31 research outputs found

    MIMO SAR : a technique for achieving full polarimetric, high resolution wide swath SAR

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.SAR (radar de abertura sintética, do inglês synthetic aperture radar ) tem se tornado uma das técnicas de sensoriamento remoto mais importantes nas últimas décadas. A técnica SAR permite operação tanto no dia quanto à noite, além de ser resiliente a condições climáticas adversas. No entanto, técnicas clássicas de SAR apresentam limitações consideráveis. A primeira é que existe uma relação de compromisso entre tamanho da área imageada e resolução, de forma que não conseguimos uma grande área com um alto nível de detalhe, o que é um grande problema para várias aplicações. A segunda limitação é que, para obter informação polarimétrica completa, ou a área imageada diminui ou a resolução piora. Em certas aplicações em que se necessita de informação polarimétrica, isso se torna um problema. Para lidar com essas limitações de SAR clássico, MIMO (múltiplas entradas múltiplas saídas, do inglês multiple input multiple output) SAR é uma nova técnica que utiliza processamento de arranjo para extrair informação angular da onda recebida e consequentemente obter tanto uma resolução fina quanto uma grande área imageada, junto de informação polarimétrica. Nesse trabalho, a teoria atrás de MIMO SAR é apresentada, junto de simulações que demonstram as vantagens de se usar esse sistema sobre as técnicas clássicas.Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) has become one of the most important remote sensing techniques in the last few decades. It allows for day-night operation and is resilient to difficult weather conditions. However, classic SAR has considerable limitations. The first one is that it has a trade off between size of imaged area and resolution, meaning we can’t have a wide area with a high level of detail, which is a big problem for many applications. The second limitation is that, to obtain full polarimetric information, either the imaged area must decrease in size or there must be a deterioration in resolution. In some applications that necessitate polarimetric information, this is likewise quite an issue. To deal with these limitations of classic SAR, MIMO (multiple input multiple output) SAR is a new technique that utilizes array processing to extract angular information from the received echo and thus obtain both a high resolution and a wide imaged area, along with polarimetric information. In this work, the theory behind MIMO SAR is presented, along with simulations that demonstrate the advantages of using this system over the traditional techniques

    Juventudes, coletivos e participação social no processo de descolonização

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    This study aims to provide a contribution on decolonization from a discussion on youth, youth participation and protoganism of youth groups in Paraíba. The methodology was that of projects, carried out a documentary and bibliographic survey, held events with the project population and applied a questionnaire with participating collectives, of the extension project carried out in 2019. The results were related to the capillarity of collectives as spaces for mediation of youth protagonism, as relevant contributions in the discussion about the public sphere, social participation and protagonism, as aspects/themes that are fundamental to discuss youth, as a social category, which in turn activates the claim against the processes of contemporary colonialism around an action of decolonization, through youth protagonism.Este estudio tiene como objetivo proporcionar una contribución sobre la descolonización a partir de una discusión sobre la juventud, la participación juvenil y el protoganismo de los grupos juveniles en Paraíba. La metodología fue la de proyectos, se realizó un levantamiento documental y bibliográfico, se realizaron eventos con la población del proyecto y se aplicó un cuestionario con los colectivos participantes, del proyecto de extensión realizado en 2019. Los resultados se relacionaron con la capilaridad de los colectivos como espacios de mediación del protagonismo juvenil, como aportes relevantes en la discusión sobre la esfera pública, la participación y el protagonismo social, como aspectos / temas fundamentales para discutir la juventud, como categoría social, que a su vez activa la reivindicación frente a los procesos del colonialismo contemporáneo en torno a una acción de descolonización, a través del protagonismo juvenil.Cette étude vise à contribuer à la recherche sur la décolonisation. À cette fin, il traite de la jeunesse, de la participation et du protagonisme des collectifs de jeunes dans l'État de Paraíba (Brésil). La méthodologie adoptée a été celle des projets, à partir desquels une enquête documentaire et bibliographique a été réalisée. En ce qui concerne la génération de données, il est considéré le contexte de la tenue d'événements avec la population du projet et l'application d'un questionnaire avec les collectifs participants, dans ce cas, du projet d'extension réalisé en 2019. Les résultats ont été liés à la capillarité des collectifs en tant qu'espaces de médiation du protagonisme des jeunes, dans ce cas, des contributions pertinentes dans la discussion sur la sphère publique, la participation sociale et le protagonisme ; et comme ayant des aspects/thèmes qui sont fondamentaux pour discuter des questions de la jeunesse comme une catégorie sociale, qui en retour active la revendication contre les processus du colonialisme contemporain autour d'une action de décolonisation, par le biais du protagonisme des jeunes.Este estudo objetiva contribuir com as pesquisas acerca da descolonização. Para tanto, discute sobre juventudes, participação e protagonismo juvenil de coletivos da juventude do estado da Paraíba (Brasil). A metodologia adotada foi a de projetos, a partir da qual realizou-se um levantamento documental e bibliográfico. Com relação a geração dos dados, considera-se o contexto de realização de eventos com a população do projeto e a aplicação de questionário com coletivos participantes, no caso, do projeto de extensão realizado em 2019. Os resultados foram relacionados à capilaridade dos coletivos como espaços de mediação de protagonismo juvenil, nesse caso, de contribuições relevantes na discussão sobre a esfera pública, a participação social e o protagonismo; e como tendo aspectos/temáticas que são fundamentais para discutir sobre as questões das juventudes enquanto categoria social, que em contrapartida ativa a reivindicação contra os processos de colonialismo contemporâneo em torno de uma ação de descolonização, pela via do protagonismo juvenil

    Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor in the Larynx with Pulmonary Metastasis

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    Background: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) is one of the most common canine neoplasms in Brazil. Lesions develop mainly in the genital tissue and less frequently in other areas, in the extragenital form. Metastasis is rare, and the disease progression depends on the patient's immune status. The treatment of choice is chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate, considered an effective and safe modality. The present work describes the first case of extragenital TVT in the larynx with pulmonary metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Case: An approximately 4-month-old mixed-breed bitch was attended manifesting acute clinical respiratory signs. The patient had been rescued from the street 2 months beforehand. Physical examination revealed pale mucous membranes and crackling pulmonary auscultation. Thoracic radiography was performed in 3 projections, showing multiple nodules in the lung parenchyma, followed by cytopathological examination using fine needle puncture guided by thoracic ultrasound, confirming the diagnosis of TVT. Considering the cytological finding and the absence of primary tumor lesions in the genital, oral, cutaneous or nasal regions, endoscopy was performed in order to locate a possible primary focus. The exam revealed a small erythematous tumor with smooth and regular surface, measuring approximately 2.5 cm, located in the larynx, between the arytenoid cartilages. Chemotherapy was performed with vincristine sulfate with radiographic follow-up throughout the treatment. Full remission of the pulmonary and laryngeal nodules was achieved at the end of the protocol. The animal remained in complete remission for a period of 2 years. Discussion: TVT is more frequently observed in animals of active reproductive age, and rarely in animals under 1 year of age, as in the case described here. When considering extragenital lesions, the manifestation can be single or multiple, occurring more frequently in the cutaneous, oral and nasal forms. This case describes a laryngeal lesion with pulmonary involvement, without lesion in the genitalia or any other site. Cases of TVT in young and prepubescent animals, associated with extragenital involvement and aggressive behavior, similar to this case, have been described in literature, but never in this location. Literature suggests there is a relationship with the immune status of such patients, which do not have a well-developed immune system, facilitating disease progression. In these animals, transmission can be maternal, since in some cases the patient develops the disease without having contact with other animals except the mother. This form of transmission would facilitate the extragenital form in the oral cavity, airways and ocular region, related to licking, lactation and direct contact. Vincristine sulfate chemotherapy, considered the treatment of choice, was effectively used in this case, despite the atypical form. The TVT prognosis tends to be favorable, with the exception of the aggressive presentations with the presence of distant metastases. However, in the case described here, even though metastatic pulmonary nodules were present, complete remission was achieved, with survival exceeding 2 years. The development of TVT in the larynx is a rare form of the disease, and this report is possibly the first description of this tumor location. Thus, we highlight the importance of a complete investigation of the patient and of TVT as a differential diagnosis in this location. Keywords: dog, bitch, coitus, neoplasm, round cells, extragenital. Título: Tumor venéreo transmissível canino em laringe com metástase pulmonar Descritores: cão, cadela, coito, neoplasia, células redondas, extragenital

