1,659 research outputs found

    Teorias de integração monetária - aplicação à União Europeia

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    Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão.N/

    Collaborative learning by way of human-centered design in design classes

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    The design classes are part of the bachelor curriculum of Brazilian Design. These classes are usually preceded by others that present the fundamentals and methodologies for product development. This paper adopted the human-centered design (HCD) for its potential to serve some of the needs and complexities of current projects and contexts. In order to foster rhetoric and multidisciplinarity among design students, collaborative learning emerges as an opportunity to practice design in a multidisciplinary way, due to the need to develop collaboration skills, as well as the transcendence of cognitive bias arising from individual activities. This article used knowledge construction processes in particular: the externalization and elicitation of task-relevant knowledge and consensus- building. Thus, the aim of this study is to propose an approach between design steps (taking HCD as the basis) and collaborative learning, based on their dimensions, in order to understand and address some of the current complexities and requirements of human, social aspirations and, consequently, projects. This approach demonstrates that the collaborative learning opportunity provided by the use of HCD can be driven by an adherence to the collaborative knowledge construction view. Real opportunities for the co-construction of new meanings stand out among the results of this approach, so that the learner can understand the complexities inherent to the design and to human beings, and can recognize and apply them in new and different situations.Keywords: design education, human-centered design (HCD), collaborative learning, collaborative knowledge construction, design classes

    Consecuencias del vacío en la gestión pesquera para la conservación de los batoideos

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    A shift verified in batoid landings by artisanal fisheries during 2017-2021 is interpreted as a potential consequence of legal measures set by the Brazilian government in 2014. In this five-year period, the increasing landings of stingrays concomitant with a decrease in the landings of guitarfish might be a result of fishing bans established for the Brazilian guitarfish Pseudobatos horkelii and the Shortnose guitarfish Zapteryx brevirostris, which are both endemic to the coasts of Southern Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina and listed as threatened at national and global levels. In 2022, more batoids became protected, so it is expected that shifts in captures will continue, reaching species whose stocks have not yet been evaluated and for which conservation measures are not foreseen. Considering the sociocultural and economic relevance of artisanal fisheries in the country, the observed shift is discussed here as it relates to batoids’ effective conservation and adherence to legal measures by the fishery sector in Southern Brazil.El cambio verificado en los desembarques de batoideos en las pesquerías artesanales durante 2017-2021, se interpreta como una posible consecuencia de las medidas legales establecidas por el gobierno brasileño en 2014. En este período de cinco años, los crecientes desembarques de rayas concomitantes con una disminución en los desembarques de pez guitarra podrían ser el resultado de las prohibiciones de pesca establecidas para el pez guitarra brasileño Pseudobatos horkelii y el pez guitarra de pico corto Zapteryx brevirostris, que son endémicos de las costas del sur de Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina, y figuran como amenazados a nivel nacional y mundial. En 2022, se protegieron más batoideos, por lo que se espera que continúen los cambios en las capturas, llegando a especies cuyos stocks aún no han sido evaluados y para las cuales no se prevén medidas de conservación. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia sociocultural y económica de la pesca artesanal en el país, el cambio observado se analiza aquí en relación con la conservación efectiva de los batoideos y el cumplimiento de las medidas legales por parte del sector pesquero en el sur de Brasil

    Temporary use of a coastal ecosystem by the fish, Pomadasys corvinaeformis (Perciformes: Haemulidae), at Guaratuba Bay, Brazil

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    Pomadasys corvinaeformis is Qne ofthe most abundant species found in Guaratuba Bay, an Atlantic coastal, estuarine ecosystem in Paraná, Brazil. We tested whether this species comprises a resident or migratorial population. Abundance, size distribution, and gonad development of individuaIs captured during the year show that pre-adults enter the system when salinities are greater (autumn and early winter). During this time, they are mostly associated with mangroves and adjacent areas. When salinities begin to fall (late spring and summer) these now maturing individuaIs return to the sea where they spawn. Thus, P. corvinaeformis is migratorial and estuarine-dependent and uses this area prior to sexual maturity. During the period in this bay, P. corvinaeformis presents a great plasticity of feeding habits, that include inainly Crustacea, MoIlusca and Thaliacea.Pomadasys corvinaeformis é uma das espécies de maior representatividade na ictiofauna da Baía de Guaratuba, litoral do Estado do Paraná. Este trabalho investigou se a espécie compõe ali uma população permanente, residente no sistema, ou se é migratória, fteqüentando-o apenas em épocas determinadas. Resultados de 12 meses sobre variações de abundância, distribuição de tamanho e aspectos reprodutivos indicam que indivíduos subadultos ingressam no sistema quando a salinidade é maior (outono, começo de inverno). Nesta época, os indivíduos utilizam a área de manguezal e suas adjacências. Quanto a salinidade começa a cair (final de primavera, verão), estes indivíduos agora em maturação gonadal retomam para o mar, onde desovam. P. corvinaeformis é, portanto, uma espécie migratória e estuarino-dependente que utiliza a Baía em período anterior ao de maturidade gonadal. Ali, apresenta uma dieta muito variada, constituída basicamente de Crustacea, MoIlusca e Thaliacea

