017-2018 and analysed at Malawi's recently commissioned National Isotopes Laboratory. Distinct surface water dry-season isotope enrichment and wet-season depletion are shown with minor retention of enriched signatures ascribed to Lake Malawi influences. Isotopic signatures corroborate that wet-season river flows mostly arise from local precipitation, with dry-season flows supported by increased groundwater contributions. Groundwater signatures follow a local meteoric water line of limited spread suggesting recharge by local precipitation predominantly during the peak months of the wet-season. Relatively few dry-season groundwater samples displayed evaporative enrichment, although isotopic seasonality was more pronounced in the lowlands compared to uplands ascribed to amplified climatic effects. These signatures serve as isotopic diagnostic tools that valuably informed a basin conceptual model build and, going forward, may inform key identified Malawian IWRM concerns. The isotopic baseline establishes a benchmark against which future influences from land use, climate change and water mixing often inherent to IWRM schemes may be forensically assessed. It thereby enables both source-water protection and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6

    Ecological Changes in the Zambezi River Basin

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    This research article was published in Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2021.Africa faces a plethora of challenges and chief among these is a change in the climate (Zakaria and Maharjan 2014) which is one of the key factors affecting the ecology and hydrology of its river basins (Kusangaya et al. 2014). Beilfuss (2012) proposed that Africa’s arid regions are highly vulnerable to climate change with the Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) being particularly at risk (Kling et al. 2014). After the Nile and Niger rivers, the ZRB is the next most trans-boundary river basin in Africa as it serves eight African countries. Consequently, water resource development planning is crucial, since any changes in climate will impact the hydrological cycle and the amount of water retained in hydrological systems (Beilfuss 2012) of which only up to 3 per cent is readily available as usable and shared freshwater. Like some Sub-Saharan countries, which have experienced up to 0.5 C increases in temperature (Hendrix and Glaser 2007), the Zambezi River Basin is also facing changes in climate (Ndhlovu 2013). A recent study by Kling et al.(2014) reported rises in temperature and more variable precipitation in the basin since the 1980s. Such historical climatic changes, and those projected towards the mid-century (2050), are of concern with serious social and economic implications to local communities (Mubaya et al. 2012). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected a global decadal temperature rise of 0.2 C (IPCC 2007). However, regional climat

    Paleo-geohydrology of Lake Chilwa, Malawi is the source of localised groundwater salinity and rural water supply challenges

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    Meeting long-term rural community water supply needs requires diligent geohydrological conceptualisation. Study of Malawi’s Lake Chilwa Basin, including sampling of 330 water points in Phalombe District, enabled assessment of groundwater quality influence upon supply. The control of larger Lake Chilwa paleo-environments on current Basin groundwater quality is demonstrated. Lacustrine sediment deposition forming high-level deposits under open lake conditions and terrace deposits under open and closed lake conditions significantly control the groundwater major-ion quality and salinity now observed. Paleo-lake extent marks the transition between low-TDS (total dissolved solids) groundwater suitable for water supply at higher elevations and high-TDS brackish groundwater in areas overlain by lacustrine deposits closer to the current lake level. Low-TDS groundwater is limited to mid-to-low reach influent leakage of rivers incising terraces. Permeable fluvial deposits within the deeper paleo-river channel may possibly provide low-TDS water. The conceptual model, whereby paleo-lake controls groundwater salinity, provides science-based evidence to address policy to manage the significant water point functionality concerns quantified at the district and river basin scales. Targeting of the low-TDS groundwater alongside improved use of upland low-TDS stream/river sources with fewer, but larger capacity, and better maintained gravity-fed supply schemes are recommended. This study hence shows the value of paleo-geohydrology interpretation of the lake–groundwater system conceptualisation to inform Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6.5.1)—integrated water resources management policy for rural water supply

    Water-isotope capacity building and demonstration in a developing world context : isotopic baseline and conceptualization of a Lake Malawi catchment