    Nutraceuticals for Dissolving Nephrolites in Cats

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    Background: Nephrolithiasis is a condition frequently observed in felines, with or without concomitant chronic kidney disease, constituting the major cause of ureteral obstruction and causing progressive damage to the renal parenchyma. About 90% of nephrolites are composed of calcium oxalate, which cannot dissolve, and its incidence has increased substantially in recent years, along with its recurrence. There are functional foods known as nutraceuticals provides health benefits such as renoprotection. Due to these benefits and the high prevalence of nephrolithiasis in feline species, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the association of some nutraceuticals in the dissolution of nephrolites.Materials, Methods & Results: The included cats had an ultrasound diagnosis of nephrolithiasis that, on clinical examination, showed: (i) the absence of previous or concomitant treatment for urinary infections and/or vesical and renal lithiasis; (ii) absence of genitourinary clinical manifestations; (iii) absence of obstructive processes; and (iv) absence of concomitant ureterolithiasis. We separated 51 cats with nephrolithiasis into 2 groups: control (n = 12) and study (n = 39). The control group received a placebo and the study group, nutraceuticals (magnesium chelate, resveratrol, vitamin K2, docosahexaenoic acid, and eicosapentaenoic acid). Laboratory tests (blood and urine) and abdominal imaging (ultrasound) were performed at day 0 and 30 days after enrollment. Monitoring the therapeutic efficacy in both groups was performed on day 30 for the CG and on days 30, 60, and 90 for the EG. The CG cats, after this step, were referred to surgery or to the EG, with prior authorization from their tutors. The diameter of nephrolites was significantly different before and after treatment, indicating a reduction in nephroliths over time. During the use of the nutraceutical formulation by the EG and use of placebo by the CG, there were no clinical and/or laboratory manifestations of side effects.Discussion: The dissolution of nephrolites was correlated with the synergism promoted by the combination of nutraceuticals and not with the individual beneficial action of each nutraceutical since nutraceuticals have individually been used in isolation for a long time in veterinary medicine without having yielded the same benefit. Those undissolved were attributed to a different type of mineral composition than the one associated with the nutraceutical compound in this study, such as struvite or ammonium urate, of mixed composition or comprising solidified dried blood, which has shown an increasing increase in use in recent years. The dissolution of nephrolites was correlated with the synergism promoted by the combination of nutraceuticals and not with the individual beneficial action of each nutraceutical since nutraceuticals have individually been used in isolation for a long time in veterinary medicine without having yielded the same benefit. The undissolved nephrolites were attributed to the nephrolites that obtained partial dissolution at the end of 90 days, in that they possibly needed a longer time to obtain complete dissolution or that they present another mineral composition in their nucleus; that is, it is a compound-type urolith. The nutraceutical compound proved to be effective in the dissolution of nephrolites in the cats included in this study, and the time of use (up to 90 days) showed no negative influence on the clinical or laboratory tests during the entire treatment period.Keywords: cats, food supplement, functional foods, natural products, nephrolithiasis, nutraceuticals