    Growing health and quality of life: benefits of urban organic community gardens

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    Objectives: To characterize the horticulturists of an urban garden in terms of their current state of health and health behaviors (at gardening beginning) and to evaluate the effect of horticulture practice on health behaviors and quality of life (after a six month gardening stretch). Introduction: The way in which cities have grown, with heavy air and noise pollution, reduced green spaces, a long distance and out of season food based system and limited sunshine access has led to multiple public health challenges. This in turn has prompted the emergence of various local and state policies aimed at improving the health and quality of life of urbanites. Method: Interviews using structured questionnaires were conducted twice with 115 city dwellers: when they got started in a vegetable garden and about 6 months later. Results:Participants were mainly female (57.8%), professionally active (48.0%) and with a mean age of 53 years. This research showed significant behavioral changes among its users, including positive outcomes in anthropometric parameters, physical activity, smoking habits, eating habits, health status and overall quality of life.Conclusion: Despite a short follow-up period, it could be shown that gardening did influence health and quality of life behaviors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artisanal fishing net float loss and a proposal for a float design solution

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    É comum a ocorrência de flutuadores extraviados, provenientes de redes de pesca do tipo emalhe. Geralmente apresentam-se quebrados e apresentam sinais de terem sido reparados. A análise desses flutuadores e entrevistas com pescadores sugerem duas causas principais para o extravio. Primeira, colisões entre equipamentos ativos, as redes de arrasto camaroeiras, ou equipamentos passivos, as redes de emalhe para peixes, com destruição e perda de materiais em ambos os casos. Como segunda causa destaca-se o método precário com que flutuadores são inseridos na tralha superior das redes de emalhe na época em que os recursos-alvo são predominantemente pelágicos. Tal inserção ocorre para substituir unidades danificadas ou perdidas ou ainda, em caráter sazonal, as que foram removidas na época em que a pesca era dirigida a recursos demersais. Este trabalho descreve um novo desenho de flutuador e testa sua eficácia, visando aumentar a retenção nos cabos e reduzir a perda.Plastic floats from fishing nets are commonly found washed up on beaches in southern Brazil. They are usually broken and show signs of having been repaired. Characteristics of floats and interviews with fishermen suggest two main causes of float loss. First, collisions between active gear, bottom trawl nets for shrimp, and passive gear, drift nets for fish, destroy nets and release fragments of them, including floats. Second, the difficulty with which floats are inserted on the float rope of the nets when they are used near the surface. Floats are inserted to replace damaged or lost floats, or they may be removed if it is desired that the nets be used in deeper waters. Floats may thus be poorly fixed to the cables and lost. Here a new float design that offers greater safety in use and for the replacement of floats is described and tested

    Ictiofauna demersal numa região de plataforma continental do sul do Brasil submetida à pesca camaroeira

