13 research outputs found

    Formulations innovantes de donneurs d'oxyde nitrique (exemple de microparticules composites pour une libération prolongée d'un dérivé nitré et d'un S-nitrosothiol)

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    L'oxyde nitrique, encore appelĂ© monoxyde d'azote ou "NO" est l'une des plus petites molĂ©cules endogĂšnes de notre organisme. Il module de nombreuses fonctions physiologiques de notre organisme mais ses actions les plus remarquables se situent au niveau du systĂšme cardio-vasculaire oĂč il rĂ©gule le tonus vasculaire et donc la pression artĂ©rielle. Une dĂ©plĂ©tion en oxyde nitrique (ou une baisse de son efficacitĂ©) mĂšne alors Ă  un dysfonctionnement endothĂ©lial, Ă  l'origine de nombreuses pathologies cardio-vasculaires. L'administration d'oxyde nitrique a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©e dans le traitement de ces maladies. Cependant, l"utilisation directe de ce radical s'avĂšre impossible en raison de sa trĂšs courte demi-vie (de 3 Ă  4 secondes). Pour pallier cet inconvĂ©nient majeur, des molĂ©cules pharmacologiquement actives pouvant libĂ©rer le NO ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es : ce sont les "donneurs de NO". Actuellement en clinique, seules les classes des dĂ©rivĂ©s nitrĂ©s, des sydnoimines et des complexes fer-nitrosyls sont retrouvĂ©es. Chaque classe possĂšde ses avantages mais aussi ses inconvĂ©nients, ce qui a poussĂ© de nombreux scientifiques Ă  s'intĂ©resser Ă  d'autres donneurs de NO comme les S-nitrosothiols. Bien que ces molĂ©cules suscitent un vif intĂ©rĂȘt, il en existe trĂšs peu de stables sur le long terme capables de libĂ©rer l'oxyde nitrique de maniĂšre efficace. La dĂ©marche de ce travail a consistĂ© Ă  formuler des nanoparticules de polycaprolactone (PCL) contenant des donneurs de NO selon le protocole de double Ă©mulsion-Ă©vaporation de solvant, puis Ă  caractĂ©riser du point de vue physico-chimique les nanoparticules obtenues, et Ă  encapsuler ces nanoparticules dans des microparticules de copolymĂšre d'acide lactique et glycolique (PLGA). Une caractĂ©risation physico-chimique de ces formes composites a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e ensuite. Pour cet exercice, il a Ă©tĂ© choisi de travailler sur le dinitrate d'isosorbide (ISDN) et la S-nitroso-N-acĂ©tyl-D,L-pĂ©nicillamine (SNAP). L'ISDN a pu ĂȘtre encapsulĂ© efficacement dans les nanoparticules de PCL (350 nm, -20 mV). La poursuite du protocole a permis d'obtenir des microparticules de 30 m environ, permettant de libĂ©rer de façon plus prolongĂ©e l'ISDN qu'avec des nanoparticules simples. L'encapsulation du SNAP n'a pas Ă©tĂ© possible. Une optimisation du procĂ©dĂ© de formulation s'avĂšre donc nĂ©cessaire et des caractĂ©risations physico-chimiques plus poussĂ©es de ces systĂšmes restent encore Ă  effectuer.CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evaluation de la cicatrisation périnéale aprÚs amputation rectale pour maladie de Crohn (résultats d une étude bicentrique)