    Brachycephalic Syndrome in Dogs - Endoscopic Findings in the Airways

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    Background: Brachycephalic dogs have several abnormalities in the airways, which generate clinical manifestations that impair the quality of life of these animals. Primary alterations promote airflow obstruction and increase intraluminal negative pressure, causing secondary alterations due to a cycle of inflammation with consequent obstruction. With the onset of inflammation and other alterations in the airways, clinical manifestations can be observed, such as snoring, reverse sneezing, coughing, dyspnea, cyanosis, syncope, and vomiting. Endoscopic examination of the airways allows visualization and diagnosis of morphological changes in these animals. This study aimed to evaluate the endoscopic findings of the airways and determine the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the severity of clinical manifestations in 14 dogs with brachycephalic syndrome (BS). Materials, Methods & Results:  Historical and anamnesis data and clinical, respiratory, and digestive manifestations were collected from the owners’ reports. The clinical manifestations were classified as mild, moderate, or severe. All animals were subjected to endoscopy of the airways, and image findings were grouped according to the anatomical site where they were observed, then the abnormalities were correlated with the severity of the clinical manifestations. When comparing the frequency of endoscopic abnormalities with the severity of clinical manifestations, it is interesting to observe that animals with severe disease more frequently presented the following alterations: prolongation and thickening of the soft palate, laryngeal changes, presence of hyperemia, lymphoid hyperplasia and polyps in the nasopharynx, hypoplasia and presence of tracheal secretion and thickening of the dorsal tracheal muscle; bronchial collapse, hypoplasia of the main bronchi and bronchial hyperemia and the presence of aberrant nasal turbinates. Comparison between the means of nonparametric variables was performed using the Mann-Whitney test, with a 5% significance level.  Discussion: A higher frequency of French Bulldog dogs included in the study was observed, probably due to their greater popularity, although any brachycephalic dog may be affected by BS. Considering that nostril stenosis is a congenital alteration, which is usually diagnosed early, and since the animals included in the study were dogs referred for the rhinoplasty procedure the higher frequency of young dogs in the study was not surprising. The results revealed a significant difference in the endoscopic findings with the severity of the clinical manifestations in different variables, such as prolongation and thickening of the soft palate, eversion of the laryngeal saccules, presence of laryngeal inflammation and collapse, presence of polyps or lymphoid hyperplasia in the nasopharynx, thickening of the dorsal muscle of the trachea, polyps in the trachea and hypoplasia in addition to bronchial hyperemia. The larynx was the most affected anatomical site, with alterations present in 92.8% of the evaluated dogs. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that airway obstruction caused by primary alterations can cause secondary alterations, with consequent clinical manifestations in brachycephalic dogs it is possible to suggest that dogs with this syndrome may present severe manifestations of the disease, regardless of age. Furthermore, it can be concluded that in this study, dogs with BS had frequent laryngeal alterations and that alterations in the main bronchi were present in all animals with severe manifestations of the disease. Keywords: airway obstruction, bronchial collapse, endoscopy, larynx

    Nursing diagnosis: impaired physical mobility in patients with stroke

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    The study aimed to investigate the occurrence of Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Physical Mobility in patients with stroke. This exploratory study was developed at rehabilitation units from November 2007 to march 2008, through an interview and physical examination. Nursing diagnoses were made using NANDA Taxonomy II. A total 121 patients were evaluated. Subjects' average age was 62.1 years, 52.3% were males with an average 1.5 stroke events in 3.4 years. The diagnosis was present in 90%, with an average of 5.8 defining characteristic. Difficulty turning was the most present characteristic and there were 3.4 related factors per patient, and most reported decreased strength and endurance besides neuromuscular impairment (100%). There should be a closer look towards this diagnosis when planning interventions after a stroke with aiming at health promotion for these patients.O estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência do diagnóstico de enfermagem Mobilidade Física Prejudicada em pacientes com AVE. Estudo exploratório, desenvolvido em unidades de reabilitação, de novembro de 2007 a março de 2008, por meio de entrevista e exame físico. A Taxonomia II da NANDA foi utilizada para a identificação do diagnóstico. Foram avaliados 121 indivíduos, com idade média de 62,1 anos, 52,3% homens, com média de 1,5 episódio de AVE em 3,4 anos. O diagnóstico esteve presente em 90%, com média de 5,8 características definidoras. Dificuldade para virar-se foi a característica mais presente, e 3,4 fatores foram relacionados por paciente, com destaque para a Força muscular diminuída, além de Prejuízos neuromusculares (100%). Destaca-se a necessidade de enfocar-se esse diagnóstico no planejamento das intervenções após o AVE, com vistas à promoção da saúde desses pacientes.El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la ocurrencia del diagnóstico de enfermería Movilidad física disminuida en pacientes con AVE. Estudio exploratorio, desarrollado en unidades de rehabilitación, desde noviembre de 2007 a marzo de 2008, a través de entrevistas y exámenes físicos. Para la identificación del diagnóstico se utilizó la Taxonomía II de la NANDA. Fueron evaluados 121 individuos, con edad media de 63,1 años, 52,3% hombres, con un promedio de 1,5 episodios de AVE en 3,4 años. El diagnóstico se verificó en el 90%, con una media de 5,8 características distintivas. La dificultad para darse vuelta fue la característica más presente, con 3,4 factores relacionados por paciente, con relevancia de la fuerza muscular disminuida, además de trastornos neuromusculares (100%). Se destaca la necesidad de enfocarse ese diagnóstico en el planeamiento de las intervenciones posteriores al AVE, en vistas a la mejoría de la salud de dichos pacientes

