2,241 research outputs found

    Uniform in Bandwidth Consistency of Smooth Varying Coefficient Estimators

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    We prove the strong consistency, uniformly in the bandwidth, of the smooth varying coefficient conditional least squares estimator. Our results justify data-driven choices of bandwidths, such as Silverman's rule-of thumb, or standard cross-validation, that are usually implemented by most practitioners.Kernel estimators, empirical processes, varying coefficient models

    Efficiency in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting

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    This paper shows that any equilibrium allocation in the cake-eating problem with quasi-geometric discounting is not Pareto efficient. However, efficiency can be established by introducing a planner who controls the initial endowment and makes transfers over time. It is shown than any Pareto efficient allocation can be supported by a perfect equilibrium with transfers.Pareto efficiency

    Analysis of Canabinoids in Natural and Synthetic Samples

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    Recently there has been an increased focus on the analysis of natural and synthetic cannabinoids. Several classes of cannabinoids exist, each with different chemical and pharmacological effects. The amount of each cannabinoid present varies with each strain of Cannabis, thus making accurate quantitation very important. We analyzed through HPLC and GC the CBD content of several commercial samples. CBD content variations were found and there were some unidentified compounds in the synthetic samples. We will discuss the analytical methods used and the results

    Rigorous diffraction of an electromagnetic beam by wavelength-size slits

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    A rigorous modal theory for the diffraction of Gaussian beams from N slits in an otherwise perfectly plane conducting screen (line finite-grating) is presented. The case of normal incidence and T.E.-polarization is considered, i.e. the electric field is parallel to the strips. The characteristics of the far-field radiation pattern as a function of the wavelength are analyzed, particularly within the vectorial region where the influence of polarization is more important. Furthermore, the influence of the beam width and beam alignment on the transmission coefficient, on the normally diffracted energy, and on the diffraction is studied

    Teoría rigurosa de la dispersión de haces gaussianos por una rejilla con sustrato metálico

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    Se presenta una teoría rigurosa de la dispersión de haces Gaussianos a incidencia normal y oblicua por una rejilla finita en una pantalla conductora, de espesor cero y con sustrato metálico. El sustrato puede ser el vacío o un conductor. Se considera el caso de polarización T.E., es decir, el campo eléctrico es paralelo a las rendijas. Se analiza en la región vectorial de la difracción a patrones de dispersión en función de la longitud de onda, del hacho del haz y de la posición del haz. De estos resultados se ha encontrado que el ancho de los órdenes de dispersión aumenta con la relación λ/L, donde λ es la longitud de onda y L el ancho del haz incidente. Cuando el sustrato es un conductor la ecuación de dispersión por una rejilla en reflexión predice la posición angular de los órdenes dispersados de una rejilla finita con una buena aproximación. Además, la posición angular de estos órdenes es independiente del sustrato, del ancho y de la posición del haz

    Tiempo Efectivo de Salida de la Pobreza

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    We develop a methodology to estimate the actual exit time from poverty and the minimum necessary growth rate to eradicate it in a determined period of time. The estimators proposed by Kanbur(1987) and Morduch(1998) underestimate the exit time from poverty since they do not consider the lowest quantiles of the income distribution as their reference group. The methodology is applied to rural areas in Mexico.Poverty measurement, actual exit time, minimum necessary growth rate.

    Asymptotic properties and optimization of some non-Markovian stochastic processes

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    summary:We study the limit behavior of certain classes of dependent random sequences (processes) which do not possess the Markov property. Assuming these processes depend on a control parameter we show that the optimization of the control can be reduced to a problem of nonlinear optimization. Under certain hypotheses we establish the stability of such optimization problems

    Identification and estimation of semiparametric two-step models

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    . Many models fit this framework, including latent index models with an endogenous regressor and nonlinear models with sample selection. We show that the vector ß0 and unknown function F0 are generally point identified without exclusion restrictions or instruments, in contrast to the usual assumption that identification without instruments requires fully specified functional forms. We propose an estimator with asymptotic properties allowing for data dependent bandwidths and random trimming. A Monte Carlo experiment and an empirical application to migration decisions are also included.Escanciano’s research was funded by the Spanish Plan Nacional de I+D+i, reference number ECO2012-33053