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    Contexte La maladie de Crohn (MC) est une maladie inflammatoire chronique de l intestin. Les lĂ©sions ano-pĂ©rinĂ©ales et les rectites sĂ©vĂšres peuvent conduire Ă  une amputation abdomino pĂ©rinĂ©ale (AAP). Les troubles de la cicatrisation pĂ©rinĂ©ale aprĂšs AAP ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s, mais peu de donnĂ©es depuis l avĂšnement des biothĂ©rapies sont disponibles. Le but de notre Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© d Ă©valuer la cicatrisation du pĂ©rinĂ©e aprĂšs AAP pour MC en prĂ©cisant les situations Ă  risque et l impact des biothĂ©rapies. MĂ©thode : Nous avons conduit une Ă©tude bi-centrique rĂ©trospective (hĂŽpital Huriez et Beaujon) entre 1997 et 2013 dans laquelle les dossiers de patients opĂ©rĂ©s d AAP pour MC ont Ă©tĂ© revus. Pour chaque patient, nous avons analysĂ© : l Ăąge au diagnostic de MC, le sexe, le tabagisme, l indice de masse corporelle (IMC), le score ASA, la classification de MontrĂ©al au diagnostic initial et au moment de l AAP, la prĂ©sence de manifestations extradigestives de MC, l indication opĂ©ratoire de l AAP, les modalitĂ©s opĂ©ratoires, les antĂ©cĂ©dents de chirurgie abdominale et pĂ©rinĂ©ale, les traitements par immunosuppresseurs et anti-TNF avant et aprĂšs la chirurgie, les complications post-opĂ©ratoires classĂ©es selon DINDO. La cicatrisation du pĂ©rinĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e cliniquement Ă  1, 6 et 12 mois aprĂšs l AAP. RĂ©sultats : 38% des patients ont prĂ©sentĂ© un sinus pĂ©rinĂ©al (SP) Ă  6 mois de l AAP. L Ă©volution spontanĂ©e a permis la cicatrisation pour prĂšs d un patient sur trois avec 50 mois de recul. La cicatrisation pĂ©rinĂ©ale a Ă©tĂ© favorisĂ©e par : un Ăąge au diagnostic > 40 ans (p=0,02), une forme B2/ B3 lors de l AAP (p=0,03), l absence de contamination digestive per-opĂ©ratoire, le drainage pĂ©rinĂ©al par voie abdominale, la fermeture du pĂ©rinĂ©e. L arrĂȘt du traitement anti TNF prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire et l absence de traitement anti TNF post opĂ©ratoire semble avoir favorisĂ© la cicatrisation pĂ©rinĂ©ale. Conclusion : Nous avons montrĂ© l Ă©volution des troubles de la cicatrisation pĂ©rinĂ©ale au-delĂ  de 6 mois post-AAP pour MC. L incidence du SP post-AAP pour MC peut ĂȘtre diminuĂ©e par le drainage pĂ©rinĂ©al par voie abdominale et la fermeture de la plaie pĂ©rinĂ©ale. Nous encourageons la suppression prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire du traitement par anti TNF. Un traitement par anti TNF post-opĂ©ratoire ne semble pas utile pour la cicatrisation du pĂ©rinĂ©e. Ceci semble particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressant chez les patients opĂ©rĂ©s jeunes de moins de 40 ans avec une rectite de phĂ©notype B1 qui a constituĂ© une sous-population Ă  risque de retard de cicatrisation pĂ©rinĂ©ale.LILLE2-BU SantĂ©-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    RĂ©duire les Ă©missions de mĂ©thane et les rejets d’azote et amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle du lait par l’alimentation des vaches

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    L’expĂ©rience compare une ration proche de la pratique (CTL) Ă  une ration durable (DUR) sur 2 lots de 10 vaches produisant 30 l de lait par jour. Ces rations, de mĂȘme valeur Ă©nergĂ©tique (0,9 UFL/kg MS), diffĂšrent par la nature de l’énergie apportĂ©e et leur teneur en matiĂšres azotĂ©es totales (16,4 vs 13,5 %, respectivement). FormulĂ©e sans soja, la ration DUR contenait des graines de lin extrudĂ©es (8,4 % MS) ; elle a permis d’amĂ©liorer simultanĂ©ment la qualitĂ© nutritionnelle du lait (+ 34 % d’acides gras insaturĂ©s, + 120 % d’omĂ©gas-3) et l’impact environnemental du troupeau (- 10 Ă  - 20 % de mĂ©thane Ă©mis par jour et amĂ©lioration de l’efficience azotĂ©e de 16 %). La production laitiĂšre n’a pas Ă©tĂ© influencĂ©e par la ration mais les taux butyreux et protĂ©ique du lait Ă©taient plus faibles avec DUR (de -8 % et -3 % respectivement)

    A randomized clinical trial of Saccharomyces cerevisiae versus placebo in the irritable bowel syndrome