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    Ictiofauna demersal numa região de Plataforma Continental do Sul do Brasil, submetida à pesca camaroeira. A ictiofauna de uma região de Plataforma Continental do litoral do Paraná foi analisada objetivando comparar os atributos das espécies cujos indivíduos estão submetidos à pesca camaroeira com arrasto de fundo (profundidade 10m), com aqueles das espécies cujos indivíduos situam-se em área adjacente, sem atividade pesqueira (profundidade 15m). O material foi coletado através de arrasto de fundo, em 1999 e 2000, analisando-se sua composição, abundância e atividade reprodutiva. Entre as sessenta e duas espécies de peixes, 30 foram comuns às duas áreas, 24 exclusivas da área 10m e oito exclusivas da área 15m. A pesca camaroeira e seu conseqüente bycatch ocorrem numa área de Plataforma onde os atributos da ictiofauna são diferentes daqueles da área próxima. Incluem maior número de espécies exclusivas, maiores efetivos numéricos, maior atividade reprodutiva e espécies mais apreciadas para consumo. Os grupos cujos indivíduos são de bom valor comercial quando adultos (Clupeiformes e Sciaenidae) têm abundâncias mais regulares ao longo do tempo na área 10m que na área 15m; nesta, grupos sem interesse comercial (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) predominam. Conclui-se que a assembléia de peixes da área 15m, onde pesca não é realizada, não dispõe de atributos biológicos (composição, atividade reprodutiva e outros) que pudessem neutralizar os efeitos impactantes causados pelo bycatch da pesca camaroeira na área adjacente. ABSTRACT A region of the Continental Shelf of Southern Brazil, isobaths 10 and 15 meters, was studied aiming to compare the attributes of the fish assemblage exposed to the shrimp trawl fisheries, to those of a fish assemblage from a contiguous deeper area that is not exposed to this fishing modality. Individuals were collected with bottom trawl net along 1999 and 2000, and its composition, abundance, size and reproductive activity were analyzed. Of the sixtytwo fish species, 30 were common to both areas, while 24 were exclusive to the fishing area and eight were exclusive to the nonfishing area. The shrimp trawl fisheries and the bycatch associated to it occur in a shelf area having very distinctive ichthyofaunistic attributes when compared to those found in the area where this type of fishing does not occur. These attributes include a high number of species exclusive to the fishing area, the formation of larger populational aggregates, a higher intensity of reproductive activity, a larger permanence of species with potential economic value, and a smaller mean individual size. There is evidence that many species do not reside in the study region, but are present because of their migratory behavior. Species whose individuals are valued commercially when adults (mainly Clupeiformes and Sciaenidae) present more uniform abundance values through time in the fishing area than in the contiguous area, where many important groups with no commercial interest (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) were recorded. It is estimated that the ichthyofauna of the area presenting shrimp trawl fisheries is exposed to a disturbance that cannot be counterbalanced by the absence of this fishery activity in its contiguous area. RÉSUMÉ Ichtyofaune démersale dans une région du plateau continental sud-brésilien soumise à la pêche aux crévettes. Lichtyofaune dune région du plateau continental sud-brésilien a été analisée envisageant la comparaison entre les attributs de lassemblage soumis à la pêche chalutière aux crévettes, profondeur 10m, et ceux de lassemblage dune aire adjacente, profondeur 15m, où il ny a pas ce type de pêche. Le matériel a été prélevé en utilisant le chalut de fond, années 1999 et 2000, et leur composition, abondance et activité reproductive ont été évaluées. Parmi les soissante-deux espèces de poissons, 30 ont été communes aux deux aires, 24 ont été exclusives de laire 10m, et huit de laire 15m. La pêche aux crevettes et son conséquent bycatch de poissons ont lieu dans une aire du plateau portant des attributs ichtyofaunistiques différents de ceux de laire voisine, surtout des valeurs plus importantes despèces exclusives, deffectif numérique, dactivité reproductive et despèces ayant un interêt commercial. Les espèces ayant une bonne valeur commerciale quand les individus sont adultes (Clupeiformes et Sciaenidae) ont des abondances plus régulières au cours du temps à 10m quà 15m, où quelques groups sans interêt commercial (Haemulidae, Tetraodontiformes) sont plus abondants. Il est proposé que labsence de pêche au chalut dans laire 15m ne peut pas réduire les impacts que cette activité cause dans son aire voisine

    Avanços na transformação genética de plantas mediada por Agrobacterium com ênfase em soja

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    Soybean is one of humanity's major sources of plant protein. It is also very important for animal feed and as industrial raw material. Great advances have recently been achieved in its genetic transformation. This review provides a comprehensive discussion of important factors affecting Agrobacterium-mediated soybean transformation including target tissues, plant tissue health, wounding methods, regeneration systems, selectable markers and reporter genes.A soja é uma das maiores fontes de proteína vegetal da humanidade. É também muito importante na alimentação animal e como matéria-prima industrial. Grandes avanços foram recentemente alcançados em sua transformação genética. O objetivo desta revisão é fornecer uma discussão acerca de importantes fatores que influenciam a transformação de soja mediada por Agrobaterium, incluindo tecidos alvo, condições do tecido vegetal, métodos de injúria, sistemas de regeneração, marcadores de seleção e genes repórter