    Integridade de DNA e morfologia espermática de ratos submetidos a campos eletromagnéticos de baixa frequência durante diferentes períodos do desenvolvimento = DNA integrity and sperm morphology of Wistar rats exposed to low frequency electromagnetic fields during different periods of development

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    A exposição da sociedade a Campos Eletromagnéticos (CEM) vemaumentando vertiginosamente em virtude da ampla expansão tecnológica observada nos últimos anos. Tanto a geração, como a distribuição e a utilização de energia elétrica podem gerar Campos Eletromagnéticos de baixa freqüência (50 e 60 Hz). Pesquisas vêm demonstrando que a exposição a estes CEM podem proporcionar alterações fisiológicassignificativas, apesar disto, ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidos a extensão destes efeitos, nem os mecanismos de ação que envolve a interação dos CEM com os organismos biológicos. O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo verificar os efeitos dos CEM (60 Hz e 1 mT) sobre a integridade de DNA e morfologia espermática de ratos sexualmente maduros, que foram expostos ao CEM durante diferentes períodos do seu desenvolvimento. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho não encontraram indícios de alterações no DNA dos espermatozóides, porém, foram observadas alterações significativas na morfologia dos espermatozoides após a exposição ao CEM. Estas alterações namorfologia espermática podem reduzir o potencial reprodutivo. Portanto, devemos considerar o CEM como um potencial risco a saúde pública, recomendando-se a realização de mais pesquisas buscando estabelecer níveis seguros de exposição aos CEM.<br><br>The society’s exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has been growing considerable due to the great technological expansion observed in the last few years. Generation as well as distribution and use of electric energy can generate low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 and 60 Hz). Issues have been demonstrating that EMF exposure could provoke significantly physiological changes, however, the extension of EMF effects weren’t totally clarified. The major objective of this issue was to evaluate the EMF (60 Hz and 1 mT)effects on DNA integrity and sperm morphology in Wistar rats with mature sexuality that were exposed during different stages of testicular development. According to our results, EMF did not change DNA integrity, but we could observe morphological changes in spermafter exposure to EMF. These changes in sperm morphology may reduce the reproductive potential. Therefore, we should consider the EMF as a potential risk to public health, recommending the implementation of further research seeking to establish safe levels of exposure to EMF

    Integridade de DNA e morfologia espermática de ratos submetidos a campos eletromagnéticos de baixa frequência durante diferentes períodos do desenvolvimento - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v33i3.5417

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    The society’s exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has been growing considerable due to the great technological expansion observed in the last few years. Generation as well as distribution and use of electric energy can generate low frequency electromagnetic fields (50 and 60 Hz). Issues have been demonstrating that EMF exposure could provoke significantly physiological changes, however, the extension of EMF effects weren’t totally clarified. The major objective of this issue was to evaluate the EMF (60 Hz and 1 mT) effects on DNA integrity and sperm morphology in Wistar rats with mature sexuality that were exposed during different stages of testicular development. According to our results, EMF did not change DNA integrity, but we could observe morphological changes in sperm after exposure to EMF. These changes in sperm morphology may reduce the reproductive potential. Therefore, we should consider the EMF as a potential risk to public health, recommending the implementation of further research seeking to establish safe levels of exposure to EMF.A exposição da sociedade a Campos Eletromagnéticos (CEM) vem aumentando vertiginosamente em virtude da ampla expansão tecnológica observada nos últimos anos. Tanto a geração, como a distribuição e a utilização de energia elétrica podem gerar Campos Eletromagnéticos de baixa freqüência (50 e 60 Hz). Pesquisas vêm demonstrando que a exposição a estes CEM podem proporcionar alterações fisiológicas significativas, apesar disto, ainda não estão totalmente esclarecidos a extensão destes efeitos, nem os mecanismos de ação que envolve a interação dos CEM com os organismos biológicos. O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo verificar os efeitos dos CEM (60 Hz e 1 mT) sobre a integridade de DNA e morfologia espermática de ratos sexualmente maduros, que foram expostos ao CEM durante diferentes períodos do seu desenvolvimento. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho não encontraram indícios de alterações no DNA dos espermatozóides, porém, foram observadas alterações significativas na morfologia dos espermatozoides após a exposição ao CEM. Estas alterações na morfologia espermática podem reduzir o potencial reprodutivo. Portanto, devemos considerar o CEM como um potencial risco a saúde pública, recomendando-se a realização de mais pesquisas buscando estabelecer níveis seguros de exposição aos CEM