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    Developing countries such as Malawi require improved access to isotope tracer tools to better characterize and manage water resources threatened by land development, deforestation and climate change. This is the first published study to use an isotope facility developed in Malawi for this purpose, instead of relying upon sample analyses from abroad. Results from this new facility are used to evaluate an important Lake Malawi catchment in the Rift Valley. This work successfully established a stable-isotope baseline, hydrochemical signatures, and system conceptualization against which future policy change and management strategies may be measured. Precipitation isotopic composition was consistent with the Global Meteoric Water Line, but varied, confirming different precipitation systems nationally. Groundwater largely followed a Local MeteoricWater Line, with limited isotopic variation indicating predominant areal groundwater recharge, but with dry-season evaporative enrichment of groundwater near Lake Malawi. Surface-water isotopes widely varied with local precipitation, suggesting the latter accounted for wet-season river flows, but upstream dambo (complex wetlands occupying a shallow, seasonal waterlogged depression) helped sustain dry-season flows. Isotope capacity reinforced water-resource conceptualization and provenance in a hydrologically complex, but not atypical, Rift Valley system, exhibiting a noted complexity of groundwater-surface-water interactions. The latter, critical to integrated water resource management, requires more focused study, to which an expanded array of isotopes will contribute to tracking Sustainable Development Goal 6 targets. This study and future catchment studies should help underpin Malawian water-resource policy implementation on several identified fronts

    Mapping Potential Fishing Grounds in Lake Malawi Using AVHRR and MODIS Satellite Imagery

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    ABSTRACT This paper discusses a procedure that was developed to delineate potential fishing grounds in Lake Malawi using data on chlorophyll-a concentration derived from Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS/AQUA) in combination with lake surface temperature (LST) data obtained from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and MODIS/Terra satellite sensors. The paper draws from findings of studies [1,2] on development of algorithms for estimating chlorophyll-a and lake surface temperature in Lake Malawi from satellite imagery, respectively. To estimate chlorophyll concentration (a proxy for phytoplankton) in Lake Malawi using data from MODIS satellite imagery, in situ measurements of chlorophyll concentration were conducted at three selected sampling stations over the southeastern arm of Lake Malawi concurrent with satellite image acquisitions. These were regressed on chlorophyll-a concentration values obtained from Ocean Color (MODIS/AQUA) Data using SeaWIFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) software. From this, an equation for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in Lake Malawi from MODIS satellite imagery was developed and used for mapping the spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration in the lake. Since Lake Malawi is an oligotrophic lake, with an average value of chlorophyll concentration of 1 ÎĽg/L, areas in the lake with relatively high chlorophyll-a concentration were identified as potential locations for the development of the fishery industry. Estimation of lake surface temperature using satellite imagery involved two main activities. Firstly, in situ measurements of lake surface temperature were conducted at the three selected sampling stations over Lake Malawi concurrent with satellite image acquisitions. The second activity involved downloading and processing AVHRR and MODIS/Terra satellite imagery. AVHRR data covered the period September 1997 to February 1998 whereas MODIS/Terra data covered the period May to November, 2006. Both MODIS Land Surface Temperature (MOD11A1) and Ocean Color Sea Surface Temperature (SST) were downloaded from EOS Gateway website and processed into lake surface temperature. Two glass thermometers were used to measure temperature directly from the lake surface at a depth of 0 -7.0 cm (i.e., skin temperature) and the average of the two readings was recorded as the lake surface temperature at a particular sampling station. Observed temperatures were regressed on remotely sensed data. ER Mapper was employed in drawing maps showing the distribution of lake surface temperature using the regression equation that was developed. Upwelling and downwelling zones were demarcated from lake surface temperature maps. Upwelling zones were identified as areas with a high potential for the development of the fishery industry because of their association with primary productivity. Using a simple overlay technique, data from both the spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a and lake surface temperature were used to delineate potential fishing grounds in Lake Malawi. The zone extending from Salima up to the northern part of Nkhotakota and the area on the northeastern tip of Lake Malawi were identified as areas of high primary productivity and therefore potential fishing grounds. These areas generally exhibit persistent cool surface waters, indicative of upwelling; and have relatively abundant phytoplankton

    Decadal Trends and Common Dynamics of the Bio-Optical and Thermal Characteristics of the African Great Lakes

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    The Great Lakes of East Africa are among the world's most important freshwater ecosystems. Despite their importance in providing vital resources and ecosystem services, the impact of regional and global environmental drivers on this lacustrine system remains only partially understood. We make a systematic comparison of the dynamics of the bio-optical and thermal properties of thirteen of the largest African lakes between 2002 and 2011. Lake surface temperatures had a positive trend in all Great Lakes outside the latitude of 0° to 8° south, while the dynamics of those lakes within this latitude range were highly sensitive to global inter-annual climate drivers (i.e. El Niño Southern Oscillation). Lake surface temperature dynamics in nearly all lakes were found to be sensitive to the latitudinal position of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone. Phytoplankton dynamics varied considerably between lakes, with increasing and decreasing trends. Intra-lake differences in both surface temperature and phytoplankton dynamics occurred for many of the larger lakes. This inter-comparison of bio-optical and thermal dynamics provides new insights into the response of these ecosystems to global and regional drivers