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:We aimed to evaluate clinical symptoms in subjects with irritable bowel syndrome receiving Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.METHODS:Overall, 179 adults with irritable bowel syndrome (Rome III criteria) were randomized to receive once daily 500 mg of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, delivered by one capsule (n = 86, F: 84%, age: 42.5 ± 12.5), or placebo (n = 93, F: 88%, age: 45.4 ± 14) for 8 weeks followed by a 3-week washout period. After a 2-week run-in period, cardinal symptoms (abdominal pain/discomfort, bloating/distension, bowel movement difficulty) and changes in stool frequency and consistency were recorded daily and assessed each week. A safety assessment was carried out throughout the study.RESULTS:The proportion of responders, defined by an improvement of abdominal pain/discomfort, was significantly higher (p = 0.04) in the treated group than the placebo group (63% vs 47%, OR = 1.88, 95%, CI: 0.99-3.57) in the last 4 weeks of treatment. A non-significant trend of improvement was observed with Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the other symptoms. Saccharomyces cerevisiae was well tolerated and did not affect stool frequency and consistency.CONCLUSION:Saccharomyces cerevisiae is well tolerated and reduces abdominal pain/discomfort scores without stool modification. Thus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae may be a new promising candidate for improving abdominal pain in subjects with irritable bowel syndrome

    Réguler les pluralités religieuses : mondes indiens et chinois comparés

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    La comparaison directe entre les mondes religieux chinois et indien a rarement Ă©tĂ© conduite. C’est un paradoxe, car l’une des caractĂ©ristiques fondamentales communes aux sociĂ©tĂ©s indienne et chinoise est la cohabitation trĂšs ancienne de toutes les formes de religion : cultes mĂ©diumniques, de possession et de guĂ©rison ; cultes sacrificiels Ă  des divinitĂ©s locales ; cultes des ancĂȘtres ou des dĂ©funts ; traditions ascĂ©tiques, monastiques ou spirituelles ; institutions religieuses supra-locales de type « Église », structurĂ©es et reconnues par l’État ; mouvements de rĂ©forme religieuse modernes et contemporains, certains nationalistes, d’autres universalistes. Ces traits communs ne doivent pourtant pas dissimuler la profondeur des Ă©carts : d’un monde Ă  l’autre, les modalitĂ©s de division du travail religieux diffĂšrent autant que les modes de rĂ©gulation des pratiques religieuses par l’État. C’est Ă  ce travail de comparaison que s’attachent historiens et anthropologues rĂ©unis dans le dossier thĂ©matique « RĂ©guler les pluralitĂ©s religieuses. Mondes indiens et chinois comparĂ©s ». Le dossier est suivi de deux « varias », l’un sur la gestion par Rome des abus sexuels du clergĂ© entre 1916 et 1939, l’autre sur les enjeux de la « marche d’Arba‘īn » dans l’Iran contemporain. Enfin, Wiktor Stoczkowski rĂ©pond Ă  la controverse ouverte dans la revue sur son dernier livre, La science sociale comme vision du monde. Émile Durkheim et le mirage du salut (Gallimard, 2019). The direct comparison between the Chinese and Indian religious worlds has rarely been conducted. This is a paradox, because one of the fundamental characteristics common to both Indian and Chinese societies is the very ancient cohabitation of all forms of religion: mediumistic, possession and healing cults; sacrificial cults to local deities; cults of the ancestors or the dead; ascetic, monastic or spiritual traditions; supra-local religious institutions of the “Church” type, structured and recognised by the state; modern and contemporary religious reform movements, some nationalist, some universalist. These common features should not, however, conceal the depth of the differences: from one world to another, the modalities of the division of religious labour differ as much as the modes of regulation of religious practices by the state. It is this comparative work that historians and anthropologists have brought together in the thematic dossier "Regulating Religious Pluralism. Indian and Chinese Worlds Compared". The dossier is followed by two varia, one on the management by Rome of sexual abuse by the clergy between 1916 and 1939, the other on the issues at stake in the “Arba‘īn march” in contemporary Iran. Lastly, Wiktor Stoczkowski responds to the controversy opened in our journal on his latest book, La science sociale comme vision du monde. Émile Durkheim et le mirage du salut (Gallimard, 2019). Rara vez se ha hecho una comparaciĂłn directa entre los mundos religiosos chino e indio. Se trata de una paradoja, ya que una de las caracterĂ­sticas fundamentales comunes a las sociedades india y china es la cohabitaciĂłn muy antigua de todas las formas de religiĂłn: cultos mediĂșmnicos, de posesiĂłn y de curaciĂłn; cultos de sacrificio a las divinidades locales; cultos a los antepasados o a los muertos; tradiciones ascĂ©ticas, monĂĄsticas o espirituales; instituciones religiosas supralocales de tipo "Iglesia", estructuradas y reconocidas por el Estado; movimientos modernos y contemporĂĄneos de reforma religiosa, algunos nacionalistas, otros universalistas. Sin embargo, estos rasgos comunes no deben ocultar la profundidad de las diferencias: de un mundo a otro, las modalidades de reparto del trabajo religioso difieren tanto como los modos de regulaciĂłn de las prĂĄcticas religiosas por parte del Estado. Es este trabajo comparativo el que historiadores y antropĂłlogos han reunido en el dossier temĂĄtico "RegulaciĂłn del pluralismo religioso: comparaciĂłn de los mundos indio y chino". El dossier va seguido de dos "varias", uno sobre la gestiĂłn de Roma de los abusos sexuales por parte del clero entre 1916 y 1939, el otro sobre las apuestas de la "marcha Arba‘īn" en el IrĂĄn contemporĂĄneo. Por Ășltimo, Wiktor Stoczkowski responde a la polĂ©mica abierta en la revista sobre su Ășltimo libro, La science sociale comme vision du monde. Émile Durkheim et le mirage du salut (Gallimard, 2019). Un confronto diretto tra il mondo religioso cinese e quello indiano Ăš stato condotto raramente. Si tratta di un paradosso, perchĂ© una delle caratteristiche fondamentali comuni alle societĂ  indiana e cinese Ăš l'antichissima convivenza di tutte le forme di religione: culti medianici, di possessione e di guarigione; culti sacrificali a divinitĂ  locali; culti degli antenati o dei morti; tradizioni ascetiche, monastiche o spirituali; istituzioni religiose sovralocali di tipo "Chiesa", strutturate e riconosciute dallo Stato; movimenti di riforma religiosa moderni e contemporanei, alcuni nazionalisti, altri universalisti. Questi tratti comuni non devono perĂČ nascondere la profonditĂ  delle differenze: da un mondo all'altro, le modalitĂ  di divisione del lavoro religioso differiscono tanto quanto le modalitĂ  di regolamentazione delle pratiche religiose da parte dello Stato. È questo lavoro comparativo che gli storici e gli antropologi hanno riunito nel dossier tematico "Regolare il pluralismo religioso: mondi indiani e cinesi a confronto". Il dossier Ăš seguito da due "varia", uno sulla gestione da parte di Roma degli abusi sessuali del clero tra il 1916 e il 1939, l'altro sulla posta in gioco della "marcia dell'Arba‘īn" nell'Iran contemporaneo. Infine, Wiktor Stoczkowski risponde alla polemica aperta nella rivista sul suo ultimo libro, La science sociale comme vision du monde. Émile Durkheim et le mirage du salut (Gallimard, 2019)