    Prevalência de ansiedade odontológica e sua relação com fatores socioeconômicos entre gestantes de João Pessoa, Brasil

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    Objetivo: deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência e nível de ansiedade ao atendimento odontológico de gestantes de João Pessoa, Brasil, além de analisar a sua relação com fatores socioeconômicos. Métodos: o presente estudo é caracterizado por ser transversal do tipo observacional, a amostra foi composta por 360 gestantes atendidas nas Unidades de Saúde da Família na Cidade de João Pessoa/Brasil. Foram aplicados a dental anxiety scale e um questionário estruturado, por meio do qual foram investigados fatores socioeconômicos. Na análise estatística, foi empregado o teste de c². O nível de significância adotado foi de 5 %. Resultados: a prevalência de ansiedade entre as gestantes foi de 96,4 %. A maioria (41,1 %) apresentou alto nível de ansiedade (p 0,05). Conclusões: a maioria das gestantes apresentou ansiedade, de nível alto. Os fatores socioeconômicos investigados não revelaram associação com a presença de ansiedade. Evidencia-se a necessidade de atenção odontológica durante a gestação com medidas direcionadas a redução da ansiedade ao atendimento odontológico


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    Neste trabalho é analisado o processo de institucionalização de um campo relacionado à cultura que apresenta longevidade institucional sem apresentar dependência de macroatores públicos ou privados quanto à sua governança e à sua sustentabilidade econômica, configurando-se como exceção à condição de dependência comumente apresentada em estudos empíricos anteriores da institucionalização de organizações culturais no Brasil. Trata-se do campo do humor no Estado do Ceará, cuja evolução do seu processo de institucionalização foi analisada à luz do modelo de Tolbert e Zucker (1999) e de fatores apontados por teóricos institucionais como influentes nesse processo. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, de natureza qualitativa, com a realização de quinze entrevistas com representantes organizacionais participantes do campo. Os resultados indicam que, mesmo sem apresentar governança concentrada (governamental ou empresarial) e nível alto de formalização de relações e normas, o campo está em fase intermediária do seu processo de institucionalização em direção à sua sedimentação. A partir da análise do campo do humor no Ceará, infere-se como fatores que potencializam a legitimidade e a longevidade de campos culturais: a existência de relação entre rotinas sociais locais e o objeto cultural em questão; a formação de enlaces interorganizacionais que evidenciem parcerias com ganhos multilaterais com micro e pequenas empresas, especialmente àquelas relacionadas ao turismo local; e a ocorrência de isomoformismos miméticos que possibilitem a multiplicação de estruturas e práticas legitimadas. Palavras-chave: Teoria Institucional. Campo Cultural. Campo do Humor. Abstract This paper analyzes the process of institutionalization of a cultural field that presents institutional longevity, without showing dependence on public or private macro-players in terms of its governance and economic sustainability, becoming an exception to the condition of dependence commonly presented in previous empirical studies on the institutionalization of cultural organizations in Brazil. The topic in question is the field of humor in the state of Ceará, examining the evolution of its process of institutionalization in light of the Tolbert and Zucker model (1999) and factors indicated by institutional theorists as influential in this process. This is an exploratory and descriptive, qualitative study. Fifteen interviews were conducted with organizational representatives participating in the field. The results indicate that even without presenting concentrated governance (government or business), or a high level of formalization of relations and standards, the field is in an intermediate stage of its institutionalization process, towards its sedimentation. Based on analysis of the field of humor in Ceará, the following are inferred as factors that enhance the legitimacy and longevity of cultural fields: the existence of relationship between local social routines and the cultural object in question; the formation of inter-organizational links that demonstrate partnerships with multilateral gains from micro and small enterprises, especially those related to local tourism; and the occurrence of mimetic isomophisms that enable multiplication of structures and legitimated practices. Keywords: Institutional theory. Cultural field. Field of Humor