21 research outputs found

    The East India Company’sFarmān, 1622‒1747

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    The East India Company’s presence and ongoing trade in Persia was reliant on the privileges outlined in the Farmān, granted after the capture of Hormuz in 1622. The relationship between these two powers was cemented in the rights enshrined in the Farmān, which was used by both to regulate their varying needs and expectations over the course of 125 years. This article explores the Company’s records of the Farmān and how changes to its terms were viewed from both sides. As a Persian document, the Farmān gives a clear view of the attitudes of native officials and rulers to the Company and how these terms were used as a means of control

    A Practitioner’s Toolkit for Insulin Motivation in Adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Evidence-Based Recommendations from an International Expert Panel

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    Aim To develop an evidence-based expert group opinion on the role of insulin motivation to overcome insulin distress during different stages of insulin therapy and to propose a practitioner’s toolkit for insulin motivation in the management of diabetes mellitus (DM). Background Insulin distress, an emotional response of the patient to the suggested use of insulin, acts as a major barrier to insulin therapy in the management of DM. Addressing patient-, physician- and drug-related factors is important to overcome insulin distress. Strengthening of communication between physicians and patients with diabetes and enhancing the patients' coping skills are prerequisites to create a sense of comfort with the use of insulin. Insulin motivation is key to achieving targeted goals in diabetes care. A group of endocrinologists came together at an international meeting held in India to develop tool kits that would aid a practitioner in implementing insulin motivation strategies at different stages of the journey through insulin therapy, including pre-initiation, initiation, titration and intensification. During the meeting, emphasis was placed on the challenges and limitations faced by both physicians and patients with diabetes during each stage of the journey through insulinization. Review Results After review of evidence and discussions, the expert group provided recommendations on strategies for improved insulin acceptance, empowering behavior change in patients with DM, approaches for motivating patients to initiate and maintain insulin therapy and best practices for insulin motivation at the pre-initiation, initiation, titration and intensification stages of insulin therapy. Conclusions In the management of DM, bringing in positive behavioral change by motivating the patient to improve treatment adherence helps overcome insulin distress and achieve treatment goals


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    No comprehensive study has yet been made on the role of the Armenians in the long-distance trade in Asia in the 16th to the 18th century. But this is a very important subject in trade history, especially in view of the fact that the Armenians were one of the most active groups, perhaps the most dominant, in overland trade in the early modern era. Moreover a study of the theme is all the more essential for a proper understanding and clarification of some the crucial issues and the on-going deb..

    10. Armenians in Bengal Trade and Politics in the 18th Century

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    It is more or less well-known now, thanks to the pioneering researches of several scholars in the field in the last few decades (Sinha, 1956-1970. Husain, 1995. Chaudhury, 1995. Chatterjee, 1996), that the Armenians played a significant role in the commercial and economic life of India, especially Bengal which was the one of the most prosperous provinces of the erstwhile Mughal Empire in the 17th and the 18th centuries. By the early 18th century, the great Mughal Empire had already disintegra..

    Merchants, Companies and Rulers

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    The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550–1900

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    Les Arméniens dans le commerce asiatique au début de l'ère moderne

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    La poussée de la navigation occidentale au-delà du cap de Bonne Espérance et l'activité connue des diverses compagnies des Indes sont les références habituelles auxquelles renvoie le commerce de l'Asie entre le XVIe et le XVIIIe siècle. Les Européens ont pourtant rencontré sur les routes de l'Asie, maritimes ou continentales, des communautés marchandes bien établies qui, au gré des circonstances et avant la colonisation, ont été aussi bien leurs concurrents que leurs partenaires. Les Arméniens, déjà présents en Europe, sont l'une d'elles ; le principal réseau commercial qui les représente à partir du XVIIe siècle est celui de la Nouvelle-Djoulfa, un faubourg arménien fondé près d'Isfahan après la déportation de l'Arménie du Centre-Est par le chah de Perse Abbas Ier en 1604-1605. En se déployant d'Amsterdam au Bengale et au Tibet, et jusqu'aux îles Philippines, en prenant appui sur toute une série de ports et d'étapes répartis des rives de la Baltique ou de la Méditerranée à celles de l'océan Indien ou de la mer de Chine, le réseau commercial formé par les Arméniens de la Nouvelle-Djoulfa a de quoi susciter la curiosité, sinon la passion de l'historien. Il n'a pas manqué de surprendre aussi les contemporains : de la Nouvelle-Djoulfa, dont il découvre le faste grandissant, le chevalier de Chardin dira qu'il est peut-être le plus gros bourg du monde ; Gabriel de Chinon y verra, lui, une petite république. Pourvoyeurs d'épices, de tissus, de soie, des produits les plus variés des Indes ou de l'Europe, les marchands arméniens sont aussi les financiers du chah de Perse, les ambassadeurs de l'empereur d'Éthiopie; ils deviennent armateurs dans l'océan Indien, maîtrisent les techniques comptables et commerciales en usage en Orient ou en Occident, négocient avec les souverains ou les compagnies. Ils tentent également, alors que se construit le monde moderne, d'y faire une place à leur nation, à la fois ancrée dans un pays partagé et déterritorialisée. Dans la lignée de quelques travaux pionniers, ce livre réintègre dans le champ de l'histoire un long moment du commerce intercontinental, significatif non seulement des cheminements du capitalisme, mais d'une étonnante aspiration à mettre les nations sur le rang des États