    Lymphoid Aggregates Remodel Lymphatic Collecting Vessels that Serve Mesenteric Lymph Nodes in Crohn Disease.

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    Early pathological descriptions of Crohn disease (CD) argued for a potential defect in lymph transport; however, this concept has not been thoroughly investigated. In mice, poor healing in response to infection-induced tissue damage can cause hyperpermeable lymphatic collecting vessels in mesenteric adipose tissue that impair antigen and immune cell access to mesenteric lymph nodes (LNs), which normally sustain appropriate immunity. To investigate whether analogous changes might occur in human intestinal disease, we established a three-dimensional imaging approach to characterize the lymphatic vasculature in mesenteric tissue from controls or patients with CD. In CD specimens, B-cell-rich aggregates resembling tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs) impinged on lymphatic collecting vessels that enter and exit LNs. In areas of creeping fat, which characterizes inflammation-affected areas of the bowel in CD, we observed B cells and apparent innate lymphoid cells that had invaded the lymphatic vessel wall, suggesting these cells may be mediators of lymphatic remodeling. Although TLOs have been described in many chronic inflammatory states, their anatomical relationship to preestablished LNs has never been revealed. Our data indicate that, at least in the CD-affected mesentery, TLOs are positioned along collecting lymphatic vessels in a manner expected to affect delivery of lymph to LNs

    Lymphoid Aggregates Remodel Lymphatic Collecting Vessels that Serve Mesenteric Lymph Nodes in Crohn Disease.

