71 research outputs found

    Tectonic structure, evolution, and the nature of oceanic core complexes and their detachment fault zones (13°20â€ČN and 13°30â€ČN, Mid Atlantic Ridge)

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    Microbathymetry data, in situ observations, and sampling along the 138200N and 138200N oceanic core complexes (OCCs) reveal mechanisms of detachment fault denudation at the seafloor, links between tectonic extension and mass wasting, and expose the nature of corrugations, ubiquitous at OCCs. In the initial stages of detachment faulting and high-angle fault, scarps show extensive mass wasting that reduces their slope. Flexural rotation further lowers scarp slope, hinders mass wasting, resulting in morphologically complex chaotic terrain between the breakaway and the denuded corrugated surface. Extension and drag along the fault plane uplifts a wedge of hangingwall material (apron). The detachment surface emerges along a continuous moat that sheds rocks and covers it with unconsolidated rubble, while local slumping emplaces rubble ridges overlying corrugations. The detachment fault zone is a set of anostomosed slip planes, elongated in the alongextension direction. Slip planes bind fault rock bodies defining the corrugations observed in microbathymetry and sonar. Fault planes with extension-parallel stria are exposed along corrugation flanks, where the rubble cover is shed. Detachment fault rocks are primarily basalt fault breccia at 138200N OCC, and gabbro and peridotite at 138300N, demonstrating that brittle strain localization in shallow lithosphere form corrugations, regardless of lithologies in the detachment zone. Finally, faulting and volcanism dismember the 138300N OCC, with widespread present and past hydrothermal activity (Semenov fields), while the Irinovskoe hydrothermal field at the 138200N core complex suggests a magmatic source within the footwall. These results confirm the ubiquitous relationship between hydrothermal activity and oceanic detachment formation and evolution

    Hf isotope ratio analysis using multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: an evaluation of isobaric interference corrections

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    From measurements of Hf–Yb mixtures, we have found that the correction of isobaric interferences involving accepted Yb isotope ratios and reasonable estimates of mass bias result in a significantly under-corrected 176Hf, which is proportional to the amount of Yb added. This can be explained by (1) a significant difference in the instrumental mass bias between Hf and Yb, and (2) that the accepted values for isotopic ratios within the Yb and/or Hf systems are incorrect. We have evaluated these possibilities by measuring mixed solutions of Yb and Hf on two MC-ICP-MS instruments and undertaking a series of REE fractionation experiments using a thermal ionisation mass spectrometer (TIMS). Our results indicate that the presently accepted abundances of the Yb isotopes are not appropriate. We present new values for Yb isotopic abundances based on the TIMS and MC-ICP-MS results. Using the newly defined Yb values, we demonstrate that Yb and Hf have similar levels of mass bias in plasma ionisation instruments, and that Hf isotope ratios can be used to correct Yb mass bias before subsequent correction of isobaric interference. A laser ablation comparison of Yb and Hf indicates that similar relationships exist, and can be applied to micro-analytical techniques where chemical separation is not possible. <br/

    Characterization of hyperalkaline fluids produced by low-temperature serpentinization of mantle peridotites in the Oman and Ligurian ophiolites

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    International audienceA regional survey of alkaline springs in Oman and Ligurian ophiolites shows that the alkaline water compositions significantly vary from one ophiolite to the other and within the same ophiolite. The first-order correlation between the Na (and K) and Cl concentrations points to fluid compositions only partly due to evaporation. The scatter around the evaporation line implies that Na and Cl may not be conservative during the alteration of the ultramafic rocks. Mg is almost entirely depleted at pH > 10.5 as a result of serpentine formation within the ultramafic body and of brucite (and minor hydrotalcite) precipitation at the springs. Ca accumulates in the high-pH fluids and is consumed by Ca-carbonate formation at the springs, by mixing with river waters or by the CO2 supply from the atmosphere. Thermodynamic calculations show that brucite saturation is reached at pH values around 10.5 which triggers major changes in the water composition. The waters evolve from a quartz-saturated low-pH continental environment to a brucite-dominated high-pH serpentinizing system at low temperature. The highest water salinities are found in springs located along the basal thrust plane of the ophiolite. The highest Al concentrations are found in some springs located on the crustal side of the mantle/crust boundary. This poses the question of the hydrologic pathways and of the role of the mineralogical composition of the altered formations. Key Points New temperature and composition of the alkaline waters Brucite formation at pH 10.5 triggers major chemical and mineralogical changes Relationship between the water compositions and the hydrologic pathway