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    Early pathological descriptions of Crohn disease (CD) argued for a potential defect in lymph transport; however, this concept has not been thoroughly investigated. In mice, poor healing in response to infection-induced tissue damage can cause hyperpermeable lymphatic collecting vessels in mesenteric adipose tissue that impair antigen and immune cell access to mesenteric lymph nodes (LNs), which normally sustain appropriate immunity. To investigate whether analogous changes might occur in human intestinal disease, we established a three-dimensional imaging approach to characterize the lymphatic vasculature in mesenteric tissue from controls or patients with CD. In CD specimens, B-cell-rich aggregates resembling tertiary lymphoid organs (TLOs) impinged on lymphatic collecting vessels that enter and exit LNs. In areas of creeping fat, which characterizes inflammation-affected areas of the bowel in CD, we observed B cells and apparent innate lymphoid cells that had invaded the lymphatic vessel wall, suggesting these cells may be mediators of lymphatic remodeling. Although TLOs have been described in many chronic inflammatory states, their anatomical relationship to preestablished LNs has never been revealed. Our data indicate that, at least in the CD-affected mesentery, TLOs are positioned along collecting lymphatic vessels in a manner expected to affect delivery of lymph to LNs

    Are colorectal cancer patients at risk for COVID-19 infection during the postoperative period? The Covid-GRECCAR study

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    International audienceIntroduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer patients have been regarded as having a high risk of severe events if they are infected with SARS-CoV-2, particularly those under medical or surgical treatment. The aim of this study was to assess the posttreatment risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 in a population of patients operated on for colorectal cancer 3 months before the COVID-19 outbreak and who after hospitalization returned to an environment where the virus was circulating.Materials and methods: This French, multicenter cohort study included consecutive patients undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer between January 1 and March 31, 2020, at 19 GRECCAR hospitals. The outcome was the rate of COVID-19 infection in this group of patients who were followed until June 15, 2020.Results: This study included 448 patients, 262 male (58.5%) and 186 female (41.5%), who underwent surgery for colon cancer (n = 290, 64.7%), rectal cancer (n = 155, 34.6%), or anal cancer (n = 3, 0.7%). The median age was 68 years (19-95). Comorbidities were present in nearly half of the patients, 52% were at least overweight, and the median BMI was 25 (12-42). At the end of the study, 448 were alive. Six patients (1.3%) developed COVID-19 infection; among them, 3 were hospitalized in the conventional ward, and none of them died.Conclusion: The results are reassuring, with only a 1.3% infection rate and no deaths related to COVID-19. We believe that we can operate on colorectal cancer patients without additional mortality from COVID-19, applying all measures aimed at reducing the risk of infection

    Iatrogenic ureteral injury during colorectal surgery has a significant impact on patient outcomes: a French multicentric retrospective cohort study

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    International audienceAim: The long-term urological sequelae after iatrogenic ureteral injury (IUI) during colorectal surgery are not clearly known. The aims of this work were to report the incidence of IUI and to analyse the long-term consequences of urological late complications and their impact on oncological results of IUI occurring during colorectal surgery through a French multicentric experience (GRECCAR group).Method: All the patients who presented with IUI during colorectal surgery between 2010 and 2019 were retrospectively included. Patients with ureteral involvement needing en bloc resection, delayed ureteral stricture or noncolorectal surgery were not considered.Results: A total of 202 patients (93 men, mean age 63 ± 14 years) were identified in 29 centres, corresponding to 0.32% of colorectal surgeries (n = 63 562). Index colorectal surgery was mainly oncological (n = 130, 64%). IUI was diagnosed postoperatively in 112 patients (55%) after a mean delay of 11 ± 9 days. Intraoperative diagnosis of IUI was significantly associated with shorter length of stay (21 ± 22 days vs. 34 ± 22 days, p < 0.0001), lower rates of postoperative hydronephrosis (2% vs. 10%, p = 0.04), anastomotic complication (7% vs. 22.5%, p = 0.002) and thromboembolic event (0% vs. 6%, p = 0.02) than postoperative diagnosis of IUI. Delayed chemotherapy because of IUI was reported in 27% of patients. At the end of the follow-up [3 ± 2.6 years (1 month-13 years)], 72 patients presented with urological sequalae (36%). Six patients (3%) required a nephrectomy.Conclusion: IUI during colorectal surgery has few consequences for the patients if recognized early. Long-term urological sequelae can occur in a third of patients. IUI may affect oncological outcomes in colorectal surgery by delaying adjuvant chemotherapy, especially when the ureteral injury is not diagnosed peroperatively

    Sotrovimab therapy elicits antiviral activities against Omicron BQ.1.1 and XBB.1.5 in sera of immunocompromised patients [letter]

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