    Mineralogical assemblages forming at hyperalkaline warm springs hosted on ultramafic rocks: A case study of Oman and Ligurian ophiolites

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    International audienceWe report on the mineralogical assemblages found in the hyperalkaline springs hosted on Liguria and Oman ophiolites based on exhaustive X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microprobe analyses. In Liguria, hyperalkaline springs produce a thin brownish calcite precipitate that covers the bedrock due to the concomitant atmospheric CO2 uptake and neutralization of the hyperalkaline waters. No brucite and portlandite minerals are observed. The discharge of alkaline waters in Oman ophiolite forms white-orange precipitates. Calcium carbonate minerals (calcite and/or aragonite) are the most abundant and ubiquitous precipitates and are produced by the same mechanism as in Liguria. This process is observed as a thin surface crust made of rhombohedral calcite. Morphological features of aragonite vary from needle-, bouquet-, dumbbell-, spheroidal-like habitus according to the origin of carbon, temperature, and ionic composition of the hyperalkaline springs, and the biochemical and organic compounds. Brucite is observed both at hyperalkaline springs located at the thrust plane and at the paleo-Moho. The varying mixing proportions between the surface runoff waters and the hyperalkaline ones control brucite precipitation. The layered double hydroxide minerals occur solely in the vicinity of hyperalkaline springs emerging within the bedded gabbros. Finally, the dominant mineralogical associations we found in Oman (Ca-bearing carbonates and brucite) in a serpentinizing environment driven by the meteoric waters are surprisingly the same as those observed at the Lost City hydrothermal site in a totally marine environment. Key Points Distinct mineralogical association between Oman and liguria alkaline springs There is no Mg-bearing carbonate similar mineral assemblage in marine and surface serpentinizing environmen

    Spatial Variations in Vent Chemistry at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid Atlantic Ridge (37°N): Updates for Subseafloor Flow Geometry from the Newly Discovered Capelinhos Vent.

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    This study aims at characterizing the subseafloor architecture of the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (LSHF) based on an extensive chemical database of the various vents. Our analysis is motivated by the discovery in 2013 of a new active high‐temperature site, named Capelinhos, approximately 1.5 km east of the LSHF. Capelinhos fluids display particular chemical features with chloride and metals (Fe, Mn) concentrations two times lower and four times higher, respectively, compared to other vent sites. Trace element partitioning over the entire chlorinity range indicates a single deep fluid source feeding all the venting sites. Applying the Si‐Cl geothermobarometer at Capelinhos, we find phase separation conditions at 435–440°C, and 370‐390 bars (2500–2800 m below seafloor (mbsf)) consistent with former estimates for the LSHF, while temperatures of fluid‐rock last equilibrium are estimated at ~400°C for Capelinhos and 350‐375°C for the other sites based on the Fe‐Mn geothermometer. We interpret these discrepancies in thermodynamic conditions beneath the sites in terms of crustal residence time which are likely related to permeability variations across the hydrothermal upflow zone. We propose that conductive cooling of the up flowing fluids from the phase separation zone to the seafloor, beneath the main field vent sites, lowers the T conditions of last fluid‐rock equilibrium, enabling ~65% of Fe mobilized in the reaction zone to be stored. In comparison, Capelinhos fluids are transported more rapidly from the reaction zone to the seafloor along a high‐angle fracture system. The fluids venting at Capelinhos are more representative of the deeper part of the hydrothermal reaction zone

    Low Power Hydrogen Sensors Using Electrodeposited PdNi Schottky Diodes

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    The use of electrodeposited PdNi Schottky barriers as low power Hydrogen sensors is investigated. Electrodeposited PdNi Schottky barriers exhibit very low reverse bias current and the Palladium content of the film causes the Hydrogen molecules to dissociate and be absorbed by the film, changing the metal work function and device current. The Schottky diodes were fabricated on 0.5-1.5 Ohmcm (100) n-type Si by electrodeposition of PdNi followed by evaporation of Aluminium contact pads. Electrical measurements at different Hydrogen pressures were performed on back to back Schottky diodes in a vacuum chamber using pure Nitrogen and a 5% Hydrogen-Nitrogen mixture. Very low currents of 1nA were measured in the absence of Hydrogen. Large increases in the currents, upto a factor of 100, were observed upon exposure to different Hydrogen partial pressures. The highest sensitivity was estimated to be 17.27 nA/mbar. The low idle current, simplicity of fabrication process and ability to easily integrate with conventional electronics proves the suitability of electrodeposited PdNi Schottky barriers as low power Hydrogen sensors
